What Has He Gotten Himself Into?

Abuse the Boss



Kris sat tapping his fingers on his desk while waiting for Nori.

His father had called a few minutes ago, telling him that he had already scheduled a meeting with a few designers for him, which was starting in a private café in an hour. Kris was dreading it. It was his first day. He was supposed to take it easy, right? Right.

But no.

Of course not!

There was no way his father would let him have an easy first day.

At least Kris had Nori now to do the work for him. She was pretty…very pretty. Kris just hoped she had a brain to match. If not….he was doomed. He was waiting for a knocking on the door, but he jumped when the door was thrown open with enough force to slam it against the behind wall, and in strutted Nori.

“You called me, Wu Fan, sir?”

Kris’ right eye twitched. It had been a pleasant five minutes that Nori hadn’t been in the room. Now she was back to ruin his life. What had Kris ever done to deserve this?!?! His inner tirade was cut off when a little voice in his head told him that he was the one who called her here. Oh…right…

“Nori…?” Kris started gently, trying very hard to keep his anger in control. “Look, could you please not call me that?”










“Call you what? Wu Fan?”



Kris snapped.

“YOU STUPID WOMAN! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M TRYING TO TELL YOU?!” He stood up, slamming his palms down on the table.

Gaddayum, so hawtt!! Nori was getting a real kick out of seeing him so angry. Sadistic much? Probably, but she regretted nothing!!! She could see he was really mad, but if she agreed to his request now, it would kill all the fun. She knew exactly how to win this war.

Making her eyes wide and blinking rapidly, she willed her tear ducts to start releasing their contents. Her bottom lip trembled and she bit down on it, looking up at Kris with a terrified expression.

It was all fake of course…but Kris didn’t need to know that.

“B-but…y-you…” Sniffle.

Kris’ eyes widened as he took in the sight in front of him. What had he done?! He made a pretty, cute, woman cry?! HOW ABOMINABLE OF HIM!! He hadn’t meant to scare her, he was just so angry. He forgot all about why he was angry at her in the first place, as he moved around the desk and walked over to Nori.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Nori, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry, please don’t cry!” He patted the top of her head awkwardly.


What the hell was he doing?


Who in their right mind pats someone's head to comfort them?


Did she look like a dog to him? A , yes, but a dog? HELL NO! She would have to let it go for now…


Nori sniffled again. “It’s ok, Wu Fan, sir.”

Kris sighed and removed his hand. Was there any way to stop this tyrant? He walked back to his chair and sat down, taking in a deep breath. He didn’t want to yell at her again, lest she abuse him with the cute, scared expressions again.

“Ok, listen Nori. We have a meeting to attend.” Kris informed her.

“We?” If this meeting involved her doing any work, she had no interest in going.

“Yes, we. I’m your boss, you’re my assistant, so of course you have to come with me.” Wasn’t that the most obvious thing?

“Oh… what do I have to do?” Nori asked.

Kris raised an eyebrow at her. “Did you not read the job description before applying?” Why the hell had they even hired her? Kris started to get doubts about her.

“Uhm…no.” Nori gave him a blank look.


Kris slapped a hand over his face. He turned his head up to her with an exasperated look.

“Nori…tell me, why are you here then?”


Why was she here?


Oh yeah, her daddy had forced her.


“I don’t know, Wu Fan, sir.”


Again with the name…what had he gotten himself into? WHAT?!?!

He couldn’t even fire her…

“Ok…you just have to grab some files for me, and come to the meeting with me. Try to remember what we talk about there, give me the papers I need…and if you can’t manage that, then just try to sit there quietly and look pretty.” Kris said with a flat voice.

Nori’s brain only heard the last order and her face perked up. She smiled at him and flicked her hair.

“I can do that Wu Fan, sir.”

More eye twitching.

“That’s great.” Kris had his doubts though. She didn’t look like she had listened to him. “Now go out to Minhee, and get these files from her.” Kris held out a little post-it note to Nori. Nori stepped forward and looked at the list of files on it. Her eyes widened at the sight. So many files.




She looked up at Kris. “Who’s Minhee?”

Kris blinked at her.






“I don’t know! THAT’S YOUR JOB TO FIND OUT!” He snapped at her. Ugh, y angry Kris.

“But I’m new here.” Nori pouted.

The hell is wrong with this girl? “Hey, guess what. So am I.” Kris informed her.

He was? Nori smiled angelically at him. “Then we can go find her together! We can get to know people together!”















That was the worst idea Kris had ever heard.

“No thanks. Go get me those files within two minutes, and go NOW.” He told her sternly. Such a spoil-sport, Nori thought. They could waddle hand in hand through the masses and find Minhee. It would be so nice. BUT NO!

She pouted at Kris, and spinning on her heels, she clicked away, out of his office…leaving the door open behind her.

Kris could see outside.

And he didn’t like it. He wanted the door closed. It was the rule. One always closed the door when exiting Kris’ rooms. And if not…it was punishable by death!

He itched to close it.




But it was just so far!



He sat in his chair counting down the seconds till Nori came back, eyes glued to the open door. Eventually, he heard heels clicking on the floor, getting louder by the second, and then Nori strutted into the room carrying the files he had ordered.




“You’re fired.”



But she hadn’t even started having fun yet. He had made it too easy. Oh well. She would have more time for shopping. Without a word, Nori dropped the files she was holding onto the floor where she stood and turned to leave the room. Kris frowned at the pile of files on the floor. What a mess. Now he would have to find someone else to clean that up. Couldn’t she at least put them on his desk before leaving?!?! She deserved to be fired again!

As if on cue, he heard his father’s voice booming through the lobby outside.

“Miss Kim, where are you going?”






Kris leapt out of his chair and raced outside. It was a race against Nori’s mouth.

“Oh sir, Wu Fan sir told me that-”

“That she’s coming to the meeting with me!” Kris panted as he stopped next to Nori. She was? He had just fired her though!

“But, Wu Fan sir, you said-”

“I told you about the meeting didn’t I?” Kris frowned, giving her a stern look. This woman needed to learn when to shut . DIDN’T SHE SEE WHAT A DIRE SITUATION HE WAS IN?!

“But, Wu Fan sir, you also said-”

“Miss Kim, I hope you won’t let us down at that meeting.” Wu Lei told Nori. Let them down? Wasn’t Kris the one running the meeting?

“Ah, neh.” She said to him. But shouldn’t she tell him that Kris just fired her?

“Come let’s go get prepared.” Kris mumbled, taking a hold of Nori’s arm, and dragging her away towards his office.

“Wu Fan,” Wu Lei’s voice rang out behind him. Kris slowly turned to look at him.

“Yes Fùqīn?” He asked hesitantly. He didn’t like the threatening tone of his father’s voice. Nori noticed his face losing a little of its colour as he looked at his father. Was he scared of him?

“I trust that this meeting will go as smoothly as possible, without any trouble, yes?” He asked with a little smile. It looked menacing to Kris though. There were many promises of pain hidden behind it, if anything went wrong.

“Yes, Fùqīn.” Kris replied imagining the gruesome end he would possibly meet at the hands of his father.

“Good.” Wu Lei gave him a happy smile and sauntered off, with his two assistants at his heels.

Nori smirked at the scene in front of her.


If things went her way, this meeting would end on a very positive note.





For her at least…

Ok, i know i've been waffling around. I was just a little confused as to what to do for the first day, since i havent got this fic planned out, but i've figured it out now.




excuse my lack of...hilarity? T_T


I shall update soon!!! I'm going to be a little busy for the next while though, since i'm having my kitchen remade, so the house will be a little hectic and i'll be wanted for slavery T_T





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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!