What Happened to Sehun

Murder In The House (HIATUS SO SORRY)

Thanks to my 9 subbies <3 love you guys. And some of you were worrying about Sehun since he was taken in the last chapter but for now I'll just say that he doesn't die :) but he might get some torture :P Oh please vote in this poll below because if I get none then.... LOL but you guys sounded so worried when I said Sehun was taken :/ now I'm scared that if I kill someone in the story, you guys are going to find me and kill me XD


I woke up with a pain in my head. I lay on the ground for a few minutes before I got up and looked around. I was in a little dark room that was absolutely silent. I tried moving my arms when I realized something. My arms and legs were tied together. Great.

I tried wiggling around like a worm but it didn't help. The rope just got tighter. I stopped wiggling and lay on the floor on my back. I sighed, was this the end of my life? Just like this? 

While I was thinking, I heard a laugh. I immediately sat up, looking around. 

"Look up," a voice from above whispered.

I looked up and immediately screamed. A girl who looked around the same age as Leeteuk was right in front of my face. After I calmed down, she walked down the wall onto the floor as if it was normal. 

"You're really lucky," the girl said, cackling at me.

I put on my pokerface and stared at her.

"Why?" I asked.

"If you weren't this good looking I would have killed you by now," she replied, laughing. I didn't find it amusing.

"Can you let me and my friends go?" I asked cautiously. I didn't want to anger her because she can do many things I bet.

"No," she said smiling.

I sighed, she wasn't going to change her mind for a while anyways so why bother to persuade her?

"Don't worry I'll get your ...Luhan is it? The cutie? Well I'll get him to come visit you for a while," she added, floating to the door.

"NO, NOT LUHAN LEAVE HIM ALONE," I screamed, but she already floated through the door.

Luhan was going to have the fright of his life soon, I thought. He was even scared of heights and if he sees a ghost he'll probably get a heart attack. For now let's enjoy this moment by getting some sleep, I thought, slowly laying down and falling asleep. I probably wouldn't sleep much if Luhan was here anyways.

THIS is the shortest update ever -_- I just wanted to write about Sehun and what happened to him so yeah XD and uh oh, Luhan better watch out cause you're going to get scared so bad XD Anyways please comment and subscribe :) Thanks

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Chapter 15: Is the main dancer the next target?
but why the maknae?(Just asking)
Update soon^^
Chapter 15: update soon
Chapter 2: OMG THIS IS So creepy i mean its ing scary o_o
procrastinatingfool #4
Chapter 14: im having goosebumps right know *.*
please update this soon author nim
Chapter 14: Keep updating^^
tkarmun #6
Chapter 13: Please.......i forgot to say please
tkarmun #7
Chapter 13: :O........Oh My God........anyways update soon.......
SHINeeCrazy5 #8
ARGH NO WONDER THAT NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR T^T Oh well I'll just stick to that name :P and I'm so sorry I had to kill someone and I didn't know who to choose T^T
Chapter 8: and btw, there is someone named hyoyoung in the kpop world. She's from 5dolls and is former t-ara member hwayoung's twin :3
Chapter 13: Awwhh i wanna know what really happen to my TaoLun! how did they get unconscious anyway? And..and...