Stuck in an Elevator

Abuse the Boss



“Come on, Nori. I don’t want to be late to the meeting. It doesn’t leave a good impression.”

Kris bounded out of his office, heading to the elevator, with Nori trailing behind him, holding the numerous files and papers he had handed to her. What kind of gentleman lets a lady hold all of the stuff?! Clearly Kris wasn’t a man…



She would have to check to make sure.



 They walked through the lobby, with the female assistants all smirking in glee at the way Nori was following him like a mule, while the guys gave her sympathetic looks.

“Hold on!” Nori huffed behind him, standing in the doorway of the lobby.

“What?” He turned around and eyed her posture, stooped from all the weight she was carrying…although it wasn’t much.

“Here, hold this.” And with that, Nori dumped all of the things into Kris’ strong arms and strutted away, her little grey skirt swaying fron side to side with her hips. Kris watched her walking towards the elevator with his mouth hanging open.

“Hey! How dare you make me hold all this stuff?!” He shouted loudly, catching the attention of all of the workers outside, as well as in the lobby. That was a pretty bold action on Nori’s part. The assistants inside the lobby watched with wide eyes. Never in their life would they have the confidence to do something like that to their boss, although secretly, they all wanted to – although the female assistants were more than happy to be used as a slave by Kris…in every way.

“It isn’t very gentleman-like for you to be making me hold all those things.” Nori called back, not even turning to look at him. What nerve this girl had!!

“Do I look like I care?! That’s what I’m paying you for!” Kris argued.

Nori finally turned to look at him. “Then fire me.” She blew him a kiss and then walked into the elevator that had just opened in front of her.

Errrr, what?!?!

Did she perhaps know that he couldn’t fire her? He would be in deep trouble if she did. He wouldn’t be able to keep her under control otherwise.

It was a shame that he couldn’t anyway.

Kris blinked at her, currently standing smirking at him from the elevator.

“Not coming…Wu Fan, sir?” She asked him with a sugary voice, although her expression remained mocking. Kris closed his eyes as one of them twitched and took a deep breath. Calm, Kris…remain calm. He had a feeling that getting angry with this woman would not help in in the slightest. He opened his eyes and started walking towards the elevator, realising a second later that the doors were closing.

“Nori, keep the doors open.” He called out to her. She didn’t make a move towards the buttons, instead placing her arms on the railing both sides of her and smiling at him angelically. It was fun for her watching the panicked expression that emerged on his face a millisecond later. “NORI!” Kris roared, breaking out into a run. The doors closed just as he reached the elevator and he slammed into them, spilling the folders and papers everywhere. He heard a quiet ‘oooooh’ echoing through the office.


A few seconds later, the doors opened again, revealing Nori with an innocent expression on her face.

“I’m sorry Wu Fan, sir. I didn’t hear you… Oh, look at all this mess…I’ll clean it up immediately.” She smiled at him and crouched in front of him, starting to collect the scattered papers.

“Didn’t hear me?” Kris’ eye twitched. This girl really wasn’t as innocent as she seemed to be. And he found himself angry again. He crouched down to be at her level and held her by the arms.“I WAS LITERALLY YELLING AT YOU TO KEEP THOSE DOORS OPEN! DID YOU NOT SEE ME RUNNING?!”  He had to get rid of her before she caused any more trouble.

Nori’s eyes widened as a vein in his forehead throbbed with his anger, and she spilled all the papers in her hand again. He was mad, really mad…and really hot. But it was play time. Time to whip out the tears again. As the moisture collected in her eyes, she bit down on her bottom lip, and looked up at him through her thick eyelashes. “I’m sorry, Wu Fan, sir…I really didn’t hear you. I z-zoned out!” She told him, blubbering for added effect.

Kris finally realised what was wrong with her.

“Multiple Personality Disorder.” He said to her.

Nori blinked up at him in confusion. Had he hit his head on the elevator doors? “Huh?”

“You have Multiple Personality Disorder, don’t you?” Yup, he had definitely hit his head.


“That’s exactly what someone with Multiple Personality Disorder would say.” Kris informed her.

