Eighth Chapter

Wicked Fate by Kenzo


Battle lines

It was a normal day again for Dara. The clinic was teeming with people and Ji Yong’s office remained the quietest area in the whole building.

“I have someone in my room who needs to be seen by a doctor” she told him as she opened the door and found him doing crossword puzzles again.

She would have scolded him again but she noticed that he looked more of a doctor today (he didn’t have the leather jacket on and his legs weren’t hoisted up that desk) and Dara thanked the heavens that he was at least coming around – even a little.

“And?” he asked without looking up from the puzzle.

“And you’re a doctor” she answered.

“Really?” he finally looked up and commented on his empty surgery “I hadn’t noticed.”

“This is Jeju” she answered “and people will take a little time getting used to the idea of you being a doctor now. I daresay none of them expected it. The haenyeos were welcoming to you so give everybody else some time. Anyway, will you see Ching Sa’s son, Hojo?”

“Hojo” he uttered. The young boy was one of the kids he played soccer with last weekend. “I didn’t know he was Ching Sa’s son.”

“His face has developed quite a rash. It’s an allergic reaction but I don’t know what caused it. Ching Sa has been giving him anti-allergens but it hasn’t gone away and she’s frightened.”

“She always did have a tendency to overreact. I remember she hurled a shoe at me once.”

“You probably deserved it.”He smiled “I probably did. So what do you think Nurse Park? Paranoid mother?”

Dara shook her head “I think it’s something that needs looking at. Hojo’s never developed a rash and it’s on his face. I just can’t understand what could be causing it since he’s not allergic to any kind of food.”

Ji rose to his feet “Ching Sa is not going to suddenly hurl another shoe at me when I go to your room is she?”

“Depending on what it is you did to her… that remains to be seen” she answered and led the way.

Ching Sa looked up as soon as they entered the room “Dr. Kwon.”

“Ching Sa” his greeting was cursory, his eyes now on Hojo. The boy had a rash that covered almost half of the right side of his face. “Hey Hojo!” he bent down to be at the same level as the kid “How are you feeling?”

“I feel itchy” the boy complained and sniffed.“Well… let’s see what we can do about that”

He studied the rash in silence, his coffee eyes carefully scrutinizing.Ching Sa was looking at him “Are you going to tell me that I’m over-reacting?”


Ji shook his head “You were right to bring him in” and then he looked at her “Nurse Park told me that this is the first time he’s developed any kind of rash.”

Hojo’s mother nodded.

“Since when has he developed this?”

“I think it began on Sunday night and then I’ve had him drink anti-allergens but it won’t go away.”

Ji nodded “Do you apply anything on his face?”


“Did you guys go on vacation somewhere?”

“We haven’t left Jeju.”

“Is there anything new in your home that he has come in contact with?”

“New?” Ching Sa’s mind was turning like clockwork. “I bought him a cellphone on Monday but how could that cause this?”

“Do you have his phone here?”

“It’s here” Ching Sa said and produced the phone.

Ji looked at it and saw that it’s an LG VX8350. “This phone was tested for nickel content and it proved positive in the camera and keypad area. You might not have known this but it seems Hojo is allergic to nickel.”

“He is? What am I going to do? Why did it show now?”

“Boys don’t normally wear earrings and bracelets that have nickel that’s why he must never have had contact with it until now but don’t worry this allergy can be healed by normal anti-allergens. You just had a problem previously because he still kept using the phone.” Ji gave her back the phone.

“Wow” Ching Sa reacted.

“I’ll give Hojo antibiotics.”

“Will those work?”

“They should” Ji answered “and then continue with the anti-allergens. Make sure that he doesn’t come in contact with this phone again.”

“I’ll do that” Ching Sa slipped the prescription in to her bag and then looked back at him in hesitation “Uhmmm… Thank you Dr. Kwon… I really wasn’t sure about seeing you.”

“No surprise in that” As cool as ever, Ji walked towards the door “Make sure to make an appointment with Seunghyun in three days so he can check whether the medications working.”



“Why do we need to see Dr. Choi? Won’t you be available Doctor?”

“Well… with what’s going on I’ll probably be free” he answered “However, patients need to trust their doctor.”

“I agree” Ching Sa answered “and I trust you now. So… we’ll see you in three days ok?”Ji nodded and Dara watched as Ching Sa and Hojo left her office.

“I think you’re a hit Dr. Kwon” she told Ji “When word goes around, your surgery will be crammed with patients.”

“And I’m supposed to be happy about that?”

“No. But I’m going to be happy about it” she answered, trying not to smile at the prospect.

Unable to help himself, Ji walked towards her and smiled wickedly when he saw her eyes widen as he went nearer.

“What are you doing???” she asked in trepidation.

Ji went to a full stop almost just a foot away from her and continued to smile “I keep thinking why you seem to always get a kick out of making things difficult for me… the last person who did that ended up confessing the she had feelings for me.”

“Well I’m not going to do such a thing” Dara told him – an eye for an eye.

Ji’s smile didn’t waver and Dara felt irritated at his arrogance. He walked away from her, still with that smile and bid her goodbye.

“The nerve!” Dara huffed as her heart beat erratically. Up close, he looked even more handsome but Dara was not going to let herself be swayed by that. She was going to make sure she’ll wipe away that smug grin from his face… whatever she had to do.


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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 59: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/277432/59'>FIFTYFIFTH CHAPTER</a></span>
3rd time...still the best ever
Chapter 59: What a beautiful story! I love Dara and Jiyong's characterization here. However, I feel bad that Jay wasnt able to get a closure from Dara. He was a good guy *sigh*
Chapter 59: Re-reading for the nth time sincebthis story was finished... Until now it is still a wonderful piece to read. <3
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 59: 2nd time...still the best
RaiNa7017 #5
Chapter 59: Im cryin right now omg
Kyaaaaaaa i love this ff
vee_99 #6
Chapter 2: wew
vee_99 #7
I can't count how many times I'm re-reading this stort?
Unixai21 #8
Chapter 59: Awwts such a sweet story.. I loved it.. Thank you authornim
Chapter 1: Oh that was an awkward encounter..
Chapter 59: Aww.. such a beautiful story. i caaaaan't get enough. :)))
Please write a sequel authornim, but thank you for sharing this with us.