Chapter Twenty-Seven

Soul Searching (JeTi)

I just finished this minutes ago...and decided to post it without editing. I’m tired. I still need to finish a one shot for my friend’s birthday. >< Anyway, enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Seven


"Aren't you tired?" Tiffany asked as she placed a cup of coffee on Jessica's desk in her home office. It worried her since it was already past midnight and the blonde was still working on school work and business proposals that were assigned to her; this had been going on for three weeks now, and she didn’t have any clue on how to make her stop. "You should rest, you know?" she said as she  placed a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder, massaging it a little.


For someone who was just twenty-one, Jessica had so much on her plate but she knew she had to chew this since it was for her future with Tiffany anyway. She looked at Tiffany with a smile on her face and told her to go warm the bed for them since it would probably take her awhile since she had to finish her report first and then start her thesis paper. Midterms were less than two weeks from now so she didn’t have time to idle around.


"Let me write it," Tiffany offered.


That just wasn’t right for Jessica to have her girlfriend write her school work for her, so she shook her head with a smile on her face and said, "Thanks, but we can't do that." Tiffany then sighed as she reached for Jessica's glasses, taking it off. "What? You don't like me with glasses? My eyes dry up with my contacts on for the whole day, you know?" she stated as she leaned forward and then pulling Tiffany in for a hug, resting her cheek on Tiffany's stomach. How she missed being with Tiffany and just not having to worry about anything. Honestly, she was convinced that she was a really bad girlfriend to Tiffany since they weren't able to go out as much as they both wanted; however, she planned on spending the whole day with her tomorrow since they were both free.  


"Jes--" with this call, she felt like Tiffany would pull out so she hugged her a little bit tighter.


"Let's stay like this for a little bit," she said as she slowly closed her eyes, trying to take in the moment. "I really need this," she continued as she snuggled comfortably. Today may be hectic, but she was sure she would have a great time with her girlfriend tomorrow, and that was why she didn’t mind being busy today.


"You know, Jessi," Tiffany placed her hand on the top of Jessica's head, it with her thumb as though meant to soothe. "I hate the fact that you're always busy and I'm not doing anything for you."


Hearing this, Jessica opened her eyes and said, "Bu--"


"Whenever I'm in trouble, you're there for me. You gave me so much and I feel like I have given you nothing," she said.


Knowing that Tiffany wasn't comfortable with the situation, Jessica thought to herself, pondering. It was true that she had done things for Tiffany that others wouldn't for their girlfriends; however, it simply wasn't like that. Just the mere presence of Tiffany gave Jessica so much that she didn't even need to do anything. Had Tiffany realized how much she had changed simply because Tiffany was there for her? But from a good standpoint, had she been in Tiffany's shoes, she probably would feel the same. If she was the one staying at home, whilst Tiffany went to work and school at the same time, she would definitely feel horrible. "I'm sorry you feel like that," she said as she brushed her hands on Tiffany's arms and then finding her hands, intertwining their fingers. "Maybe you should help me with some of the business proposals then? I mean, one day, you'll be working with me, right?" She looked up with a smile on her face, trying her best to be fair in this situation.


Tiffany smiled softly at her seeming content with with proposal and said, "Good. I really want to help. So, how about you go to bed now and we'll start on these tomorrow?"


"We have a date tomorrow," Jessica reminded her.


"After the date, duh?" Tiffany snarkily said.


Finding this remark cute, Jessica raised her hand and tapped Tiffany's nose with her index finger. Before she could even say anything, Tiffany then said, "Come on. You've been neglecting me for days now. You know the bed's cold when you're not there." Jessica looked at the pile she needed to work on, and then back at Tiffany, who was now pouting almost as though begging. “Don’t let me be on my knees and beg,” she continued.


“I’ll die first before I let you do that.”Jessica smiled at her girlfriend, closing the laptop behind her. “I’ll work on those tomorrow.”