“Oh? Have you studied people with MPD before? Perhaps you have it yourself, and are speaking from experience?” Nori smirked. It confirmed Kris’ suspicions even more but her words irked him.

“What did you say?” He growled at her. “HOW DA-”

He stopped when Nori sat down on the floor started blubbering again. Really…what had he gotten himself into? Did no one give her a mental check-up before hiring her? He watched her little pout and her moist eyes and then sighed as he placed a hand on her shoulder. There she goes with the cute stuff again. Sigh. “Nori…I’m sorry. Look, please stop crying. We have to get going or we will be late for the meeting.” He moved his hand to her head again, and patted down on it.

Again with the patting on the head. Seriously, did she really look like a dog to him? No she couldn’t have…more like a cute puppy, she decided.

Nori sniffed and then nodded, while looking up at him with big, googly eyes. Kris sighed when she held her hand out to him, for help. He eyed her delicate looking hand, and then slipped his big one into it, gripping it firmly, and pulling her to her feet. However, he used a bit too much strength and Nori lost balance and stumbled forwards,  falling against his chest. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

Kris felt a gentle breeze pick up around him, rustling both of their hair. Suddenly there was a light illuminating both of them, and a soft choir singing in the background.







Hold on, what? (Singing comes to an abrupt end.)







Kris cleared his throat and took a quick step back, while the crazy movie effects all disappeared. What the hell was that anyway? He raised his head and looked around the area to make sure there wasn’t a filming crew hiding somewhere. Maybe they were trying to cast him into a new series of ‘Punk’d’.

He turned his head down only to have a small gasp escape his lips. Nori’s face was barely two inches away from his. She was wearing a very serious expression and staring at him intently, like she was trying to see through him. Kris gulped, and felt his face heating up. It wasn’t often that he was so close to a girl. His eyes widened when Nori came ever closer, their noses almost touching.

“W-what the hell are y-you doing?!” Kris stuttered.

Nori stared at him silently for a few more seconds. Kris held his breath when her lips moved. She wasn’t going to kiss him was she? His eyes were glued to her lips.




“I’m going to report you for ual harassment.”




Kris paused for a second. What did she just say?

He looked up at her eyes. “What?”

“I’m going to report you for ual harassment!” Nori said a little louder.

What the hell?! Kris’ eyes furrowed and he pushed her back abruptly. He felt quite flustered.

“ual harassment?! What the hell did I do?” Kris exploded. Again, he was receiving stares from the workers around him. Crap, he needed to stay quiet.

Nori moved forward again and dragged her hands down his torso slowly, making Kris shiver. “You pulled me into you.” She stated, her finger drawing circles on his chest. She liked the feel of it. It was firm and toned. “That’s not very professional now, is it, Wu Fan…sir?” She purred, giving him a sultry look through her thick eyelashes.

Kris looked down at her hand. What exactly was this girl doing? It felt…nice?


“Don’t touch me.” Kris snapped, and swatted her hand away. She noticed his milky cheeks were pink as he walked past her. Oh, so this hot, y man gets nervous near girls? She was going to have a lot of fun with him.She chuckled quietly as she watched him walk into the elevator. 

A lot.

She quickly gathered the files and papers from the floor and ran into the elevator just as the doors were closing.

And now…the party begins.



Kris felt awkward while they descended in the elevator. It was just the two of them, and Kris could feel eyes on his back. He knew Nori was watching him. He didn’t know why he felt unnerved by it. He was Kris Wu – the fearless, confident Kris Wu. Then why this feeling?


Maybe he was the one with Multiple Personality Disorder?


No, no, that couldn’t be possible. What an absurd idea.


He heard shuffling behind him, but he refused to look at the woman. She was a devil, a demon, a sorceress…he was sure of it. Whatever she was, he knew she was trouble and he had to stay as far from her as possible. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the elevator bell dinged and the doors opened to the sixth floor. But that’s not what interrupted him.


It was the gasp behind him.


He turned around to see Nori cringing against the back wall of the elevator.

