Wu Fan x7

Abuse the Boss




The staring contest continued until Nori finally broke it off and opened .

“Nice to meet you Wu Fan, Sir.” She gave him a little curtsey and smiled cutely at him. To her surprise, she watched his angelic face morph into something a little scarier. His hot, angry looking eyebrows, which were an exact replica of his father’s, furrowed together, and a little pout formed on his lips. It was the cutest thing Nori had seen in a long while, and for some reason, she was even more attracted to his angry face than his normal one.  And that’s when she decided – the abuse would start from now.

“Do not call me that.” Kris growled at her.

“Don’t call you Wu Fan?” Nori asked, confused by his sudden command. “Then what am I supposed to call you?”

“Call me anything but that.” Kris snapped.

“Anything but Wu Fan?” Nori asked.

“I said don’t!”

“But Wu Fan is your name, isn’t it?” Nori mentally smirked, but kept an innocent façade on the outside. She had known him for a few minutes, and she had already figured out a way to piss him off. Kris frowned.

“Yes, it is…but I don’t want you to call me that.” Kris told her in a strained voice. She had said the dreaded two words four times already in the space of 30 seconds.

“But I can’t call you anything else, Wu Fan Sir.” She widened her eyes to look more innocent. Five.

Kris cursed under his breath. Was this girl stupid? Did she not understand Korean?! “Oh my God…look, just call me Sir, or Kris…or whatever! JUST DON’T CALL ME THAT!

“Kris?” She asked, and Kris nodded vigorously in response.

Nori blinked at him a few times.








“But your name is Wu Fan.


“ARGHH, that’s it! You’re fired!! GET OUT!!” He snarled at her, pointing towards the door. Nori felt a rush of adrenaline…she had never seen anyone look so hot while angry. Kris on the other hand was seething. He had never met anyone so stupid. “GET OUT!” He yelled again.

“Oh…ok.” Nori said calmly and started walking towards the door. Well that was quick. She wanted to have more fun with this Kris guy. He was so cute!

“What the…” Kris said incredulously. How could she walk out so easily? Nori turned around to look at him.

“What?” She asked curiously.

“You…you’re going to leave? Just like that? Without even asking why you got fired? Or telling me you’re sorry? Or promising me never to do it again? Or begging me not to fire you?” He shot off questions at her, leaving Nori a little confused. Was she supposed to answer yes, or no?





Then Kris remembered what his father had said.



“NO! YOU CAN’T LEAVE!” Kris moved over to her, grabbed her arms and shook her.

“B-but y-you s-said I-I’m f-fired!” Nori gargled as Kris shook the life out of her. What was wrong with this guy anyway? One minute he says she’s fired, the next he’s begging her not to leave?


And why was he shaking her?


“I lied!” Kris let go of her and ran a hand through his hair.

“Ok! I’ll stay then!” Nori said happily. A few more days pissing off this insanely hot guy would do no one’s life any harm.

“Good.” Kris exhaled in relief. He had avoided disaster in time. “Now go outside and do your job. Stop bothering me.” Kris said, giving Nori a sidelong glance.

“Yes, Wu Fan sir.” She curtsied and pranced out of the doors while Kris winced at the use of his name. Seven – that’s how many times she had said his name in one minute. Kris glared at her disappearing figure. He would have to find a way to get her to stop.


Maybe strangling her would work…




Nori smirked to herself as she walked to the black box which was her work station, outside Kris’ office. Kris…she liked it. It sounded hot. Way better than Wu Fan…but the look on the guy’s face when she called him that, was even hotter. She sat down on her chair and looked around. It wasn’t bad…better than the places she had been forced to work in previous companies.


Previous companies…..


They had been a fun experience, and Nori wondered what would be the state of this company when she finally got fired from here. She had much work to do, and she smiled evilly to herself at the thought…until she was rudely interrupted by the clearing of a throat.

Who dare interrupt her evil brainstorming?!

She looked up into the face of Gikwang.

Why did he look so bland now, when a little while ago she was finding him cute...?


Kris…she had seen Kris. That’s what had happened.


“Oh, hi.” Nori said blankly, not interested anymore, but Gikwang didn’t notice and gave her a wide smile.

“Hey!” He squealed enthusiastically, and Nori internally rolled her eyes. You would think he’s never seen a pretty girl before, from the way he was acting. “So, what did you think of our new boss?”

A real delight, Nori thought. “Well, I only just met him, so I don’t know?” She answered cooly.

“Yeah, I know. But first impression?”

Nori smirked. “He seems interesting.”

Gikwang opened his mouth to speak, but he didn’t get the chance to make a sound because the phone on Nori’s desk rang.

What the…? Ten minutes into her PA job, and phone calls already?

Nori scowled and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Come to my office.” Kris’ voice came, and then the line disconnected.


Nori moved the receiver away from her ear and looked at it in disgust. Did he not know who she, the daughter of Kim Cho Hwan, was?!?! Oh…right…he didn’t. Nori sighed and placed the wireless receiver down into its cradle and stood up.

Gikwang was looking at her curiously. “Well…Duty calls…” Nori said, and without a second glance to him, walked towards Kris’ office.


Now to see what lay in store for her…

Short and boring-ish chapter....and Kris and Nori's first meeting didnt go as exciting as i wanted it to either...apologies!!! But the fun will build up soon! I just made this a little transitional chapter to get onto the better stuff - which i'm a little confused about o_O


I'll be updating soon, so watch out for it ^^


Also guys, a little note: If you are sending me friend requests, then please make sure that you do talk to me if you do. I don't bite...ok, actually i do, but literally, and none of you are within my reach.....ANYWAY! the point is, i'm real nice ^^ lol, so talk to me! I like talking...i talk A LOT! 

And if you aren't going to talk to me, then please don't send me friend requests, because i feel bad about rejecting them then, so i'll add you, but then i'll delete you after a while again. I cleared out my friend's list recently, and some people re-added me, but they STILL dont talk to me...

right..end of rant!


HUGE thanks to tamagie for the poster! It's amazing!!

If you like it, then do give her poster shop a visit here: Delightful Doodles Graphic Shop {open!}

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Dear Readers, thanks for your patience! I will be updating soon, ive just been caught up with uni and had no time! Sorry!! - adee_k


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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: Wow cooool
Chapter 10: Update soon please
imemyself07 #3
Chapter 10: This is hilarious!!