Meaning of "LOVE"

[Your POV]

Yesterday was a big "hit" for me. First i hit someone who is so dam* handsome! His sweet smile, his posture, i can believe he has abs since his body is so nice and i can see his muscle in his hands. Plus, i love how clever and kind he is. I bet, he has many fans in my university. I remembered when he helps me to Professor Park 's class, that Professor didnt angry to me. When i sat in the back, two girls beside me ask how do i know Donghae.


"Hey, are you new student?" ask a girl who sit right beside me.

I nods and smile. I give her my hands,"my name is Kim Soorin. But you can call me Soorin."

That girl smile and shake my hand,"Hi. You can call me Seohyun. So, you must be lose to Donghae Oppa class, dont you?"

"Yes. I thought i was in the right place. Thanks God, he helps me to look for my schedule."

"How do you know him?" ask a girl who sit beside Seohyun. She asked me in a high note but in a low voice.

"Ah... I .. I just... I hit him, and then he helps me. Just that."

"It's okay Soorin. Yoona has a crush to Donghae Oppa, but he never reply her. Or maybe, he doesnt realized that Yoona exist!" Seohyun laughed a little.

"Ya! He replied my message once. He called me once too in canteen."

"Yes, but it's because his bestfriend, Eunhyuk wants you. Not Donghae. Different it Yoona. Everyone knows that Donghae never likes a girl from this campus!" 

I only hear their conversation, and i can conclude that Donghae is famous, every girl chases over him but he never reply them. 

"Ah, sorry, i havent introduce my self, my name is Yoona. Hope we can be friend!" Yoona gave her hand to me, and I shaked it.

After conversation, we listened to Professor Park again. Professor Park gave us three number tasks, and i really confused with the tasks. First because it's in Korea which i dont really familiar, and second because He asked us to do some research in Library which i dont know where is it. I asked Yoona and Seohyun , but after this class they has another class which is different with me, and in the afternoon, they had extraculiculer lesson. I felt hopeless until i remembered that Donghae offered me some help. I sent him a message from the number written in the card he gave. I was hoping that he could help me. A message came from him suddenly :

From : Donghae Oppa

Sure! Why not? But i dont have class after this. I will wait you outside.

We can go to library together, and i can help you with your tasks. I know

how hard is Prof PARK tasks, you are in the right person when you contact

me. ^^

I smiled read his message and then after class finished, i tidied my things and went outside. I found him in front of his class, held his books with a bag in his shoulder. 

"Donghae Oppa!" i called his name while walked towards him.

He looked at me and waved to me. We walked to gether to Library, and he really helped me to understand the tasks from Professor Park. When he explained to me, his face is so closed to me. I can see his white skin face, and realized how handsome he is. The way he explained all the tasks , made me admired him more.

"Hey. are u listening to me or not, Soorin?" he found me saw his face. I was blushing and turn to my book.

"I .. I .. I am listening. I just thinking, why Oppa wants to be his assistant? This lesson is so hard!"

He laughed a bit,"At first, i think about it too. But.. I think this lesson is challenging. Then i met Professor Park to borrow his textbook, and i learnt by myself. Everytime i got confused, i will come to him, and discuss with him."

"Ah.. I think that's why, Prof is so nice to you. Because you are his fans!"

"Hahahaha. Maybe. Then do you understand what did i explain?" He saw me in my eyes.

"Actually....... I think not really. How can i understand by only listening one time?"

"You need practice,Soorin. This is not an easy lesson. You need to think a solution from your own mind. Not from book or others. Book and others just a tool to help you but not the answer."

"Then, i need to read all of this boring book?" i pointed to Donghae's book in the table.

He laughed,"yes you need it. When is the dateline for this tasks?"

"Next week." I answered while writing Donghae's explanation before in my book.

"You still have a week to finish this. It's only three numbers."

I looked at him,"Three numbers is not only, Oppa. It's a disaster! Plus, Prof asks us about research article and the topic is Genetic Algorithm. Ahh..."

"Article? Hemmm.. You cant find article in Library. They only gave you textbook. "

"What? Ah...."

"But wait. I think I have many articles about it in my apartment. If you want, you can come to my apartment tomorrow..."


"Just sit there. I will take my article from my room." Donghae let me sit in his sofa. 

As he promised yesterday, he will give me some articles that he has in his apartment. This is my first time, play to someone's apartment beside my cousin apartment. His apartments is not big, its only has a kitchen, one main room , one guest room, one bathroom and toilet, one living room and a terrace. I see a small piano near his terrace. I open the piano and sit in the chair. I try to remember what Yesung has told me about a classical song and play it here. I dont realized he hears me until he claps his hands.

