Meaning of "LOVE"

[Donghae's POV]


I sit in my car at campus carpark. I was failed for my design programme in chapter 3 for my thesis. I still remember how upset Professor Jim who is my lecturer, when he saw my work "I cant believe you only do 2 designs for 5 design you should have. And as i remember I gave you 3weeks to finish this design, but why you didnt do it? I am dissapointed to you."

I put all my papers and my bag in the chair beside me. Not just from my thesis. I also give the wrong explanation for my practical lab today. I wasnt realized that until one of my student who is very clever, asked me and she even explained the right thing.. I am very ashamed for myself.

"Why today is so hard for me...." I sighed.


I take my phone from my bag, all i want to do now is hearing Soorin's voice and I hope to meet her. By looking her bright smile, i believe i can feel more relax.

When i want to call her, i see her across my car. Waiting for someone. I am happy that she even near me without i am telling her. I open my door but then I close it again when I see someone's coming for her. I thought it was her brother but when i see the car, it is not her Brother. It's Eunhyuk. a memory come to my mind..   "If she doesnt like me then why she calls me to ask me out?"

I've just remembered about that. I am very curious why they are together? I see them from my car. I see how Eunhyuk cares for her by putting his hands in her head. Cover her body with his jacket. Open his car door for her. I hate how good Eunhyuk when it is come to a girl. I see Eunhyuk's car left the carpark. I am planning to follow them but then my phone is ringing.. I take it without seeing who is the caller.


"Ah Oppa! it's me Yoona. Are u still in Campus?"

"Ye.. Waeyo Yoona?"

"Please help me. It is really urgent.."

I sighed. I am the one who needs help but why she is the one who's asking, "What's wrong?"

"I.. I.. I am late to give my assignment for Prof Park. Now is 5PM already, he must be home. Please help me to put my assignment.. Please."

"You can put it there by yourself Yoona."

"It is not here."

"What do you mean? You still remember his room right?" i ask her .

"Ya! Oppa! Whats wrong with you? Task 4 should be collected to your hand before to his house,right?"

I hit my forehead. Forget about it. "ah sorry.. I forget. Yes you right. U are lucky because I havent give the assignment to him, so you can give it to me today.."

"Ah jinjja??? Reallly??? thankyou Oppa!!! thanks thanks!!!" she sounds very happy. I smile to myself.

"But Yoona... in one condition, okay?"

"What what ? what condition?"

I dont know this is wrong or not but i just want to do it now,"can you accompany me tonight? I dont want to be alone...."



[Soorin's POV]


"Hahahaha. So you think if i ask you out it is because i like you? Hahahaha.." I burst in laugh.

Eunhyuk smiles while playing his straw in his thin lips,"I know girls Soorin. They ask a boy to go out with him just because two reason."

"And what is that?"

"First because she likes him and want to go out with him. Second because she doesnt like him and want to punch him."

I laughed," What reason is that..." I shook my head, dont agree with his statement.

"That's the only two reason, i know. And, Dont you know what is my nickname?"

"BADASS PLAYER ." I point him with my straw.

"Ya! How can you say that words to your senior?" Eunhyuk pinch my cheeks.

"Aaaaaw.. Stop it, Oppa."

He smiles and continue eating his food while i am just looking to a box beside me,"Do you think he will like it, Oppa?"

"Believe me, i am the only one his bestfriend.."

"I believe you. That's why i am asking you to accompany me to buy his birthday present.."

"But how can you know his birthday? Both of you only knew each others for like 2 or 3 weeks.Aah.. i cant believe that fish know how to treat a girl like this!"

"Mwo? What do you mean?"

"Nothing.. I just feel this food is so delicious."

"Anyway. I heard it when Seohyun talks with Yoona about his birthday..Perhaps Yoona wants to give something too?"

Suddenly i see Eunhyuk stop from eating. He put his spoon and drink a lot of water. And just keep silent. Did i say something wrong?

"Oppaa... Are you okay?"

"I am okay. Dont worry.." He smiles to ne. No he is trying to smile.

"but you look panicked..." i check his face , He only stares to his glass, still drink it from straw even it is empty already.

"Do you want something to drink? i can order Strawberry Milkshake for you.."

