Chapter Twenty Eight

Soul Searching (JeTi)

I have a challenge with my best friend to write 10,000 words by tomorrow so I wrote 3,800+ right now... and then about the same for Made For You and  for Let Her Go just so I can keep myself motivated, right? So I'm starting on Made For You (TaengSic)'s update now. :)



“Jessica?” Taeyeon looked at the girl with wide eyes as she was surprised to see her best friend. The latter then lifted a drink holder with two iced lattes and two toasted danish she got from their favorite coffee shop just up the street from the dorms.


The smile on Jessica’s face when she saw her best friend’s face soon vanished as she saw a glaring red mark on her porcelain cheek. When she examined the girl’s face, she could clearly see that her eyes were red and swollen. The thought that Tiffany was right suddenly came to her, and was thankful her girlfriend insisted on checking up on Taeyeon. “What the happened to you?!” Her voice was loud, causing some of the students on the hallway to look at their direction. Not minding the shushing from the other students, she then asked, “Who did this to you?!” Taeyeon then grabbed Jessica by the arm as more students sleekly walked passed them, nosy enough to look her way when passing by. “Taeyeon, who did this to you? I’ll make sure th---”

“Don’t,” Taeyeon said with a soft smile on her face, but Jessica could sense the sorrow in that smile. It was as though it told her everything she needed to know. It probably was Yuri, and despite Yuri being her friend, a physical assault would never be something she’d be fine with. “It was my fault.”


Even though Jessica had a feeling that it was indeed Yuri, Taeyeon still never verified it. ANd Jessica wanted to not put a pressure on her best friend to confess everything that happened since it might be a private matter. But still it wasn’t acceptable. “Even if it is, it shouldn’t be that. Well, unless you threw the first hit, then yeah, it’ll be your fault. But that isn’t like you. You’re better than that.”


“Better, huh?”


“Yes, better.” Jessica then laid the things she brought with her onto Taeyeon’s desk. She then led Taeyeon to sit on the bed and she grabbed a chair and placed it in front of her best friend. “You’re much better than picking fights, and I know it.” She looked at her best friend’s eyes that were starting to be filled with tears, but was soon wiped even before it could fall. “I really don’t know what happened, but know I’m here.”


Soon, Taeyeon burst into tears and reached for Jessica’s shoulder. As though on cue, Jessica enveloped her in her arms as she soothed her best friend’s wailing cries. All she could do was rub the girl’s back and try to remain calm for her. If Taeyeon needed for her to be there at this moment, she would be there to stay and listen. Because even if they had a falling out before, they overcame that as friends once again.


Crying, Taeyeon managed to say, “I only…” she began and paused as she gasped for air, “know how to hurt people…”


Sssh,” Jessica said as she embraced the girl tighter. “You know that’s not true.”


“I---hurt Yuri,” Taeyeon cried as she held unto Jessica as though her life depended on it; the latter’s shirt would probably be wrinkled with the amount of strength she held on. “I can’t... be sorry enough.”


Jessica didn’t want to ask what happened since she knew Taeyeon would just tell her. So she sat there quietly as she hugged the seemingly newborn in her arms. It pained her that she couldn’t do anything for her friend. But maybe, if Yuri were to walk in on them like this, it would only make matters worse. It wasn’t like Tiffany would have an issue with them in an embrace because Jessica clearly and honestly told her girlfriend that there was no more special feelings left anymore. All the love she had romantically for somebody was now for her and her alone. But in Yuri’s case, she knew of Taeyeon’s feelings for Jessica even though they were in a relationship, and slowly, Jessica was somehow putting the pieces together. It might be about her, and she didn’t like that because there wasn’t anything that went on with her and Taeyeon. Ever.


“I told her… I was guilty…” Taeyeon said. “But now I know I can’t… I just can’t…”  With vague words from her, Jessica didn’t know what to say but she just couldn’t contain it anymore.


