Chapter 1

Beyond My Control

As soon as I arrived back in Seoul, even before I went home to leave my bags and of course, to say hello to my father (which I haven’t seen for the past 3 years), I called my best friend whom I haven’t seen in 3 years. 

My mother and father got divorced 3 years ago that when everything was finalized, my mother forced me to go with her to the States because she said “she wouldn’t leave her teenage daughter with the a poor excuse of a human being who would dare cheating on his wife while he was in a business trip.” That was an awfully long statement but after staying 3 years with my mother, I learned to memorize that.

While on the plane going to the States, my mom kept on telling me that we’re going there for greener pastures and I thought that she said it like an idiomatic expression. You should have seen the horror on my face when I realized that we were really in the States for greener pastures. And add some cowssheep and an old barn

I really couldn’t understand why we had to leave Korea. My dad was a very wealthy man and I knew that he wouldn’t let his baby girl live in a barn. Darn, it’s my mom and her stupid pride. I knew that she was broke (considering that she was a housewife before they got divorced) and she had no savings. But if she just took dad’s money, we could have been living in Manhattan or some place more urban.

We lived in a quiet neighbourhood (yes, it was so quiet! Everyone falls asleep as soon as the sun sets) and we were far from civilization. I couldn’t even use my cell phone there. So, I had to settle using the telephone in town (yes, we didn’t even have one at home. And did I mention that there was only one phone in the town, which I may add, 5 miles away from our beloved home?) to call my best friend, Jiyong.

Even by this time, I always wonder how we managed to remain friends despite the crappy communication system I had. But there was no point on thinking about that. I was finally back and now, I just have to wait for him to answer his cell phone.

“Hey Ji! You have no idea of whom I saw today!” I said as soon as I heard to ringing stop, assuming that he answered my call.

“Who?” He asked.

“Kim Jinah! You know, that ugly biatch who dumped you in middle school just because you’re an average Joe. Come on, at least you have the brain! Yet she dumped you for that jock which had body odor just because he was a jock and you’re not. But, anyway, I guess she dumped him too cause I think Jinah’s with a cute blonde dude now. I must approve her choice in men now. She definitely picked the right one now.” I think I said too much, but I knew Jiyong wouldn’t mind at all. He knew that I was a bit talkative.

“Right.” Was all he said.

I frowned, creasing my forehead at the same time, because of his lack of a witty response like he usually has. 

“Anyway, I’m already here in our usual spot. Should I buy you some fro-yo?” I asked, considering that I was already here.

“I’ll be there in a few seconds.” He said.

“Wah! Don’t end the call. I just saw the cute blonde dude leave Jinah. I bet he’s cheating on her because he’s too pretty to be stuck with such an ugly biatch like her. And wait, I think he’s heading in my direction... and...what the hell, Kwon Jiyong! What have you done to your hair?” I said as I realized that the ‘cute blonde dude’ that was with Kim Jinah was no other than my best friend, Kwon Jiyong.

“So, you think I’m cute huh?” He said as he leaned towards me before he shut his phone off.

I slapped him lightly on his arm because he unconsciously just flirted with me—his best friend!

“Who are you and what have you done to my Yongie?” I asked as we took the frozen yogurt I ordered before he ‘surprised’ me to an empty table.

He ran a hand through his hair as he was a shampoo model or something. Yeah, I get it dude! Blonde suits you!

I just set the fro-yo on the table when he pulled me into a hug—which didn’t quite surprise me. We haven’t seen each other for 3 years and I guess, we both miss each other’s hugs.

“I miss you D!” He whispered as he kissed my hair lightly.

“I miss you too G.” I said as I returned the hug. We stayed that way before I noticed that our fro-yo started to melt.

“Ji, our fro-yo!” I said before I pushed him off me. He pouted and I heard him mutter something about fro-yo was more important to best friend. I just smiled before I took as seat and enjoyed my fro-yo. He took a seat across me and ate his share of fro-yo. We started to catch up, telling each other what we missed for the past 3 years.

After about 2 hours and 3 cups of fro-yo each (what can I say, we’re both addicted to frozen yogurt.), I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and I noticed that it was my dad. I answered the call and he was just basically begging me to go home since he misses his baby girl already. God, I just realized that I missed dad too. And so, I said farewell to my best friend.

“Have to go home before Dad goes CIA on me. See you when I see you, best friend.” I said as I stood up from my seat and went over the car that my dad sent to fetch me. The driver opened the door for me and I was about to get inside when Jiyong stopped me.

“D, remember Seungri? You know, the guy whom you punched in third grade when he tried to kiss you?” Jiyong asked.

“How could I forget the Almightly Lee Seungri? Wait, is he still an ?” I asked in return.

“Much worse! He thinks he’s God’s gift to all the women in the world.” Jiyong started. “But that’s not what I wanted to say. You see, even though he’s an , I couldn’t deny that he’s been a great friend and also, he throws the best parties. And he’s having one this weekend. So, do you want to go? It’s gonna be like you’re official comeback to Seoul.” He continued.

“I don’t know Ji. I haven’t been to a party in the past 3 years. I might get culture shock.” I said with hesitation. Of course, I was partly trying to tell him that I didn't want to go because someone crazy might happen to me there that would totally ruin my future.

“Don’t worry D. I’ll be there with you. It would be fun if you’ll be there.” He said to convince me.

I bit the insides of my cheek as I started thinking. I noticed that I did that every time I’m really thinking.

“Okay. Just make sure you’ll stay by my side okay?” I responded.

“Of course D. I won’t leave you alone. I promise.”

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Chapter 10: This is nice...
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 10: awesome
phEnxx #3
Chapter 10: love this story <3
Wah I just read it in one go from chap 1 to 10 without even takung my eyes off my phone screen!!! This is the best, I love your stories so much author-nim!! It's just my kind of stories, light, not too long, not too cheezy, happy ending and very beautiful <3333 I need to scroll back and enjoy all of your Daragon fics!! >0<
juniejd #5
Chapter 10: Auw! Their son was adorable and yeah I think he's a bit like seungri! :) I love the love that bounds them....
Chapter 10: it suppose to be Ji who say that he loves her 1st.. but that way is cuter too^^~
i love the story, author-nim.. u make such a wonderful moment of 'em..
Chapter 10: Thank you so much authornim :) Hope you'll have another story soon :D
Chapter 10: Reread this for the nth time and still love it..
Thank you for the story obli, it's been long a time since your last story.. Any thought of comeback??
Chapter 6: well.. i know Dee's probably think the best for Ji.. they're bestfriend after all, but why i feel so sad.. like that's not suppose to be happen.. hmm..

just please update, author-nim^^~
Chapter 6: i know that's probably the best for Dee to set Ji's free.. but why i feel bad for that? it just seems wrong..