Let's Get This Show On the Road

Abuse the Boss




It was 8.30am on Monday morning, and Kim Nori was sitting in an expensive dessert parlour called Desert Tree, with a couple of her friends around her. It was located in Apgujeong – the Korean equivalent of Beverly Hills – where she also lived.

“I can’t believe he’s making me do it again!” Nori exclaimed with a mouthful of blueberry ice-cream in . There were two chocolate sundaes, a crème brûlé, a strawberry meringue pie and a vanilla milkshake in front of her. She was the only one eating.

“Awww, that , babe!” Her friend, Amber Liu pouted while giving her a tight hug.

“Are you positive you’re not a lesbian, Amber?” Nori frowned at her and shrugged out of her grip, while Amber chuckled.

“You and your tongue.” Jia shook her head at the younger girl. In the many years she had known Nori, she had never fully understood her. She was one thing one moment, and turned into the opposite the next. Their families were business partners and so they had grown close over time, but she still couldn’t figure her out.

“Why, unnie? Haven’t you seen the way she behaves?” She asked, pointing her spoon at Amber.

“Yes, I have. But you don’t need to be so blunt.” Jia chided. Overall, Jia knew that Nori was a nice girl…She was just a little crazy. She also never understood the abusive nature between her and Amber. Well…Nori was the abusive one. Amber just took it all with a smile on her face, never once seeming to get irritated.

“Eh, well she knows I don’t mean any offense.” Nori shrugged, while Amber just laughed at her. Nori had known Amber for a long time now. They went way back to the time Nori had been studying in America. Amber was originally from Taiwan, but after they had finished their studies in America, Amber had followed Nori back to Korea. They were best friends. And best friends always abuse each other, right? Nori never meant any harm to Amber.

And Amber knew as much. She wasn’t a lesbian. She was just a bit touchy-feely. And because of her boyish appearance, Nori was convinced that she was going to come out of the closet soon. Unfortunately, she was wrong and Amber was going to stay in the closet…not that she was in it in the first place…

“What time is your interview?” Chaerin, who was better known as CL, asked her. She was the fourth member in their little clique, and together with Nori, she was known as the diva of their group. They had met in college when Nori had returned from America and like her had an obsession with shopping, and they would often be found prowling the malls together.

“In an hour.”

“What are you going to do?” She leaned forward with a curious look on her face.

“I’m not going to go.” Nori informed her.

“Not going to go? Won’t your dad find out, unnie?” Dasom asked, the youngest member in their circle of friends. Nori wasn’t sure how she had become friends with this shy, innocent creature, to be honest. All she knew was that Jia had pulled her along to one of their gatherings once. She had been all wide-eyed and whimpering in fright and Nori had found her to resemble a little puppy. She had vowed to protect her from that day onwards. It was nice of her, wasn’t it? Nori felt quite proud of herself at times.

“Of course he won’t find out. How will he? He doesn’t have spies all over Seoul.” She informed them. And just as she said that, her phone vibrated and started belting out SHINee’s song, Lucifer. That only meant one thing…Hitler was calling.

Nori pouted and answered the call.

“Hi, Daddy!” She answered with a perky voice. Yes, Hitler was her father. The four girls around her leaned in so they could hear what was going on.

“Kim Nori, you are going to that interview aren’t you?” Cho Hwan asked on the other side of the line.

“Of course, Daddy. I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” She lied through her teeth.

“I’m glad to hear that! Because I will know if you don’t” He informed her with a happy voice.

“Y-you…wh- how?”

“I have spies all over Seoul.” And with that he hung up. Nori’s eye twitched as the other girls dissolved into fits of laughter.

’How will he find out? He doesn’t have spies all over Seoul’” CL mimicked her words in a whiny voice. The phone slipped out of Nori’s hand in her shock and fell straight into her bowl of ice-cream.

“No! My ice-cream!!” She yelled. Heads turned from all around the eatery to stare at her but it didn’t bother Nori one bit.

“Yah, you’re so embarrassing.” Amber accused through her chortles.

Nori growled and gingerly pulled her phone out of bowl by an ice-cream free corner.

“Where are you going?” Dasom asked her unnie. Nori didn’t answer her as she walked up to the counter with her Samsung.

The guy behind the counter looked at her questioningly as Nori held her phone out. Her four friends watched curiously from their table. “Can I help you?”

“Could you wash this for me?”

The guy blinked at her. He probably didn’t hear right. No one in their right mind would ask him to wash their phone for them, right? “Neh?”

“Could you wash this for me, please?” The girls at the table were crying with laughter by this point.

“You want me to…wash…your phone for you?” He eyed the expensive phone, which was shedding globules of ice-cream onto the counter. This chick must have been crazy, he decided. What kind of person doesn’t know that you don’t wash phones.

“Yes, that’s what I said twice already.” She looked at him with annoyance. Was he stupid? Did he not understand Korean?

“Uhm…sure.” He uncertainly took the phone out of her hand, and disappeared through a door behind the counter. She turned her head to look at the guy standing next to her at the counter. He had a cone of blue raspberry sorbet in his hand which was tilting dangerously to the side and was looking at her with disturbance written all over his face. Nori watched the blue concoction slowly slip off of the cone and slap onto the floor. What a waste.

The guy’s eyes widened as he saw his ruined cone, and then looked up at Nori. She looked back up at him slowly.






~ ~ ~



Half an hour later, Nori stepped through the revolving, glass doors of Wu Enterprises.

