Chapter 10 (Epilogue)

Beyond My Control


Five Years Later


I chuckled his breath tickled my ears as he whispered something. My arms were around his neck and his were around my waist. My head was rested on his chest and I unconsciously took a sniffed of his perfume. Our feet were following the rhythm of the music being played by the live band we hired for this special day. If I didn’t move my feet for a few second, I would feel as if I was being slowly pulled towards the ground because my five inch heels pierced through the ground covered by grass. I took a sniff again, but this time I smelled the wild flowers that just bloomed. Then, I suddenly felt someone tugging my dress and as I looked down, I saw a little boy rubbing his eyes as he let out a loud yawn.


I pushed myself off my groom’s chest as I bent down to reach for the little boy. As I was in the same eye level as the little boy, he started talking to me.


“Mommy, I’m sleepy.” He said before he let out another yawn. He started to tear up and he rubbed his eyes to remove the tears. I looked around the surroundings and I just realized that it was already night. The moon was full this night and the light that it emitted made the surroundings sparkle as if crystals were thrown everywhere. I signalled my mom to take care of the guest before I responded to my son.


“I guess its bedtime now honey.” I said as I reached out for his hand. He grabbed my hand and swung it back and forth as if he was playing with it. Then, he started playing with the ring on my finger and it made me look over the man standing beside us. He gave me a kind smile and ran a hand through his black hair before he bent down and picked up the little boy into his arms.


“Dad! Put me down! They will think I’m still a little boy.” My son said as he was squirming off his father’s arms. Pssh... He was so like his father.


“But honey. You’re 4 years old. You are a little boy.” Jiyong said to his son and it made the little boy pout and cross his arms around his chest. He didn’t say another word to us as Jiyong carried him into our home. We climbed up some stairs and made some twist and turns before we arrived to Hyuk Soo’s room. It was adjoined to my room before—but now that I was finally married, I guess OUR room should be the proper term.


As I took a glance at my son, he was already asleep in Jiyong’s arms. And so, Jiyong had to gently place him onto his bed, careful enough not to wake him up. We didn’t even bothered to change his clothes—it was a long day and we were too tired...or too lazy.


We watched our son sleep for a few minutes or so before we finally decided that it was time for us to rest. As we slipped into our room, I jumped slightly as Jiyong suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.


“Finally! I have some alone time with my wife!” He said as he held my waist and carried me that my feet could no longer touch the floor. I squealed in surprise as I slap his hands off me.


“Ji! Hyuk Soo’s sleeping on the other room!” I reminded him. He put me down for a mere second before he carried me again and threw me onto the bed. I let out a loud squeal again.


“Kwon Jiyong! If you continue acting like this, I swear I’ll send you back to your father’s house in an instant. And wait for the divorce papers tomorrow morning.” I said as regained my composure.


“We haven’t been married for a day yet and you’re already taking about divorce? Wow, we made the record! You’re so like Britney Spears!” Jiyong said as he laughed at me.


“I have every reason to file for divorce. One, you used our son so that I wouldn’t say no to you when you proposed. And two, you used our son once again so that I wouldn’t ran away from the altar earlier and to make sure that I would say I do.” I said as I raised my pinky and ring finger. The curtains were up and the moonlight passed through the window. The light touched the gold ring around my ring finger, making it glisten.


The truth was, Jiyong tried to propose to me 7 times. Just after he found out that he was the father of the child I was carrying, he proposed to me, but I turned him down. I just couldn’t let my pregnancy dictate his future. We both went to school and during the 4 years we were in university (well, 5 for me because I stopped for a bit when Hyuk Soo was born), he proposed to me 5 more times. I said no all those times. But on the 7th time he did, he covered my eyes with a blindfold and brought me somewhere. Despite having no sense of sight, my other senses were still working—and I heard someone playing the violin. As he removed the blindfold, I let my eyes adjust in the darkness (since it was night and only the moon gave us light). I found him on his knees with a box on his hand and then, he opened it up, said the words he said before and asked me to marry him. That was supposed to be the moment where I would cry before saying yes and then he would slip the ring on my finger and we would kiss under the moonlight. But then, I felt someone hug my legs. I looked down and it was Hyuk Soo. He cried and told me that he would not stop crying until I said yes. Since I was too mad at Jiyong for bringing our son and for using our son, I didn’t say yes. And that made Hyuk Soo cry harder. So, I eventually said yes. The next day, Hyuk Soo had a fever. And it was Jiyong’s fault.


