Fourth Member: Youngjae LeNoir

My Love-YG's new boy band

Name: Youngjae LeNoir

French name: Ambroise-Papillion Cygnus LeNoir

Nicknames: Little butterfly (french: Petit papillon)

Ethnicity: French-Korean

Languages: French, Korean, English, Italian

Birthplace: London but hometown is Paris

Age: 16

Birthday: 31/10/1996

Family: BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: Hwang Soyeon |AGE: 45 |OCCUPATION: Fashion Designer |PERSONALITY: Plays favourites, favouring Youngjae's older brother over him. However when she remarried, she became warmer and more opening. 

STEPFATHER: Kwon Daehwan |AGE: 47 |OCCUPATION: Coffee shop owner |PERSONALITY: Very very nice and sweet to everyone. Treats Youngjae like his own son 

BIOLOGICAL FATHER: Silvestre-Aldric Nathanael LeNoir |AGE: 50 |OCCUPATION: CEO |PERSONALITY: Mean and demanding to anyone who is not his favourite. And obviously his favourite is his eldest son.

STEPMOTHER: Madeleine-Fleur LeNoir nee Beauchene |AGE: 30 |OCCUPATION: Model |PERSONALITY: Rather blonde (as in an airhead) and a stuck-up. Acts much younger than her already young age (considering her husband)

BIOLOGICAL BROTHER: Adrian-Blaise Silvestre LeNoir |AGE: 22 |OCCUPATION: CEO-in-training |PERSONALITY: confident and 'perfect'. It's almost impossible to hate him, despite what he took away from Youngjae. he's very likeable and popular, however his reason speaks before his conscience.

STEPBROTHER: Kwon Daemin |AGE: 20 |OCCUPATION: University student, part-time waiter/EXO member |PERSONALITY: Really nice and sweet, sometimes a bit greasy and treats Youngjae like an actual brother. He's delighted to finally have a sibling

Blood Type: A

Height: 181cm

Weight: 57kg

Personality: Youngjae is, in general a cold boy. He isn’t interested in anything, nothing seems to amuse him. It’s almost as if he is bored with life. His expression is always cold and bored, his eyes blank and they seem to look through you rather than at you. You can’t really say that ‘under all that he’s kind and sweet’ because he is not. He is actually uninterested.

He is rather closed off and distant, rather detached from reality but not mentally ill. He can put on a good act when needed, finding a slight bit of amusement when people fall for it, namely teachers. He is a thinker, only talking when it is needed and thinks his actions through before doing anything, making people this he is slow and has bad reaction skills, which he is far from. He isn’t shy, what most people tend to believe but more anti-social and tends to keep to himself. He doesn’t trust easily. Youngjae has this obsession with being perfect, which came from his childhood. If he doesn’t get it, he does get quite upset with himself and angry.

If you do manage to worm your way into your heart, and gain his trust he opens up more. Underneath, perhaps he isn't the nicest boy in town but he isn't the cruellest either as he appears. He makes those close to him feel special because he treats them differently. He does have some hidden aegyo which he rarely uses (except when he eventually ends up in a relationship). He does respect his seniors and the higher ups at the entertainment company, because it was what he was taught, whether he likes it or not. His friends baby him a lot, because even though he has that cold, superior outside appearance, it came about to hide the emotionally unstable child from his younger years. He likes being taken care of and enjoys being babied. He longs for attention and affection as his parents failed to give him any.

Background: Youngjae was born to a rich, wealthy family as the second child in London, England. His father owned a big company, whose base was in Paris. He was rarely home, and at when Youngjae reached 5 years old, his entire family moved to Paris in order for his father not to travel so much. His parents played favourites, often favouring his older brother over him but he didn't escape from their eyes. He was under constant pressure to be perfect but he was regarded as a backup plan as obviously he wouldn't get a chance to succeed the company. This made him an emotionally unstable child. He was homeschooled for his entire life, starting from when he was 3 putting him two years ahead of his age group. This also made him a rather isolated and unsocial child, though he put on a good act for the balls his parents threw. The only friend he truly had was Vachel-Sorel, the two of them met at 5 years old.

When he was 11, his parents got a divorce. He was upset about this, but didn't let his emotions show, for fear of being told he was weak in front of his father. Soon after, his mother moved back to South Korea, his father staying in Paris and moving both of his sons over too. His stepmother was drawn in by the money and power but she didn’t dare act that way in front of his father and brother as they would be the ones who had power. However, he had nothing and thus she wasn’t afraid of openly showing her true nature.