Jessica couldn’t be happier today. She and Tiffany had lunch that afternoon at a famous American restaurant in Gangnam, obviously enjoying the food. To Tiffany, this was a piece of home and Jessica liked the smile on Tiffany’s face every time she took a bite of the meatloaf she ordered. After that, the two of them strolled the mall and surprising enough they didn’t buy anything. Her girlfriend made her promise that she wouldn’t buy anything today, which Jessica complied. Tiffany made a valid point, bringing up the fact that her mother just sent in two suitcases full of clothes and accessories from Paris. After walking around, trying to see what was new and what Tiffany liked so she could take note of it, they ended up watching a movie. It was Tiffany’s pick so it was some cliche movie with the damsel in distress needed her prince charming, and then there was some confusion for its , but loved prevailed. Truthfully, Jessica wasn’t a fan of the movie, but at the same time she couldn’t deny that life was somewhat identical to movies. Although, in life, it didn’t have that mountain like struggles, it was more like a spinning wheel; sometimes, one was at that top whilst some parts of one’s life would be at the bottom, just trying one’s best to crawl its way back at the top, only to be wheeled back down again. Jessica compared the cliche stories to her life, and somehow, some actually fitted well. She fell in love with the wrong person, there was a huge misunderstanding between them, her friend turned up to be the girlfriend of that person she loved so she drowned herself in sorrow, but, like in the movies, there would always be that bright light after the tunnel. She looked at her girlfriend, sitting in front of her as she merrily took bites of her frozen yogurt. Tiffany was her light at the end of that tunnel she crawled herself out of. Was it worth it? Of course it was. The smile on her face proved so. Her job now was to be the best girlfriend in the world, so they wouldn’t hit rock bottom - beyond salvation. She knew they would probably have their share of fights in the future since they didn’t have one yet; however, she would never let go of that hand that took her at her lowest - that helping hand that erased her doubts on love.


Out of nowhere, Tiffany laughed causing Jessica to cut her train of thoughts. Cocking her head to the side with a soft smile on her face, whilst being supported by her fist as she rested her elbow on the table. “What’s so funny?”


“All we really did was eat today.” She giggled.


Still with a smile on her face, Jessica then said, “You’re right. But we don’t really have much to do sinc---”


“I really enjoyed it,” Tiffany said with a grin on her face, obviously contented with their day. “Today, we seemed like broke collegians. I like it.”


Jessica snorted a laugh, but not able to contain it so it broke out to laughter. “So you wanted to play peasant?”




“If you just wanted normalcy, I guess we can do it from time to time, but at the same time that’s not us anymore.” Jessica then shrugged. “What part of this relationship is normal?” Because that was the truth. They first started with this feeling of hate towards each other; then Jessica being herself wasn’t able to just leave Tiffany when she was crying in the parking garage so she ended up comforting her; from that they ended up being fast friends since they were both broken; after everything, they fell for each other, lived together, and finally ended up together. What part of that was normal? What part of Jessica was normal? By definition, that word sounded very boring, and the blonde truly didn’t like it.  However, if it was what her girlfriend wanted, she didn’t mind that at all. After all, she really believed she wasn’t the best girlfriend out there, and she tried to be. At least, she was building to be someone fit for Tiffany - one that would be able to take care of all of Tiffany’s needs without the help of her family. She wanted those around her that with Tiffany around, she definitely was a better person, which was the case anyway.


“You’re right. But sometimes, it’s just nice to relax like this, right?” she looked Jessica in the eyes as she answered. Jessica smile, but was accompanied with a sigh. She gave up. At this point, even if Tiffany would tell her the moon was actually square, she would believe her wholeheartedly without any doubt in her mind. It was amazing that her girlfriend could do this to her, but she didn’t complain; in fact, she welcomed this feeling with open arms.


“I love you,” Jessica said out of nowhere.


“What’s with this? Sometimes, it just amazes me that you can just pick up random moments to be mushy,” Tiffany said as a hint of pink tainted her white cheeks.


Jessica grinned at her. “I feel like I don’t say it a lot, that’s why. I just don’t want you to forget that I’m madly in love with you.” And with her busy schedule, she wouldn’t be able to prove her love, right? Even if she was working so hard for Tiffany and their future, her girlfriend still needed to know how special she was. The office work was eating up all of their possible time together, but doing so would mean nobody would give Tiffany a hard time in the future, and that was a good thing.


“How’s Jooyeon and Kahi, by the way?” Tiffany asked.