Then, during the wedding, he made Hyuk Soo sit in front so that I could get a view of him during the ceremony. The wedding could have been very beautiful if my son didn’t ran towards us and began bawling once again and told me that he would stop crying if we’ll cut the ceremony short and just say our I do’s. I guess I wouldn’t be expecting my son to be fond of weddings. Needless to say, we had to tell the minister to cut the ceremony short.


“But you left me with no choice Dara. I knew you wouldn’t have said yes if not for Hyuk Soo. I’ve proposed to you more than any guy would have. And believe me, I didn’t give Hyuk Soo that idea. We must have left him too much with Seungri.” Jiyong said as sat beside me. Our backs were flat on the head board while our legs were extended onto the bed.


“Still, you shouldn’t have used him.” I said just because I wanted to have the last word.


“This isn’t about me using him Dara. It’s about your plans not turning out that way you wanted it to be.” Jiyong said as he looked at me. I didn’t look at him though. I knew that he was right. I was mad because I wanted the proposal to go just the way I dreamed...I planned it to be. I was mad because the wedding wasn’t as fairytale-like was I planned it to be. I let out a sigh in defeat.


“You really know me too well, don’t you?” I said as I finally faced him. He raised his hand and brought in to cup my cheek He gave me a sincere smile which made my heartstrings tug. He his dry lips before he opened it up to answer me.


“Of course, I’m your best friend after all.” He said before he moved towards me and kissed my forehead.


He returned to his previous position—with his back on the head board and I rested my head on his shoulder. I held his hand and I played with our rings. Just in that moment, I finally realized that we were really married. The feeling was so surreal.


We stayed like that for a few more minutes—just enjoying the comfort that each of us give each other. Then, I started to yawn, a sign that I was tired. He might have saw me yawning for he did the same—after all, it was contagious!


“We better remove these clothes.” Jiyong said as he jumped off the bed and started stripping in front of me (and believe me, what he just did was like drinking caffeine...sleep would be the last thing I could do now). I, on the other hand, turned red as I saw him doing that. I guess I was still not used to this whole marriage thing. Jiyong caught me, and I looked away and he chuckled softly.


“You don’t need to be shy Dara. We’re married now. We don’t need to hide anything from each other.” He said as he removed his vest. I was still frozen in place but I forced myself to move. I let out a nervous laugh before I walked towards the window and took the curtains down. Then, there was complete darkness. Somehow, it made me relax.


I reached for the zipper of my dress and I heard it I pulled it down. I didn’t have much to remove, just the dress and the stockings and then, I was already down to my underwear. I heard another—yet short—sound from a zipper and I perfectly knew what it was—Jiyong’s taking off his pants. Just the image of Jiyong down to his underwear made my cheeks feel hot but I was still glad that it was dark.


“D, did you know that I have cat eyes? I could see perfectly well in the dark.” Jiyong said and I instantly covered my underwear clad body. My eyes adjusted to the darkness already and I saw Jiyong move towards me. “You know, Hyuk Soo told me earlier that he was getting lonely these days. He said he wanted a little brother or sister. We don’t want him to be upset right?” He said as he reached me.


I shuddered as I felt his hot breath on my ears. I hugged myself, thinking that it could cover my body more.


Jiyong caressed my hair before he leaned down and placed his mouth just beside my ear. “Don’t.” He said. “Don’t cover your body.”


I suddenly feel like I was a little girl who was about to lose her ity. But that’s the sad thing. I already lost it 5 years ago and I still act like a .


“I... I...” I tried to say something comprehensible, but I couldn’t. I expected him to laugh but he didn’t. Instead, he gently grabbed my arm and I allowed him to remove it away from my body.


“We’re already married Dara. Don’t think about anything else. Just... don’t think.” Jiyong reminded me. Somehow, his words calmed me down. Yes, we’re married already. No more future to think about. “But, if you’re not really ready, we could take it as slow as we could. Our honeymoon would last for a week you know.”


“That sounds like a plan.” I said before I shook my head. We’re married and we’re bound to do it (and we’ve done it anyway.) And so, with our hand still intertwined, I walked towards the bed and dragged him. Everything that has happened was beyond our control yet we remain happy. So no more plans, just go with the flow.


“Are you sure about this?” Jiyong asked me to give me time to change my mind.


I brought my arms around his neck before said: “Just shut up and kiss me.”


The End


Author's Note: Sorry if I forgot to update this one. I actually finished writing this 2 years ago but I forgot to post the other chapters. Mianhae! I'm just busy with my education. Thank you so much for all the people who read this story... and to all who patiently waited for this to end. :)


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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..