"You can play a piano too?" He walks towards me. He puts the article at table first and then stand behind me.

"My brother can play a piano, he only teachs me one song. So, i dont really know how to play a piano. Hehe. You must be good at playin' a piano! Play me one song!" I shake his hands.

Donghae laugh and then he puts his hands into his piano, without sit beside me. So his pose like hugging me from back. I am blushing and can feel my heart beating faster! He presses the tuts and start playing plus singing a song.

"The loneliness of nights alone.. the search for strength to carry on.. my every hope has seemed to die.. my eyes had no more tears to cry
then like the sun shining up surrounded me with your endless love..Coz all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me..."

I know this song, 'my everything from 98 degrees' . I follow him to sing the reff part in alto tone, " You are my everything..Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone..The only love I've ever known..Your spirit pulls me through..When nothing else will do...Every night I pray..On bended knee..That you will always be..My everything"

Donghae stops from his playing. I turn my face to see him, but suddenly i am shock because i can feel his lips in my lips. I want to refuse but i cant, his hands still in piano, my head still in his chest, his postition still backhugging me and he locks my lips. 


[Donghae's POV]


I pull my lips and my hand from piano. I walk to the door to see whose voice is it. But I am sure it's Eunhyuk voice.

"What are you doing here, Eunhyuk? Dont you have a class?" I asked him.

"The class has finished hour ago. I am hungry, have you got your dinner?" Eunhyuk takes off his shoes and then stand in front of me.

"Ya. It's still 6PM, why you talk about dinner? I know you come here to ask some help!"

Eunhyuk laugh,"Haha!! You really know about me! Please help me Hae, this Professor gives me a task to write resume. You know i am bad in writing!"

I laugh to hear his reason,"I want to, but I cant help you now...." I point my hand to Soorin who is sitting in my sofa while reading some articles.

Eunhyuk looks to my pointed hands and then looks at me again,"Wo.. Wo.. Since when you close with a girl?"

I pull Eunhyuk to door, so Soorin cant see us talking about her.

"I dont know too. I met her yesterday, and i think I just in love with her from the first sight! You have to believe me Hyuk, she is so beautiful!"

"How can i believe you? You never date a girl before. Thanks God you found someone, if not, i will think you are a gay!"

"Aish! I am not a gay.. She is Professor Park student. I teach in her class too. She asks me about the tasks and i help her to get the answer."

Eunhyuk stares at me,"Wait... What? You help her to find the answer! Oh MY GOD Hae!! This is not YOU! How many female students already asked you about tasks? Even Yoona, the prettiest girl in your faculty, you didnt help her!! What the hell you help her now?"

I punch his stomach," I Told you, i dont know! I just falling in love with her in first sight!"

"Okay, okay. Then why she's here? You invite her or she's the one who wants to come?"

"I am the one who asks her to come."

"Then, before I come, what did you guys do? I saw you in piano.."

I feel my face become red when i heard about piano. I remembered when I kiss her suddenly. I dont know where i can get that courage.

"WOAA.. Why ur face become red? You guys kiss?" Eunhyuk put his two hands, demonstrate 'kiss' movement.

I smile and nods,"I play the piano, she sings, and after i finish, she looks at me, and... i just kiss her like that."

Eunhyuk still quiet, then he hugs me,"Wah! Finally Hae!! You step forward! Haha. Wooo!! Now introduce her to me!"

Eunhyuk pulls my hands into living room. I still found out Soorin is reading the articles seriously. She looks more beautiful when reading

"Ehm, Soorin -ah. I want you to meet my bestfriend."

Soorin looks to us. She smiles and then stand up from sofa. I introduce her to Eunhyuk,"This is Eunhyuk..."

Soorin gives her hands to Eunhyuk,"Hi. Nice to meet you, Oppa. My name is Soorin.."

Eunhyuk doesnt shake his hands. I look to Eunhyuk and i found something bad.

DAMN! That stare! That's when Eunhyuk likes a girl. Please dont tell me that Eunhyuk like Soorin too!

I nudge Eunhyuk's arm. Eunhyuk realized something, he shakes Soorin hands,"Hey, Im Eunhyuk. You can call me Hyuk.."

"Ah, arasso, Hyuk Oppa."

"Soorin-ah.." Eunhyuk calls her name and I wondering what hes going to talk.

"Yes Oppa?"

"You look so beautiful. I think I like you in the first sight....."

My eyes get bigger and so does Soorin. Soorin looks at me, her stares to me like asking "what is Hyuk oppa mean?''



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sorry if this boring. i will try to upload more cute stories!

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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??