Chapter 4

Beyond My Control

Jiyong and I met when we were seven years old in a charity event for kids with cleft palate that my dad organized. Charity events were only interesting for adults and why were we even there—we were quite not sure. But then, maybe it was God’s plan to make us meet. Anyway, while my dad and mom were socializing with other adults, I wander around the hall as if I were a queen inspecting her palace. Yes, I was a queen and I was the most beautiful girl in the sparkly pink dress that my dad bought for me when he went to Paris a week ago. But then, while I was walking towards the fountain area, I saw a little girl wearing a dress, which had a different cut, but had the same tinge of pink as mine. To say that I was mad was an understatement. I was beyond mad and you know what I did? I pushed the little girl on the fountain.

Too my surprise, I noticed a wig floating on the pool of water beside the now-crying and soaking wet little girl I pushed. It didn’t took me long to realize that she was aboy! And that my friends, was how I met Kwon Jiyong.

His mom had always dreamed of having a baby girl but instead, she got a boy. And she was rather feeling playful that night and forced her son to wear the pink dress she had been keeping since she was pregnant with him and the wig she had purchased from the costume store earlier.

Mad at his mom, Jiyong stayed on the fountain area the whole night because he didn’t want to be seen wearing a dress and a wig. But unfortunately for him, I found him and pushed him.

As soon as I found out that he was a boy, I helped him up (soaking myself in the process) and sneaked him into my room. I told him to remove his clothing because he was creating a puddle on my floor, but he hesitant in doing so. As I saw his hesitation, I remove his clothing myself. I brought him into my walk-in closet and gave him a bright pink shirt (which says: I’m so cute) and a pair of shorts. But he was an ungrateful kid. He didn’t even want to wear the clothes I gave him. And so, I forced him to wear it. Then, I forced him to play with me and when he said he didn't want to, I wrestled with him.

And that’s how our beautiful friendship started. 

On sixth grade, our classmates found a picture of Jiyong wearing girls’ clothes when we were younger. They laughed at him and even bullied him for it. But being his best friend, I punched those people and even threatened to send them to Bermuda triangle if they don’t shut up about it. The next day, no one bullied Kwon Jiyong once again.

Maybe that’s the reason why we stayed as best friends. I might have appeared scary and even controlling to Jiyong, but I also defended him when he needed it the most. 

And maybe that’s why he was returning the favour now. Or maybe, he was only doing this because he still felt guilty for leaving me. Either way, I needed him the most right now and he had been a great help to me. And that’s all the mattered.

We managed to keep my little secret for another two months, which would have been really hard if it weren’t for Jiyong. I was moody all the time. I kept on having weird cravings. And I kept on vomiting. I’ve been showing all the signs of being pregnant and if it weren’t from Jiyong, anyone could have noticed now.

We started college about 2 months ago and Jiyong had been helping me with school work too. On weekends, he would hang out with me at home because I would be too tired to go out considering 5 days of doing school work tires me out already.

Today was yet another Saturday and I knew that Jiyong would be coming over. And so, I called him and told him that I was craving for Oreos and Pizza. I was watching Mr. Deeds last night and I saw that character with weird eyes eating oreo pizza and so I craved for it. Well, there wasn’t really an oreo pizza, but I told Jiyong to buy me a pack of oreo and a vegan pizza and I would be the one to pull the oreos on top of the pizza. Yum! I couldn’t wait to try it out.

I looked at the clock and saw that it 10 am already and I was still in bed. Jiyong would arrive in a few minutes and so, I rolled myself out of bed and dragged myself towards my bathroom. As soon as I saw my toilet, I was reminded that I didn’t have morning sickness today and I figured out that my body might have adjusted already. I smiled, feeling a bit happier because I didn’t vomit. I just didn’t like how the acid burns my throat after reverse peristalsis.

I took a quick shower and dried myself out not long after. I stared at my reflection on the mirror. I could already see the slight bump on my abdomen. I massaged my tummy gently and I almost jumped because of surprise when I heard someone knock on my door.

‘He’s here already?’ I asked myself as I assumed that Jiyong had arrived with my food. 

