Chapter 7

Beyond My Control

Chapter Seven

Sandara’s POV

When I was a little girl, I always imagined how my future husband would propose to me. It should be in a high-rise building and he would take me to the rooftop while I was blindfolded. Then, I could hear music from the violin players he hired and then, he would remove my blindfold and I would gasp in surprise as I see him on his knees with a little box in his hand. He would open the box and I would cry as I see the ring and he would say his proposal and I would say yes. And then, he would slip the ring to my finger and he would stand and I could jump into his arms and he would kiss me under the moonlight. Then, my wedding should be really grand. It should be in a big church where the light from the sun would pass through the stained glass and emit different colors that would make everything look majestic. The flowers should be lilies and tulips just because they’re my favourite. There would be a long red carpet on the aisle so that I would feel as if I was winning an Oscar Award. And when the wedding pianist would start playing, I would walk down the long aisle and everyone would stare at me with so much envy in their eyes. Then, the reception should be in a garden surrounded with wild flowers that just bloomed. Then, my husband and I would dance under the moonlight until I complain that my feet hurt because I had been wearing 5 inch heels the entire day. That’s how my wedding should be. But then, I never thought that I would be getting married a decade after I thought of that.

Everyone was pretty much confused after I told them that Jiyong wasn’t really the father of my child. I told them he only covered up for me because I wasn’t too sure if the father of the child would take responsibility or not. My parents were upset that we lied, but then they were still more upset that I got pregnant. But what could we do? It's already here.

And so, my parents and Youngbae’s parents had dinner and started planning the wedding. There wasn’t even a proposal. But Youngbae was kind enough to give me a ring. The wedding that was planned was only a civil wedding. So my church wedding dream just jumped out of the window. And of course, there would be no garden reception. But then, what could I do? Everything should be done before the month ended because the bump on my abdomen would be obvious and both parents didn’t want people to talk about me getting pregnant out of wed-lock. 

After the dinner, as we got home, I called Jiyong and even if it was already midnight by the time we got home, he still went to see me. I cried that night and I told him about my dreams and I felt bad that it wouldn’t happen to me. He didn’t say anything at all, he just listened to me—just like how I wanted it. 

When I was done, he wiped the tears off my eyes with his thumb and told me that pregnant women shouldn’t cry because their babies would end up ugly if they kept on crying. That was enough to make me stop. I was miserable enough now and I didn’t want this kid to suffer his/her entire life.

“You should probably sleep.” Jiyong said as he slipped out of me bed and arranged my pillows. “And I should probably get going.” He said as he scratched the back of his head before he waved goodbye. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me to ask me if there was something more.

“Stay.” I said softly and I wasn’t too sure if he was able to understand it. “Just like in middle school, let’s have a sleepover.” I said as I patted the other side of the bed.

He looked a bit hesitant but he nodded anyway. He jumped on the other side of the bed as I turned the lights off. I lied down and he mimicked my action. And just like that, we stared at the ceiling like there was something interesting going on there. And for some odd reasons, I didn’t find this situation awkward. 

“Wow, you’re going to marry another guy yet you’re inviting me into your bed. You’re really naughty Miss Park.” Jiyong joked as I was about to drift off to dreamland.

“What can I do? I don’t even like the guy I was marrying. Plus, I love this guy I’m sleeping with more than any other guy in this world.” I muttered drowsily. I guess I was really sleepy.

I felt Jiyong move beside me and I figured out that he was already facing me. Then, he hugged me and before I finally drifted off to dreamland, he whispered something on my ears.

“Just for the record, I love you too—more than anything in this world.”

Jiyong’s POV

I heard that Youngbae was going suit shopping today and so, even though I had 5 more suits in my closet that I never got to wear, I pretended to go suit shopping myself. I just wanted to talk to Youngbae before he gets married to my best friend next week. 

I saw him choosing a tie that would match the suit that he just purchased and I figured out that he was almost finished shopping by that time I arrived. Well, I would have gone earlier if I didn’t sleep in Dara’s house last night but then, it probably was the last time we could ever do that.

I walked towards Youngbae and I ‘accidentally’ bumped onto him because of my clumsiness.

“Opps. Sorry.” I said to complete my act. “Wait! You’re Dong Youngbae, right?” I asked as if I wasn’t too sure of whom he was.

“Nice seeing you here Kwon Jiyong.” Youngbae said as if he was really happy seeing me. I was too smart to know what fake enthusiasm was. 

“I was just buying a suit for my best friend’s wedding next week.” I said as I started looking through the wide selection of suit. Wait, I think I saw a newly released limited collection Armani suit. I was about to go towards the suit when I suddenly remembered what I was here for. Okay, mental note: check that Armani suit later and pray to God that no other rich bloke would buy it before I do.

“Okay, I’m not actually here to shop. I’m here because I want to talk to you.” I said truthfully. I cleared my throat before I proceeded. “Sandara is my best friend and I’ve known her since forever and I even though she looks or pretends to be strong, she’s actually really sensitive and she’s really a crybaby.” I stopped when I realized that I was saying all my best friend’s weaknesses. “And I’m here to warn you. If you do anything that would make her cry, I will tear your eyes out their sockets. Raise your hands to hurt her, I will cut them off. And believe me, this isn’t an empty threat. I don’t mind rotting in jail just for my best friend.” I said.

“Well, that was really graphic.” Youngbae said at first. Then he continued. “If you weren’t Dara’s best friend, I would have thought that you were jealous. But that’s impossible. You’re like her brother. So, you must be just overprotective of her. “

I stared at him and I was quite not sure why. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn’t get to. Youngbae, who thought that out conversation was over, went back in choosing a tie. After a minute or so, he took one and paid for it. He was about to leave when said my final words to him.

“Just take care of her. Dara’s really precious. So, just take care of her.” I said as he was already standing near the glass doors.

He smiled at me before he responded, “Of course. I will. I will.”

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..