“So she hit you, right?” Jessica felt a soft nudge on her shoulder as though Taeyeon gave her a subtle nod. It was weird that the she knew it was Yuri all along, but confirming it sank her heart, causing her to frown. She just couldn’t believe that Yuri, the person who claimed to love Taeyeon, the person who took Taeyeon from her before, was responsible for her best friend to crumble to the mere girl she was now. The thought that came to her was actually not about Taeyeon nor Yuri, but the thought of her possibly hurting Tiffany one day to a point that the girl might be in somebody else’s arms just like Taeyeon now. Because she loved Tiffany with everything she had, and Yuri loved Taeyeon with everything to a point of accepting her even though she was in love with someone else. But Jessica wasn’t that noble, because she loved Tiffany and wouldn’t want her feelings to deter like that. But if Yuri, who loved Taeyeon to that extent could do this, would she be capable of hurting Tiffany to this extent one day as well? She closed her eyes to rid of the unwanted thoughts of the future because she knew she wouldn’t let herself do that. She wouldn’t hurt Tiffany, at least try not to hurt her because not hurting was impossible because they were two individuals trying to work as one so there would be fights, but she silently vowed to herself and to the God that listened to her that she would do everything to Tiffany’s advantage and feelings in mind.


Trying her best to think of what to say for her best friend, maybe she needed to know the entire truth to know if she could be here and assist Taeyeon. Because if Yuri came here and she was there, it really wouldn’t be good. “Tell me what happened,” she said as she pushed Taeyeon a little to look her in the eyes. She then started fixing Taeyeon’s fair, brushing her hair to the back of her ears and fixing her bangs, using her fingers a comb.


Her eyes tightly shut as she cried again, Taeyeon tried her best to explain the situation to Jessica. A hour before she called her, Taeyeon and Yuri were in that very room, and the former told her girlfriend that she was thankful for all the things Yuri had done for her and the fact that Yuri offered to be Jessica’s substitute from the very beginning of their relationship, which the girl already knew.  “I told her I can’t be with her,” she said as she wiped her tears with her hand, but it didn’t do any good since tears just kept pouring down. “Because even though I’m over you, I still couldn’t love her the way she loves me.” It was painful, and Jessica knew it was. For both Yuri and Taeyeon. But she couldn’t blame anybody since their situation was trial-based because Yuri knew Taeyeon didn’t have feelings for her, but still hoped she would. And that trait was very human of her anyway. “I can’t love her… and that made her…”


Not finishing the sentence, Jessica then tried to finish it for her, “Hurt you?”


“I can understand it… but I’m scared…” Upon hearing this, Jessica reached for her best friend’s hand. “I’ve,” she paused as she looked Jessica in the eyes, “never seen Yuri like that,” she finished with fright written on her face. “I hurt her, I know that, but I’m still scared.” Something told Jessica that it wasn’t just a slap and she wanted to confront Yuri about it. But she knew she was the last thing Yuri would want to see right now.

“What will you do if she comes back here?”  The fear in Taeyeon’s eyes were evident, and Jessica hated looking at it. Without letting go of Taeyeon’s hand, Jessica fished for her phone that was in her back pocket. She dialed the VIP’s number for the hotel, and was answered by Mister Chung, which was Taecyeon’s uncle and also the manager that usually dealt with her whims. She informed him that she needs a suite in less than an hour so have it ready, which he said he already had one ready whenever she got there. “You’re staying in a hotel.”


“No. I can’t do that,” Taeyeon shook her head.


She knew Taeyeon just didn’t want to be a burden, but she wasn’t. They still had their friendship that they shared so it wasn’t uncommon, especially for Jessica, to do these kinds of things to the people she loved. “Then what’s your plan if she shows up?” With just silence coming from her best friend Jessica opened her closet and said, “Gather some things.” She then started to put all of Taeyeon’s books in the girl’s tote bag and her laptop in her case. She made sure all her chargers were there too so it would be more convenient for the girl. “You don’t want me to pack your clothes Taeyeon, so hurry.” Because she knew being there wouldn’t be good for her best friend. Her phone, now on the desk, rang and it was a familiar ring tone designated for Tiffany. “Gather your things, I’ll take the call outside.” She quickly walked towards the door and answered the phone. “Hello?”


