First Sight

Abuse the Boss




After leaving his father’s office, Kris had made his way to the dining room.

“Oh, you’re here.” His mother said, coming out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a cloth. Lin Wu wasn’t a house wife, in fact she had a big part in the company but she enjoyed cooking, so she would often cook the main meals of the day.

“Yeah.” Kris mumbled, slumping into a dining chair miserably.

“The food will be coming in just a minute,” She said, sitting down on the chair next to him. “So what happened with your father?” She questioned, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

“He’s taking me to the office again...” Kris sighed, watching a maid place a plate of food in front of him. His mother could tell there was more which he wasn’t saying.

“And?” She prodded.

“He said if I don’t start working, or if I fire anyone else, or they leave…he’s going to cut me off from everything.” Kris looked away and said. Was he really that much of a disappointment to his father? Sure, he was a little lazy and left his work to others, but it was getting done nonetheless, was it not? WAS IT NOT?!

Kris couldn’t believe his father had threatened him that way. He never listened when Kris tried to tell him that this wasn’t what Kris wanted to do. And Kris couldn’t say it anyway. It was his job to do this. “Well, I guess it’s my responsibility to do this, right? After all I am his only child.”

Lin looked at her son with a mixture of sympathy but also pride. She wished for him to be able to live his life how he wanted but she was also proud that he had stuck through all these years doing something that he didn’t enjoy. And he had become responsible over time. It wasn’t a case of him being immature. He just didn’t fit in this career. She smiled at him. He had grown so big! It felt like just yesterday she had been cradling his tiny body in his arms. Who knew a six pound baby would turn into a six foot giant?!

“If it helps, sweetheart, I’ll be working at the new company with you too.” She grinned. Kris whipped his head round to her with wide eyes.

“Really?” He asked incredulously.

His mother nodded her head excitedly. “Of course. It’s a fashion company, and I’m a fashion designer.”

“That’s awesome, Mom! So you’re coming with me today?!” He perked up immediately, a happy smile on his face. Maybe working wouldn’t be so bad if his Mom was with him. Seeing him smile made Lin smile too. But she had bad news for him.

“Not today, Kris. I have some other things to do today, but I will be around tomorrow, and most days after that.” She smiled at him reassuringly. Kris pouted slightly, but then grinned.

“I’m glad you’ll be around.” He smiled at her. Lin ruffled his hair and then told him to eat up since his father didn’t like to be kept waiting.

~ ~ ~

Kris followed his father and his assistants through the new building. He liked it – it was modern and classy, but not too over the top. Kris observed the people around him – his employees.

To be honest, Kris had expected them to be better looking since this was a fashion company. Some of them were ok, but most of them…they weren’t so blessed in the looks department. But he supposed that was the reason they employed models separately.

He wasn’t shallow. No, it wasn’t that at all. He was just….. He….. Yeah, never mind.

They stopped in front of the reception. The receptionist became flustered at the sight of her boss and immediately got up, bowing to Wu Lei and welcoming him.

“Morning, Miss Park.” Wu Lei answered back. “Is my son’s office prepared?” He asked in his broken Korean. Even though he had been here for well over a year, his command of the language was still poor. Even Kris could do better than him, although he had been taking classes in China for moving here.

“Yes, Sir. It’s completely ready. You may go up now if you wish.” She said, motioning for the lift.

“Thank you. Oh and just so you know, this is my son, Wu Fan. From now on, you will most likely be working under him.” Wu Lei moved back, bringing Kris into the receptionist’s sight. Her eyes widened at his unrealistic beauty. How could anyone look that good?! It was unbelievable.


No…she wouldn’t mind working under him at all.


Talking professionally of course…


Kris watched her staring at him. He could literally see where her thoughts were going. Oh joy. He hated when women did that. And they always did that.

She was a plain looking creature. Average looking. Nothing about her stuck out. Actually…upon further examination, she wasn’t even average. She had small, squinty eyes; lips that were a little too big for her face; flat nose and freckled, blotchy skin that was (unfortunately) still visible through her poorly applied make-up. How his father had allowed for this woman to work at the reception, which was the first place their clients’ eyes would fall upon entrance to the building, was beyond Kris.

