Don't Leave Me Alone...

Yoseob Scenarios


chapter seven ; don't leave me alone...





"Breaking News. Yang Yoseob's Ex girlfriend recently got into a truck accident.

____ was apparently crossing the road but didn't see her surroundings. 

A truck was driving towards her, honking at her. She didn't hear.

The truck couldn't pull the break in time and it had already hit her.

She has been sent to Seoul ------- Hospital immediately. 

She is now undergoing urgent surgery as the impact from the truck was very strong.

A representative from Seoul ------ hospital stated that her living survival will be a 50-50


He also stated that when she arrived at the hospital, she had already gotton scratches 

and bruises from before. Her head was also badly damadged.

This is ******* reporting from Breaking News"





What was reality again?

Yoseob didn't know nor remember.

His mind was all on you. 

After Yoseob heard the news. He was in utter shock. 

The members had to push him out the door for him to understand what he was meant to do.

He waved for a taxi but none bothered to stop for him. He had no choice but to run to the hospital.


*____-ah... I'm really sorry. Please wait for me.. If it weren't for me none of this would have happened right?

My message made the fans mad right?

They are even brave enough to physically hurt you?

I'm really really sorry. I couldn't protect you.

I thought I was protecting you by sending that message but I guess not.

____-ah wait for me...

Don't leave me..


Don't leave me alone...*


Yoseob rushed into the hospital where you were undergoing surgery and immediately asked the assistance where your room is.

They told him that you were still in the surgery room and to wait in level 6.

Yoseob rushed to the elevator but it took too long to come so he ran up 12 sets of stairs.

It only tood kim a minute to get up there.

As soon as he arrived, he saw you being pushed out from the emergency room.

He rushed over and held onto your left hand.


"____-ah! ____-ah!! Can you hear me? Are you okay?" Concern written all over his face.

Of course you didn't hear. You were in comma.

The nurses and doctors pushed you in the hospital room where you would be staying.

Yoseob made sure you were tucked in then went to see the doctor.


"____ is in comma. She might take a month or maybe a year to wake up. The hit was so strong, even though the truck had tried to pull the break, her body was too fragile to even stand the impact"

"Is there any way to help her wake up faster?"

"You can try talking to her and remind her about memories"

"Okay, thank you" Yosoeb bowed and walked back to the hospital room.

When he saw your pale face and your difficulty to breathe, Yoseob felt like killing himself.

He walked and sat on the side of the bed.

He held on your hand then realised you were holding something, ever so tightly.


He opened your palm and his breath hitched.


The ring he gave you for your 2nd anniversary.

You were holding it so tightly like it was your life.

Tears streamed down his face.


"____-ah~ Wake up...~ We lasted 2 years together already" He smiled in pain.

"Yah~ Princess~ Please wake up quickly, I wan't to be able to put this ring on your finger again.."

"Come on princess~~ I know you can hear me~.. p-please.. w-w-wake up-p. I ne-need you i-in my l-life." He sobbed.

"You know I can't live without you..."

"I'll treat you like my treasure... my most precious princess.."


"Please wake up..."

"Don't leave me alone..."





How are you all?

I'm super sorry I haven't been updating this.

I just finished all my exams !~ YAYAYAYAY!!!

I will be updating more often now so look forward to it :)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Have a good day <3


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angeseop #1
Chapter 9: omg!!! i cant seem to look at the link with yoseob doing the solo debut!!!>^< can u tell me what the link was? THXX!
aimz_c #2
Chapter 7: omg so sad i almost cried :(
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee~~
Thankssss :DD
ilamarshmallow #4
Chapter 14: awww so sweettt~
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 14: Awhh . Its so sweet ! Thank you sooooooooo so much for updating! I thought youll never update ! (; hahaha keep up the work !
Clochette #6
Chapter 14: Oh my god! Thanks thanks thanks thank you so much :')

It was great ~
A beautiful happy ending !
Ekysdj #7
Chapter 14: Finally an update of the sequel from the prev chapter T^T thank you for updatiiiing~ updqto more scenarios kay??
Chapter 14: Waaaaaaah~ I love it! x)
Chapter 14: haha awh that was cute ; m ;
Clochette #10
Chapter 13: Why aren't you updating anymore ? I wanted a sequel T_T

I miss your scenarios ~~~~~ *pout*