Bless You

Abuse the Boss



There wasn’t enough space in this car.

Kris sat as far from Nori as he possibly could, but it wasn’t far enough. He kept glancing in her direction warily, as if expecting another episode of craziness any minute now. Honestly, he couldn’t be sure with her. He had barely known her for an hour, and already he was scared of what was to come.

He looked at her again, and this time accidently caught her eye. She stared at him blankly for a few seconds, and then a slow but disturbing smile spread across her face. She looked almost…possessed. Kris felt a shiver run down his spine. Maybe she is possessed…she certainly acted like she was.

“W-what…?” Kris stuttered.

Her smile turned angelic. “Nothing, Sir. I was just thinking how much of an amazing boss you are, and how we are going to get along so, sooo well.” She grinned at him.

An amazing boss…yes, he was sure he was one. As for them getting along so, sooo well…what an absurd idea.

Kris gave her an awkward smile and a little nod of the head and turned away from her to look out of the window with wide eyes. He was sending silent prayers up to the Big Man on top of the clouds that the meeting would go without any problems or disturbances, especially from the huge disturbance that was in the car with him…or his father would castrate him. He unconsciously moved his hands over his crotch area and winced – the idea terrified him. He must save his ‘precious’ no matter what!

The car lurched to the left around a sharp bend in the road. Kris jumped when he felt something crash into his right side. He whipped his head around to come nose to nose with the Crazy One. His eyes widened and he gulped. She was leaning against his arm, half on his chest, and he felt her hand on his thigh, supporting her weight. She looked up at him through her thick eyelashes.

“I’m sorry, Wu Fan, sir…” She said quietly, her breath washing over his lips, and her hand his leg gently. Kris forgot all about the fact that she had just called him the dreaded name…again. All his mind could process right now was that there was a woman practically laying on top of him. It didn’t help that she was extremely beautiful. He forgot how to breathe.

She batted her eyelids at him, enjoying the dazed look on his face, and Kris found himself mesmerised by her eyes. They were so big, and so dark, and so sparkly, and so clear, and so deep, and so pretty, and so…..What the hell am I thinking? She’s way too clos- The car swerved a bit more to the left, and Nori lost balance and slipped even more into Kris, when suddenly, their noses were pressed up against each other’s.

Nori faltered.

Her heart rate kicked off and her breathing sped up. What was this reaction? Holy crap…It scared her, she didn’t like it. She was normally so controlled around men, what was happening now? She panicked…she had to stop this feeling – and NOW. So she did the first thing that came to her mind.




She sneezed…





Right in Kris’ face.





“EEEEEEEEWWWWWEUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOOORIIII!!” Kris cringed and flailed his arms around while screaming in disgust.  WHAT A VILE WOMAN!!! What kind – “DRIVER, GIVE ME SOME TISSUES OR A CLOTH…OR A-” -He touched his fingers to his face gingerly and yelped at the wetness – of a freaky woman does that?

“What for, Sir?” The confused driver called back.


“But, Sir…I don’t have anythi-”

“You’re fired!!”

“Ehh?” The driver panicked. He looked around himself – there was nothing. He reached for the glove compartment, and luckily found a few pieces of tissue in there. He pulled them out and held them back to Kris with a shaky hand.

“Finally…” Kris shuddered as he ripped the tissues out of the driver’s hands and wiped the globules of snot off his face. He all but scrubbed his face off. His face was red…not all from the scrubbing.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” The driver apologised nervously. Hopefully the young CEO will forgive him.

“Apology accepted.” Kris told him with a nonchalant voice, making the driver relax. “But you better pack your bags after this meeting. You’re still fired.”


Or not.


Kris kept his distance from Nori after they stepped out of the car. He didn’t want to be anywhere near her. He had noticed that she had been quiet for the rest of the car ride. She hadn’t even looked at him. Maybe she was embarrassed… Kris felt a little spark of sympathy for her, but after he remembered the feeling of the slime – that came from her nose! – all over his face (he shuddered again) any sympathy he felt was blown into smithereens, the way she had blown her nose in his face. He was going to get her fired first chance he got. He just needed to figure out how, without letting his father know.

“Uh…Wu Fan, sir…” He turned towards his devil assistant’s voice…and ploughed straight into a glass door.

“AH! What the fu-”

“I was just about to warn you.” Nori said to him.

