
Yoseob Scenarios


chapter six ; s-saranghae...





Just another day. A few days ago, Yoseob and Cube Ent. offically announced that you and Yoseob were dating.

Fans were furious. Posting stuff on the cube cafe site like; 

'They don't look good together as a couple'

'Why would Yoseob oppa date a low life girl like her?'

'She's so ugly'

'I bet she is just using him, Yoseob oppa shouldn't get tricked easily'


Fans even threw eggs at the company's building.

It wen't way over the line. You felt really bad. Yoseob hadn't contacted you for the past days aswell.

Of course you missed him, but did he miss you?


Little did you know, a unwanted situation will happen soon.

Fans bashed you with so many hateful words.

'Plastic surgery much'

'Ew. Perfect Yoseob does NOT go with that ugly '

'It just doesn't go'

'Yah! Just get lost! Go die!'



Just a few days later, Yoseob posted a special message on the Cube Cafe site.


Hello, This is B2ST's Yang Yoseob. I am terribly sorry for casuing all these mistakes.

I am sorry to all B2UTIES and my fans out there who were sad after the announcement.

I am posting this message to tell you all that I am no longer dating her.

I am truely sorry for all my mistakes.

I Love You All.

From- Yang Yoseob.




After that message you didn't know what to do...

*Is that why he didn't talk to me at all?*

*I was just about to tell him that we can work through all these problem together...*

*He didn't even discuss it with me...*

*Does he even like me anymore? I guess not*


You left your house and was immeidiately greeted by a gang of fans.

They started to swear at you.

They pushed you onto the wall.

They hit you.

They totured you.

Yet no one cared. 


They left after a while.

You wondered on the streets, you head felt dizzy from the strength they put on you while hitting.



You mindlessly crossed the road.







You clutched onto the ring Yoseob had given you on your 2nd anniversary.


"Y-yoseob... Saranghae."




-Beast Dorm-


Yoseob's POV.


Beast and I were laying lazily on the floor in the living room.

I wonder how she is doing?

Is she hurt?

Is she crying?

Is she mad?

Does she know that... I still love her? No matter what. I will love her forever.


"Hyung~ Open the TV" Dongwoon called out.



I opened the TV and it showed a channel for news in Korea.

I was about to change the channel when...


"Breaking News. Yang Yoseob's Ex girlfriend recently got into a truck accident.

____ was apparently crossing the road but didn't see her surroundings. 

A truck was driving towards her, honking at her. She didn't hear.

The truck couldn't pull the break in time and it had already hit her.

She has been sent to Seoul ------- Hospital immediately. 

She is now undergoing urgent surgery as the impact from the truck was very strong.

A representative from Seoul ------ hospital stated that her living survival will be a 50-50


He also stated that when she arrived at the hospital, she had already gotton scratches 

and bruises from before. Her head was also badly damadged.

This is ******* reporting from Breaking News"


I froze.

W-what just happened?






To Be Continued...



How are you all? :)

Sad chapter right? :( 

Don't worry~ There will definitely be a sequel to this one as well^^~

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Thank you ~

Saranghae <3



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angeseop #1
Chapter 9: omg!!! i cant seem to look at the link with yoseob doing the solo debut!!!>^< can u tell me what the link was? THXX!
aimz_c #2
Chapter 7: omg so sad i almost cried :(
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee~~
Thankssss :DD
ilamarshmallow #4
Chapter 14: awww so sweettt~
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 14: Awhh . Its so sweet ! Thank you sooooooooo so much for updating! I thought youll never update ! (; hahaha keep up the work !
Clochette #6
Chapter 14: Oh my god! Thanks thanks thanks thank you so much :')

It was great ~
A beautiful happy ending !
Ekysdj #7
Chapter 14: Finally an update of the sequel from the prev chapter T^T thank you for updatiiiing~ updqto more scenarios kay??
Chapter 14: Waaaaaaah~ I love it! x)
Chapter 14: haha awh that was cute ; m ;
Clochette #10
Chapter 13: Why aren't you updating anymore ? I wanted a sequel T_T

I miss your scenarios ~~~~~ *pout*