Of course Tiffany would avoid the issue. She was always shy whenever Jessica randomly professes her love. “They’re doing fine. Busy at work.” Jessica then reached her freehand across the table and then tapped Tiffany’s nose with her finger. “Don’t change the subject,” she said in a cheerful tone; her chin was still rested on her palm; her gaze still on Tiffany. “I just feel like if I don’t do this, you’ll end up getting tired of always being alone.”


“And leave you?”


With a soft look, almost a frown, on Jessica’s face, she then said, “You just might. But I hope you don’t.”


“Silly, if I’m planning on ditching you, I won’t be applying in a university in New York for my master’s program.”


“You are?!” Jessica asked; her eyes wide open. She didn’t expect her girlfriend to be already planning that much ahead.


“You told me you’re studying there next year, right? So obviously, I’d want to be with you. It was your mom who suggested to further my studies, maximizing my potential is what she called it.”


“My mom really likes you, huh?” Jessica smiled brightly. “No, really, I think she talks to you more than she does with me.” Which was the truth. When the woman sent the presents over, it was to Tiffany that she spoke with. She even called or sent an email sometimes to Tiffany, which was very rare for Jessica, not that she actually mind. Her parents loving her girlfriend was actually a great plus in this, so she had no complaints.


“We just end up talking about you, you know,” Tiffany said. “She was basically telling me to always nag you to rest.”


“I do rest.”

“Sure you do.” Tiffany rolled her eyes at her.


“So, which universities did you apply to?” Jessica asked.


“For New York, I applied at NYU, Columbia, and Cornell. Since I’ve only planned this two weeks ago, I want to see my options so I also applied at Stanford, Brown, and Berkley. I’m also thinking of going to USC since my parents are from there.”

“Great schools. I’m sure they’ll all want you there.” Jessica then sighed. Which university was she really going to attend? She had been preparing for NYU and Columbia, but she still didn’t know which ones to pick. If she picked somewhere far from her mother, she might end up hurt since she had been the one nagging Jessica to study in the United States. “I hope we can both get into Columbia.”


“Is what your first choice?”


“Well, yeah. A really great school. It’s good for my resume.”


“Like you need it. You own the place.” Tiffany laughed.


“But the board of directors will still have an issue if I don’t study in a good school and then one day be a CEO,” she answered with a sigh. “But I don’t mind going to New York to study if you’re there. At least, there, we’ll have a real college love life, right?”


“That’s like the drama Love Story in Harvard!” She squealed. “Oh my gosh, I loved that show! One of my favorites. We can be like that.”


“Huh?” Jessica raised her brow, not being able to follow her girlfriend.


“It’s about these law students in Harvard, and they fell in love but you know they had some struggles because the lead girl was sick and so the guy was heartbroken, but love still prevailed,” she finished with another, softer, squeal.


“I’m not following. But if it means having to spend more time with you in campus, then yes. I look forward to it.”


“Of course! Me, too.” Tiffany then looked at her watch and said, “I think we should go. Our appointment’s in thirty minutes.” She reminded Jessica that they needed to get their nails done. So the blonde got up her seat as she hung her bag on her shoulders. She then grabbed the cup of her frozen yogurt, barely touched, and then she reached her hand out to Tiffany. After cleaning the table, they threw everything in the bin and walked off hand in hand. “What color are you getting?”


“No clue. Any suggestions?”


“Pink!” Tiffany answered right away.


“Why did I even bother asking?” Jessica laughed.


“Want me to drive?” Tiffany asked.


Jessica simply shook her head and said, “No. I’ll drive.” To avoid any rebuttal from Tiffany, Jessica opened the passenger seat for her girlfriend, waiting for her to get in. Tiffany looked at her for a second, still contemplating whether she should comply or not so Jessica then said, “It’s pampering my girlfriend day today.”


“You’re really sly,” Tiffany said as she got in the car.


“What?” Jessica acted as though she was offended.


“Nothing. Let’s go and we’ll be late. I’ve been looking forward to getting our nails done together.”


When Jessica was on the driver’s seat, she then said, “We’ll get matching ones then. Baby pink?” She suggested as she the car and started driving.


“Yes! And maybe some sakura flowers on some,” Tiffany suggested.


