Moving Out

Deer x Fish

A huge issue. Jessica Jung with her delinquent boyfriend.”

Jessica covered her face with her hands and dragged me away from the road, running to hide ourselves from the man. I frowned upon seeing the action but yet I followed her.

What now?

Jessica hid herself behind the dumpster. I looked at her in confusion and began to go back to where the man is.

“Are you crazy?” she hissed at my back. “Won’t you hide?”

I sighed. “Why should i? He’s not a gung-ho killer after all.”

I wondered why she was acting like this.

“He was a stalker! Don’t you understand?” she exclaimed.

I gasped. I didn’t expect Jessica is afraid of stalkers.

“So what?” I hissed back. “We can complain at the police department if he want.”

She shook her head vigorously. “No! I don’t want to!”

“And why is that so?” I asked, already curious on the unfolding drama.

She hesitated for once then poked her head away from me, avoiding my stare, like everyone else in the school. The reason was not because she’s afraid of me, she’s afraid of herself.

“I said why?!” I exclaimed, forcing the truth out of her.

Her voice was muffled. She’s murmuring something. Too soft for me to hear.  But I thought I heard, ‘It’s none of your bussiness’.

Another flash ignited in the darkness of the road. I looked behind to see the man with the camera again, giggling as though he just saw something that delights him.”

Well, this delights him.

“Hehe. Another valuable clip.” He muttered, as he continued on taking pictures on us. “Guess being with you Sica is not bad at all.”

What did he just say?

“Sica. You know I never thought you’ll replaced with this man. We just had broken up last month and-“

The guy never continued what he was saying because someone appeared behind him, choking him from behind. His muscular limbs was not of much use now since he’s being paralyzed by the expert hand.

Only one could do that.

Im Yoona.


“What the hell? Get off of me!” hissed the guy as he used his remaining strength to get off the hold but unfortunately for him he’s with Im Yoona or better yet Him Yoona.

“Tell me Donghae,” she said, still gripping the man’s neck. “Who is he?”

I looked at Jessica, inquiring for the answer although I already knew what is it.

Just then, Jessica stood from her hiding place, walking towards her paralyzed stalker and slapping him in the face. The guy moaned as his hands flew to the reddened and swollen part of his cheek.

As for Yuri, she was seated by the bench, looking at the unfolding events with shocked expression.  She looked bewildered, seeing her bestfriend beating a guy and the new student slapping him. But then, she cant stop them. No one else could.

“I cant believe you still followed me here.” Jessica said, with tears flowing carelessly from her eyes. “I thought I’m already free.”

Yoona was still there, holding him by the neck, with a confused look in her eyes. She looked at me, inquiring. But still she didn’t loosen the grip, even though she was clueless on what Jessica was saying.

It took me a moment to understand what’s happening.

That guy must be Jessica’s ex-boyfriend who only had committed unto her to gather issues. Jessica must have discovered it so she moved out. That may explain her scaredy attitude earlier.

“Jonghyun I hate you!!!!!!!!” and she slapped him once again. Jonghyun’s eyes  flustered with both shock and embarrassment. “Release him.” Ordered Jessica to Yoona.

Yoona frowned. “Are you sure?” she said, with an unusual calm voice.

“Yes!” she exclaimed and took Jonghyun’s camera . she crushed it into pieces. “Now, release him!”

Yoona did and when she did, Jonghyun scampered down the avenue, escaping from Jessica’s deadly glare.

She wiped her tears for once then faced us. “Well, let’s go back!”

Now, I understand why she moved out.  To escape from her weak self






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Chapter 46: Aaaa please update
kaiyoonhae #2
Chapter 46: hi please update ur story... I really love it... it seems u have a good sense of humor .. perfect romcom! it made me laugh specially the petty fight of yoona and jess! love it please continue this story.. i'll be waiting for it. thank u for this
MJM328 #3
Unnie, update! I've been waiting for more than a year now. :( Still waiting for this story. FIGHTING!
ShyrelleR #4
Chapter 46: Update please.
Chapter 46: can you please, pretty please continue this? this story is beautiful. when i finish reading the last chap i feel like i lost bestfriend as i notice you've been not updating since such a long time. if i were right in front you now, i would definitely on my knees, begging so die to please continue this beautiful, sweet, story of yoonhae.
MJM328 #6
Wow! :D It's been a year already. Still waiting for the next chapters though. Hwaiting! :)
leeyoonhae #7
new reader and subscriber here....:)
i just found your story and i like it no i love it.
please continue your story, I'm really curios.please.....(i beg to you)
MJM328 #8
May I know who the author is? PLEASE! I wanna add you.
MJM328 #9
Please Update! I really miss this fic. I don't know how long it has been since I read this. When I read this I got addicted. ^^ So, Please Update! :)
hanheartsj #10
hi, please update. :)