Meaning of "LOVE"

[No One's POV]


Today is saturday. Everyone loves saturday, especially who has a date in their life. They will be awaited for this day to make a special date with their lovely one. But it is not the same with Eunhyuk. Even if he has a date with Soorin, his real girlfriend, but he doesn't know why his heart doesn't feel the same anymore. It has been a week since they really become a couple. At first day , he really happy to show it in Campus before that accident in library happened.


Eunhyuk held Soorin hand and both of them walked to Library together. Soorin has a task that she needs to find a book to be borrowed by her. They talked in the way to the Library, sometimes Eunhyuk made jokes that brought Soorin to a laughter and punched Eunhyuk's arm. When they arrived in front of Library, Eunhyuk opened the door but he only stood there. He saw Yoona back hugged Donghae so tight, plus she cried. Eunhyuk stared to the view, he felt something hurt in his heart. It's not because of Donghae go to Yoona because he didn't remember about Soorin. It's because of Yoona, he felt some strange feeling in his mind and his whole heart. He knew that he was with Soorin, then he closed the door immediately before Soorin saw it too. 

"Let's go to my apartment." Eunhyuk pulled Soorin's hand.

"Eh, waeyo, Oppa?"

"I think i have the book you need"

Soorin chuckled,"It's impossible. You are in different faculty with me. How can you have a book about Algorithm?"

"Ah.. Eum.." Eunhyuk scratched his head, than he smiled ,"I have heard the title you've mentioned before. I think Donghae left the book in my apartment , last time when he did hid thesis in my place."

Soorin thought about it and nodded. They walk together, but not holding hands anymore. Eunhyuk let go of her hand since he opened the library's door. Soorin thought in the car, she saw everyting in Library room, about Yoona backhugging Donghae and cried. And what came to Soorin's mind about Eunhyuk are 'does Eunhyuk pulled me from Library because he didn't want me to see Yoona hugged Donghae' or 'does Eunhyuk pulled me because he was too shock to see Yoona hugged Donghae?"

---end of flashback---

Eunhyuk can't let that moments out from his mind. He kept thinking about Yoona this past days. Even when he was with Soorin, he thought about Yoona. He thought he missed her, because usually , before Soorin there, he spent almost time with Yoona, and yeah Donghae. Three days ago, he met Sungmin, his doctor plus his cousin. Sungmin said, that he needs to go to USA for therapy to make his life long. And he agreed to him, he don't know why he agreed, but that time he thought about Yoona when Sungmin said "Think about people you love or people who love you. Will you be able to leave them like this? At least, if you want to leave this world, you need to make a precious moment with them" . He doesn't want to leave Yoona. He knows Yoona still need him because only him who knows all about Yoona. So Eunhyuk agreed to Sungmin to go to USA.

Yesterday, Eunhyuk chosed to go to Yoona's place, since he heard from Seohyun that Yoona was sick. He worried too much til he forgot he promised Soorin to have lunch together. When he saw Yoona's pale face, his heart hurt and he wanted to take care of her like he usually did. And he wants to tell the truth to Yoona, that he is sick and will go to USA. But not as he expected, Yoona threw him from her dorm. It hurted Eunhyuk's feel so much, more than the cancer.

Eunhyuk knows he's feeling not in good mood, and he can't date Soorin at this feeling. But Eunhyuk promised to Soorin and he doesnt want to make Soorin disappointed. He thinks bout it and finally made a call to his best friend, Donghae.

"Eum, what's wrong Hyuk?"

"I need your help." Eunhyuk sighed.

"Do you need any paper for your thesis?" Donghae laughed at phone.

"Please, Donghae. Hell No." Eunhyuk chuckled.

"Then what? Spill it.."

"But promise me you will do it?"


Eunhyuk smiled, "Really? You promised?"

"Geez! I have been your bestfriend since when? I never broke my promise."

"Neither do I.."

"Brother, remember? We will help each other when they need it.." Donghae smiled to his own imagination, think about that promise he made with Eunhyuk after couple of years they were together.

"Please substitute me to a date with Soorin today."

After Eunhyuk said it, Donghae remain silent. Donghae thinks about it carefully, he is afraid that Soorin might find out that he is not forget her. But he promised already and he never broke his promise. If Donghae knows about this, he will ask first before said 'Promise'

"Donghae.. You don't want to help me?"

"But, hyuk..."

"You've promised me right?"

"Soorin is your girlfriend. I can't go a date with her. She might be disappointed." Donghae tries to make an excuse.

Eunhyuk smiled, he knows that Soorin maybe will be much happier to have a date with Donghae than himself. Eventhough she is her girlfriend, but he knows that Soorin still has a deep feeling to Donghae.

"No, she won't. I really has something to do with my thesis. Don't you want me to graduate soon?"

"Yes, I do. But this is saturday, you need a break too. Don't overwork with your thesis."

Eunhyuk laughed,"Oh my god! Are you sure i am speaking to Lee Donghae? My bestfriend? Because i never heard Donghae ask me to stop working from my thesis!"

"Ya~~ Ya.. I do want you to finish your thesis. And also graduate soon, but it doesn't mean you need to stop from your date!"

"Just do it for me Donghae. Please? Just once. I really can't go. Please please please.."

Donghae sighed, he can't refused him, maybe he is too over worry about this. If he act like usual, Soorin might not found out.

"Fine. I'll do it! But just this time, okay??"




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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??