What the fu-

He heard footsteps and turned to see a man walking into the lift. He bowed to Kris and gave Nori a strange look as he stood to the side as the doors closed. As soon as they did, Nori relaxed and straightened her posture, acting as if nothing even happened. Kris ignored what he had just seen and concentrated on the metal door in front of him. One floor lower, the doors opened again. And just like last time, Nori gasped, but even louder than the last time, while huddling against the back wall. Kris and the other man both turned to look at Nori with a confused expression, as did the woman walking into the elevator. Kris’ eyebrow twitched. What on earth was wrong with her?

He turned to her as the doors closed and the lift started moving again and Nori relaxed. “Nori, is something wrong?” He sensed the other two passengers in the lift turn to look at her too.

Nori looked up at him and smiled. “No, nothing Wu Fan, si- YHUUUUUUUUHH!” She did it again as the doors opened on the fourth floor– her reaction even more violent this time, her body having a mini spasm. Oh dear God…not only did she have split personalities, she was also a mental institute escapee.

Maybe she had a phobia of elevator doors? The man and woman both got out of the elevator, looking back at Nori and Kris with disturbed expressions. Wasn’t that guy their boss? Why was he with a mental girl?

Kris sighed as the doors closed again. Was she really going to do this every time the elevator stopped? If so, he hope that it would only stopped on the ground floor. But it wasn’t Kris’ lucky day. Just as the elevator bell rang on the third floor, he turned around to Nori, about to tell her to stop what she was about to do.

“Nori don-”

“YYHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUHHHH!!!” She had some kind of seizure and flopped onto the back wall, looking at Kris and the open doors with wide eyes. Kris turned around to see two women walking into the elevator. They had suspicious looks in their eyes.

What are they looking at? Kris thought.

“Are you ok, sweetheart?” The middle-aged lady asked Nori, placing a hand on her slim shoulder and throwing Kris a mistrustful look. Nori nodded meekly, still wide eyed. Kris finally realised what they were thinking.

“Hey!” He pointed at Nori. “Stop making this look like I’m abusing you or something!” His eyebrow twitched with annoyance. Nori held back the smirk that threatened to show, instead widening her eyes more, looking like a scared puppy. He wasn’t the one abusing her. Oh no, quite the opposite actually. He was the one being abused, while Nori made herself look like the victim. It was all part of her ingenious, evil master plan! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHA! Ehem….scared and helpless, Nori. Scared and helpless.

“Sir…I…” Nori whimpered but didn’t finish off her sentence. It added to the effect.

“You what?” Kris asked in a low voice.

“Young man, I think it’s best if you leave her alone.” The other lady told Kris. Kris’ angry glare flashed to her. This woman must have been crazy. Didn’t she know who she was talking to?!

“You’re fired.” Kris told her and then turned his eyes back to Nori.

“Fired? Who are you to fire me, young man?” The woman said to Kris. Oh hell no, she didn’t.

“Who…who am I?” Kris asked incredulously. He was about to answer her when the woman turned away from him and looked at Nori, who had tapped her on the shoulder.

“That’s our boss. Wu Fan.” Nori informed her quietly. At once, the woman’s face paled, and the other woman who had been watching the show turned around to face the doors with an uneasy expression.

“B-B-BOSS?!” She stuttered. Poor woman…Nori thought. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t recognise you.” She bowed to Kris.

“That’s not my problem. Maybe you should take the time to find out who you’re working for.” Kris said with a disinterested voice.

“I’m sorry.” The lady said again.

“Apology accepted…” Kris said, without looking at her. The woman relaxed a bit. It was her lucky day.



“But you’re still fired.”



Or not.


“Sir, I’m terribly sorry, please don’t fire me! I won’t make that mistake again.” But Kris has already stopped listening to her.

The doors opened behind them on the second floor, and Kris watched Nori slap a hand over and muffle a small scream, as she sunk down onto the floor in the corner of the elevator. What in the world did I ever do to deserve something like thi-

“They’re coming!” He heard Nori whispering. She was looking out of the elevator doors, through which the two women had disappeared, with a distant expression on her face.

Kris took a step back. There was something most definitely wrong with this woman.


And he didn’t want to know what.


“Nori…who’s coming?” He asked with a pained expression.