It was located in Yeouido, Seoul’s business district, which had been a bit of a drive for her from Apgujeong with all the traffic at this time. She had collected her dripping phone from the waiter at the desert parlour, glad that he hadn’t drowned it, finished off her sweet treats, said goodbye to her friends and driven her blue Lamborghini to this building. She was quite impressed by it, to be honest. She already liked the grand yet modern design of the building; the huge glass walls, the contemporary furnishing; the way the red furniture and décor was striking out against the white and silver. It was a shame she didn’t plan on staying here long. If things went well, she would be fired from here by tomorrow.

She strutted up to the front desk at cleared to get the receptionists attention. She was a plain looking creature. Average looking. She blinked up at Nori through her black rimmed glasses. “How may I help you?”

Nori hesitated. Did her father really have spies watching her? Or was he just trying to scare her? Whatever the case, Nori knew that, one way or another, The Kim Cho Hwan would find out whether or not she had been to this interview, whether it was as simple as calling up the reception at Wu Enterprises, or getting a detailed report from his ‘spies’.

“Miss…?” The receptionist called out to her.

“Huh? Oh…I’m here for the PA interview.” Nori mumbled.

The receptionist looked at Nori up and down. With her high-class, designer clothes, model-like looks, and Lamborghini keys spinning on her finger, she didn’t look like the usual suspect for a PA job. In fact, she looked like she belonged on a runway, or a magazine. “Your name, miss?” The receptionist asked her sourly. She already didn’t like Nori. She felt threatened by her presence.

Nori picked up on the sudden bitter turn that her voice took and her eyes narrowed down. “Kim Nori.” She replied firmly. Huh…Nori? What kind of name is that? They locked eyes, battling to see who could stand their ground the longest. It turns out Nori won, because a second later, the receptionist ripped her gaze away and looked at her computer screen, tapping the keyboard a few times, and then looking back up at Nori.

“Room 7 on floor 3.” The receptionist scowled at her. She hoped to God that she wouldn’t get chosen.

“Thanks,” Nori gave her an obviously fake smile before turning around.

“.” She added that loud enough for the receptionist to hear, for her own satisfaction. It was a win-win situation for Nori. If the receptionist reported her, it would make her job of getting out of here even easier. She heard the receptionist gasp behind her, and smirked in victory as her heels clicked away on the marble floor.

A minute later, she knocked on Room 7 on floor 3.

“Come in!” A smooth, masculine voice called out, while he looked at the piece of paper on the desk in front of him. Kim Nori. That was the name of the next interviewee.

Nori twisted the handle and stepped into the office, if you could even call it that. It was more like a closet, which was pretty stingy for a company the size of Wu Enterprises, Nori thought. She eyed the man behind the desk. He was good looking. Again, Nori thought it was a shame that she wouldn’t be staying here for long. Maybe she could get his number before she got herself fired…

His eyes widened when she stepped into the room.

“Hi…I’m Lee Gikwang.” He said with awestruck voice. It wasn’t every day that such a pretty girl came sauntering into his mundane, office life. Nori smiled at him genuinely. She found him cute.

“Hey, I’m Kim Nori.” She held a hand out towards him.

“You’re hired.”

“Eh?” That’s not what Nori had wanted to hear. “But you…you didn’t even look at my resume…” She asked in confusion. Then it hit her that it probably wasn’t a good idea for him to look at her application. It would only solidify his decision to hire her. “Actually no, don’t look at it!”

“I won’t” Gikwang smiled at her, his eyes turning into crescents. Yep, she really needed to get his number before she got herself fired. “You’re still hired.”

Nori sighed. Well…at least she didn’t have to go through another painful interview and tell them why she thought they should hire her, when she wanted exactly the opposite.

“If you say so. Where’s your boss?” Nori asked him. Gikwang sprang up from his seat and ran behind her, opening the door and holding it open for her.

“Right this way!” He smiled at her again.

“Thanks.” She winked at him as she walked past him. He followed her out and led the way for her. “This is such a huge building, I’ve never worked somewhere as big before.” She started. She was lying of course. Her father’s company in Apgujeong was even bigger.

“Yeah, it’s huge. It’s so easy to get lost if you don’t know your way around.” Gikwang explained, turning to smile at her again.

“You’re right. It’s kind of scary…” Here goes… “Do you mind giving me your number so I can call you for help, in case I get lost?” Nori asked, widening her eyes, and turning her lips into a pout. The aegyo tactic always worked with guys. Gikwang’s eyes went round like saucers as he looked at her.

“Of course…” He said in an airy voice. Victory.

Nine digits and five minutes later, Gikwang stopped outside a set of double, wooden doors.

“Here we go, Miss Nori. Your boss is behind those doors.” He informed her with a smile.

She leaned in closer to him. “Call me Nori, please. And thanks...Oppa.”

Gikwang nodded with wide eyes as Nori turned to the door and pushed both of them open at once.


Let’s get this party started!


Ok just to make Nori's friends clear:

Jia - from missA

CL - from 2NE1

Amber - from F(x)

Dasom - from Sistar

Just so there is no confusion ^^


Yes, the interviewer is Gikwang, cuz i love me some Gikwang, because he is a y beasty...(cuz he's from BEAST....get it?? get it?...yeah i'll shut up now)


Sleep Adee is very sleepy and lazy, so she didnt check for any mistakes. Forgive her poor soul if you can!!!


Kris and Nori will definitely meet in the next chapter, so please don't send me death threats.


Goodnight for now, my lovelies!!! I'm glad i'm getting a positive response on this so far :)



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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!