Chapter 9

Beyond My Control

Chapter Nine


Jiyong’s POV


Youngbae instructed his men to feed me, but I didn’t have the appetite to eat. And so the man in black, whose name was Shin Dong Hee, who gave me the food happily ate it after I said that I wasn’t hungry and he could eat it if he wanted too. It had been almost 24 hours since I had been kidnapped and I already lost hope. If I were correct, it was already 10 in the morning (judging from the position of the sun as I looked through the dirty windows) and it was just in time for my best friend’s wedding. Just great!


I pretty sore because I tried to escape last night several times (and I failed every single time) and I was tired at the same time because I tried sleeping on the cold hard floor which wasn’t even 1% close to the comfort that my bed could offer. But my mind was not thinking about my physical distress—I was more worried (and I was about to go crazy) thinking about my best friend’s wedding.


How could Dara marry a guy whom she didn’t even know that much just because she didn’t want me to take responsibility of her? And when did my future became her concern? I could do whatever I wanted to do with my life! And her situation wasn’t the reason why I didn’t pursue going to UCLA. I told dad that I wanted to study there just because I wanted to be in the same country (though she lived in a different State) as her in the first place. And now that she was back, what’s the point of going there when my reason of going was back here?


God! I wanted to kill myself now! All these time, I knew that I loved Sandara Park. But I wasn’t fully aware that I just didn’t love Dara—I was in love with her all along! And we’re having a kid! Yet, she was marrying a different man. When did my life become a movie-like drama?


I heard my stomach growl and I figured out that I haven’t eaten anything for the last 24—well, 25 now—hours because I kept on giving it to Shin Dong Hee. I wanted to order something but my cellphone’s in my car. Oh well, at least I had my wallet with me.


“Yah! Shin Dong Hee! Buy me a box of pepperoni pizza!” I said as I handed him money. He stopped eating and looked up to stare at me (and he looked slightly mad because I interrupted him while he was eating) before he walked towards me. But before he was able to grab the money from my hands, I withdrew it and took some more cash from the wallet. “You know what? Why don’t you just buy everyone pizza? But if I give you money, will you set me free?” I asked, hoping that he would just set me free. I saw him frown and he looked like he was having a mental debate inside his head.


“You make it sound like we’re bad guys. We’re actually not. And we’re not even bodyguards or whatever. We used to work for Chairman Dong but because most of his international investments were in Europe, the company went bankrupt during the Global Financial Crisis. Europe’s economy was the most affected one and just like that—we lost our jobs. But a few weeks ago, Youngbae went to us and offered us jobs. He told us that we will have our old jobs back if his plan would be successful. So, how could we not say no to it? I have a family to feed you know.” Shin Dong Hee explained to me. Now, I finally understood why Dong Youngbae did it. He wasn’t some random kid who just wanted money. He wanted to do this not just for his family, but for these people who lost their jobs too. I didn’t know that there were people who had these kinds of situations while I go buy designer stuff that cost a year-worth of food for a family like Shin Dong Hee’s. Still, Youngbae shouldn’t have done this—I could have helped him if he only explained it to me.


“Youngbae’s marrying my best friend, you know. She’s my everything and she’s carrying my child. As selfish as I might sound, but I think I couldn’t wait for a year just to be with her and my own child. Dong Hee, please! I’m begging you.” I stopped as I felt my throat constrict and as my vision became hazy due to the tears forming in my eyes. “I need to go and stop the wedding.”


As I looked up, I realized that everyone else was listening to my speech. They all had the same expression in their eyes and I knew that they were thinking of the pros and cons of letting me go.


Dong Hee looked at the other men before he sighed loudly and placed his arm around my shoulder.


“Kid, follow me out.”


And just like that—they set me free. They were even nice enough to drive me to Dara’s house where the signing of wedding contracts would happen. Before they left me on the front of Dara’s house, I gave them money for the pizza and told them to go to Kwon Empire in two days with their resumes. They thanked me before they drove off.


I was about to enter, Dong Youngbae went out from the house. For a moment, I felt my world crushed as I thought that the wedding’s over. Now, I had more reasons to punch Youngbae. But...

“Before you start punching me, there was no wedding. Dara was going hormonal again because you weren’t there. I figured out that she wouldn’t sign those damned papers without you around and so, I just told her the truth. I guess I couldn’t stop you two now.” Youngbae said as he scratched the back of his head.


I let out a sigh of relief before I leaned on the wall and had my arms crossed in front of my chest.


“I told them to go to Kwon Empire in two days with their resumes, you know.” I said as if I was starting a pep talk. “And Sandara’s not the only 18 year old whose father’s rich and was kind enough to transfer some of the shares to his kid.”