He shuddered at the thought of something that looked like this woman following him around all day. It wasn’t long now until he met his new PA. Why is life always so cruel? Since she wouldn’t stop staring, Kris nudged his father’s arm. “Uhh, Father, shall we get going?”

“Yes, of course. Come.” His father started walking again. His assistant raced in front of him and pressed the button on the lift. A few seconds later, it opened and they all stepped inside, the assistant pressing the button for the 7th floor.

When the doors opened, Wu Lei led the way for Kris again. They walked through a few corridors, and then reached a hall, where there was a little café and lots of little work stations. The workers all stood up and bowed as Wu Lei and Kris walked past them. Kris was glad his father didn’t stop and introduce him as Wu Fan to all of them. He would perform the introductions himself, later. With the right name.

They walked straight through the hall, and then reached a smaller lobby with a few desks scattered here and there. It had a wall which was completely covered with a picture of a bay. It was uplifting – a change from the monotony of the white walls.

Surprisingly, the people here were decent looking. They would obviously be at the top of the pecking order of this company’s employees. They looked worthy of working at a fashion company, and dressed the part too. They all stood up as soon as Wu Lei walked through the entrance, and bowed 90 degrees.

“Good morning!” They all chimed. There were four girls and two guys, one at each desk. One was empty. And then their eyes moved to Kris. Here we go again… They were fantasizing about him again, he could tell. Even the guys looked that way.

The woes of being good-looking.

He sighed and that brought his father’s attention to him. “Good morning, everyone. This is my son, Wu Fan.” Kris winced. “He will be working as your director from now on.” Wu Lei explained to them. He could see the eyes of the girls lighting up, whereas the men’s darkened. Kris gave them a little bow.

“Nice to meet you, Sir.” They all said together, in a daze.

“Wu Fan, these all are your assistants, however they will rarely be working directly under you. They will most likely be answering to your PA, who will have the first point of contact with you.” Kris would rather he didn’t have any form of contact with any of them. “And these people will be in charge of the people you saw working outside.” Kris nodded in acknowledgment.

“Now, for your office.” He said and started walking forwards. Kris followed him again, feeling the eyes of his assistants glued to his back. They walked a short distance ahead, and Kris saw a box sitting in front of him, the sides lit up with a white light.

“What’s that?” Kris asked.

“This is where your PA will be working.” Wu Lei explained as they reached it. Kris finally saw that it was a small work station. The desk and other office equipment were completely hidden behind the lighted wall.

“I see.” Kris said and then looked towards the wooden door that his father’s assistant was pushing open. He followed his father inside. His PA's work box was right in front of it. Splendid.  He sighed and walked into the office. As soon as he stepped inside, Kris liked it - which was unexpected. There was a cool, calming feel to the air, and the whole style was clean and simple- just how Kris liked it. The walls and floor were white, and the desk and shelves in a dark wood. The furniture was black and sleek. And the view…Kris had a beautiful view of Yeouido and the Han River. Suddenly, the thought of having to work here didn’t seem so bad to him anymore.

“Do you like it?” Wu Lei asked.

Kris gave him a genuine smile. “I love it.”

“I thought you would.” Wu Lei smiled back. “Well, I suppose I’ll leave you to get settled in here. My office is across the lobby if you need me, and if you need something that’s not worth bothering me about, just ask the assistants outside.” There was probably nothing that was worth bothering Wu Lei about, and if there was, he still wouldn’t want to be bothered, so Kris completely disregarded the first part. “You should get to meet your PA soon. Oh,” He turned to one of his assistants. “Please tell Lee Gikwang to bring the assistant to me first before taking her to Wu Fan.” He turned back to Kris. “Well, have fun!”

He clapped Kris on the back and then left with his assistants trailing on his heels. Kris sighed and moved to the sofas at the back of the office, taking a seat and gazing out of the window at the breath-taking view. Now all he had to do was wait for his PA.

Then a thought hit him. There was something else he had to do.


He walked out of his office to the assistants’ lobby. One of the girls he had seen earlier approached him as he neared, flashing him a smile. “Do you need something, Wu Fan sir?” She asked. Kris face immediately soured and he glared at her.