Kris looked at her in torment. “You’re the reason I just walked into it!”

“Actually, you looked pretty out of it already, you weren’t slowing down. You were going to walk into it either way…I just thought it would be better if you hit the side of your face rather than the front…” She smiled angelically. Oh…so she wasn’t trying to stop him from hitting it.

How nice.


Kris sighed. He should have come on his own. He regretted bringing her. He knew exactly what was going to happen in that boardroom, and he was hoping desperately that he was wrong. But he wasn’t that lucky. He opened the door and turned to look at Nori.

“Nori, behave…please?” He said to her in a pleading voice.

Nori frowned, trying to look as innocent as possible. “Why would you think I wouldn’t, Wu Fan, sir?” Then she bit down on her lip and made her voice wobble. “It’s not like I sneezed on your face on purpose! I just had to sneeze and it happened, I’m sorry! You’re going to hold that against me for the rest of my life?!” She looked up at him with her googly eyes, once she was sure she had collected enough moisture in them.

Kris grimaced and looked at the people who were staring at them as they walked past. He moved towards her and gently took a hold of her arm, pushing her into the hotel where they were having this meeting. “Alright, I’m sorry. It was just completely gross…” He turned her around to look at him. “Just… this meeting is important for me and especially for my dad. I don’t want to mess it up, ok?”

He looked so sincere that Nori faltered for a second. She stared at his pretty face. Maybe she shouldn’t mess this meeting up for him…


Aaaaahhh, who am I kidding?!


Her expression turned angelic. “I would never do anything that would jeopardise this meeting, Wu Fan, sir!” Never, ever, ever! Heh heh heh…

Kris’ eyebrow twitched again from the name. Remain cool, Kris. At least she promised to behave herself. He wasn’t sure if he should trust her though. There was something in her eyes… something devilish… “Alright, thanks,” He said, uncertainly, “Let’s get going then, shall we?”

Nori nodded and let him lead the way, grinning to herself as she followed him.

As soon as they walked into the boardroom, Nori knew that this meeting wouldn’t be a peaceful one. The people gathered here were exactly the type she didn’t like. The type that threw files and coffee cups at her, the type that had security throw her out on the street. I mean if you’re going to fire someone, you could at least do it in a civil and humane way, right? Right! No need to treat her like dirt just because she ruined your compa- I mean…did everything in her power for the progress of your company…

Her mind worked fast, she scanned the empty seats and picked two seats at one end of the table, one at the head, and one across from a young looking woman, who was probably the assistant of the CEO of another company. That’s where the fun would be. If only she used her intelligence for something useful.

“Wu Fan, sir, let’s go sit there!” She grabbed his arm and skipped her way to the empty seats she had chosen. Kris looked at her with a blank expression as she led the way. Was she really skipping? Really…? Kris sighed. At least she was so short that you could barely see her behind the tall chairs that surrounded the table. Just a random head bobbing up a couple times every second. He rubbed his forehead. This woman was going to give him an aneurysm soon. Very soon. He could just feel it in his gut.

Nori stopped in front of the chair directly opposite to the woman and pulled it out for Kris. “Take a seat, Wu Fan, sir!” The woman smiled coyly at Kris as she noticed him. Nori noticed immediately, and smirked. This would be easier than she thought.

Kris gave her a queer look as he took a seat. “I told you to stop calling me that, Nori...”

“I can’t call you anything but by your name, Wu Fan, sir!” She smiled at him angelically as she pushed his chair in, and then skipped to her own chair. She sat down and turned dramatically to the woman. “Hi, I’m Nori.” She put on the creepiest smile she could muster.

The woman slowly dragged her eyes away from Kris' face to look at Nori… Looked at her blankly…and then slowly dragged her eyes away from her again with a disturbed expression on her face. Kris covered his eyes with his hand. He couldn’t watch. It was too embarrassing. Luckily for him someone at the other end of the table stood up and spoke before Nori could do something else.

“Let’s get this meeting started then; I think we are all here!” He clapped his hands together.

Yes, let’s indeed!

Nori couldn’t wait.


Hi guys! update for all of you. 2 years....since the last update. I know it's absolutely crazy, but so much has happened! But i think im back to writing again now....sooooo hopefully i'll be getting more updates in for you guys, for both of my stories. 

Hope you guys enjoy this one! <3

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!