Wicked Fate by Kenzo


The Battle of Kings

“What do you say about backing off the wager and waiting until Dara wakes up” Young Bae asked him for the nth time already and Jiyong knew it was what everyone wanted.

He pressed his lips together and decided not to answer as he began stretching exercises. It HAS been a month since the accident and Dara has been in a coma ever since. Teddy and Suenghyun had done their best to revive her after one of the worst accidents even Jiyong had ever witnessed.

News crews were all over the place and people had even began expecting she was going to die from it but she held on – as silently and as resiliently as she always had. She was a miracle for all of them and her strength was a source of both inspiration and tears.She seemed to tell them all that the Mother Hen was not going down easy.

And now, even with Dara unconscious, everything reminded Jiyong of her and sometimes, he just wanted to rip his heart right out because of the pain but he has to remain strong. He has to believe she will come back or he would lose his sanity.

It was hard already but what made it all the more harder was that he couldn’t look after her the way he wanted. She was engaged to another man and in her final moments, no one knew what was going through her mind when she took that drive to go to him.

“Was it even to go to him at all?” Jay had asked everyone.

The hotshot attorney was not going to make it easy. He guarded Dara almost everyday and would have even taken to blaming Ji for the incident if only he could do so without acknowledging the fact that his fiancé could be in love with another man.

In truth, though, there were nights when he wanted to blame himself too.

“Jiyong, did you hear me?”

He looked back at Young Bae. “I don’t want to back off that wager. I was the one who made it. I won’t break my word.”

“You do know that if you loose to him in the Battle of the Kings, he won’t allow you to ever go near Dara again?” his best friend reminded him.

“I know that” he replied “That’s why loosing is not an option.”

“You have to stop hustling him man” Daesung piped in “Hyung is from the military. I daresay he has the best chance to win this.”

“It’s just that… a lot of things could happen you know. And we have to think about what if he doesn’t?” Young Bae responded seriously.

“Well… you have to help me stage a kidnapping then” he joked to ease off the tension and began sprinting before any of his friends could think of an answer to his jesting.

Thirty minutes from now, the clinic’s Battle of the Kings was going to start and people have started to go out and put up their places on the beach where the last part of the course was going to run because the stakes for this one were too high and too controversial.

Of course, everyone in the island knew it now – they all knew that the famous bad boy had fallen for the island’s sweetest girl.

No one had actually really talked him about it outside of his family but in very small ways, he felt their support and understanding of the predicament he was in. 

In the past month, he had not only begun to bask in his love for Dara but he truly felt how he was a part of the islanders. He received hugs, smiles, and nods of support on a daily basis. The old men and women who he hated for being such gossips often called out to him and opened their houses so he could share food with them.

It was a totally new experience and he couldn’t help but think that in her own way, it was Dara who paved all of this for him.

Everything would have been wonderful, if only, he didn’t have to act like a criminal just to be able to spend time with Dara in her room.

Jay was there almost 24/7 or if not, it was her Aunt or Chaerin.

Both of Dara’s relations now knew of their story but respect demanded for them to recognize Jay’s claim to Dara.

He knew how torn they both were and he didn’t want that for them anymore. Nor did he want the whole hospital staff feeling like they were on tenterhooks just because of the friction between him and the lawyer.

“She’s always had a crush on you since high school, you know” Chaerin had told him one afternoon two weeks ago as he sat beside Dara, holding her hand, and just looking at her face (now healing from the wounds she had sustained). She was sleeping so peacefully and if not for the equipments attached to her body, Ji could have fooled himself into thinking that this was just like any other time when she fell asleep in his arms and he watched her closely.

God…. how he would give everything to have those days back.

“Really?” he asked “She never told me.”

“Well… she’s always been too shy too” Chaerin answered, swallowing back tears as memories of her cousin began to overwhelm her again.

“Would she have said yes if I asked her to the prom back then?” he asked now. How ironic could it be that sometimes, the one you want to spend your whole life with has been a part of it all along?

If only he had known earlier.

“She would have refused you” her cousin answered with a laugh “She was too scared of your girlfriends.”

He laughed at that too. “I would have found a way to persuade her.”

“I daresay you would have” Chaerin agreed “You’ve never really taken no for an answer, oppa.”

Jiyong smiled at that and kissed Dara’s hand. He’d never take no for an answer… most especially not where she was involved.

So, it wasn’t really a surprise to anyone that it had been his idea to propose to Jay to finally battle out their differences in the Battle of the Kings. Jiyong demanded that should he win, he would be able to see Dara anytime and anyday. Jay demanded that should he win, Jiyong was going to leave Dara for good.

Everyone around them had not agreed to this.

Teddy was very persistent in saying that as Dara was in a coma, no one could even predict the kind of damage the accident might have done to her brain and when she wakes up, no one could say at all how she’d decide.

They laid out all the cards to them – she could suffer from amnesia, she could forever be paralyzed, or she could not even wake up at all.