“Let me get something clear real quick.” He said loudly, getting the attention of the other assistants in the lobby. “Only call me Kris, or Sir. If any of you ever call me Wu Fan when my dad is not around…you’re fired. Got it?” He asked, looking down at the assistant who had committed the crime in the first place. Her eyes widened and she nodded.

“Glad you understand.” He sneered. “Now, tell someone to get me a cappuccino within two minutes.” And with that he turned around and went back into his office, closing the door behind him.

The assistant looked behind her to the others with wide eyes and then ran off to do what Kris had told her.



Kris sat down in his office chair and swivelled it around to face the phone on the desk. He jabbed in a number and waited as the phone rang. A few rings later a man picked up.

“Wu Enterprises, how may I help?” He said in Mandarin. His name was Zhang Ling, and had been working at the Chinese branch of the company as receptionist for quite a while now.

“It’s Kris speaking here.” He said. He was recognised immediately.

“Sir! H-how may I help you?” Zhang Ling stuttered.

“Find out who told my dad what happened in China, and tell me within two minutes.” He said.

“Y-yes Sir!” He said and then Kris heard the phone being put down. “The Dragon’s calling! Somebody help me!” Kris heard his voice getting quieter as he ran off. His eyes narrowed down. He was well aware of his pet name. He pretended not to like it, but he was actually quite fond of it. It sounded good. Kris counted down the time on his watch.

Kris was a man who was very aware of time. He liked to work to deadlines, and he liked to have work done within time constraints. He didn’t take it lightly when those deadlines and constraints were violated. Zhang Ling was well aware of this fact.

Exactly two minutes and twenty-four seconds later, Kris heard the phone being picked up again.

“Sir, I found out who it is!” Ling huffed into the receiver.

“Great, put him on the line.” Kris said. Ling did as he was told.

“H-hello, Sir…?” The man asked uncertainly. Kris recognised his voice. He had been one of Kris’ secretaries in China.

“You’re fired.”


“You’re fired. Now give the phone back to Zhang Ling.” There was silence as the phone was passed on.

“I’m ruined!” Kris heard the quiet voice in the back.

“Yes, Sir?” Zhang Ling asked.

“You’re fired.”

Kris disconnected the call. When he said ‘you’re fired’ it was final. There was no arguing it.

Just as he put down the receiver, there was a soft knocking on his door. “Come in!” Kris called out. A scared looking girl came into the room, holding a cup. His cappuccino was here. A whole two minutes late.

“Your coffee, Sir.” She said quietly, placing the cup down on the desk in front of him.

“Thanks.” Kris said, taking a careful sip of the hot liquid. The warmth felt nice going down his throat.

“You’re welcome, Sir.” She said, starting to back away from the desk.

“Are you my assistant?” Kris asked her abruptly, and she stopped.

She looked confused. “No, Sir. Why?”

“You’re fired.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kim Nori threw open the doors to the office and strutted inside. She was about to say something that was bound to get her fired on the spot, but suddenly stopped when an attractive, middle-aged man with angry looking eyebrows looked up at her. His glare was even angrier than his eyebrows.

“Who are you?” He asked in an icy tone. He had an accent to his Korean.

A tiny voice at the back of Nori’s head told her to behave in front of this man. Why? She didn’t know. What she did know was that the little voice didn’t speak to her much, but when it did, it was worth listening to. She immediately put on her innocent face and widened her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Sir! I tripped and fell inside. I didn’t mean to barge in like this.” She lied in a sugary sweet voice and bowed 90 degrees to him. Ow, my back. She wasn’t used to doing this - polite wasn't her style. She straightened up and looked at him again.

“I’m the new PA, Kim Nori.”

The man stood up. He was tall. Really tall. He must have been a good foot above Nori. Her eyed widened even more and this time it was unintentional. She gulped as he came towards her. He wasn’t going to punch her, was he? She wouldn’t be surprised if he tried. She had that kind of effect on people. She took a step backwards. His eyebrows were really scaring her. But they were kind of hot. If only he was younger…


What the hell am I thinking?!


That too about a man her father’s age…


She snapped back to reality when the man opened his mouth again. “The new PA?”

“Yes, Sir!” Nori bowed again and when she straightened up she saw that he was smiling. Damn…if only he was young!

