Meaning of "LOVE"

[Soorin's POV]


Today is Saturday and my first date with Eunhyuk since we go in a relationship. I keep thinking it is funny how i ended up with him, someone i used to hate. I think i was too harsh to him last time. He is not a bad guy, he is a nice guy actually. Well, this is doesn't mean i am in love with him. I still have Donghae in my heart, yes i am like him to much since the first time i met him. I can't forget how he stole my first kiss. I can't forget how he kissed me sweetly in Han River. I can't forget our conversation in car after we went home from Han River. I can't forget how we still had our date in coffee shop near his apartment. I can't forget how i finally slept over in his bedroom with his arm hug me tight.


After kissed in Han River, Donghae and i spent almost an hour in his car. Talked about our personal life which he was shocked to know that i am Yesung's sister. We also talked about his future that he wanted to be a scientist because he really loves science and i have found it weird. I meant, come on! He is the hottest guy i've ever meet in my whole life, he could be an actor because his face is so damn cute and handsome! Or he could be musician since he can play music and knows how to sing. Or maybe he can be both! Suddenly when we talked, my stomach called me.

"You hungry?" Donghae looked to me in worry.

"No, it's okay."

"Have you eat before you came to the club?"

I shook my head.

"You must told me! Let's eat now." Donghae closed my door, and put a seatbelt on me. I was shocked when he put the seatbelt, because he really closed to me. I dont know that my face blushed. He saw me in shy and laughed then he pecked my lips fast.

"Oh my God Soorin. Is this your first date...?" He put his seatbelt on.

"Wa..wa..wae?" I stuttered because his sudden action when he put the seatbelt.

He looked at me,"Because you still shy being so close to me. Even i have kissed you two times... No, three times with that peck."

"A.. Ani.. Aniya.. I just.."

"Just what?" Donghae smiled to me.

"I just... Ah.. forget it! I am hungry now, just find me something to it." I turn my head from him.

Donghae laughed and he rode his car to the way home. I smiled to myself. I can't said to him, that he is the only one who kissed me in my lips , three times in a row and yes today is my first date and to be honest, he is my first boy in my life till today.

We reached the place, it was a coffee shop which opened for 24hours, and if i am not wrong, this place is near to his apartment. When we arrived, we ate then after we finished, we back to his apartement.

"Are you sure you okay to sleep at my apartment?" Donghae hold my hands when we walked from his car park to his apartment.

I nodded,"I told Yesung oppa to cover up to my parents."

Donghae laughed,"Don't worry, i will take care of you. I won't do anything to you, i promised."

We entered to his apartment. Donghae brought me to his room and lent me his sweater and pants. He also gave me a towel and new tooth brush for me. While i washed my face and brushed my teeth, he changed in his room. When i needed to change in his room, he waited in living room. 

I heard a knock in door, "Soorin, are you finished?"

I smiled and walked to the door, opened it to him,"Sorry, if i took so long.."

"It's okay." Donghae entered the room and locked the door.

"Why ar you locking it?" Suddenly i am afraid.

"Because Hyuk sometimes comes in the morning and i dont want him to disturb us when we are sleeping.." He pinched my cheeks.

"Don't worry Soorin. I promised you i wont do something bad while you are sleeping." he ruffled my hair then hold my hand. He brought me to his bed.

"Now, let's sleep. It's 4AM Already." He put his arms in my waist and pulled me closed to him.

I am so happy that i can sleep next to him. Smell his body, being hugged with hime, feel his breathe, hear his heartbeat,

"Donghae oppa..."

"Hemm..." he mumbled.

"Why do you like me? I mean.. we only knew in short period.."

"Can we speak it tomorrow? I am so sleepy.." Donghae caress myback.

"Shireo.. I won't sleep if you dont tell me."

"Arraseo, arraseo..Do you really want to know?"

I nodded and i knew he could feel my nodded head.

"But promise to me, after that you will sleep?"


"When i saw you that day, i just think 'wow she is pretty'. And then when you suddenly run away from me, i thought 'ah.. did i made a mistake?' I worried so much, because i really did want to help you and to be honest, when you entered the class, i was so happy. But then you were in the wrong class. When i saw you, i just feel that you will be mine someday. I don't know why. After that, when we talked in library, when i explained to you. I know you gave me attenton, right?"

"Mm.. kind of.." I am embarrased that he knew it!

"So that time, i thought this is my chance to know you more. I am more surprised to know that you are not only beautiful, but also clever and dilligent. You also a nice girl, which i can tell by how you can be a friend with Yoona, since she is the famous girl in campus, and no one can be with her friend just in a few days. You are not just beautiful outside but inside. But what i love the most, i can be what i have to be in front of you.." Donghae kissed my forehead.

"Saranghae Soorin.."

I looked to his face, and he stared to my eyes,"Saranghae Donghae oppa.."

Donghae carresed my cheek with his hand, he moved his head near to mine. Our face just an inch away, i really can feel his breathe. I closed my eyes, ready to be kissed again.

"Now, let's sleep. Stop asking question, okay?"

"Eee..?" I am shocked that he didnt kiss me, i thought he would kiss me with that inch away.


"I thought u want to kiss me.."

Donghae chuckled," I will kiss you tomorrow morning. Now, please Soorin, let's sleep."

We both went sleep. He kept his promise, tomorrow morning, he woke me up by kissing me in cheek, in my neck, then later gave me long kiss in my lips. We woke up, took a bath, and because he needed to go to Professor Park house for his thesis, he can't drive me home. So i went home by taxi. And what i love the most from him is when i got  a message from him while i still in taxi...

From : Donghae Oppa

Take care. I write down your taxi number. It's INC-119. Tell me the driver's name, in case something bad happen, i know what i should do. :)

--- end of flashback--

Doo roo doo doo... Doo roo doo doo..

I am shocked by the phone ringing beside me but more shocked when i see the caller name. Donghae oppa?


"Hi Soorin.. So you are at home?"

"Uh-huh. Why oppa?"

"Are you ready?"

I am confused, i raised my eyebrow, eventhough i know he won't see it,"Ready for what?"

"A date.."

I can't believe what he said. Does he remember me already?

"Ehm... I mean a date With Eunhyuk?"

I realized what he means. Suddenly i feel sad about it. What's wrong with me, today is the day i am dating with my boyfriend, Eunhyuk.. Then why I am sad when i hear Donghae said that.

"Ah.. yes, i am ready."

"So i can pick you up now?"

"Yes.." I silent for a moment than i asked him,"Wait what?"

"Just go out. I am in front of your house. Eunhyuk can't make it. He said sorry, but he got call from his professor about his thesis. So he asked me to substitute for him today. Is that okay with you? I mean if you dont want..."

"No.. No! I am okay! I will go outside. Just wait a bit!" I hung up. I ran outside my door and smiled happily. Even he just a substitue for Eunhyuk. But still i am so excited. Because it means, this will be our FIRST DATE again after he forgot me, and yes, deep down inside my heart, i wish he could remember about me !


This is what Soorin use for a date :

and this is what Donghae use for a date :


please leave a comment ^^

i am so happy that i can update for 3 chapters.

sorry if 2 chapters before was about Eunhyuk and Yoona. But after this you will see the most romantic date ever!!! ^^

thanks for reading and also for subscribe :)

see you soon on next chapter!

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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??