However, if a man in love was as immovable as a mountain, two men in love with one woman were as headstrong as tornadoes.

Being the great negotiator that he was, Teddy had even tried talking to Jay to dissuade him but it was to no avail.

And now, the day has come for that battle. Other members of the clinic had joined in too for everyone now believed that whoever won as King could be showered with luck for a whole year. However, the rules were clear. He and Jay don’t have to win the whole race. They just have to best one another to see who would win in their wager.

He was going to do his best to win this one. It wouldn’t matter if Dara forgot all about him or if she became a vegetable, Jiyong had decided that he was going to give his all to her – she was worth it. She will forever be worth it.


From heaven and back

Dara could hear a voice.

It was soft and familiar and it belonged to one of her greatest friends in the world.

“Seunghyun just called and said they’re starting the Battle of the Kings now” Bom was telling her “Tell me Dara-ssi… how does it feel like to have two very handsome men fighting it out for you? You’ve always teased me about Seunghyun and Nickhun. I guess it’s my turn now to tease you isn’t it?”

Bom’s voice wobbled in the end and Dara knew that her friend was crying.

“It would be good though to be able to tease you about this if you were awake” her best friend continued “I know you’d most probably get back to me with one of those intelligent quips.”

There was movement.

“Aisshhhh” Bom muttered “They told me I should stop crying whenever I see you but don’t they know how hard that is? They tell me to cheer up my voice because you’d respond to that more but I want to cry so what?!?!”

Dara wanted so bad to reach out to Bom and tell her how fine she was. But everything felt so heavy – it was like she had boulders on top of her body and her eyes felt like iron curtains.

“The truth is I don’t care if you don’t wake up for me but I do hope that at least you wake up for Jiyong… I can’t believe how I’ve been so blind to it but how he loves you is beyond amazing. You wouldn’t even recognize him now Dara for when he smiles… he really really smiles. He’s not even in the least shy when he talks about you and more than once, I’ve seen him look wistfully in the air when  you’re name is mentioned. I really really hope you could see him. I bet you’d turn to mush with it too.”

She felt her heart beat go faster at those words… Jiyong?

Was Bom describing Jiyong?

“I once called him Dara’s Jiyong and he turned to me with a smile that could beat any fluorescent light, I wanted to take a picture of it to show you. People have been saying how lucky you are to have him and they added security so that none of his ex-girlfriends could attack you” Bom now joked “ What would be great though was if you woke up for you to see it yourself… it would be great to see the both of you together.”

Bom held her hand and Dara knew she had to squeeze it. She had to do her best to let her friend know she heard everything – that she wanted to see that too. That she wanted to see Jiyong’s smile badly.She put all of her spirit into it.

“Jiyong…” she thought to herself “I must reach him.”

“Oh my God!!!!” Bom screamed as Dara finally felt her hand squeeze her friend’s hand.

She also opened her eyes to meet her friend’s eyes and saw Bom tear up more with happiness as she reached through a receiver to inform everyone. “She’s awake!!! Dara’s awake!!!!”

Dara pressed on Bom’s hand again to take her attention as footsteps began running in the hallway.

“Where is Jiyong?” she manages to whisper.

“He’s out on the beach for the Battle of the Kings” Bom responded as calmly as she could while tears continued to cascade down her cheeks.

“Take me to him” Dara pleaded.

“That’s impossible!” Bom answered in worry “I’ll call them and tell them you’re awake but we have to wait for him here. I won’t allow you to move.”

“I want to go to him Bom” she replied “Please… I want to go to him.”

“Oh my God! You’ve just woken up Dara! You came from a coma. What you’re asking for is dangerous!”

She knew she was asking for the impossible but she had to do it. She really had to and her body had to back her up – just this one time, she whispered in prayer, just this one time.

She inhaled as much air as she could, sat up, and announced to the whole room just as the door opened up to let at least more than half of the remaining staff in “You find a way to take me to the beach or I swear that as soon as I get out of this bed, you will all be doing ER duty!!!”

Yep. The Mother Hen was back. And this time, she was more determined than ever. 

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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 59: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/277432/59'>FIFTYFIFTH CHAPTER</a></span>
3rd time...still the best ever
Chapter 59: What a beautiful story! I love Dara and Jiyong's characterization here. However, I feel bad that Jay wasnt able to get a closure from Dara. He was a good guy *sigh*
Chapter 59: Re-reading for the nth time sincebthis story was finished... Until now it is still a wonderful piece to read. <3
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 59: 2nd time...still the best
RaiNa7017 #5
Chapter 59: Im cryin right now omg
Kyaaaaaaa i love this ff
vee_99 #6
Chapter 2: wew
vee_99 #7
I can't count how many times I'm re-reading this stort?
Unixai21 #8
Chapter 59: Awwts such a sweet story.. I loved it.. Thank you authornim
Chapter 1: Oh that was an awkward encounter..
Chapter 59: Aww.. such a beautiful story. i caaaaan't get enough. :)))
Please write a sequel authornim, but thank you for sharing this with us.