The Joys of Being Wu Fan

Abuse the Boss







Kris could hear the footsteps pattering on the floor around him.

Why can’t they leave me alone?!

He squeezed his eyes shut and buried himself deeper into the covers, trying to get away from the disturbances and fall back to sleep, although he knew there were slim chances of that happening. His suspicions were confirmed when, a minute later, the maids pulled the curtains apart and light spilled into the room. Kris hissed like a vampire and tugged the duvet over his head.

“Go away!” He yelled in Korean.

“Master, you have to get up now! It’s 8.30am, and you have to be at the office by 9.” One of the maids called out to him as she opened his wardrobe and eyeing his collection of suits, while another was setting a glass of juice on his bedside table.

“I’m not going.”

“Master Wu Fan-” Another maid started.

“You’re fired.”

“W-what…?” Her eyes were wide as she stared at the long bundle on the bed. Fired? For what? The other two maids in the room bit their lips as they heard what their boss’ son said.

“You’re fired!” Kris repeated a little louder.

“B-but…what did I do, Master?!” She asked, moving closer to the bed.

“I’m sure I’ve made myself clear numerous times that I don’t like to be called ‘Wu Fan’. If you can't follow simply instructions, you don’t belong here.” He told her.

The maid bit her lip. She was new. She had forgotten. “Master, I’m sorry! I’ll keep that in mind next time!”

“Go away~” Kris moaned.


Kris shot up straight in bed, the covers falling away to reveal groggy, but beautiful eyes, and a pretty mop of blonde, dishevelled hair. His eyes widened as his father glided into the room followed by two of his assistants, his eyes zeroing in on his son, who was sitting up in bed in a white wife-beater.

“Father…” Kris gasped.

It wasn’t often that his father graced his private chamber and when he did, it was bad news.

“You’re still in bed?” His father asked in a disapproving tone.

“I…uh…I was just getting up!” He said, springing out of bed, his stripy boxers on display for everyone to see. The maids gasped and covered their eyes. Kris glared at them, and they dispersed from the room in the blink of an eye. Kris’ father, Wu Lei gave his son an onceover and then sighed.

“Wu fan…” Kris winced at the use of his real name. “Get dressed and meet me in my office in fifteen minutes.” Wu Lei said, pointing at the clock on the wall and then exited the room.

Kris let out a sigh of relief and padded into his en-suite bathroom. He discarded his clothes and stepped into the shower. Five minutes later, he walked back into his room with a towel wrapped around his hips, to find a maid laying out his clothes on his already-made bed for him.

“Get out.” He told her.

She jumped at his voice and turned around. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers as she took his in his dripping, blonde hair; his piercing eyes and his plump, pink lips; his broad shoulders and y collar bones; his long, lean body and defined abs and the beads of water running down his pale, flawless skin, and that towel…



That towel that looked like it was about to fall off any moment.



“YOU’RE FIRED! GET OUT!” His shouting snapped her out of her reverie and her eyes widened even more as his words registered in her brain.

“Again…?” She whispered.

“Again…? Have I fired you before?” Kris was momentarily confused.

The maid realised her mistake. “No, I mean…I…uh…I’m sorry!”

Kris recognised her voice and his eyes widened as he pointed a shaking finger in her direction. “Yooouu!”

“Me?” The made pointed to herself.

“You’re the one who called me Wu Fan!” He exclaimed.

Busted. The maid looked ready to faint. Kris took a step towards her, but before he could do anything, she screamed and fled the room. Bleh…

“I’ll deal with her later.” Kris didn’t have time for erts like her; he needed to go see his father. “It’s so hard being this good looking.” He said while checking his face out in the mirror.

“I know your pain, son.” His mother smiled at him somberly as she came into his room. Both of Kris’ parents were attractive, but it was clear where he got his looks from – Wu Lin, his mother. Her soft, oval face, pale skin, piercing black eyes, small, plump lips and sharp nose had all been replicated in Kris. What had he gotten from his father? – his height and…his eyebrows. Speaking of which...

“Mom…” Kris frowned. “He’s going to make me go to the office again.” He complained in English, speaking of his father.

His mother sighed. She was supportive of her husband and his company, but she didn’t like seeing her son in so much discomfort. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Just try it out for a bit, maybe it won’t be so bad this time round?” She tried to comfort him.

“Of course it will! Just because we are in Korea now, doesn’t mean things will be any different.” Kris sighed, looking at his miserable reflection in the mirror. He had grown up in Canada, but as soon as he had turned 16, his father had pulled him into the company, training him to take over eventually. And Kris hated it. He had been jumping back and forth between Canada and China for five years, and then spent the past two years in China, handling his father’s business, while said father himself travelled the world, expanding his company. Now, finally, after swallowing a fashion company in Korea, he had dragged Kris and his mother here too. He had only been here for 2 months, and he could already tell that the future wasn’t bright for him.

Wu Lin placed a hand on his son’s shoulder and gave him an apologetic look. “I’ll try speaking to him. Now get ready quickly, and once you’re done with your father, come to the dining room, ok? I made some food for you.” She smiled at him.

“Ok, mom.” He told her and then turned around to the bed to see what the y maid had chosen for him to wear.

His mother stopped by the door and turned to look at him. She watched him frown at the clothing on his bed. She had barely seen him smile these past few years, and that saddened her. He couldn’t enjoy his time, and he was still so young, yet his father had already dropped so many responsibilities on him. Due to being pulled into the business at such a young age, he didn’t have the time to experience things that other kids his age had – like going to parties, having a girlfriend, etc. Therefore he was fairly innocent, and pure minded – but too serious all the time. The only time she saw him relax was when those crazy eleven boys, who called themselves EXO, were around. He needed someone else who could make him smile too. Perhaps a special someone…

“Kris?” She called out to him, using his English name. She knew how much he hated being called Wu Fan. He turned to her with a questioning look. “Smile.” She told him and pulled a silly face, before disappearing.