“So how’s Taeyeon?” Tiffany asked in a concerned tone. “Since you didn’t call, I thought it might be what I thought.”


“Yeah,” Jessica sounded dejected. “She broke up with Yuri.”


“Oh,” was the only thing that Tiffany said.


“Yeah, so I’ll take her to the hotel.”




Jessica sighed as she closed her eyes. “I can’t leave her here since she rooms with Yuri. What if Yuri comes back?”


“Isn’t that a good thing so they can talk?” Tiffany said.


“I don’t think they should talk right now. I mean, Yuri did slap Taeyeon and she’s really scared of her right now.”



“Yeah,” Jessica said as she looked down on her feet. “It , but I can’t just leave her alone.”




“I’ll have something delivered there for our dinner once I drop Taeyeon off, okay?”




“I might be there in less than two hours. I still have so many things to do.”


“I know. But I’ve read it all and started on working them.”


“Oh? Don’t strain yourself. Bye, I love yo---”






“Why don’t you just have Taeyeon stay her for the time being?”


“What?!” That never even crossed her mind since it felt as though things would just be awkward for the three of them if they had to deal with this together. “Why?”


“I’m sure Taeyeon wouldn’t want to be alone, you know? We were broken once…”


“But, I mean, no. Impossible. Tha---”


“It’s fine. She can use my room and I’ll stay in yours.”


There was no way Jessica would let anybody else stay in the room she created for Tiffany. Especially her former love. That just wasn’t logical, and it seemed as though it would hurt Tiffany. She might be the one suggesting it but she also wouldn’t let her girlfriend do that. “That’s ju---”


“Come on, Jessica. When I was broken, you were there for me. When you were, Hyomin was. Shouldn’t we be there for Taeyeon?” Tiffany sighed. “Even though you had feelings for her, I know you don’t anymore. So let’s be the good friend that we are and support her.”




“I don’t want to be the reason for you to hold back on your best friend, Jessi. I love you, and I trust you.”


“Fine. But she’s staying in my room or the master bedroom. I’ll stay in yours. I took so much time building your room to let anybody in there.”


Tiffany giggled. “It’s not like you actually built it with your own hands.”




“I’m kidding. I love you.”

“I love you, too. Okay, I’ll just call to get some food delivered there. Anything in mind?”


“Pizza’s fine, but ask Taeyeon fist. Bye.” The line ended.


Jessica then walked back in the room and saw Taeyeon packing. “Change of plans, you’ll be staying with us, if you’re fine with that.” She obviously didn’t want to push that idea on her best friend since she wouldn’t want her to be uncomfortable. But they were clearly done with whatever it was they felt before, and this was completely friendly. That was settled and there was nothing more to it. “Tiffany just suggested that you shouldn’t be alone. I think she has a point.”


“Tiffany? She’s fine with it?”


“Yeah. She said we should be a good friend and be with you and support you.” Jessica smiled at Tiffany’s small gesture; she was proud of how mature and caring her girlfriend was, realizing that she was just too deep in love with her, and this just didn’t help. Some people might even call her whipped at this point, but it wouldn’t matter since she was confident. She loved Tiffany, and if people thought that was a bad thing, then they needed to reconsider what they had in life.


“She’s really amazing.” Taeyeon wore a soft, genuine smile on her face. The first she had ever since Jessica saw her that day.


“So stay with us. At least you wouldn’t be alone. Tiffany is loud so I’m sure you’ll be kept entertained. And I leave early every day so at least she won’t be alone. So it would also be nice if you’re there with her.” With this, Jesica hoped it was convincing enough that she wouldn’t be a burden on them. “Yeah?”


