The Past

Yoseob Scenarios


chapter eleven ; the past

[Requested By- B2UTifulPANDASONE]


"Annyeong jagiya!~" No.. not that voice. Please not him.

I groaned and turned around to a smiling freak.


Don't get me wrong, I may seem cold but I'm actually not.


"How are you? I missed you~~" He pouted and clinged onto my arm.


Yes, he is the one and only Yang Yoseob. The guy who apparently has a well-known 'crush' on me.

When I say 'well-known' I meant it. 

The who school including the teachers know.

His public 'affection' towards me is not even a joke.


'Baby' 'Dear' 'Jagi' 'Cutie' 'Princess'- His words of endearment for me.

To be honest, I don't even know why he likes me.. I'm just a plain nerd.

I used to be a wallflower, who nobody sees or cares.

That was until he came into my life.


He was the new boy of the school.

Everyone adored him.

Girls admired him.

But, out of everything to do... he chose to annoy me.


He dragged me out of my comfort zone and changed me.

He changed my fashion, appearance and personality.


And here he is annoying me again.

I do enjoy his prescence since I had no friends or prefered not to.

I've been bullied before because of Yoseob's fangirls but he was always there to protect me.


Both out parents paired us and urges us to be a couple.

Who knew that I had already accepted him in my life.

In my heart.


After all, Yang Yoseob was the one who changed a plain old nerd to someone who I never knew I could be.

And I couldn't wait to begin this new journey with him... to take a new challenge..

With him in my life.





I hope you enjoyed this ^^

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Also, feel free to request for a scenario ! 

Thank you! c:

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angeseop #1
Chapter 9: omg!!! i cant seem to look at the link with yoseob doing the solo debut!!!>^< can u tell me what the link was? THXX!
aimz_c #2
Chapter 7: omg so sad i almost cried :(
Chapter 14: Aweeeeee~~
Thankssss :DD
ilamarshmallow #4
Chapter 14: awww so sweettt~
YYSdyno #5
Chapter 14: Awhh . Its so sweet ! Thank you sooooooooo so much for updating! I thought youll never update ! (; hahaha keep up the work !
Clochette #6
Chapter 14: Oh my god! Thanks thanks thanks thank you so much :')

It was great ~
A beautiful happy ending !
Ekysdj #7
Chapter 14: Finally an update of the sequel from the prev chapter T^T thank you for updatiiiing~ updqto more scenarios kay??
Chapter 14: Waaaaaaah~ I love it! x)
Chapter 14: haha awh that was cute ; m ;
Clochette #10
Chapter 13: Why aren't you updating anymore ? I wanted a sequel T_T

I miss your scenarios ~~~~~ *pout*