Nori turned her wide eyes up to him. “Them…” Kris slapped a hand over his face and turned back around. He was just going to pretend she didn’t exist. Yes. That was the best way to move forwards. He was thinking about ways he could get rid of her without actually firing her, when he felt something on his leg. He was about to look down when the elevator doors opened on the first floor. He heard a mixture of a scream and gasp all at the same time and he looked down to see Nori on the floor with her arms wrapped around his leg and a horrified expression on her face. How can you even scream and gasp at the same time?

He made a face and shook his leg a bit, while a pair of men walked into the elevator. “Nori, get off.” He shook his leg again.

“Wu Fan, sir! Don’t do this!!” She put against his leg and wailed into it. Kris bit his lip. Had her mother dropped her head first at birth?

“Nori,” He took in a deep breath as the elevator started moving again. He could feel the eyes of the other two men on him, but he didn’t want to look at them, scared of what they must have been thinking. If there was one thing he hated, it was people having bad opinions of him. “Please get off. Stop making such a commotion. I get that you’re scared of the ele-”

“What did I do to deserve this?!” She moaned again into his leg, while getting to her feet. Except that she didn’t do it herself. She used Kris’ clothing to pull herself up, while dragging her body against his in the process. His ears turned red again from the contact, and he tried to move back except for the fact that Nori was clutching his collar at that moment. Once she was fully straightened – still a full head shorter than him – she looked at his face with wide eyes and then gasped again.

“What?” Kris asked. Why was she looking at him like that?

“YYHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH” She in a huge lungful of air, leaning backwards as she did, and then wheezed it out while moving forwards again “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.” – All the while holding Kris’ collar.


“Nori…” Kris mumbled as he watched her, unable to do anything.


He was just staring at her speechless by this point, and it was doing something to his brain. Something bad.

“YHUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.” Kris felt his own breath rate starting to speed up, in sync with Nori’s…crazy…hyperventilating. He wasn’t even sure if he could call it that. It was almost as if she was having an epileptic fit.

“YHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.” She was still swinging back and forth on Kris.

“Yhuuuuuhhh, hooooooooff, yhuuuuuuuhh, hooooooofff….” Kris didn’t know what was happening to him, but he knew he would be just as far gone as Nori in a few moments. He was starting to feel light headed and was starting to sway as well. What’s happening to me?

Kris was saved by the bell…of the elevator, when it dinged on the ground floor. He suddenly snapped out of his building up seizure and lightly pushed Nori away from him. He cleared his throat and straightened his clothes as the doors opened, and shaking himself, walked out confidently as if he hadn't just been attacked by a crazy lady in the elevator.

Nori immediately stopped and ran a hand through her hair when the doors opened, throwing it behind her dramatically, while chuckling softly to herself.

She turned her head to the side, to see the two men gawking at her with eyes and mouths wide open. She stared back with a neutral expression.







I give you guys full permission to kill me *places target board on forehead*


IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR AGES GUYS!!! I know it's been well over a month! I'm just in an assessment period of uni, so i've had so many assignment deadlines on my head, plus my kitchen being remade, and having to sort the house out, that i havent had time to write!! Sowiiee >.<


Well as for the chapter....god know's if you guys will like it or not. I was gonna put the meeting into this chapter too, but it would have become too long. So ill save that for the next chapter.


On a side note....


Guess who's coming to London...?


~~!!!! BIGBANG !!!!~~


And guess who's going to their concert....?


! ~ ME ~ !

and my sister and a couple other friends, but they aren't important...


I'm so excited, i can't tell you guys! The tickets were super expensive, and they totally ripped us off (and i had to pay for my sisters ticket too), but oh well! I get to see 5 y namjas on stage dancing, singing, and doing their...thing on 14th Dec. SO I REGRET NOTHING! WOOOOHOOO!

Is anyone else going?



Oh...and my Kris hoody is here too ^^ mhuahaha, i have been claimed by ne sarang! (i'll show you guys it later!)


OK...adios for now....please don't kill know you don't want to! ¬.¬


Oh also...follow me on twitter if you guys want to @adee_k

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!