Because I like You

Meaning of "LOVE"


[Yoona's POV]

Sitting in library alone while doing my project assignment for next week class. I hate to be alone actually, but Seohyun is going somewhere for a singing contest or something that she hasnt explained in detail to me. I want to contact Soorin, but my heart still cant let it go - what I have seen on last saturday. I saw Soorin and Donghae Oppa talked in front if the entrance door. I was wondering why they met there not in the table that Hyuk Oppa has reserved. Then suddenly, the two of them just left the party without permission. I was curious, so i followed them. That's not what i expected to be happened. I knew that Soorin and Donghae is a friend, but i never know or actually I wont believe that Soorin is a girl that Donghae love. I mean, hello, Look at me! I am the one who is very beautiful in this Information Technology Faculty, i even got Number 1 for Miss University Competition ! Every man loves me, they will chase me and do everything for me just to have a one night date with me! But, why, the man that i always love since i entered this University, since three years ago, love someone who is new and ehm... not so beautiful compared to me. 

I know Soorin has a beautiful big eyes, black hair, cute smile because when she's smiling she has dimple in her right face. But she is not as thin as Iam. She is not as tall as I am. I bet she is maybe 50 or 51 kg with 165 cm tall? She's not really clever too. Then, why, Donghae looks so crazy over her? I still cant believe what did I see that night, when Donghae is the one who kissed her! Oh My GOD! What actually has happened between them?


I am out of my mind. I am looking up to see who's calling me. Eunhyuk.

"Ah.. Oppa.. You're here?" I am smiling to see him.

Eunhyuk smiles to me. He is now sitting in front of me. I dont know why, but finally i called this guy to accompany me or at least i know he is funny and he can makes me forget about Donghae & Soorin 'couple'.

"Why? Why are you calling me? This is your first time to call me like that." Eunhyuk hides his blushing face with his hands, covering his mouth after finishing his sentences.

"I dont know, i just need someone to accompany me. I dont like to be alone.."

"Where is Seohyun?"

"She is going somewhere for her singing contest or something. I dont really know, because she hasnt tell me the detail about it."

"And Soorin..? I know she's one of your close friend too." Eunhyuk took out his book from bag.

Heard her name again, i feel like burst out. I am sighed a bit and it makes Eunhyuk confuse,"What happen between you and Soorin?"

"Nothing happen.." I continue writing my project.

Eunhyuk hold my hands,"Dont lie. I know it's about them."

"Them? What do you mean?" I stop my writing and look to him.

Eunhyuk smiles a bit,"Donghae and Soorin. I cant find them in my party after Donghae special performance. And too bad, I cant find you either. I ask the security, they said that three of you were out from the cafe."

"Oh.. Mianhae oppa.." 

"Gwaenchana.. I know it will happen to Donghae since he hasnt seen Soorin for 3 .. Ah, 4days after "it" happened. I wonder he must be explained something to Soorin."

I wrinkled my forehead, " It? "

"They kissed at Donghae apartment. Not a long kiss but I know Donghae did it because he really fallen for her." Eunhyuk laughs when he explained to me.

"Then they kissed twice." I look down, hiding my face. I am trying to hold back my tears.

"Twice? Aish! That kid! Since when he has that brave thing?"

"They were in Han river at that time.. And i saw them hug then.. Donghae pulled her. He kissed her for a long time."

"Ah! Seriously? Woo!! Haha. Donghae , you grow up, man!' Eunhyuk talks alone while what i can do is covering my eyes with my hands. It hurts a lot for me.

"Ya... Ya.. Yoona, are you crying?"

I am not answering. My mind cant think properly this time. I love him so much even he never pays attention to me. I made him food, i made him cake, i gave him love letter, i helped him with some of article, i helped him for his internship in my dad office since he wanted to take resource from a IT Industry (well, my dad own an IT industry). Then, all i did, means nothing to him. Why can i love this guy so much?

"Yoona, please stop crying..." Eunhyuk is pulling me close to his embrace. He pats my shoulder.

"I..I.. I just sad oppa. All i did to Donghae oppa means nothing to him. Why he never looked at me?"

"Psst..." Eunhyuk still trying to comfort me, but it makes me more sad.

"He knows that i have a feeling for him for three years, but why... why he loves another girl, who know him just for a week?"

"Donghae is not a type who can easily falling in love. Maybe he only takes you as his sister Yoona."

"But why? WHY He cant LOVES me back?? Am i not beautiful for him? Am i not clever? I am the most WANTED GIRLS in this UNIVERSITY , OPPA!!!" I burst out in tears, screaming to someone who is not wrong.