His father called him weak for letting himself be bullied, which made him quite angry and disappointed in himself. He was sent to a private high school to continue his education and his after school hours were spent being 'educated' on his responsibilities. He learnt from his younger days that showing emotions would mean that he would get picked on, so he hid them, keeping up his superior demeanour. He learnt many things from his teachings, which made him view his life as predictable as he could see through anyone who was trying to get close to him because of money. Because of that, he closed himself off, eventually growing tired of those type of people.

When he reached the age of 13, he grew tired of his father and his stepmother treating him like a robot. He decided to move to South Korea to live with his mother. His mother had remarried to a man who's wealth couldn't even begin to compare with her first husband's but he was far from poor as well. He gained a stepbrother from the man's previous marriage. He stayed in Korea, initially for only a year, but he was scouted by the entertainment company and encouraged to audition. He made it and has been living in Korean ever since. It was also when he moved to Korea when he started using his Korean name which he hadn't even thought about before.

From when he was a child, and could barely walk or talk, his parents have always put pressure on him to be ‘perfect’. After all, they didn’t want anything less than a perfect robot. This pressure has made Youngjae go slightly insane, as he now has an obsession with perfection with has been induced from his childhood. Everything has to be perfect. He has to look perfect, act perfect, have perfect grades and win every single thing he enters. If he doesn’t get his perfection, he gets upset and angry with himself, which 

uality: Bi but in denial

Crush: Band member of Kai (EXO)


  • RAIN. Loves the rain so much, loves the smell the look, the feel. However the rain must be in cold weather because he hates humid rain. Loves to stand in the rain. Loves to stay inside and watch thunderstorm. Just rain, loves it a lot.
  • pretty things
  • quiet
  • solitude
  • music
  • dancing
  • cats
  • sleeping
  • crystal and glass figurines


  • manual labour
  • ugly things
  • noise
  • bugs
  • dirt


  • painting
  • oragami
  • playing music
  • dancing
  • sleeping
  • jigsaw puzzles
  • collects crystal and glass figurines



  • tunes out really easily
  • tilts his head to the side when confused
  • stares when you make mistakes
  • when angry, turns into a sickenly formal, cold person
  • laughs when in (mental) pain (laughed at his grandmother’s funeral and his father slapped him for being so rude and callous. But he wasn’t making light of it, laughing is his way of trying to keep the pain away)



  • Would never do manual labour due to the way he was raised. He views those tasks as servants tasks and would never bring himself to do something so ‘plebeian’. ‘Plebeian’ is his favourite word to refer to things that are below him whether they be tasks or objects
  • Prefers cold weather over hot weather
  • When it’s raining (not pouring or thunderstorming) he likes to goes outside and sit under a tree or something. As before, he loves rain thus he likes to just sit there. Trees provide partial shade so he doesn’t get soaked. If there are no trees, then he just sits in the open and get quite wet, but not dripping.
  • When he’s sick he acts like a baby. A spoilt brat baby with the mentality of a 7 year old and tends to speak in third person. He doesn’t remember once he’s recovered though. He’s crazy stubborn and a fantastic whiner so that he gets what he wants.
  • Always talks formally
  • Can be easily threatened with tickling or the ‘tickle monster’ as he’s extremely ticklish
  • Has a collection of crystal figurines (from place such as Swarovski) because he loves to collect such pretty things
  • Is a light sleeper and wakes up early because he’s a morning person
  • Because he aims for perfection, he is always practising to be perfect
  • anaphylactic to nuts, highly allergic to kiwifruit
  • fears death (as in himself dying he doesn’t care if strangers die)
  • Has a pet Siamese cat named ‘Parfait’(
  • Tattoo of peacock on left shoulder blade( in black and white) and tattoo of serpent coiled around peacock feather on his left forearm
  • Has both earlobes pierced and his right cartilage pierced


Position: Lead dancer and lead rapper


Thank you to ShawolCassieElf for applying. I'm happy people are applying for this story. Four members down, and five to go(yes the group had nine members). Till next time





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KariWoo-Kwangsun #1
Minyun: Hello my lovers(the official name for My Love's fans, cute right :)), My Love needs your help! Author has no idea what to call the official story for us! Please leave your suggestion in the comments. Thank you so much! *blows a kiss*
Chapter 37: Aww he's so cute ~ ^^
morninginmarch #3
Chapter 36:

Sorry it's so late, this is for Youngjae bb
Chapter 35: NP author nim thnx for choosing him
Chapter 34: here is my apply
I hope you like Dominic
Chapter 34:
Chapter 34: or
morninginmarch #8
Chapter 34: I don't get the lineart thing, how are you going to make it into our characters? Eh, can a pick a girl one haha.
Chapter 33: Yayy another Chinese member! Jae Min has another ge to talk to in Chinese ^^