He looked up to me, giving me shock stares,"Wait.. what did you say?"

"Strawberry milkshake..I know you like it."

"How do you know? Donghae told you?"

"Mmmm. He told me but he is not the first.." I drink my choco chip frappe .

"Then who...?"


Again.He looks shocked and mumbling "geez.. if she really like hae but why she pays attention to me too.."

"What oppa?"

Eunhyuk shake his head,"Lets go back. It's 10PM already. You want to surprise him at 00:00 right?So maybe we'll arrived at 11 and we can wait at car till the time. Is it okay?"

I nodded making an agree expression.

"Do you still need to buy something for his birthday?"

"mmm.." i checked my list, "cake okay, candle okay, card okay, birthday gift okay.. I think everything is complete Oppa!"

"Then let's Go.." EunHyuk put his money on the table.

"Wait Oppa. Ill pay for mine."

EunHyuk hold my hands when i am trying to take my wallet , "Man rule : we are the one who pay.Okay? Now let's go.."

I put my wallet into my bag again. Eunhyuk take my things with him. We walk to his car and immediately go to DongHae's apartment.

Tonight i will make surprise for Donghae because his upcoming birthday in an hour. I havent contact him from yesterday so i can make this surprise. This is my first time doing this, and i am happy because i do this for someone i love and someone who loves me too. It's all worth it!

Arrive at Donghae's apartment, we wait in Hyuk's car.

"hope you dont mind if we wait here.." Eunhyuk turn off his car machine.

"it's okay Oppa.." i check my things again. make sure everything is complete.

"do your parents know about this?"

I shook my head,"i said i will sleep at Seohyun' place. Kekeke~~"

"Ch.. Bad girl.." Eunhyuk laugh a bit.

"But Oppa you have his key room, right?"

"Yes ofcourse. dont worry. You came to the right person.." he laughed again making me blushing and hide my face.

"You two... Now dating as boyfriend girlfriend?" He looks to my face.

I smile and shook my head,"Not yet.."

"Not yet?What do you mean? isnt that you two kiss ... twice??"

"but he never ask me to be his girlfriend.. so we are not official as a couple." I explained to EunHyuk.

EunHyuk looks confused, he make his position facing my body, " Soorin-ah.. Maybe it's different with your country. But for us, when we kiss someone so close like you guys did.. It means we are dating , become a couple.."

My eyes get widener, " Ah really? but for me, if he is not asking then he is not my boyfriend."

" Then if i ask you- Soorin ah , do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I laughed, " of course NO! Hahaha!"

Eunhyuk laughed too, " Aish.. this kid! Come on let's go. It's the time already."

Me and Eunhyuk go out from Car. Eunhyuk helps me to bring the present while i am bringing Donghae's cake.

As we Arrived in front of the door, Eunhyuk puts the candle and light it. After that, he is opening the door. We entered the room, and i am thinking why Donghae doesnt turn the living room 's light off. We both walk carefully until we ready to enter the living room

"SURPRI..... BROOOK!!! " i felt no power in my hands so the cake drop off to the floor from my hand. I am crying because of the view that i see in front of my eyes.

Donghae hug Yoona and kiss her passionately?

I still can believe what i see.. Tears coming from my eyes, even it is blurred i can see Eunhyuk walk away from me and hit Donghae in his face. I heard Yoona screaming but i cant go from my place. I feel my feet is frozen.

" You badass!!!! How can you kiss someone who is not your girl !!! "

" Eun..Eunhyukk.. " i see Donghae is trying to stand up but Eunhyuk punch his face again

" Dont you know how tired Soorin to prepare for you birthday?? Yo pabo boy!! You dont deserve to  have a girlfriend like her!!!"

I see Eunhyuk is about to hit Donghae again, even I know Eunhyuk is on my side but i cant let him hit Donghae again," OPPA STOPP!!! "

Both Eunhyuk and Donghae, plus Yoona look at me.

" I wanna go home. Please. I dont want to be here. And he is not even My BOYFRIEND. It.. It's up to him that he wants to kiss which girl."



How is it? is this story boring? i wrote it on midnight >__<

please leave me a comment so i know i should continue this story or not. i hope you guys enjoy






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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??