That brought a smile to Kris face, and he shook his head. His mother was so childish at times, but that was one of the many things he loved about her. Her childishness was one of the only things that distracted him from the serious attitude that was expected of him all the time.

Kris threw the suit back into his wardrobe, instead pulling out a white, button-up shirt, and dress pants and dressed quickly. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times, and walked out of his room while slipping his Rolex watch onto his wrist and then rolling up the sleeves. He checked the time. He still had two minutes till his fifteen minute deadline was up. There would be trouble if he was late, but two minutes was enough to get him to his father’s office – especially with his long legs.

With thirty seconds to spare, Kris stopped outside his father’s office, taking in a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that were suddenly crackling through him. He wasn’t surprised at the reaction, though. This was a normal occurrence. He was dreading this. He really was. He knocked on the door.

“Come in.” His father’s voice wafted through the door.

Kris sighed and stepped into the office. The walls were lined with shelves, which were littered with books and various trophies and awards that his father had collected over the years. In the centre of the room sat a polished, black desk, and sitting behind it was the only thing that threatened his freedom.

“Good, you’re on time.” His father remarked. He extended a hand towards the seat across the desk from him. “Sit down.” Kris did as he was told. He always did.

“Have you been enjoying yourself in Korea these past two months?” His father asked, while rearranging some papers on his desk. Kris could tell that he didn’t really care. It was just small talk leading up to the big, serious stuff. Oh yes, I’ve been having the time of my life! That was sarcasm. The only good thing that had come from moving here was that he had made eight new friends, and his friends from China – Lu Han, Lay, and Tao – had moved to Korea too. Other than that, he had been doing nothing but being abused by his father’s secretaries, being filled in on every tiny detail of the new company – from the estimated monthly turnover to the name of the garbage collector. His name is Oh Dong Wan.






. . .






Why do I even remember that?



Kris remembered his father had asked him a question and was waiting for an answer. “Yes, Fùqīn, it’s been great.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear you’ve been having fun.” He didn’t sound very glad.

“But the time for fun is over now.” Fun? What fun?

“You’ll be joining me at the company.”

Kris’ world came tumbling down with those seven words. This is what he had been dreading for the past two months. The reason he couldn’t sleep at night. The reason he was contemplating suicide!

Ok, so it wasn’t that bad. But it was pretty bad.

“Oh…” That’s all Kris could muster.

“However,” Uh oh. From the sound of his voice, Kris could tell this was not going to be good. “I heard what happened in China.” Kris grimaced. Why did people have to report everything?! He would have to find out who reported to his father and fire them. “I’m very disappointed to hear that you have, once again, been pushing all your work onto other people. What am I training you for? I’ve heard the same thing for the past 7 years and it’s getting to be too much. How many assistants have you had since you started working at the company? 97?”

“Actually, it’s 98.” Kris muttered under his breath. His father gave him an unamused look.

“Wu Fan…” Kris winced. He hated how his father insisted on calling him that. Something about how he should be proud of having a surname that means ‘god-like’ and being proud of his heritage. It just sounded stupid to him. “The point is we can’t go on like this. Either they leave because of the stress you put them under, or you end up firing them for some reason. You need to develop a good working relationship with your assistants so that they can support the company, and work towards its betterment.”

“Yes, Father.” He wasn’t really listening. Nor did he care about what his father was saying. He just answered to appease him. He didn’t want to work. He didn’t want to develop a ‘good working relationship’ with his assistants. If things went his way, he wouldn’t have an assistant in the first place. He wouldn’t even be working!

“Now I’m warning you Wu Fan, so you better listen carefully.” That got Kris’ attention. A warning? That was rare. And never good. “If you don’t start working properly, and by working I mean doing your own work rather than pushing it off onto someone else, AND if one more of your assistants leave or you fire them…” He gave Kris a stern look. “I’m going to cut you off from the family. No access to the company, no access to money, no access to the house.”

Kris looked at him with wide eyes. Is he serious?

“I’m serious this time.”

Ok, he’s serious.

“But Father-”

“Do you understand?” Wu Lei didn’t want to hear any ‘buts’ and excuses. He wanted his son to respect and obey his orders. Kris knew as much. He let out a heavy sigh internally, while keeping a straight face.

“Yes, Father.”

“Great.” Wu Lei rubbed his hands together. “Get ready then, we will be leaving for the company in fifteen minutes.”

“We’re going today?” Kris frowned.

“Yes. You’ll be meeting your new assistant today. They should be interviewing the applicants right now.” His father informed him, while getting to his feet and heading to the door. Kris followed him with a frown. A new assistant? He could already imagine the nerdy, snotty creature following him around everywhere, and yapping at his heels. Oh joy.

“And remember, no pushing your work onto them, and no firing, alright?” His father said.

“Yes, Father.”


Kris had no idea what he had just agreed to.


So, we've met Kris now ^^ I know some of the bits in this chapter are repeats of the last, but i did that on purpose because i wanted to emphasize Nori and Kris' similarities but also their differences ^^

Well! Nori and Kris should meet either in the next chapter, or the one after that! So look forward to it! =P


Thank you to everyone who has subbed so far, if i havent thanked you personally, then it's because you're already subbed to my other story so i love you anyway, or because i'm getting confused because of all the notifications that are coming through! But i love you all nonetheless!


Also! If you guys have a little bit of spare my blog post here: K-Pop Star Audition




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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!