Not Again

Abuse the Boss




“Miss Nori…”

The maid stepped into the spacious, baby pink room. After knocking on the door, and not receiving a reply, she had cautiously opened the door and peeked inside, only to find her boss’ daughter sprawled out across her bed, immersed in a magazine. “Miss Nori, your father is calling for you. He would like to see you in his study.”

Immediately, the girl shot up straight on the bed, eyes wide. She threw the magazine onto the floor and scrambled off the bed, running to the full-length mirror in the corner of her room, and checking her appearance. After smoothing down her skirt and fixing her hair, she took a deep breath, turned around and strutted out of her room, the maid on her heels.

Kim Nori was a brave girl. She didn’t dwell on what people thought of her. None of it mattered. She did what she wanted, when she wanted, without fear of people and consequences. She was fearless. However, there was one thing she feared…her father. Kim Cho Hwan. The owner of the multi-billion dollar conglomerate, Adamas Corporations.

Nori stopped outside the door of her father’s study, taking in a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that were suddenly crackling through her. She wasn’t surprised at the reaction, though. This was a normal occurrence.

“Are you alright, Miss?” The maid asked her. Nori waved a hand in her direction, shooing her off, and the maid started backing away.

“Kim Nori, I know you’re behind that door! Come inside!” Her father’s voice boomed through the door. Nori gulped, and after clearing , she twisted the handle and entered the study. The walls were lined with shelves, which were littered with books and various trophies and awards that her father had collected over the years. In the centre of the room sat a heavy, mahogany desk, and sitting behind it was the only thing that threatened her freedom.

“Take a seat.” Cho Hwan motioned to the seat across the desk from him. Nori gingerly perched on the edge of the chair, hands folding in her lap in front of her, in a lady-like manner. “Kim Nori, do you know why I have called you here today?” Her father asked her.

Nori knew perfectly well what the reason behind her summoning was. But she wasn’t about to admit to it. “No, Father.”

“OI!” Her father slammed a hand down on his desk, causing Nori to jump at the sudden loud noise. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

“Daddy! Don’t get angry! It’s bad for your blood pressure! I promise I won’t spend as much next time I go shopping!! I promise!”

“Quiet….BE QUIET!” Her father yelled, cutting through her tirade. She stopped talking and sat back in her seat, tapping her foot on the floor out of nervousness. Her father ran a hand over his face in exasperation. “Stop moving.” He said quietly.

So she stopped tapping her foot on the floor, instead putting her finger in and chewing on it nervously. “Kim Nori….SIT STILL!” Her father yelled again.

So she stopped chewing on her finger, instead fiddling with the 3ct diamond ring (which she had bought yesterday) on her finger, in her lap - where her father couldn’t see. She waited for her father to start talking again.

He sighed and looked at her sternly. “Nori-ah, you spent half your account balance on your shopping spree yesterday. Do you know how much money that is? You have everything in the world you could possible need, why do you need more? Don’t you know that is money that your Appa worked hard for?”

“I'm sorry, Daddy…” Nori said, twiddling the ring between her fingers, although she didn’t really mean it. The sole purpose of making money was to spend it…was it not? So what was so bad about her doing a little shopping? A little too much...?

“We need to do something about this addiction of yours…” Cho Hwan declared.

Nori’s head snapped upwards. She knew what was about to happen. He wouldn’t, would he?

“I’m capping your credit cards…again.” He informed her. Nori’s eyes bulged out of her head. No way…the ring slipped out of her fingers and clattered onto the floor.

“Daddy, noooooo~! You can’t do that! I swear I’ll change! I won’t spend as much!” She exclaimed.

“No, you won’t, because you won’t be able to.” Cho Hwan told her, with a stern face. From the look in his eyes, Nori knew there would be no changing his mind. She had promised the same thing many times before, and never changed. There was no point in even trying to argue. She let out a huge dejected sigh, reaching down to pick the ring up off the floor.

“Now the other thing.” Her father continued. There’s more? She slipped the ring back onto her middle finger and tugged on the hem of her skirt as her father pulled out a newspaper from his drawer. He slapped the sheet of paper down in front of her. Nori started at the top of the paper, taking in yesterday’s date, and then her eyes moved lower… a picture of her.


Nori’s eyes rounded again. She knew this was coming. She just hadn’t expected it to come so soon. She slowly moved her wide eyes up to her father, who was looking at her with his lips pressed into a thin line.

“I managed to stop this from leaking into the press…again. Care to explain?” He asked.

She looked down at the paper again.

“This time, it is Pure Cosmetics that has fallen victim to the Wild Goose! The company has suffered from bizarre circumstances, and a fall in customer satisfaction. A few examples are…”

And it went on to list some of the events that occurred at the company, all of which Nori had nothing to do with. Nothing at all.

“Well…?” Her father prodded.

“Daddy…I did everything they asked me to do! I can’t help it if they’re not happy with that and then things go wrong…Plus, most of them were crazy anyway…” She trailed off.

Her father sighed. “Nori-ah…you’ve been sacked from every company you have worked at…you must be doing something wrong. They can’t all be crazy and keep throwing you out for no reason!”

“Daaaaad~ It really isn’t my fault! I told you I can't do this! Why won’t you understand?” She moaned.

“Nori, Grandpa and I started this company from scratch four decades ago, and look where it is now. Daddy's getting old now, and he can’t carry on running the company forever. As my only child, you have to take over the company. But if you carry on being lazy like this, living off the money I made, you’ll never realise what the importance of working and the importance of money is. Do you know why we called it Adamas? Adamas means 'unbreakable' in greek. But if you don't focus, the company won't just break. The company will be destroyed!” Cho Hwan exclaimed, abruptly stopping when the door to his study opened. His wife, and Nori’s mother, Kim Aemi walked into the room, holding a teacup and saucer in her hand.

She smiled and placed it in front of her husband. “I brought you some tea, Honey. You’ve been working for so long.” She said, moving behind him and massaging his shoulders with her slender hands, while Nori watched her father’s stern expression become a little more relaxed. He thanked her and took a careful sip of the hot liquid. Nori pouted and threw her mother a look, hoping she would be able to help her out somehow, but she was oblivious to the signs Nori was throwing her, completely focused on her husband.

Nori sighed and looked down into her lap, shaking her legs from side to side. She hoped her father would let her be in peace now, but she knew her hopes would be crushed painfully, and very soon. And that's exactly what happened when her father spoke not a second later.

“You have to try again, Nori.”

“But, Daddy, I’m not cut out for this kind of stuff!” Nori argued.

“Nori, your father is right. If you don’t keep trying, you will never improve. Practise makes perfect right?” She beamed at her. Not you too, Mummy…

“I’ve booked you another interview for tomorrow.” Nori heard glass shattering in her head, and her eye twitched.

“Another one?” She whispered. Her father nodded. “Where...?”

“Wu Enterprises.”


BOOM! First chapter!!!

Uhmm....well.......i forgot what i wanted to say. This always happens to me between 11pm and 6am....

Well, i've got no clue how this went. I didn't check for mistakes, so excuse me if there are any.

Kris will appear in the next chapter. Patience, my preciouses. (that's not even a word)




i hope my poster get's done soon! O_O


sleep time...

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!