Chapter 2

Beyond My Control

“Five more minutes!” I screamed at my best friend who was already lying down on my bed. I was still inside my walk-in closet trying to figure out what to wear for the party. Honestly, I didn’t want to go since I didn’t want to risk ruining my future or anything. Anything can happen in that party and one small mistake and it could be the end of me. Gah, I think I’m thinking too much. Or maybe I was just nervous since it had been 3 years since I last went to a party that didn’t include some cows and some cheesy country music.

I secretly took a peek at what my best friend was wearing before I was finally able to decide on what to wear. I decided to wear a white off shoulder blouse, which revealed the strap of my hot pink bra, and a pair of black shorts. I also decided to wear the new pair of black heels I bought from the mall a few days ago when I hang out with Jiyong once again. To finish off my outfit, I applied make-up on my face to give off a smoky look. I sprinted myself with perfume before I checked herself once more in front of the mirror and went out to tell my best friend that I was now ready.

I patted his legs and he immediately sat down. He checked me out and nodded to approve my taste in my outfit before he stood up and wiped off the unseen dust off his clothes.

“In case you didn’t notice, we actually match.” He said as he took note of what he was wearing. He was wearing a loose white top and he had a pink scarf wrapped around his neck. He was wearing black skinny jeans and the black shoes he got from Louis Vuitton. Truthfully, his outfit was really the guy version of my outfit. Of course, I took a peek at his outfit before choosing mine.

“Great minds think a like?” I said to him as I dragged him out of my room. We walked side by side on the creepy halls and when we were about to walk down the massive stairs, my dad suddenly appears. Holy sht, where did he came from?

“Going to a party?” He casually asked us. My dad was still wearing his business suit and so, I figured out that he just got home. 

“Yes Uncle.” Jiyong answered for the both of us.

My dad ran a hand through his non-existent hair, something that he usually does when he’s extremely confused.

“And who’s this young man, Dara?” He asked me.

“Dad, this is Jiyong. You know, my best friend. He used to be a big nerd but thankfully he met Project Runway and America’s Next Top Model and so he isn’t a fashion faux pas anymore.” I answered.

“I had no idea of what you just said Dara. But, this is Jiyong eh? What a fine young man you have become!” Dad said before he clicked his tongue as he looked at his watch. “Now, look at the time. It’s time for you to leave. Jiyong, I want Dara back by 1 am. That’s her curfew. And if she doesn’t come back by that time, I’m going to call the head of the police in Seoul and have a search party find her.”

“Sure Uncle. I’ll make sure she’ll be back by that time.” Jiyong assured my dad. I, on the other hand, just rolled my eyes because of my dad’s ways of acting as a father. What dad had just said was a contradiction. He didn’t seem to be stopping me from going to a party yet he sets a curfew for me? He should have stopped me or something. He could have said that it was dangerous for teens like us to party! He should have said anything just to make Kwon Jiyong allow me to stay at home where I can be safe and where I can be sure that I wouldn’t make anything stupid that could ruin my bright future. But sadly, he didn’t. I guess there was no turning back now. It’s just one party anyway.

“Bye Dad.” I said as I kissed him on the cheek before I grabbed Jiyong’s hand and dragged him towards the main door. I opened the double doors and we both went out of the house. Jiyong said that he would be driving us to the party and so, I didn’t bother bringing my keys. I jumped onto the passenger seat of his red convertible before he did but he didn’t seem to mind. I didn’t even ask if Queen Bee aka Kim Jinah would be coming with us. But who cares? I’m Kwon Jiyong’s best friend and I’ve known him longer than she did and the passenger seat was just for me. And it seems that there wasn’t a problem since I didn’t hear him complaining.

He jumped onto the driver’s side and he turned the engine on. And within seconds, off we go!

We arrived in Seungri’s neighboorhood in a matter of 15 minutes or so. We didn’t have any stopovers and so, I figured out that Jinah went to the party on her own, not that I care about her or anything. Jiyong actually parked his car away from Seungri’s house considering that we were probably the last ones who arrived and we had no parking space much nearer from the house. But I didn’t mind walking a few steps.

Even if we weren’t in front of Seungri’s house yet, we could already hear the loud music playing. Judging from the noise itself, I could say that it was a wild party. I knew that it was really risky for me (Ms. Goody Two Shoes or Ms. Perfect) to attend such party but as long as Jiyong’s with me, I’m safe right?

I found myself hooking arms with my best friend. He might have felt how tensed I was and so, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly, which actually calmed me down—a bit. 

