Chapter 8

Beyond My Control

Chapter Eight


Sandara’s POV


When Jiyong and I were both ten years old, we were forced (well, only Jiyong) to go to my mother’s sister’s wedding. Jiyong’s parents were in a business trip in Bangkok and Jiyong begged and cried for a total of 12 hours just to convince his parents to make him stay with us. He eventually won because his father developed a headache from Jiyong’s loud cries and screaming while Jiyong’s mom was just worried about Jiyong getting sick. So, Jiyong stayed in our house for 2 weeks straight. On his fifth day with us, we were informed that we had to come to the wedding and I was so ecstatic since I love weddings so much! During the entire ceremony, Jiyong was frowning because he was so bored while I was crying because it was so beautiful. It was the time of my life where Disney movies were really popular and my aunt’s wedding was so much like Cinderalla’s wedding. And I wanted a fairytale-like wedding too!


While I was sniffing and was repeatedly saying how beautiful the wedding was, Jiyong was just holding my hand (frown still in his face), squeezing it lightly as he told me to stop crying because I would never have a fairytale-like love story if I kept on crying. But I kept on crying—not because of the wedding but because of what he said. I was going to be an old maid because I cry a lot! Then, he squeezed my hand again and he promised me that if no Prince Charming would marry me, he would volunteer to marry me instead.


But then, he didn’t have to do that. I have a Prince Charming now—and even though I didn’t love him, he was still Prince Charming. I mean, Cinderella couldn’t possible fall in love with her Prince Charming just because of one dance right? Maybe she learned to love Prince Charming. That’s why I thought that I could do the same. I wasn’t exactly Cinderella, but this life wasn’t exactly a fairytale, right?


I inspected my wedding dress once again. My wedding was tomorrow and I was on the verge of breakdown. I called Jiyong earlier and he said he was coming. But it had been an hour since I did that. Now, I wasn’t quite sure if I was nervous for my wedding or I was nervous for my best friend.


Jiyong’s POV


I was on my way to Sandara’s house when I decided to go to Apgujeong district to buy her some fro-yo since she sounded like having a major breakdown—wedding jitters, maybe? But it turned out to be a big mistake. I was supposed to drop by and buy the fro-yo and not be dragged in a coffee shop by my ex-girlfriend Kim Jin-ah.


“OMG! Kwon Jiyong, I kind of like so miss you. It’s been what? Like 4 months already? I haven’t heard from you. Where were you like hiding?” Jin-ah said as she tried to kiss me. I turned my head and she planted her fat lips onto my left cheek. I saw Jin-ah roll her eye as I sighed heavily. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her.


“I’m about to go to Dara’s house you know. Why don’t we hang out any other time?” I said as I stood up from my seat. I was about to leave when Jin-ah grabbed my wrist. I felt her long, newly-manicured nails dig on my skin and I hissed a bit.


“I heard that your best friend got knocked up in Seungri’s party. I always knew she was a .” Jin-ah said as she pulled me down on my seat again. I felt my jaws tighten as she just insulted my best friend.


“Don’t talk to my best friend like that. She’s a better person that you are.” I said to defend my best friend.


“Wow. You’re on your Park’s side instead of your girlfriend’s side?” Kim Jin-ah asked as she acted as if she was hurt.


“Ex-girlfriend.” I corrected.


“We never broke up Kwon Jiyong. So technically, I’m still you’re girlfriend.” Jin-ah immediately responded.


“We broke up already. I broke up with you. Does Seungri’s party ring a bell?” I said to her to enlighten her. God, this girl was crazier that I thought.


“What are saying Kwon Jiyong? I was in Paris in the last four months with...” She paused. “Okay, I cheated on you okay? I was on my way to Seungri’s party when I met this French beau and we had epic and then, we eloped to Paris and we had every single day but he was getting boring. He was only good in missionary. That’s why I came back. You’re much better in bed you know. And I’m sorry for cheating on you.”