Jessica just smiled and said, “Whichever you want.” Since she wasn’t really picky on her nails, she didn’t care. As long as Tiffany wouldn’t beg her to dye her hair pink, she wouldn’t really mind. Plus, she liked seeing the smile on Tiffany’s face. They rarely get to see each other nowadays so moments like this would be considered a treasure.

They both then started talking about their classes in school since they were both taking different ones, it was fun to catch up, whilst Tiffany complained about her lazy professor, who didn’t do anything but assign work. But there were professors like that, and they really couldn’t do much about it and they weren’t the type to go and file a formal complaint with the dean or the head of the department. “If you ever need to take that class just go with a different professor,” Tiffany warned.


“I’ll remember that.” Jessica said as she laughed. Her phone started ringing so it appeared on the navigation screen that Taeyeon was calling since the device was connected via bluetooth. Jessica then pressed the call button and greeted, “What’s up, Taeyeon?”


“Are you busy?” Taeyeon’s voice seemed low, almost as though she had a cold.


“I’m on a date with Tiffany right now. We’re driving. Why? What’s up?”


“Hi Taeyeon,” Tiffany greeted.


“Oh? Hi Tiffany. Sorry for calling in the middle of your date,” Taeyeon said and was accompanied by a sniff.


“Do you need anything?” Jessica asked.


“No. It’s fine. Enjoy your date. I was just calling to check on you both.” Taeyeon softly laughed, but then she sniffed once more.


“Are you sick?” Tiffany asked in concern.


“Yeah. You sound odd,” Jessica added. “Is there something wrong?”


“Nah. Nothing” She sniffed again. “I’ll let you get back on your date. Have fun.”


“Oh, okay. It sounds like you’re coming down with something so rest, okay?” Jessica said.


“Sure thing. Bye.”


“Bye.” Jessica clicked the end call button on her steering wheel.


“Weird. She sounded like she was crying,” Tiffany said as she looked at Jessica in concern. The blonde then looked at her with an uncertain look, almost as though confused. “I think she’s crying.”


“She’s probably just sick. Your mind’s just overly active, Tiffany,” Jessica said as she parked the car in front of the nail salon.


Tiffany sighed. “No, I really think she’s crying and she needed her best friend there.”


“What if there’s really nothing? If she needed me, she would tell me, right?” She then turned off the engine and opened the door.


“Are you just doing this to try not to hurt my feelings?” Tiffany asked, concerned if Jessica was playing dumb, but the blonde wasn’t. She believed her words: If Taeyeon needed her, the girl would have said so like before.


“What are you talking about?”


“Go and check on Taeyeon. I’m fine with it.”


Jessica closed her eyes and said, “There’s nothing to check, Tiffany. Why can’t we just continue this day?”


“But what if she needs you?”


“What if she doesn’t?” Jessica’s tone was somewhat hinted of annoyance.


“Then that just meant you did your part as a best friend,” Tiffany placed it simply.


“And neglect my part as a girlfriend in the process? No,” Jessica countered. She was rarely free nowadays, and Tiffany wanted her to stop today and check on Taeyeon? Why? Yuri was there anyway to go and do that. She was there to take care and pamper Tiffany, and that was what she wanted to do. “Tiffany, I don’t want to not continue today. I don’t want my gi---”


“I’ll always be your girlfriend. I won’t feel like you neglect me. But at the same time, I don’t want our friends to think that we’re only thinking of ourselves.”


Jessica sighed. “But I am. I’m thinking of you all the time.”


Tiffany chuckled, reached her hand out, and pointed at the start engine button. “Go. We’ll get our nails done some other time. Drop me home and then I’ll start reading your proposals at work. Once you get back, we’ll have dinner and work on those together, deal?”


“Do I have a choice?” she asked dejectedly.


Tiffany simply shook her head with a smile on her face. “Now drive.”




Here you go! :) Another update! I’ve been on a roll~ Hahaha! I even updated Let Her Go (only available on AsianFanfic… here’s the link: LET HER GO (JeTi)) just a couple of days ago. :) Like literally, 2 days ago. haha


Anyway, hope you liked it. :) It’s kinda of short but some things happened, which is nice. :)


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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good