“I see. Kim Nori, was it?” He asked and Nori nodded. “I’m Wu Lei, owner of this company.” He held out his hand.

Wu Lei…so he was Chinese. Nori placed her dainty hand into his and gave it a firm shake.

“A firm grip.” Wu Lei noted. “I like it. It shows confidence. And you seem to have manners too. Looks like Gikwang did a good job of choosing a PA.” He said letting go of Nori’s hand.

She bowed her head and smiled. “Thank you, Sir.” She said. “So will I be working as your PA?” Nori enquired. She hoped desperately that he wasn’t, because for some reason, she didn’t want to mess with this guy. She didn’t know what it was, but her intuition was telling her not to. Maybe because he would go all Kung Fu on her if she did anything weird. She had heard all Chinese were part-time ninjas.

“No, you’ll be working as my son’s PA. Although I’m the owner of the company, I have other things to handle, so my son is CEO, so like I said, you’ll be working for him.” He explained.

Nori let out a mental sigh of relief. Thankfully, she could proceed with Mission Get Fired as normal. “Yes, Sir.”

“Come, I’ll take you to him now.” Wu Lei said. He moved to the door and held it open for Nori. She was actually quite touched at the gesture. Men usually had a habit of throwing her through doors rather than holding them open for her…

“I’m sure you will get along fine with Wu Fan.” Wu Lei spoke. Wu Fan? What a funny name. She bit back the giggle that was rising in . How could one live with themselves with a name like Wu Fan? It sounded so stupid.

“Yes, Sir.” Nori smiled. This guy had no clue what he was talking about. He had just made his son’s life into a living nightmare by not kicking her out the minute she barged through his office doors. Oh well, he would realise soon enough.

“Although, I should warn you, he’s lazy. If he tells you to do any work that isn’t part of your job description, just tell him no, ok?” He informed her.

“Yes, Sir.” She replied.

“Do you say anything besides ‘yes, sir’?”


. . .


“Yes, Sir!”




Wu Lei walked through the assistant lobby and they all watched Nori following him curiously. They were all wondering who she was. Some of the girls threw her dirty, jealous looks, but they bounced right off Nori - she had no time for basic es. Wu Lei opened the door to Kris’ office and walked in, Nori coming in behind him. Her eyes fell onto a blonde head that was sitting at the back of the office, facing away from her.

“Wu Fan, I have brought your assistant with me.” Wu Lei called out to his son, and Nori lowered her head, looking at her feet instead. She didn’t want to seem rude in front of Wu Lei. He might go all ninja on her.

At his father’s words, Kris perked up. The moment he had been dreading had finally arrived. Well, there was nothing he could do about it now. He rose from the couch and turned around. His gaze fell on a small woman standing by the door. She was wearing a short, grey dress, tights, and black, patented stilettoes. Kris’ eyes grazed over her shapely legs, and her glamorous S-line figure. Her hair was a dark shade of brown, and tied at the top of her head, falling to the middle of her back. Not what he had been expecting. He was already getting his hopes up.

“This is Kim Nori.” Wu Lei introduced her. At her name, she lifted her face to look at him.

Both of their mouths fell open at the same time.

Kris had been expecting a demon, instead he had been blessed with an angel.

What he didn’t know was that she was a demon in an angel’s disguise.

 But what he doesn’t know won’t kill him, right? Right.

“And this is my son, Wu Fan.” Nori couldn’t rip her eyes away from him. She had not seen a guy this hot in her life. Of all the people in the world, why did HE have to be her boss?!



She would have to get his number before she started abusing him…



He would never give it to her afterwards.


“Well…I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” Wu Lei cleared his throat awkwardly and then left the room.



Now they were in the room alone...



Nori was contemplating jumping him on the spot, but that would get her fired straight away. And she didn’t want to get fired, not just yet.




Maybe she could start the abuse tomorrow…


Ok, so this chapter is probably not as funny, but i wanted to get some of the scene setting out of the way. And Kris and Nori finally met....

For you guys who are probably crying right now, don't worry. This is not the end of it =P They've only seen each other yet...there will be more to the meeting!


I went to the k-pop auditions on was interesting. I'll let you guys know later how they went =P


Bye for now! <3

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!