계약~ Contract

용문신 ~ The Dragon Tattoo

Taemin scaled down the wall in a single, fluid motion, not bothering to take the swirling stairs that lead to the underground prisons. His expert eyes skimmed through the corridors, and noticing an ajar door, he grinned and slowed down into a stop. He shook his head lightly and took an alternative route across the corridor, confidence and the aura of dominance shrouding his form. He knew where Onew was heading to, and he planned to make use of the chance to his advantage.


He felt a spark going through his body in pleasure.


‘…You’re mine.’




Onew rushed through the dimly lit corridor, hitting himself mentally to have taken the stairs to the UNDERGROUND out of all the places he could go. He could have gone out towards the exit, or even to the back door, but no, he just had to go into this creepy basement with a scary boy (who looked ready to kill him) chasing after him.


He turned a sharp corner and was shocked to find himself stepping on luxury carpet. Heavy silk curtains hung from the high ceilings, and looking up, he saw huge chandeliers, casting a soft light around the circular hall he ended up in. Onew slowed into a halt as the hall ended, with several smaller corridors leading in to different directions. Panic started to suffocate him as he could swear that footsteps were echoing from the corridor behind him. He quickly ran towards the nearest exit, not paying any attention to the bright lamp next to the arc, lighting up the small sign:


‘Room 27; Free Taken’




Kibum growled as he blocked the blonde’s attack, wincing as his bruises came in contact with Jonghyun’s leg. With all of his previous confidence gone, he snapped his form back, silently assessing his numerous injuries around his body. He had been way too idle the past few years, and his once renown skills and reflexes has dulled down into average.


The blonde tilted his head. ‘Still not willing to follow me?’


Kibum felt a wave of anger flow through him at his placid tone. ‘ me.’


Jonghyun smirked casually and examined his nails – Where was that polite handyman of Taemin he had seen a few minutes ago?


‘I’d love to, really,’ Jonghyun said slowly. ‘But orders first.’


Kibum braced himself as Jonghyun relaxed his body into an attacking stance.


‘Bastard.’ He snarled, his pride ruffled at Jonghyun’s comment.


‘Whatever you say…’







Minho stood calmly, looking into the distance as Jiyong stood in front of him. It was their first meeting in ten years, both avoiding each other as unwanted memories and regrets flooded back to them whenever they saw each other. Minho felt his heart throb painfully as he remembered his sister as he finally looked towards the one other person alive to have known her whilst she was living.


‘… It’s been a long time.’


Jiyong’s boyish face looked solemnly into his, the corners of his mouth pulling slightly in effort.


‘Ah yes… A long time...’


Minho looked at the mass of dark clad men behind the small figure in front of him and chuckled. He could see that Jiyong had scraped every one of the men available for him to take. Jiyong noticed this and smiled in return as he gathered the huge amounts of men beside Minho.


‘Are we ready? I apologize for this abrupt situation - it was my miscalculation.’


Minho shook his head. ‘Might as well get it over with as quick as possible, no? It came in perfect time.’


Jiyong searched the sculptured face for any misconceptions, but when he found none, he reached into his suit pockets and pulled out a small knife, appraising the sharp edges as he flicked it open. He slowly pulled up his shirt sleeves to reveal a colourful and frightening tattoo of a crimson dragon, wrapped around his slim arm gracefully. Minho raised his eyebrows in surprise.


‘You’re really going to do it yourself?’


‘Use a representative if you want, but I deem this contract important enough to do it personally.’


Minho chuckled, and started to roll up his right shirt sleeve.


‘I was thinking that also.’


A vibrant green dragon stood out in contrast to Minho’s startlingly pale arms, its expression comparatively solemn and reflective to the one of Jiyong’s. The slit golden eyes reflected in the setting sun, dampening into a red hue.


Jiyong smiled at his silent respect and brought the knife closer to his arms. He carefully slashed across the crimson tattoo, leaving an even redder line behind its sharp trail. He examined the wound and nodded in satisfaction.


‘That should do.’


Minho dipped his head once, and took the knife from Jiyong’s hands. He too slit his entire tattoo, the green contrasting fiercely against the angry red. He turned to the men surrounding the two of them, most of them watching in confusion and surprise – they all knew what this meant.


‘I know that this sudden development is unsettling, but a contract is a contract –’ Jiyong’s cold eyes skimmed the entire group. ‘If anyone disobeys this, I will personally make sure that you crave the peace of death.’


Minho fought to keep his laughter in as he saw everyone freeze to Jiyong’s silent words, their expressions conveying that they all saw truth in the threat.


Jiyong carelessly wiped the spilling blood with his hands and closed his eyes.


‘It’s a done deal.’


Minho smiled.


‘It is indeed.’





Note to people who haven't read 'History~ A prequel' - the story behind Minho and Jiyong is in this fic :3 I still haven't finished it -_______- even though its really short..... I fyo're confused, you should check it out ^^



SIGH - I apologize again and PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE - (even though this chapter is below my standards =____=) It was extremely rushed.... I normally take twice as long....

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Chapter 23: hi I've been wondering if there is a possibility of you continuing this fic one day? I've been a long time follower of this fanfic, and I love the plot is really interesting! I hope to hear a reply from you! no rush tho for updating this fic I've just been wondering! have a good day ^^
seems interesting
This is totally DAEBAK!
A story of epic proportion!
And absolutely addicting!
Are you ever gonna update? I wanna find out more. Addicted to Taemin and Onew and everything!
i really like this story :D
nice storyline! im totally hooked!
do up date soon ya :)
Update sooon <3 really missed this fic didnt rad in a long tme XD
Please update!
I love it !~<br />
Please update soon ~
When will you update :(