Chapter 5

Beyond My Control

After Kwon Jiyong’s speech, my parents made us sit on the couch and gave a one hour speech (each) about teenage pregnancycontraception and STD. Jiyong kept on butting in, saying that he was clean which my mom and dad ignored every single time. After the agonizingly long talk, they told us that they had to talk about this and find a solution that would be best for all of us. And so, I asked Jiyong to bring me somewhere—anywhere.

I changed my clothes before we walked out of the house, leaving my parents to talk. Jiyong drove us to the mall, saying that we both need to eat something. I remembered the pizza and oreos he brought but he said that he left it in my house and he wasn’t going to go back there because of the fear of being dragged to another hour long talk about STD. 

I was still craving for pizza but Jiyong said that I needed to eat something healthy for my child. Great. Why was he acting like he’s the real father? 

I was moody and so, I won. And so, we sat in Pizza Hut and waited for the pizza we ordered. I leaned toward Jiyong and began to interrogate him.

“Why did you have to do that? Why did you have to claim the child? Did you know that this would affect your future?” I attacked him with questions.

“Woah. I thought you’re my best friend and not the police. Just one by one.” He joked. I stared at him, as if telling him the answer my questions before the hormones take control of me. “I told you that I’ll face this problem with you right? That’s a promise D. I’m doing my part as your best friend.” He answered.

I wanted to be mad at him, but I knew I couldn’t. What he did was rather sweet and I realized how lucky I was to have him as my best friend. Yet, I was mad at myself for letting my best friend sign a lifetime contract to take care of me. 

Jiyong might have read my mind because he patted my head.

“Okay... just so you won’t feel bad, I’ll be here as long as there’s no one else who would claim that kid okay? I’m not leaving you to face this problem alone. I want to make sure that someone’s gonna be there beside you.” Jiyong said which made me feel a little bit better. After I bore this child, I could date someone who would accept me and my child. That way, Jiyong would be free of the responsibility. How to say this to our parents? I don’t know and we shouldn't think about this until that moment arrives. After all, we could never come prepared.

Our pizza arrived and we ate immediately as we realized how hungry we were. We talked about everything—just like we used to—except for the problem. For a moment, we thought that we didn’t have a problem. And I truly appreciate Jiyong for not bringing it up.

Jiyong was eating his third slice of pizza when his phone began to ring. I saw him frown as he saw the caller ID. On the third ring, he excused himself and took the phone call. I guess it was really important and confidential because we answer the phone in front of each other before. I wonder who it was.

I continued eating my pizza while eying Jiyong from time to time. He moved outside of the restaurant and his back was facing me, probably because he knew that I could read lips. That made me frown... My best friend was keeping something from me.

He went back after 2 minutes and told me that he had to go somewhere but he had to drop me off home first. I told him that he could just go and I would just call my driver to pick me up. He was hesitant to leave me and so, in front of him, I called my driver to pick me up. He didn’t leave me until my driver arrived. He waved goodbye to me as I pretended to go inside the car. He left not long after. 

I went back inside the mall to buy some fro-yo. I remembered that we didn’t get to each fro-yo today and so, I decided to buy some for Jiyong too. His house was near the mall and I could just ask one of their maids to put the fro-yo in the freezer. It was the least I could do for him.

I was waiting for my fro-yo when someone patted my back. I turned sideways and I saw a guy about my age with a big smile on his face. He seemed familiar though.

“Do I know you?” I asked the guy with the Mohawk. 

“Youngbae. Dong Youngbae. We used to be in the same class since grade school to middle school.” He said as he extended his hand for me to shake as if we just met.

I just stared at his hand before I said, “Oh.”

“Miss, here are your frozen yogurt.” The cashier on the counter said as she handed me two cups fro-yo. I gave her money and told her to keep the change. I was about to leave when Youngbae suddenly stopped me.

“Sandara, right? I saw you earlier in Pizza Hut but you were with Jiyong as always. I wanted to talk to you.” He said.

“Err... Youngbae. You see, now is not a good time. Can we talk any other time? I’m kind of in a rush.” I said as I held the fro-yo cup a little too hard.

“But it’s important.” He said but I was already walking away from him. Whatever it was, it can wait right? If I didn’t walk fast, the fro-yo could melt. And so, without even giving Youngbae an opportunity to say anything or to stop me, I walked faster. I told my driver to just wait for me in front and I was thankful that he followed my orders. I went inside and I told him to drive me to Jiyong’s house.

I arrived in Jiyong’s house in 5 minutes. The fro-yo was starting to melt, yet I didn’t mind. I was just surprised to see Jiyong’s car parked outside their house. I thought that he was going somewhere. Maybe he went home to grab something. Oh well, I might surprise him with this. 

I was holding the fro-yo cups with both of my hands when I heard voices from one of the rooms. I figured out that it was Uncle’s home office.

“Calm down, dad.” A voice, which I assumed to be Jiyong’s, said. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to listen, but I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. Jiyong and Uncle rarely got into a fight.

“You knocked your bestfriend up and you’re asking me calm down? Jiyong, is this the reason why you didn’t leave to study in UCLA two months ago? I thought you had your eyes set for UCLA since you were in Middle school.” Uncle said in a loud voice. I could tell that he was mad. And it made me feel guilty as I realized that they were fighting because of me.

“Seoul University is the best university here in Korea dad. And I’m doing well in my studies.” Jiyong said to defend himself. Yes, Seoul University is indeed the best university here in Korea, but UCLA was one of the best universities in the world. And it pains me to know that Jiyong gave up on that just because of me.

“So what are you going to do, marry her?” Uncle said in a softer voice now.

“That’s the only proper thing to do dad. And this is Dara we’re talking about Dad. Why are you so against with this? I thought you like her.” It was Jiyong’s turn to ask questions.

“I do! But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re both 18 years old. You’re not ready for a family yet. You can still do many great things Jiyong. You’re too young to settle down.” Uncle said. And it was enough eavesdropping for me. I walked out of the house, still carrying the now-melting fro-yo. I entered the car and told my driver to drive me home.

The entire car ride, I thought about the conversation that uncle and Jiyong had. Jiyong was ruining his future for me. And he didn’t deserve this.

I arrived home and I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside the gate. And there was someone leaning on the side of that car. I saw a familiar Mohawk and I figured out that it was Youngbae. What was he doing? Stalking me?

I went out of the car, after I handed the fro-yo to my driver, and I saw Youngbae straightened up before he flashed me with the same smile he had earlier. 

“You walk faster than I thought.” Youngbae said, trying to break the ice. But I wasn’t in the mood for some ice breaker.

“What do you want?” I said, hiding the irritation in my voice as much as I could, as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

“I told you I needed to talk to you. But you didn’t give me the chance to do so.” Youngbae explained.

“This better be important.” I said. 

“I heard what you and Jiyong talked about. And I remembered Seungri’s wild party 4 months ago. So I put two and two together. I knew you’re pregnant Sandara.” He said. I couldn’t believe someone would eavesdrop on us. I was fuming with anger and I was about to scream on him when he finally said what he really wanted to say.

“I hope you wouldn’t get mad at me for saying this. But, I think I’m the father of that child.”

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..