More People Missing

Murder In The House (HIATUS SO SORRY)

As Boa, Taemin, Key, Luhan, Taeyeon and the others walked through the empty corridors, they felt a breeze. They froze and slowly looked around. There was no-one. They silently continued to walk down the hallway when they heard a laughter. A man's laughter. They all looked at each other in shock, trembling. Boa slowly started to lead the others again with Taemin and Key at the back guarding them incase someone came from the back. 

After walking another 10 metres, a whimper was heard from behind the door beside them. It sounded just like Sehun's. Taeyeon quickly opened the door and they all looked inside. They gasped. 

A man was holding a whip and a limp Sehun was hanging with his arms tied up with rope which was tied onto a hook in the ceiling. Poor Sehun was unconcious and all bloody. His shirt was ripped and his hair was all tangled, but that wasn't really important. What was important was Sehun was bleeding from his head mostly and there were cuts everywhere. It looked like the man had been whipping him for a couple of hours. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Baekhyun screamed, charging at the man. The man just laughed as he lashed out his whip at Baekhyun, causing him to fall on the ground.The rest stood frozen as the man picked up Baekhyun and punched him in the face, knocking him out. Then he snapped his fingers and he was gone with Baekhyun.

The rest still stood there in shock until Junsu stepped foreword and untied Sehun. Sehun immediately dropped onto the floor but then he crumbled into black dust. Junsu stod up horrified at what happened to Sehun. Then he saw a note laying on the black dust. He smoothed the wrinkles and read it outloud.

"You shouldn't be so gullible, stupid mistakes lead to great misfortunes," Junsu read. He looked at the others waiting for their reaction. Then he noticed something.

"Wait, where did Taemin and Key go?"

Short update, sorry you guys but I need to do my homework TT^TT 

Oh no! Baekhyun, Taemin and Key are missing! Where did they go? You'll just have to wait and read my next update so please subscribe and comment for now please :) thanks

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Chapter 15: Is the main dancer the next target?
but why the maknae?(Just asking)
Update soon^^
Chapter 15: update soon
Chapter 2: OMG THIS IS So creepy i mean its ing scary o_o
procrastinatingfool #4
Chapter 14: im having goosebumps right know *.*
please update this soon author nim
Chapter 14: Keep updating^^
tkarmun #6
Chapter 13: Please.......i forgot to say please
tkarmun #7
Chapter 13: :O........Oh My God........anyways update soon.......
SHINeeCrazy5 #8
ARGH NO WONDER THAT NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR T^T Oh well I'll just stick to that name :P and I'm so sorry I had to kill someone and I didn't know who to choose T^T
Chapter 8: and btw, there is someone named hyoyoung in the kpop world. She's from 5dolls and is former t-ara member hwayoung's twin :3
Chapter 13: Awwhh i wanna know what really happen to my TaoLun! how did they get unconscious anyway? And..and...