Chapter 9?

Murder In The House (HIATUS SO SORRY)

 Right, before I start to write, I'm very sorry to those who are Baekhyun fans out there because I completely forgot about him being taken until I read the comments below. So if there's any characters that you think don't have many parts, please tell me because I'm a really forgetful author XD. Oh yeah sorry for not updating a lot these days, it's just that school's soooo tiring these days. Ok now time to write the story

         Baekhyun POV

I slowly woke up to hear the sound of water dripping. I looked around to find myself hanging on a ceiling by only a thin piece of rope tied on my arms. I immediately started to scream, thrashing around, hoping that someone or something would save me. Still, no-one came. I started to scream and thrash around some more when I heard a rip. I looked up and saw that the rope was ripping apart. Oh no. 

Slowly the rope started to rip little by little until only about 1 and a half cm of rope was still connected. Time seemed to go by slowly as I watched the rope disconnect. The next thing I knew, I was slowly plunging towards the ground, head first. (Let's pretend that the building has a really high roof.) 

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grab me. I opened my closed eyes and glanced at my savior. I took one look and my eyes turned into D.O's eyes.

My savior was the ghost girl.

        Taemin's POV

I started screaming when I felt the first hit come, but I was immediately cut off when I felt another painful hit on my back. My back and stomach felt like it was burning and I couldn't do anything to make it feel better. It only got worse with 3 men hitting me everywhere, but thankfully not the face.

"TAEMIN!" shrieked Key. I looked at him and he was trying to trash his way out of his ropes, but it didn't help. I was all by myself.

After 10 minutes of being hit, the men finally stopped hitting me and they put down the weapons.

"Awww, are you hurt little boy? Too bad I'm a ghost because if I was living, I would bang you," one of the guys said, winking. I made a disgusted face at him, but he just laughed. 

"Don't worry, we'll be back with your friends. Want me to get Kai? Jonghyun? Minho?"


Laughing, the 3 ghosts walked through the door and were gone. I sighed and looked at Key. He was staring at me teary-eyed.

"Are you ok?" he whispered hoarsely.

I shook my head, staring at the ground. Key looked at me sympathetically but he couldn't do anything else.

Soon enough I felt my eyes go blurry and I plunged into darkness.


Such a crappy chapter -_- so sorry, but I don't have much time TT^TT Please subscribe and comment if you haven't! Thanks!

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Chapter 15: Is the main dancer the next target?
but why the maknae?(Just asking)
Update soon^^
Chapter 15: update soon
Chapter 2: OMG THIS IS So creepy i mean its ing scary o_o
procrastinatingfool #4
Chapter 14: im having goosebumps right know *.*
please update this soon author nim
Chapter 14: Keep updating^^
tkarmun #6
Chapter 13: Please.......i forgot to say please
tkarmun #7
Chapter 13: :O........Oh My God........anyways update soon.......
SHINeeCrazy5 #8
ARGH NO WONDER THAT NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR T^T Oh well I'll just stick to that name :P and I'm so sorry I had to kill someone and I didn't know who to choose T^T
Chapter 8: and btw, there is someone named hyoyoung in the kpop world. She's from 5dolls and is former t-ara member hwayoung's twin :3
Chapter 13: Awwhh i wanna know what really happen to my TaoLun! how did they get unconscious anyway? And..and...