"Yoona, love is not about physical or talent or clever or everything you have. Love is when you feel that she is the one for you at the first time you meet her. Love is when you think about her almost everytime, when you wake up or you want to sleep. But the most important thing, Love is when someone you love has imperfection but when you with her, her life looks perfect because of your love."


I can feel his lip in my forehead. I am bit shock when he kiss me like that. It's not because of Eunhyuk- I know he likes me and he has a player side, but i cant believe he has an opinion with 'love'. Eunhyuk still pats my back and i feel comfortable with him now. I dont cry anymore. All i do is hugging his waist and leaning to his chest. I thought he was skinny, when I compared himm to Donghae, but actually he has good body too,i can feel his chest and his abs when i hug him.

"And now, i think you are thinking..." 

"What?" I look up.

"Ahh... I feel comfortable with Hyuk Oppa now. I think i fell in love with him..." Eunhyuk changes his voice when he said that to me.

I am burst into laughing. I am letting go my hands from his body and continue writing,"Thank you Oppa.."

He is my head,"Just get over him, Yoona.. He's not for you."

"How you can be so sure?"

"I am his bestfriend since we were in High School. When he chooses a girl, he will stick to his girl until they become together."

"Then now stop talking about Donghae in front of me."

"DEAL. I will start talking about myself then.."

"MWO?" I look to him.

He smiles and move his body. He sit closer to me, he puts his left hand in my head while his right hand above the table. He his face to me,"I said, i will START TALKING ABOUT MYSELF."


"Because, I LIKE YOU, Yoona-ssi......"


[Eunhyuk's POV]

I dont know what did I do in library with Yoona. Okay, it's not a hard thing for me to make a girl fallin in love with me, or kiss a girl suddenly. Since I am the bad player in this university and all of girls know it. But to kiss Yoona like that, even just a peck kiss, i feel guilty and soon feel desperate. Why am i being like this?

"Ah, you're here?" Donghae enter his living room, while i am sitting in his sofa with my laptop in my thigh. I just nodded to answer his question. Donghae walks towards me and sit beside me.

He takes some letters in the table and read it one by one. After he finish reading it, he makes his way to his refrigerator,"Wo.. What is this? You bought a pizza?"


"Ah. Thankyou so much! I haven't eat since morning." I heard he is taking the pizza.

"Here, for you." He gives me a glass of ice tea.

"Thanks." I still working with my laptop.

"Finishing your thesis?" Donghae put his feet above the table, he took out his laptop from bag and put it on top his thigh, copying my position.


"YA! HYUK-AH!" he punches my shoulder.

"AWWW!!! What are you doing?"

"What happen with you?? Since i came, you didnt talk to me. You just said "ehm. ehm" or nodded. What's wrong?"

I look at him and sighed a bit, then look to my laptop again.

"Omo! Look at this bossy guy! I know something bad happened to you. Tell me! A girl punched you this morning after you slept with her?"

I chuckle to hear his opinion. He has a good statement about it, since I am a player, i usually date a girl for just three or four days, just for fun and sleep with them. After i sleep with them, i left them, some girls will punch me in my head or chest or somewhere, but some of them just let it go happily.

"I havent sleep with a girl since last week, okay?"

"WOOOOAAAAA.... Jinjja?" Hae hit my shoulder, "DAEBAK!!"

"Ah ! Then that's why you look desperate today? Because you havent date anyone?" Donghae hit my arms now.

I'm laughing and putting away my laptop in Donghae desk. I'm looking up and just staring the ceiling.

"You finish?" Donghae is looking to my laptop and he smiles,"Good Job. at least you finished chapter two in your thesis."

"Hae, can i ask you something?"

"What?" Now Donghae is typing in his laptop.

"Is it weird if i kiss a girl?"

"No." Donghae still eating his pizza and typing.

"Is it weird if i hug a girl?"

"Exactly NO!"

"Then.... Is it weird if i love someone? I mean is it okay for me?" I look at him.

Donghae stop from typing and smiling to me. He's facing me,"Why? You realized now that you finally need a woman in your life?"

I shrugged my shoulders," I dont know, i just wondering if i can love someone or no.."

Donghae touch my forehead, " You re not sick. Did you eat something wrong?"

"YA! I am okay. Why you check my condition suddenly?"

