Meaning of "LOVE"

[No One’s POV]

Soorin finally slept at Eunhyuk’s apartment. She cant come back to her own house because her parents will be suspect her for doing something bad. Beside, she cant go to Seohyun’s house too, it was already late. Eunhyuk then brought her to his apartment and let her sleep in his room, while Eunhyuk slept at living room.

It’s been two days that Soorin lived at Eunhyuk’s place. She didn’t go to campus although she has class. Eunhyuk already tried his best to ask Soorin out from his room, but she never open the door. Until now Soorin still in Eunhyuk’s bed, cried behind the blanket.

“Soorin-ah.. please come out. You need to eat..” Eunhyuk yell from outside.


“I know you still sad, but you should take care yourself. You can sick if you don’t eat like that. I make you something. Please come out..”


“Beside, I need to change my clothes too, Soorin. Plus my underwear. I wore mine already for today. So, please come out, okay?”

Soorin laugh to hear Eunhyuk’s reason. She almost forget that she is borrowing someone’s room. She finally makes her way to the door. Before she open the lock, she check her appearance in Eunhyuk’s mirror.

“Ah! Finally!” Eunhyuk smiles when Soorin open the door.

“Soorin-ah!! Are you okay?” Seohyun hugs her tight, and tap Soorin’s back.

Soorin just shook her head, “I am okay..”

“I hope you don’t mind if I ask her to come. You need to change too, right?” Eunhyuk pats my head.

“It’s okay.. Thanks, Oppa.”

“See Seohyun, sometimes, a BADASS PLAYER can be a NICE MAN too!”Eunhyuk trying to make a joke.

“Yeah, and sometimes a NICE MAN can be a BADASS JERK too…” Soorin talks while remember what did happen with Donghae and Yoona.

“Aigo… Oppa! You make her remember about it again!” Seohyun hit Eunhyuk’s arm.

Soorin walks to the sofa in living room, while Eunhyuk gets his clothes and changes his appearance. Seohyun sits beside Soorin and gives her a food,”Eat this. You must be very hungry..”

“Ne, thankyou Seohyun..” Soorin opens the food and found her favorite food, Bulgogi.

“Wow. This is my favorite, who bought it?” Soorin eyes looks happy.

Seohyun smiles and points her finger to Eunhyuk’s room,”Eunhyuk Oppa.”

Soorin feels guilty to Eunhyuk, she thinks that Eunhyuk is really bad player like everyone else said, but actually Eunhyuk is a nice man.

“Ah, and this is from your brother, Yesung said, when you are sad, all you need is your diary and a box of chocolate. Plus he gives you some clothes to change.” Seohyun gives a bag to me, and I smiles because my brother really know about myself.

Soorin  wrinkles my forehead, look at Seohyun happy bright face,”Wait, how do you know my oppa?”

Seohyun looks shock,”Ee.. Na.. Naega?”

Soorin shook my head and try to put the put in my mouth.

“Ah! Don’t you introduce him as your brother when we were at the party?”

Soorin thinks a bit,”Ah.. Yes you right!”

“Just tell her the truth , Seohyun. She is his sister..” Eunhyuk comes out from the room and locks it.

“What? What truth?” Soorin looks to Eunhyuk and Seohyun.

“Do you know that your brother has a girlfriend?” Eunhyuk comes to us, and sit in front of us.

Soorin shook her head, “But I don’t know who she is. He never tells me the name..”

“That girl is the one who sit beside you..”Eunhyuk point Seohyun with his face.

Soorin stop her eating time, look at Seohyun blushing face and telling Eunhyuk to stop,”Ah.. Jinjja? Seohyun is my oppa’s girlfriend??”

Seohyun shook his head,”Sorry for not telling you.. I don’t know too until that party..”

“WOAAW!! I am so happy!!” Soorin hugs Seohyun tight.

“Thanks, I hope we can go for double date someday..” Seohyun smiles and hold Soorin hands.

Soorin just gives her a smile,”I don’t have any date.”

“You can go with Eunhyuk Oppa, since he’s crazy with you.”

“Ya! Seohyun! How come you said that to Oppa!”

“It’s impossible, he’s in love with Yoona..” Soorin said that. Soorin close the meal box and stands up.

Eunhyuk hold Soorin hands,”I am not in love with Yoona. Cant you see that all I do is just for you? Cant you realized that you are the girl that I love?”

[Soorin’s POV]

This is the third time I heard Eunhyuk said he likes me rather than Yoona. I know it’s hard when it’s come about Love, but why I don’t like to hear such a confession love from him? Everyone else call him as a “BAD PLAYER” because of his track record about dating a girl. I feel it too when he is with me, he can become so charming man and be so mature. People who sees me with him will always remind me to be careful with him, and that was my first thought about him too. But then, when I am with Eunhyuk, I can feel comfort too. It’s not because he is player or something. I’ve just realized, it is his own way to make me closer to him and realized that he likes me.

Me, Seohyun and Soorin go to the University together because we have class in the afternoon. I choose to sit behind, and let Seohyun to sit beside Eunhyuk’s seat. It is not because I hate Eunhyuk, but I just want to fix my heart. What kind of a girl I am if I letting Eunhyuk steal my heart from Donghae? I am the one who likes Donghae very much, call him before I go to sleep, text him everytime, give him a lunch book meal, it just happened for a couple of weeks, then how come I let Eunhyuk to come to my heart. It just doesn’t feel right.

Doo Roo Doo doo.. Doo Roo Doo Doo.. (phone ringing)

I take my phone from my bag, I see ‘Donghae’ in my phone screen. I mute the sounds and throw away my phone.

“Must be Donghae…” Eunhyuk checks Soorin face expression from the mirror.

Doo Roo Doo doo.. Doo Roo Doo Doo.. (phone ringing)

Once again, the phone is ringing. I still not answering the phone. Even he calles me like ten times, I am not in the mood to hear his explanation right now.

“Soorin, you should answer it.. Maybe it is important thing…” Seohyun turns her head to me.

“I believe he only wants to explain to me why he kissed Yoona, and…”

“And…?” Seohyun still look at me.

“I am not ready to hear it. I know how hard Yoona trying to get Donghae’s attention for three years, maybe Donghae just realized it that night so they ended up like that..” I close my eyes, not believe for what I am saying too.

My phone stop ringing. I take my phone and see his missed calls like 30 phone call, maybe since the time I left his apartment. I am sorry Hae, I still not ready to hear your voice, cause I know I will automatically fell for you even just to hear your sweet voice.

Tatatata tarataata tara… (phone ringing)

“Haish! This kid! Why he is calling me now?” Eunhyuk try to take his phone from his car dashboard.

“Please don’t tell me that I am with you, Oppa..” I mumble at his ear.

Eunhyuk nodded and anwer his phone,”Yo, what’s up? Ah, Yoona.. Em.. Ya… What’s wrong? Take a breath first,Yoona-ya!! I can’t hear your voice clearly? What..? Yes, why? WHAAAAT???? Are you SERIOUS???”

Listening to Eunhyuk Oppa conversation like that, I become curious. What happen to Donghae?

“Okay. I got it. We will definetely go there. Ok. Thanks, Yoona. See you!” Eunhyuk stop his car at the corner and he turn around from our way to Campus.

“Ya.. Ya.. Oppa! Why you change your way?” Seohyun asking in a curious tone.

“Soorin-ah.. Donghae in the hospital right now…” Eunhyuk still ride the car but he is watching my shock expression. Tears falling down to my face.


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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??