Sooyoung and Baekhyun

Murder In The House (HIATUS SO SORRY)

I'M BACK! YES, I HAVE RETURNED! THE AWESOME, WONDERFUL... yeah I'll just hurry up and write this chapter. AND A HUGEEEEE THANK YOU TO MY SUBBIES, COMMENTERS, AND THE PERSON WHO VOTED FOR MY STORY TO BE FEATURED! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! And sorry for not updating for like.... a month. I've been too overwhelmed with my homework *sighs* I'll try to give you quick updates when I can though ^^


    Baekhyun POV


  I screamed until the girl dropped me on the ground, cutting my scream. She rolled her eyes and looked at me boringly until I had calmed down.

"W-w-who are you?" I stuttered, crawling away from her.

"I'm a monster and I'm going to eat you," she said sarcasticly. I didn't notice her sarcasm so I screamed until she slapped me on the head.

"You're the dumbest person ever," she said, sighing. Even though I realized how dumb I had been, I crouched in a ball and shielded my head incase she decided to strike a weapon at me.

"Dude I'm not going to hurt you. I could have just watched you drop from the top of the roof and not do anything, but I didn't. I saved you," she said, reaching her hand towards me.

  I hesitantly took her hand and she pulled me up. She had a lot of strength, maybe even more than me.

"Why are all of you here?" the girl asked, looking at me from head to toe as if she was inspecting me. She probably was, not my fault that I'm so handsome ;)

"My friends thought this was some haunted house so they decided to go in here," I replied, looking around for an exit. All I wanted to do was to get out from this hell and go back to EXO's dorm to sleep.

She suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into this closet that I didn't notice. She closed it and covered my mouth. I looked at her confused, but she signaled me to be quiet. Then I heard footsteps and a couple of men's laughters. Silently screaming, I trashed around until the girl punched me in the stomach, immediately stopping my trashing.

"Shut up," she hissed at me.

Did she really expect me to shut up when some men were hunting me down? We stood still for a while until the men were right in front of the closet talking. At that time I almost fainted from the fright.

"Where's that stupid girly looking kid?" one guy asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? It's not like I'm some holy legend who knows pratically every single thing," another guy snapped. 

"That girly dude actually looked mighty fine, he has a good figure," a different guy spoke outloud. 

I stood horrified at what the man just said. Did he really want to... I really need to change my girly appearance. I looked beside me and saw the girl silently laughing at my reaction. I tried to glare at her but I just made her laugh even more. Great, I need to do three things. Get out of this hell, change my girly appearance, and practice my glares.

"Hey do you think that hottie's in the closet?" the third guy asked, walking towards the closet me and the weird girl was in.

I held my breath, grabbing the girls arm tightly, hugging her and closing my eyes. (A/N: I bet you baekhyun fans wished you were in this position LOL)

"Dude don't go there. Remember what that weird girl said? She said she was going to kill us if we opened that closet," the first guy said.

I heard a bunch of whispering and then they finally walked away, leaving me and the girl. I sighed in relief and let go of the girl. Why was I even holding her in the first place? Oh... right... that was embarrassing.


               Sooyoung POV

As I was looking for food, I saw three men come out of a door. Hiding behind the corner, I waited until they were gone. As soon as they were gone, I slowly crept towards the door that they came out of. Should I open it? What if someone or something dangerous was in there?

The curiousity got the better of me so I opened the door. As soon as I opened the door, I fell down to my knees at the sight. 

Taemin was all bloody and bruised. He would have looked dead if I couldn't see  the faint rise of his chest. I went inside the room and looked around. I also saw Key looking at me wildly at the other side of the room. Well at least he didn't get beaten. I quickly untied him and he immediately ran to Taemin... no thank you for me?

"Taemin! Wake up!" Key cried, shaking Taemin slightly. No response.

"Where's the keys to the chains?" I asked.

"Right behind you."

Sure enough, it was right behind me. The men were scary, but dumb. They really needed help with logic. Did they think nobody would ever get Taemin and Key out? Well maybe they did, but still, why leave the keys in such an obvious place?

I quickly got the keys and helped Key get Taemin out of the chains so that he could go on Key's back, but just as we were about to lift him onto Key's back, we heard the door unlock. Key and I immediately froze and looked at the door.

It was ....




Here! A long chapter for all of my readers! I hope you like it because I had to do my homework but then I decided to update. So silent readers, please subscribe and comment!!! LOVE YOU GUYS~ Oh and guess who the person is XD


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Chapter 15: Is the main dancer the next target?
but why the maknae?(Just asking)
Update soon^^
Chapter 15: update soon
Chapter 2: OMG THIS IS So creepy i mean its ing scary o_o
procrastinatingfool #4
Chapter 14: im having goosebumps right know *.*
please update this soon author nim
Chapter 14: Keep updating^^
tkarmun #6
Chapter 13: Please.......i forgot to say please
tkarmun #7
Chapter 13: :O........Oh My God........anyways update soon.......
SHINeeCrazy5 #8
ARGH NO WONDER THAT NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR T^T Oh well I'll just stick to that name :P and I'm so sorry I had to kill someone and I didn't know who to choose T^T
Chapter 8: and btw, there is someone named hyoyoung in the kpop world. She's from 5dolls and is former t-ara member hwayoung's twin :3
Chapter 13: Awwhh i wanna know what really happen to my TaoLun! how did they get unconscious anyway? And..and...