"Because you talk about LOVE , SU-DDEN-LY, Lee Hyukjae. A NUMBER ONE BADASS PLAYER LEE HYUKJAE is now asking about Love to his INNOSENCE CLEVER STUDENT, Lee DONGHAE." Donghae giving his death stares to me.

"Cant i?"

"Yes you can if you are falling in love with someone. So , now you are in love?"

"I said i dont know, donghae. Why you keep asking that question?"

Donghae hit my head,"Then how can i give you a solution, you babo!"

"I just kissed Yoona's forehead today. And i feel guilty and desperate all of sudden."

"Wow, wow... Yoona? My fans?"

"Stop talking like that." i punch his chest.

"Why you kiss her?"

"Because she is crying. I hug her and pat her shoulders to make her stop crying. But she is crying and then i kiss her forehead and she can stop crying."

Donghae is still staring at me. "Why she is crying anyway? Because of you?"

I shake my head , and give my death stare to Donghae," It's because of you, babo!"

"Me? Aish.. What did i do?"

"She saw you kissed Soorin at Han River, and she's crying the whole day today everytime she saw or she heard your name."

"I am sorry.. I didnt mean to hurt her. I never give anything special to her. She is the one who always come to me."

"I know. But, she is asking why you choose Soorin, a new girl than Yoona, someone you know for three years."

"Hemm.. My heart doesnt accept her. That's what I know. With Yoona, i never feel anything. It's really different when I am with Soorin."

I nod my head, agreeing with his statement. Donghae look at me,"Then what is the problem exactly..?"

" I kiss a girl, Donghae.."

"And?" Geez! Why is my bestfriend so stupid like him when we talk about love?

" I dont like that girl..."


When i am going to explain, suddenly my phone is ringing. I'm pulling my phone out from my wallet. Soorin?

"Yeoboseyo.. Soorin? Ehm.. Ehm.. Tomorrow? I think I am free. Okay. Should i pick you? Ah, arraso. Just send me a message what time will we go. No problem. It's an honour. Ok. Ok. Annyeong.."

I hang up the phone and put it in my wallet again. Suddenly Donghae's eyes get wider, "Soorin calls you?"

"Yes she is. Here is the problem Hae. Let me explain... I hug a girl who is crying about her love towards my bestfriend. And i even kiss that girl who hate my bestfriend's girl who i like too."

"Mwo?! Wait... Wait..."

"Let me clear this.." I swallowed, and face him," I hug Yoona who is crying about you. I even kiss Yoona who hate Soorin, which I like the most too. In conclusion, what if Yoona found out that  I like Soorin too but i kiss her? Or the bad thing ...  She found out that me and you like the same girl?"

Donghae bit his lips. He looks shock about my confession. He look away from me and then look again to me,"You like Soorin too?"

"I have said it before right?"

He noddes, but after that he smiles again,"No worry. She is not like you. We even kiss twice.She is mine now.."

I laugh, " If she doesnt like me, then why she is calling me and ask me to go out tomorrow?" 

"Go out? Tomorrow?" Donghae looks more than shock.

I dont answer him. I put my laptop and some of my files into my bag. As i finishing clean up my things, i stand from the sofa.

Before leaving him in his living room, i say something in his ears,"Remember Donghae.. AN INNOSENCE CLEVER STUDENT, Lee DONGHAE, CANT EVER WIN about LOVE to his bestfriend A NUMBER ONE BADASS PLAYER LEE HYUKJAE.."



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sorry if this part about Eunhyuk and Yoona.. I just in the mood writing about them.. I know usually yoona is donghae OTP or hyuk becomes Donghae OTP too, but i want something different. Hope you guys like it.

in chapter 4, i will reveal why Soorin calls Eunhyuk, and where does they go for a date. Then what happen next to Donghae and Soorin couple? Will Donghae win over his bestfriend?

Please wait a while =]

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Chapter 8: Daebak! I like your story very much! Please make a sequel! I can't wait to read it :)
Ishais17forever #2
Chapter 8: Sequel please!! :)) Love this story <3
lovastique #3
Chapter 8: Really love your story,,
anticipate for the sequel..
HAEppyreader #4
Chapter 8: SEQUEL !!!
memememe3296 #5
Chapter 8: I want a sequel!!!~~~
I really enjoyed ur story~~^^
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 3: ^^ awesome!!!!loved the new chapter
peace21 #7
Chapter 3: Nice one...donghae is so sweet
Jellyfish101 #8
Chapter 2: cute but why no update? Please don`t end the story like this. This is really good so far :)
peace21 #9
Chapter 2: Why does it end like that??