
The Reason Is You

The screeching sound of the airplane landing on the land has woken Luhan up from his sleep.


“Unghh..”, he frowned in sleep.


When the airplane has landed safely, “Son, wake up. We’re here, in Seoul”, his father stood up from his seat behind Luhan’s and his hair and told him to wake up.


Luhan is a son of a well-known businessman in the world, Mr. Xi Luxing. Mrs. Xi, who has finished touching-up her face after a deep slumber, too, stood up and ruffled Luhan’s hair, asking him to wake up. Luhan is very happy to be their one and only child. He loves to be loved by someone. His parents have been giving him everything that he wanted while he was still an infant. They gave him everything. To them, Luhan is their everything. And to Luhan, his parents are his everything. He sighed lazily and fixed his hair and clothes when he stood up. “We’ll be waiting for you in front. Hurry up”, his mother told him and he nodded while rubbing his eyes sleepily. They had a long 7 hour journey from China to Korea. Luhan was told that they had to move to Korea because of his parents’ business matter. Being the apple of his father’s eyes, he went together with his parents to Korea. He was grateful to be on his parents’ private airplane as he did not need to take his bags with him while going out from the airplane.


“Young master”, his butler, Xiumin bowed at him. “Xiumin, you don’t need to do this. We’re friends after all. Come on, let’s go”, Luhan said as he took Xiumin’s wrist and brought him along with him. “Mom, dad. I’m ready”, he informed his parents who were sitting on a wooden chair in a private room. “Okay, let’s go”, off they went out of the room and see the world, the airport.


“Woa, young master. I never thought Incheon’s International Airport is this good!”, Xiumin said while having his surprised baozi face on. “Urgh. This . Dubai was much better last year”, he looked at Xiumin and said that. “Well yeah..”, Xiumin scratched his head dumbly. Some of his parents’ bodyguards were guarding them and some of them were pushing the trolleys with their bags on it.

“Young master. I should go and help them”, Xiumin suddenly said as soon as he saw his colleagues pushing the trolleys. “What? No”, Luhan simply said. “Young master”, Xiumin pleaded.

“Call me Luhan and I’ll let you go”, Luhan insisted on calling him Luhan. “O..okay, Luhan master”, Xiumin said unknowingly. “Ergh fine. Can’t you just don’t call me Master? I’m not your master. I’m your friend”, Luhan stated as he let go Xiumin’s wrist. “Thank you, Luhan”, Xiumin grinned happily as Luhan let go of his wrist and off he went, helping them carrying and pushing the stuffs. His parents were walking side by side, like a new couple.

Upon seeing a person holding up his father’s name, they went towards him. “Mr Xi, I’m from your company’s in Korea. I’m Jongdae. Nice to meet you”, he bowed at the parents. “Okay Jongdae, nice to meet you. Thank you for waiting for us here”, Luhan’s father said to Jongdae and they went following him towards the car. Without Luhan’s knowing, people at the airport were looking at them weirdly. Maybe because of the bodyguards, he thought silently.

Upon entering the car, Luhan looked at his iPhone and noticed the time. It was already 5.12pm. He forgot to call his best friend, Lay at 5pm and informed him that he has arrived in Korea. He did roaming, so yeah, he called Lay and talked to him.




“Lay, I’m sorry for the late call. I didn’t know it’s been this late. Sorry okay?”

“It’s fine. Aren’t you tired?”

“No, I’m glad I got to talk to you. What are you doing?”

“I’m talking to you”

“Silly. Where are you right now?”

“I’m in the room. Doing some research on you-know-what”

“Freaking hell Lay! Don’t tell me..Oh my god hahahahaha”


“Luhan, quietly”, his mother suddenly turned back and told him because of his way too loud laugh just now. He bowed and apologized at his mother and continued talking on the phone slowly.



“Yeah. I laughed too much just now. I got scolded by her because of you”

“Pfft, Luhan. You were the one who laughed, why did I get the fault? In the car?”

“Whatever. Yeah, at the back…alone. Xiumin decided to go help the others so he is in the other car”

“I see. Well then, it’s good to know you’re fine. Call me always, alright? Miss ya bro, bye! Oh and say hello to mama and daddy”

“Okay, bye!”


Lay is Luhan’s best friend since he was 3. Although Lay was a year younger, they decided to use informal language between each other and keep it comfortable and cool. Luhan’s parents treated Lay like their own son, and later after that, Lay has been calling Luhan’s parents Mama and Daddy. Luhan also called Lay’s parents like that. They were very close to each other.


