Jelly Beans

Abuse the Boss


Nori couldn’t take it anymore. Only five minutes into the meeting and she had zoned out, her mind was numb. She looked over at Kris; he was listening intently to the current CEO speaking. How could he pay attention? She didn’t understand. Her brain was about to start running out of her nose, that’s how bored she was.

She looked around the table. There were about four CEO’s, each with an assistant with them. Two of the male assistants looked pretty young, and they seemed to be having a hard time keeping their eyes off of her. Nori rolled her eyes. If her friend CL was here, she’d probably be whispering to her about how cute they were. She carried on looking around the table until she got around to Kris. Nah…they were okay, but they seemed bland next to Kris. He was on another level.

She moved her eyes across the table to the PA. She was…average looking. Her hair was dyed blonde and fell to her shoulders in a straight bob. She looked at her face and shook her head. Contour definitely not on point, and the wing on her eyeliner was wonky. Terrible.

She yawned loudly, moving her open lips in a big circle as she did. The PA turned to throw her a dirty look, and tutted. Nori looked at her and then chuckled. The peace had lasted long enough, she decided. It was time to put an end to this useless meeting.

 She looked at Kris again; he was still as every bit focused on the speaker as before. She leaned back in her chair, and looked under the table. The PA’s feet were pretty close to Kris’…almost touching, in fact. Why do people make this so easy for me? Nori lifted her face, and fixed her eyes on the guy talking, nodding along and acting like she was so very intrigued by every word he had to say, when in reality she wasn’t listening to a single thing. She uncrossed her legs, and moved them apart a little bit.

The bait first. She softly but slowly rubbed the tip of her shoe near the PA’s ankle, and then moved away. The PA flinched and then looked at Nori. Nori turned to look at her with a questioning expression, and the PA seemed to get confused and turned her face towards Kris. Kris didn’t respond. He was too absorbed in the speaker’s words. The PA shrugged and turned towards the speaker too. Nori smiled to herself.

And now the fishy. Now she slowly ran her heel up Kris’ leg. Kris’ eyebrows were furrowed as he listened intently to the speaker, and now she watched his face go completely blank, and his body go rigid. She took her foot away. Kris snapped his head around to look at Nori.

She ignored him.

However, the PA noticed Kris move, and turned her face to look at him. They locked eyes, and then she smiled coyly at Kris again, happy to have him looking at her. Kris smiled back awkwardly and then looked away quickly. Nori could see the cogs in his head working, and knew he thought it was the PA who had touched him. She supressed the giggle that was rising up in .

AND NOW BOTH OF THEM! Nori used both of her feet, dragging one up each of their legs slowly. They immediately turned to look at one another as Nori took her feet away. The PA smiled at Kris again, and then slowly bit her lip. OMG, SERIOUSLY?! She clearly thought Kris was interested in her. However she faltered after she saw the look on Kris’ face. He was looking at her with a scared expression, and Nori could see from the corner of her eye how uncomfortable he looked and almost felt sorry for him. The PA’s smile turned embarrassed and she turned her face away from Kris.

Nori did it again. She ran her feet up both their legs again so that they turned to look at each other again. The PA looked confused this time, whereas Kris looked a little angry. He cleared his throat and moved back in his chair a little bit, putting some distance between their legs. The PA looked disappointed, and looked away again.

One more time. This time she ran her foot up Kris’ leg, while she used her other foot to kick the PA’s leg.

The PA yelped and jumped back in her chair and turned to look at Kris with horror on her face. Why would he kick her when he was just running his foot up her leg? Yes, Nori, why would he? Kris looked completely and utterly confused.

The speaker stopped talking and spoke to the PA. He looked very annoyed about being interrupted. “Miss, are you okay?”

She looked around the room at the other people; the other assistants were smirking at her, while her own boss looked absolutely infuriated and embarrassed. “Yes, yes, I’m so sorry, I hit my leg on the table. I’m sorry. Please, carry on, sir!”

The man nodded and picked up where he left off. The PA gave her boss an apologetic look and then threw a glare at Kris before looking away again. Nori shook her head at Kris. He looked at her questioningly, then sighed and turned his attention towards the speaker.

Part two!

Nori picked up her handbag that was next to her feet, and pulled out a bag of Jelly Beans from it, making sure it had the green sticker on it. Kris and the PA both looked over at her as they heard the rustle of plastic. She picked up a green one and popped it into . Kris shook his head but said nothing. Nori extended the plastic bag towards the PA. She looked unsure, but then stuck her hand into the bag and pulled a brown bean out and quickly threw it into . She smiled curtly at Nori. Oh look, Nori, you made a friend!