When we arrived in Seungri’s house, it was worse than I imagined it would be. Smoke was all over the place and it was so heavy that I was so positive that someone here was bound to die because of lung cancer in a year’s time. The smell of alcohol was so strong that even inhaling the air here could possibly make me go drunk. And the scene before me was even worse than any o I’ve ever tried to watch (hey, it was for educational purposes!). 

I found myself wishing that I was home, reading a good book or even watching “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” or “Roman Holiday” like Blair Waldorf does whenever she was not busy crying over Chuck or scheming something against Jenny Humphrey. But, no matter how many times I wish that it would happen, it just wouldn’t. Sigh, Genie in the lamp, where are you when I needed you the most?

“Oh come on D. It’s just a party. You need to relax. Look at what relaxing did to me?” Jiyong said as stood in front of me.

“But Ji, you’re a manwhore now.” I said to him, trying to make him remember of his current reputation.

“Just because I bleached my hair doesn’t make me a manwhore.” Jiyong said defensively. “Okay, what if I’m a manwhore? At least I’m no longer that invisible nerd that was always hidden on your shadows. Just stop thinking about your bright future for now Dara. I mean, what could possibly happen just because of this party? It’s not like all your plan would go down the drain just because you attended this party.” He continued.

I took a deep breath (and coughed a little bit because of the smoke) before I nodded. 

“I guess you’re right. I’m a little bit too uptight. I guess, 3 years abroad took the sense of fun in me. So, yeah. I should really have fun. I’ll have a drink or two and dance the whole night long.” I said.

“Now, that’s my best friend!” Jiyong said as he led me towards the bar. Seungri probably hired a bartender and a DJ for this party and I must say that he’s really good in planning parties. Jiyong got himself a legspreader while I got myself a screaming .

While taking a small sip from my glass, I leaned towards Jiyong to ask him something. I had to yell for him to hear me considering that the DJ just played a new club song and everyone was in ecstacy. 

“Hey, aren’t we going to meet the owner of the house first?” I asked. I saw Kwon Jiyong ask the bartender another glass of legspreader (already? Didn’t we just get our drinks?) before he leaned towards my ear and yelled onto my ears (God! I would be deaf tomorrow).

“There’s no need for that. He doesn’t even know half of the people here. I guess, they all crashed this party. And in the first place, Seungri is probably screwing some chicks inside his room. If you don’t want to see some live o, then it’s better not find him.” Jiyong said. I suddenly had mental images of Seungri doing the dirty with a girl (Heck, I’m not even sure if it’s just ONE girl.) I chugged down entire content of my drink to clear my mind of dirty thoughts before Jiyong leaned onto my ears once again.

“Let’s dance.” He said as he grabbed me and dragged me to the dance floor. He didn’t even wait for me to say yes, but he didn’t ask me right? It was more of a command than a question. And so, I just let it go.

We danced a bit and I really had fun, except for the times when some drunken guys started groping and grinding on me, which Jiyong took care off. He practically pressed me onto his chest and acted as if I was his girlfriend so that the other guys (drunk or not) would have the idea that I was off limits.

Everything seemed to going smoothly except for the time when Jiyong told me that he would find Jinah because he wanted to break up with her (really? At this time? God, my best friend was really a manwhore and he’s so random, too!). I wasn’t quite sure if he only said that because he was actually drunk already or because he’s just the same old crazy Jiyong. Before he went upstairs, I told him to come back as soon as possible since I still wasn’t comfortable not having him around. 

I went to the bar and got myself a on the beach and I waited for Jiyong to come back. I decided to check my phone if I had some messages or whatever and so I placed my drink on the countertop. I had a few messages from some of my girl friends who just found out that I was back and some from my dad reminding me not to drink too much or else I would have liver cancer? My dad was really weird. I locked my phone and decided to get back on my drink. I chugged down the content of the glass into my mouth before my bladder felt like it was gonna explode. 

And so, I went upstairs to find a bathroom and I did find one. But after I urinated, I felt a little dizzy and my head felt a little bit light. I couldn’t possibly be drunk since I only drank 3 glasses. But, my vision was starting to get a little bit hazy and then, I felt a pair of hands around my waist. Someone was hugging me from behind! I wanted to fight but I didn’t have to strength to do so. I felt lips kissing the nape of my neck and no matter how much I wanted to think that I didn’t like how it felt, I just couldn’t. And with that, I found myself losing control.

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..