“Mom, Dad. Lay said hello to you both”, Luhan informed his parents as soon as he finished talking on the phone. “Lay? I miss him already. Alright”, Luhan’s mother said, flattered.


When Luhan was 7, Xiumin and his father came to his house and asked for a job to be their servant. Since then, Xiumin’s father and him helped and be Luhan’s family servant. However, 3 years after that, Xiumin’s father passed away because of a sudden heart attack. Xiumin kept everything inside until Luhan and Lay talked to him and cheered him up.

Since then, they became best friends. Luhan was very thankful to have two caring and lovely friends beside him. Lay often came by  Luhan’s house and played together with them. Luhan’s lips grew wider when he remembered all those things. “Sir, we’ve arrived at your house”, Jongdae informed Luhan’s father and to Luhan’s surprised, the house was bigger than he had expected. He didn’t like mansions as it was too big for him and his family with Xiumin along to live. It was too big for them. And yet, it’s a mansion again. Luhan sighed helplessly and went out of the car.

“Xiumin!”, Luhan shouted as he saw Xiumin came out from the other car. “Yes, young master?”, Xiumin ran towards him and bowed. “Luhan. It’s Luhan. Remember that. I’m your friend. Not your master”, Luhan reminded Xiumin. He really didn’t like Xiumin calling him ‘young master’ because to him, Xiumin is his brother. Xiumin is not his servant, to him. “I’ll be going first”, Xiumin said. Luhan nodded and went inside the mansion and went straight upstairs, ignoring the tour Jongdae was giving. “Jongdae seems nice. He might be a good friend”, Luhan talked to himself as he found a room and comfortably laid his back on the bed. He decided to own the room which was facing the jungle.

“Umm…this seems okay”, he said again. He was bored and decided to call Lay again.

“Yeah dude? What’s up?”

“I’m bored”

“Where’s Xiumin?”

“He’s downstairs, helping the others. I think..”

“So how was your house?”

“I kinda like and dislike it. First, it is big as hell and second I like it because I got a room facing the jungle. It was not that bad though. You should come here during the school break soon”

“Facing the jungle? That sounds cool. Yeah, I will. Trust me. Aren’t you hungry? Cause I am. I’m having dinner first and will catch you later. Bye”

“Erghh..fine. Okay bye”

Luhan plopped back down on the bed and sighed boringly. “It’s time to eat, Luhan~”, his mom shouted melodiously from the kitchen downstairs. He didn’t even know why his mom was shouting while they got maids to inform him about it. I guess mom cooked some special dishes today, he thought. Luhan got up and went downstairs to the kitchen.

“I’m here”, he said. “Okay, come here”, his father said.

Luhan, being the always kind son, obeyed his father’s words and went to sit in front of him. “Mama cooked some dishes today. Your favourite!”, his father said happily. Upon smelling the scent of the steamed fish, he wiggled his eyebrows happily. But then, he remembered Xiumin. “Dad, can Xiumin eat together with us?”, Luhan asked his father while putting chopsticks on his lips, like a child. “Sure why not”, Luhan’s father approved. “Okay! Xiumin!!!!!”, Luhan screamed out Xiumin’s name and Xiumin came by his side while slightly panting. “What is it, young master?”, Xiumin asked.

“Come sit. Eat together with us. Here’s your chopstick and your rice”, Luhan told Xiumin as he grabbed Xiumin and made him seat next to him.

“But..”, his words were cut off when Luhan’s mother said, “It’s fine. Let’s eat together, dear. You're a part of the family too”.

Xiumin nodded and thanked his masters. “Wah! This is so good, mom!”, Luhan exclaimed as soon as he tasted his mom’s steamed fish. Xiumin just put up two thumbs up and smiled. “Well, he’s my wife after all”, Luhan’s father said. All of them laughed at his father’s words. Luhan’s mother was blushing and Luhan took this opportunity to tease his mom. “Mom, are you hot?”, he asked. “No I’m not, son. It’s my blusher”, she denied. Xiumin was holding back his laughter. “Daddy…why’s mommy wearing a blusher at night? Hmm”, he asked his father cutely, trying to get his father’s attention to the mother. “Stop it, son. Let’s just eat”, with that, Luhan pouted and looked at Xiumin. Xiumin just shooked his head and stuck his tongue out at Luhan and mouthed the word ‘Serve you right, young master’. Luhan was embarrassed of his childish act so he apologized to his parents. “Sorry mom, dad”. “It’s fine, honey. Let’s finish this okay?”, his mother spoke and said that to him.

