Chapter 7

That's What Friends Are For.
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Kai was awokened from his nap by the sound of the doorbell ringing. It was a Wednesday afternoon and the rain was still pouring. It was the perfect time to take a nap, but unfortunately, Kai was unable to. He walked to door, slouching and was not surprised by the visitor.

You were standing on the door way carrying two plastic bags in both hands, "Hey kirin, let's bake!"

Kai looked at you with a blank expression for a few seconds, then closed the door at your face.

Your mouth fell as you placed the plastic bags on the floor,"Yah Kim Jong In, what do you think you're doing?" You knocked on his door loudly and kept ringing the doorbell.

*Aish that girl never stops! And why can't she just let herself in? She's seen me enter the code a million times. Ahh she's such an airhead!* Kai grabbed a pillow and placed it over his head.

"KAI OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW." You continued knocking non-stop.*Wait. Why am I knocking?* You entered the code and the door opened. You picked up your plastics bags and let yourself in.

After arranging the ingredients, you rushed to the bedroom to wake up Kai.

"Kirin-ah~ Help me bake cookies!" You tried to wake him up. Kai didn't move and stayed under the blankets.

"Kai!!!" You nudged him several times but he refused to get up. *Oh that's it.*

You climbed onto his bed and sat on his back,"Get up Kirin!!!" "MOTHER LOVER I THINK MY BACK IS BROKEN" Kai yelled. You pulled his hair and yanked it up and down,"It's your own fault for not waking up! And excuse me, I'm not that heavy!"

"Okay, okay. I'm up. I'll help you bake." Kai surrendered.

"Yay!" You cheered as you hopped off the bed. Kai put his hair back in place,*That girl is so stubborn.*


When Kai entered the kitchen, you were busily reading the recipe. "Dwaeji-ah, make sure you read the instructions properly. We don't want to end up with the burnt cake you made for Father's day." Kai teased.

You pointed the wooden spoon at him,"Hey! Dad said it was really nice!" Kai shook his head,"No, your dad is just really nice."

You glared at him, "Whatever. You know I'm good at baking. Remember those pretty cupcakes, I made for your mom's birthday?"

Kai laughed,"You made those cupcakes? Ha! Is that why I saw a big box in your kitchen from Jay's that you got delivered? You can fool my mom, but not me."

You bit your lip, ashamed.*What... He knew I ordered it?* You poured the jug of yeast into the mixture and sighed.

Kai noticed your mood go down and changed the athmosphere. "Yah! What do you need yeast for? I thought we were making cookies. Not bread."

You looked at him,"Really? I thought eveything needed yeast. Don't you need it for texture or something?" Kai clucked his tongue, *She's so clueless.* "No ~~~~.. Yeast is to make things rise. Now your cookies are going to end up like bread."

You stared at the mixture and pouted,"Oh man. What should I do

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Chapter 28: wow I love the last part(the photo) subbie here kkk
JjongIsMyBias #2
Chapter 28: I'm so aggravated by this story im just hoping that
Kai will vine to his senses and let her go because it
is clear that she is using his feelings against him. I don't
want them together because Kai deserves to be someone's
first choice not there least after they have exhausted every
other option like she is doing.
Chapter 27: I love Baekhyun but I want Kai to be with her more. I think D.O. already figured out how Kai feels for her...
update soon and thanks
Chapter 27: Aww :( It hurts me to see the triangle now, since Baekhyun obviously cares about OC a lot... But it's going so well, and you're executing it perfectly. I hope you update again soon! Great job! ^^
exofangirl20 #5
when are u updating????
exofangirl20 #6
pleasee update! i really want to know what happens
Chapter 25: Oh my gosh, this isn't a love triangle anymore! 'Tis a love square!!!! Hahaha but Woohyun better fall off the ship or something; I don't like him. :/ Great update!! ^^ Keep up the great work!
Chapter 25: Great chapter!
Love this story!