Taeyeon nodded  in agreement so with a smile on Jessica’s face, she helped her best friend carry her things to her car, which was parked close by.




“Hi Taeyeon,” Tiffany greeted as the door opened so Tiffany walked to the both of them. She stood in front of Taeyeon, looking her at her face. The red spot earlier was starting to bruise a little. She frowned as she pulled Taeyeon into an embrace. “Welcome.” Jessica just rustled her girlfriend’s hair since she wasn’t greeted. After looking Jessica in the eyes with a soft smile on her face, Tiffany grabbed a bag from Taeyeon, helping the girl.


“You’ll use my room, okay?” Jessica told Taeyeon.


“No! I don’t wanna do that. I’ll take the couch.” Taeyeon shook her head and waved her hands in front of her, insisting they shouldn’t try to accommodate her too much and go out of their way for her.


“It’s really fine. I’ll be in Tiffany’s room.”


“Yeah, plus, honestly, Jessica doesn’t stay there much. She’s usually in her office over there,” Tiffany said as she pointed at a dark-wooden door. “Please don’t feel like you’re imposing.”


“Right?” Jessica smiled as she grabbed Tiffany’s free hand. “You can use the room and it’s comfortable. If not, the master’s bedroom is always vacant. My parents never used it before.”


“No, please stop. This is too much.”

“Then Jessi’s room it is!” Tiffany flashed Taeyeon a smile. “Let’s hurry since the food’s ready.”




Jessica woke up to her alarm so she tapped the nightstand, searching for the item that was making that noise. When she felt the familiar cold item, she grabbed her phone and clicked snooze. Five minutes. She would want to savor that five minutes in bed. She moved as she spread her arm towards Tiffany’s side so she could cuddle with her, but the space was empty. Maybe Tiffany was in the bathroom so she opened her eyes and looked across the room, staring blankly. She wanted to relax for a little bit before getting up and have her day started. She and her girlfriend did sleep really late last night because they did keep Taeyeon company and then after than finished both her school work and office materials. Another long day, she thought.


She went straight to Tiffany’s bathroom to see if it was occupied, but it wasn’t. So she went in to brush her teeth and wash her face before heading out the door to get everything ready, eat breakfast, and have a small chat with her girlfriend since they usually eat breakfast together and enjoy their coffee in the mornings before Jessica had to go to work, and who knew what Tiffany did after that? She might go back to bed, go to study, or whatever. But around seven in the morning when Jessica left, she would still have a couple of hours before her classes started.


When Jessica opened the door, she saw Taeyeon in the dining area, setting the table for breakfast. “Couldn’t sleep?” she asked as she approached and she saw her girlfriend setting the coffee and she could see uncooked bacon and eggs on the counter and a loaf of bread. With one hand, Tiffany had a spatula and was ready to start frying.


“Yeah. I wasn’t really able to sleep, then I heard Tiffany out here so we’ve been talking for awhile.”


“Oh? That’s good then.” Jessica walked to Tiffany as she puckered her lips, waiting for her girlfriend to kiss her. Tiffany had a distorted face, as though smelling something foul. “Hey! I brushed my teeth! So quit lying!” Tiffany laughed and kissed Jessica’s lips. It was a simple thing they do in the morning, but it put them in a good mood throughout the day.


“Hey, Taeyeon, how do you want your eggs?” Jessica asked.


“Sunny side up with a little pepper is fine.”


“Oh?” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon. “Easy. That’s like how Jessica likes it so I mastered it.”


“Oh? How about your coffee? Still the same?” Jessica asked her former roommate.


“Yeah, not too sweet.”


“Just make her the same as mine then.” She then kissed Tiffany’s cheek before telling them she’ll start showering so she could get ready since she needs to leave in less than an hour. So she headed back to Tiffany’s room since most of her things she needed for today were already there and then headed for the bathroom, turning on the shower to warm and stepping in.