Shame she wouldn’t last long.


Nori smiled back.

She took the stack of post-it notes and a pen that was in front of Kris and quickly scribbled on a note, and then slid it over to the PA. Kris threw her an irritated look. Nori knew he wanted her to stop, but she couldn’t. She had a mission to accomplish!

The PA picked up the note.

Sorry about my boss. He’s an sometimes!

The PA wrote something and slid the note back.

It’s okay, not a big deal :)

Nori offered her some more Jelly Beans, which she took. Nori sent her another note.

Take a handful and eat them at the same time. The mixture of flavours is awesome!

She held the bag out to the PA, and she did exactly what Nori told her to. She took a handful and popped them into at the same time, chewing quickly and gulping them down so her boss wouldn’t see her eating. Another note slid across the table to her.

You’re right! That was delicious!

Nori smirked. As quietly as she could, she put the bag of Jelly Beans back into her bag and then pulled out another one, this one with a red sticker. It had taken many weeks and horrible sessions of trying not to throw up with the Squad to make this bag and the others like it.


Why was it horrible?


The PA was about to find out.


Nori offered the bag to the PA again and held her breath. 3. She took a handful again, and shoved them all into . 2….

And then she bit down on them.





The PA squealed and spat the whole mouthful of Jelly Beans out and across the whole table.




All hell broke loose.



Half chewed bits of the candy splattered all over Kris and another of the CEOs and his assistant. The PA was screaming and retching at the same time, while trying to spit out the rest of the Jelly Beans. Kris and the other two had jumped back off their chairs and were yelling and trying to swat off the mess from their suits. The PA’s boss had stood up and started yelling at her. “JUNG-HI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”

Nori shoved the red-stickered bag back into her handbag, and stood up, putting on the most shocked expression she could muster.

Spit and bits of candy dribbling from , hand on , the PA looked at Nori. Now that is the vision of perfection, Nori thought and tried not to start laughing maniacally. The PA pointed a shaking finger at Nori. “WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU GIVE ME?!”

Nori gasped and placed a hand on her chest in a show of hurt and confusion. “M- me?! What did I do?!”


Her boss looked at her like she’d gone crazy. “Jelly Beans….?”


The CEO who had been speaking before the explosion cleared his throat. “Mr. Kim, I think perhaps you should take her away…”

The PA’s boss looked pained as he nodded and grabbed her by the arm and started leading her away, while she carried on yelling in Nori’s direction. “YOU ! YOU TRIED TO POISON ME! I WILL FIND YOU!” And so on and so forth until she was out of ear-shot.

The host of the meeting looked around at the rest of us. “I think we should perhaps reschedule this meeting…”

The other CEO who had Jelly Beans still stuck to him spoke up. “I think after today’s events that would be best. I need to clean this mess up.” He looked down at his suit in disgust.

They all said goodbye to each other, and Nori followed Kris out of the building in silence, as he called the driver. The drive back to their office was mostly spent in silence too, the only noise in the car being Nori chewing on her Jelly Beans. Finally Kris looked over at her.

“That’s what you gave to that girl?” He asked, eyeing the bean in Nori’s hand.

Nori looked at the bean, then looked up at Kris. The bean she was holding had come out of the bag with the green sticker, which meant they were okay to eat. The beans she had given to the PA the final time, had come out of the bag with the red sticker, which meant they were NOT okay to eat….well at least by her. The BeanBoozled version of the Jelly Beans was a genius creation in her opinion, and the red sticker bag had been a painful experience to make. A collection of vomit-worthy flavours: stinky socks, lawn clippings, rotten eggs, canned dog food, barf, mouldy cheese, boogers, spoiled milk, and dead fish…

She had been fortunate enough to not have tried any of them. She couldn’t say the same about her friends though.

Nori smiled as she popped the safe bean into and nodded. “Yeah, I gave her some Jelly Beans. Want some?”

Kris contemplated and then nodded. “Sure.”

Nori dug into her handbag, and took out a handful of the BeanBoozled beans, just as they pulled up outside their building. “You gotta’ eat them all at once, it mixes all the flavours and makes it a hundred times better!”

She poured them into his hand and then opened her door and stepped out of the car. She peered back into the car at Kris. “EAT UP!”

He rolled his eyes and threw all the beans into his mouth, and Nori turned around with a huge grin and started to walk towards the building. She heard a yell behind her and then spitting noises.


She finally let out the laughter that she had been holding in all afternoon.


Sorry about it being ages since the last update again, not sure if anyone's even going to read this, but if you did, then ty and hope you enjoyed it! <3

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!