After dinner, Xiumin went out and talked with the other workers of his fathers’. Luhan was lonely. He just wished that Lay was here, with him. He went upstairs and saw his parents went out of the house to somewhere who-the-hell-knows. “Huhhh”, he deeply sighed. He went to his room and switched on the air conditioner and plopped on the bed. “Maybe they’re having a discussion for my new college and other stuffs. But why at night? Is it because they need a more private place to discuss about it? Humm, I wonder. Erghh who cares. I miss Lay”, he talked to himself while having his head on his palms. He stared at the crafted ceiling boringly. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. Fishing out his phone from the pocket, he saw Lay’s name on the screen. He suddenly smiled.



“Hey, whatcha doin’?”

“I’m on the bed. Staring at the ceiling. It’s so weird..”

“What the hell, Luhan? Don’t you have any useful thing to do?”

“I’m just bored, okay. Errghh, how’s thing going with that ‘tower’?”

“I left him”

“What?! What the…When?!”

“Just now”

“And you sound okay? How’s that?”

“Cause I need to let him go of course, duhh man”

“That’s all?”

“Yep. I’m fine, like seriously. Hey by the way, summer break is coming soon!”

“Oh yeah! I forgot! Hey man sorry about you and him. So….you’re going to come here, right?! Right?”

“Duhhh of course”

“Wait but what bout granny and granddaddy?”

“My parents will take care of them. Don’t worry. I kinda miss you though hahaha”

“Duhh, what’s with the laugh dude. I miss you too”


Suddenly, Luhan heard a knock on his door.


“Hey, wait a sec”



He went towards the door and opened it. “Young master, do you need anything?”, that Jongdae guy came asked him. He was surprised to see him in front of his door. Instead of Xiumin, Jongdae came. “No no, I’m fine thanks. Oh and please don’t call me young master. I don’t like it”, he told Jongdae. “Well then, sorry. What should I call you?”, he asked Luhan. Luhan smiled happily, knowing that Jongdae was so easy to go with and kind. “Luhan. Call me Luhan. And I don’t wanna call you Jongdae..for some reason. It’s just not suitable. Hahaha”, he laughed. “Oh okay, Luhan. I’m Jongdae. But you can call me Chen”, he bowed. “Okay, Chen. Nice meeting you. I have something to do.Bye!”, with that, Jongdae was left, stunned, in front of the door. He never thought his ‘young master’ would be like this. All bubbly, kind and friendly. He was thankful though.


“Hey, sorry. Something came up just now”

“Aren’t you going to release your tension for breaking up with that guy?”

“For what? I don’t even love him anymore. Duhhh so girlyy. Whatever! Where’s mama and daddy?”

 “They went out together. I don’t know where they go but I think it’s about me. My new college and stuffs. I think so”

“Isn’t the house too big to be going anywhere else for such things?”

“I know right, but you know my parents. Lovayyydovaayyy all the way”

“Ah yeah I forgot bout that. Hey I’ll inform you bout my summer break soon k?”

“Really?! Okay! Byeeee!”

“Yeah okay bye dude”


After that, Luhan took a bath and drifted off to bed.


A/N: So this is about Luhan. Hey guys! Waddup i got a break from my exam, 3 days. Weeeheee so i have wrote this actually but i was just too lazy to update it. So here you go! And you should be happy i posted it before 16th hehehe <3 love ya.

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The hell did i just wrote omg its 15.02.13


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will u continue this, Author-sshi??
fantastic-wow #2
why no update??
Chapter 12: I KENOT!!! Author-nim update soon :-)
YOu dkjhksdhkjs Lay, heheheh .,... I can't wait >_<
Chapter 9: HAHAHHAH silly Lay! Smart Lay! >_<
so he knew this would happen so he placed the device on Luhan's room...Very impressive ;) Kkkkk
please update this fluffy cute story please
geffreyo8 #6
Chapter 12: Please update! :)
kyushie #7
Chapter 12: Upload please!!!!!!! :)
Chapter 12: what is it Luhan?? :O
felicia_lu #9
Chapter 12: Hummm i think this yixing guy have something to tell suho though
However, great chapter c:
Chapter 12: What? What the fck lay, say something to Suho. He's ____ing pissed
Update soon!!