“What are you trying to say Kwon Jiyong?” Youngbae asked me to go straight to the point.


“Just go to the Empire in two days. I and my dad will discuss about the investment we’re going to put in your company.”I said as I uncrossed my arms.


Dong Youngbae stared at me for a few seconds—he must be processing what I just said. But after that, he walked towards me and bowed to me before saying thank you repeatedly.


He excused himself after that, saying that he should inform his parents (who stormed off due to embarrassment as Youngbae unveiled the truth) about our little talk. But before he was able to jump back into his car, I called him back.


“Hey, I forgot to give you something.” I said to him as I ran towards him.


He looked a bit confused and started thinking of what it could possibly be. “What is it?” He asked.


“This.” I replied before I punched him square on the face. I heard him mutter some curses under his breath but he didn’t punch back—I guess he knew that he deserved it.


Without even waiting for him to say anything, I turned my back on him and walked into the house. I asked Anj (one of Park Residence’ maids) if where Dara was and she told me that she was in her room. I thanked the maid before I started walking towards Sandara’s room.


I didn’t knock before I entered the room and I caught her, still wearing her wedding dress (wait, this wasn’t her dream wedding dress!), screaming at someone on the phone as she looked at the pool through her window.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T FIND HIM? FIND MY BEST FRIEND OR YOU’LL GET FIRED! HE WAS IN A WAREHOUSE OR SOMETHING.” I heard her scream on her phone. I decided to save whoever it was on the phone talking to her and so, I knocked on Dara’s wooden door.


I saw her turn around before she screamed my name.


“JI!!!” She said as she ran to hug me. “Oh my, did they hurt you? I swear I’m going to kill Youngbae if something happened to you.”


I pulled her off me, not because I didn’t want her to hug me, but because I wanted to look at her.


“Relax D. I’m fine. And I took care of Youngbae. I guess he deserved what I did to him.” I said as my hands where on either side of Dara’s shoulders.


“You had no idea of how bad I felt when Youngbae told me what he did. I shouldn’t have made those plans. But then, I didn’t want you to carry the responsibility that wasn’t supposed yours. Yes, Youngbae’s not the father and I’m actually not quite sure if who the father is. But now, I don’t care anymore. I couldn’t marry any other man, Ji. I figured out that all along, the one wanted to marry was you. I know I’m being selfish. You have a bright future ahead of you and here I am, asking you if you could offer being the father of my child once again.” Dara said as she sat on her bed. She didn’t look at me, probably because she was too embarrassed at what she just said.


“And here I thought Youngbae said everything.” I muttered under my breath. It came out as a murmur and despite the fact that she didn’t understand a thing; Dara looked up at me as if to ask me what I just said. Damn Youngbae. You should have told her that I was the father so that I could avoid this awkward situation. But then, Youngbae might have thought that I should be the one to say this to Dara.


‘It was now or never, Ji. Tell her now.’ I said as I try to muster all the courage I could have.


“D, I bumped with Jin-ah yesterday and I found out that she wasn’t in the party. And I was drunk and I slept with someone else.” I said before I paused to breathe. “I think I was the one who slept with you Dara.”


I was expecting a slap, a punch or even a tantrum. But then, it never came. Instead, I saw Dara cry. Oh ! This was the worst thing that could ever happen. Dara knew that I didn’t know what to do when she cries.


I grabbed her shoulders as she was continued crying. I shook her a bit before I tried to defend myself.


“I know you hate me now because I ruined your future. But let me explain. I loved you for a long time now Dara. And the only reason why I came after those girls was because I couldn’t get the only person I wanted. And could blame me that every time I have with other woman all I could do was imagine them as you? And do you know how my ex girlfriends had to convince me to try screaming their names instead of yours during ? Don’t you get it Dara, I loved you all this time!” I said.


Sandara looked up before she punched my chest weakly with her fist.


“Yah! Kwon Jiyong! Stupid! I was crying because I was relieved that it was really you.” Sandara said as she continued punching me. I chuckled a bit before I wiped the tears off her face with my thumb. “And if I were another girl, I would consider your speech as the worst love confession ever. Who tells the girl they love about their ual escapades?”


I pushed her face on my chest and wrapped my arms around her. I let my head rest on top of her hair, kissing it from time to time.


“What can I do? I was never the perfect gentleman.” I said as I kissed her forehead. “And what gets out of my mouth—it’s beyond my control.”


“Tell me about it. I learned that nothing could ever be controlled the hard way.”

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..