“You weren’t there? But I broke up with you there! Oh !” I said as realization hit me. Damnit! I think I had with my best friend. I ran out of the shop even before Jin-ah could stop me again.


I was about to get inside my car when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and I found out that it was Seungri. I figured out that no harm would be done if I answer the phone and so, I did.


“G! Let’s go clubbing tonight! God! I want to celebrate my freedom!” Seungri said on the other side without even saying hello first.


“Well, hello to you too. I haven’t heard from you for, I don’t know, 4 months? Where have you been Bro? And what’s with the freedom drama?” I asked as I entered my car and sat on the driver’s seat.


“What kind of friend are you? I’ve been to prison dummy! I met this super hot girl in my party and she told me she wanted to go dirty on me and so I took the offer. I told her we can do it in my room or any room in the house but she insisted that we go to her place so that there would be no interruption. God! You should have seen the horror in my face when we were on our third round and then the police entered the room. She turned out to be a e. Damn! That’s why she was so good! And so, since I was 18 and all, they locked me up because I paid for . Damnit! I don’t need to pay for . And then, my parents found out and they let me rot in prison. But oh, I’m back now! So, see you later?” Seungri explained. I couldn’t believe he was in jail. I was about to answer when someone unfamiliar knocked on my window. I opened the door to ask him what’s wrong when all of a sudden, I was surrounded by men in black suit. I knew something bad was going to happen but who would dare try doing something major in a public and crowded place like Apgujeong district?


I was about to return back into my car when one of them stopped me. I wasn’t a weakling but I was no match for 20 men! I muttered a curse and tried to run away from them. But it was too late. Then just grabbed me like a rag doll and pushed me into a car. I struggled but they were too strong. Damnit! I should have gone to the gym before!


“YAH! What do you want from me?” I kept on asking but I didn’t get any answer. And so, I started to threaten them. “Do you know who my father is? I swear, if I’ll escape, I’ll make sure you rot in prison for the rest of your lives!” I kept on threatening them but they seem to ignore it every single time.


After a few minutes (I figured out that we were still in Seoul), the car stopped and I looked through the tinted windows. I saw an old warehouse and I knew who owns it (the sign was a total giveaway)—Dong Youngbae.


The men in black went out of the car and I tried to runaway but again, I failed. They dragged me to the warehouse and I was expecting them to torture me or to kill me, but they weren’t actually doing anything to hurt me. They were just preventing me from escaping. And I had to know why.


I saw someone enter the warehouse a few minutes after I was dragged there. I swear, I could kill Dong Youngbae now.


“Why did you do this you ing bastard?” I yelled at him. I was about to attack him when his men held me in place. I cursed under my breath once again.


“I’m not going to hurt you Jiyong, I’m not that type of person. I just need to stop you from telling Dara about your little...realization. You see, my father’s company is currently having problems and I needed Dara’s money to save it. Yes, I know there are other ways—like your father investing in our company or something. But how could I not refuse Dara’s offer? You see Kwon Jiyong, Dara knew that I wasn’t the father all along. I knew I did make a mistake with my story. But did that stop her from telling me to marry her? She told me to marry her, and we’ll have a divorce after a year. Ever since she turned 18, her father transferred some of his shares under her name. And after the divorce, I could get half of the money—and it’s enough to save my father’s company.”


“Dara knew that I was the father?” I asked.


“No. I didn’t know also—until I heard your conversation with Kim Jin-ah in Starbucks this morning.” Youngbae stopped for a second before he continued. “You see, you’re best friend didn’t want you to take responsibility just because your her best friend. But since you’re the father, I don’t know how she’ll react. And I can’t afford to ruin my plans. So, you’ll just have to stay here until the wedding’s over.”


I saw Youngbae walked towards the entrance of the warehouse. Within seconds, he was gone. His men loosened their gripped on me and I ran towards the entrance—but it was locked. I tried to open it. I even used my body to push it open but it didn’t even open. I punched the door repeatedly with my fists.




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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..