I quickly went to my walk-in closet, which was connecting my room and my bathroom, to dress-up. Considering that I would just stay home today and my only visitor was Jiyong, who already knew of my pregnancy, I chose a white tank top and a pair of shorts to wear. I quickly wore it over my underwear and I frowned as I felt my tank top hugged my body so well. I guess I really did gain weight. 

I combed my wet hair before I got out of the closet.

To my surprise, I saw my mom (heck, why did she have to visit me now?) holding something that had a funny smell. I quickly covered my abdomen area to hide the slight bump.

“Mom! I didn’t know you were going to visit me?” I said as I walked towards her and gave her a peck on the cheek. It would have an easy job if I weren’t crossing my arms on my abdomen. She looked at me suspiciously, but the look suddenly vanished. 

“Surprise!” She said. “I just miss my baby girl. And I miss you enough to gather the courage to step inside that bastard’s house.” She said, not even hiding her distaste with dad.

“Mom, in case you forgot, that bastard you’re talking about is my dad.” I pointed out. Then, I cringed my nose. “What the hell is that thing mom? It reeks!” I pinched my nose with my right hand as I pointed the thing that she had been holding with my left. 

“It’s kimchi fried rice honey. I haven’t cooked this in 3 years? And so, when I arrived earlier, I immediately cooked this up for you.” She said as she opened up the container and brought it up towards my face to let me see clearly. 

Even if my nose was covered, the smell could still pass through and it was enough to make my stomach churn.

“Oh God!” I muttered to myself as I ran towards my bathroom and sat in front of the toilet to vomit. My mom was confused but she held my hair for me. I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth not long after while my mom just stared at me.

I was about to go out of the bathroom when my mom grabbed my wrist.

“Dara, are you pregnant?” She asked with teary eyes. I avoided her gaze and it was enough to make her believe that I was indeed pregnant.

“Call your father. Tell him to go here immediately.” She said in a monotone as she hid her eyes. I obeyed and called my father to tell him to go to my room. I knew this was bound to happen someday and no matter how much I prepared myself for this, I could never be too prepared. I suddenly wished that the ground would open up and swallow me up just to avoid this moment. But I knew that there was no escape—I was trapped.

My dad was at home but just remained silent since he knew that my mom was here. He came to my room not even 2 minutes after I called him up. He wasn’t even fully inside when my mom started attacking him. You see if something went wrong, my mom would always blame my dad.

“I left her to you for 4 months and she ended up pregnant? What kind of father are you?” She yelled at dad as she poked him on his chest.

“Wait! Dara’s pregnant?” Dad asked and I knew that he was more confused than ever. ‘I’m sorry dad’ I mentally apologized.

“See, you didn’t even know! Where were you?” Mom asked with too much anger.

“Mom, stop blaming dad! It’s not his fault. This is all my fault.” I screamed to make them stop fighting.

“Honey... did someone you? You won’t go anything as reckless as this won’t you?” Mom said as she took her hands to caress my face. I brought my hands to touch hers and I remove them from my face.

I shook my head. “No mom. I wasn’t ...” I wanted to say something more but I found myself loss for words. Just then, Jiyong entered my room carrying a box of pizza. I noticed a pack of oreo on top of the pizza.

“Is there something happening here?” He asked, partly confused on what was going on. After my parents divorced 3 years ago, Jiyong knew that if my mom and dad would stay together in a room, they would end up killing each other.

“Jiyong honey, we’re having a family conversation here. Can you come back in a few hours?” Mom said sweetly to Jiyong. Jiyong nodded and he stared at me probably to tell me that he would be back. But I sent him a message through my eyes and even if it was a mere second, I knew that he got my message. I needed his help and I knew that he was gonna help me up.

“Dar, why don’t you just tell them the truth?” Jiyong said. 

‘What are you doing Kwon Jiyong? I thought you’re gonna help me. I can’t tell them I got drugged and I had mindless with a person that I didn’t know.’ I said with my eyes as I caught his eyes staring at me.

“What truth?” My mom and dad asked Jiyong at the same time.

Jiyong ran a hand through his blond hair with his free hand as he gave me a warm smile. Then he turned to my parents and said it out loud: 

“That I’m the father of that child.”

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..