After showering, Jessica was in her bathrobe as she headed outside to have breakfast with them. “Hurry up,” Tiffany said. “The food’s gonna get cold.”


“No it won’t.”


“Tayeon might be hungry! Hurry!”


“Yeah, yeah.” Jessica brushed it off as she sat beside Tiffany. “I really love your coffee.”


“It is delicious,” Taeyeon commented as she took a sip from her cup.


“Stop making me blush, guys. Start eating.”


“Oh, Taeyeon, you’re lucky Tiffany can cook the bacons now without it being burnt.” Jessica laughed.


“Hey! Don’t tell her that!”


“What? It’s still good,” Jessica blankly looked at her girlfriend. “Well, then again, bacon is bacon.”


Taeyeon giggled, causing the couple to look her way. “You guys are so cute.”


“Right?” Jessica flashed a smile, happy that that was said about them. Because her girlfriend is the cutest. Jessica began eating so she started by poking the egg’s yolk and began cutting it to pieces and then mixing it. She grabbed a toast from the center, where the rest of the excess foods were, and placed some of her eggs on it and taking a bite. She was going to compliment Tiffany with her cooking, even though it was just eggs, she was thankful for her girlfriend for doing this for her. When she looked at Tiffany, she saw that she was watching Taeyeon eat.


“You guys do eat the same way, huh?” she said to neither Jessica nor Taeyeon. It seemed like a mindless comment. “That’s pretty cool.” She wore a smile on her face as she looked towards Jessica’s way, surprised that the blonde was watching her all along. “What? You’re gonna say something cheesy again?” she giggled and then raised her hand, wagging her finger at the blonde. “Not this morning.”


“What? Nothing. Go eat some more,” Jessica said. “You, too, Taeyeon.” And they started talking about Jessica’s schedule and how things work when going to to school since Tiffany usually drove Jessica’s car to school so they could use that on their way back at night instead of having Charlie or another driver wait for them that late. Once done eating, Jessica gave Tiffany a kiss on the forehead after she wiped with the table napkin. She placed her plate in the dishwasher and went back to Tiffany’s room to get dressed and ready for the day at work. She also made sure she packed clothes for school since she wouldn’t want to seem like a teacher in training in their university if she walked there in her corporate attire.


Soon after getting completely ready, it was already seven o’clock and she heard the doorbell ring, and she knew it was charlie already waiting for her. “Good morning,” he greeted Tiffany and then bowed.


“Morning, Charlie.” He then saw Taeyeon and bowed towards her direction, acknowledging her presence. “I’m sure Jessica’s ready and those are the things she have.” She pointed at the bags that were on the couch near the door. Like always, he carried them with ease and bid Tiffany goodbye.


Jessica then hurried after she put her mascara on and wore her blue stilettos on. “Very hot,” Tiffany commented as she leaned on the door while Jessica was checking herself on the mirror, if her skit wasn’t too short and her blazer.

Noticing the pearl necklace’s lock was a bit out of place, Tiffany walked towards her girlfriend and then fixed it for her. A couple of her girlfriend’s hair on the side came loose, but it seemed like it was the style Jessica was going for as her hair was pulled up in a loose bun. Tiffany brushed it a little with her fingers, fixing the loose strands. She soon after twirl her fingers to have them stay together. With a smile on her face, she said, “Too hot. Are you sure you’re going to work?” she said as she held on the ruffles that were attached to Jessica’s shirt around her collar.


“No. I’ll go to a strip club,” Jessica snorted a laugh. “I look like this every morning.”


Tiffany shook her head. “No, your hair’s usually disheveled in the morning. You even have eye boogers, too! Don’t lie and say you look this hot in the morning.”


“Well, after putting on some effort, this girlfriend of yours look this good in the morning then?”


Tiffany smiled at her. “Better,” she said as she gave Jessica a kiss.

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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good