
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

The weather that day seemed to reflect how the four guys felt at time. Xiu Min, Lay, Baekhyun and Kai were on their ways home from another meeting with the other EXO members at Prof. Lee’s lab. They weren’t sure about what was going on this morning but after the Professor told them about Xiu Min’s and Kai’s symbol happened to be shone a light few days ago made them think a lot. They were happy to finally sure that you were still alive but the thought of you were that close to them but none of them realized or see you scared them even more. Especially for Kai, he thought about the day he met you. He was sure it was you despite how different you looked like and act opposite of you but he was just sure that it was you. Kai was too scared to tell his hyungs, he only told Taemin and Sehun about it. They promise to help Kai to find the girl, you. As for Xiu Min, he was so disappointed at him self. Why couldn’t he even feel you there and why didn’t he search for you further?

“HYUNG!” Lay, Baekhyun and Kai shouted as Xiu Min turned the car suddenly and stopped there. All of them were surprised by Xiu Min’s act, their hearts felt like it was going to popped out of their chest at that moment. “Hyung.. what’s wrong?” Lay who sat on the passenger seat, stared at Xiu Min in concern. Xiu Min took out of his symbol from his left pocket. Yes, they decided to take their symbols back to track you. “Why didn’t you come to me?” you were that close to them but you didn’t even come to them. “Did.. something bad happen to you Seolrae? can’t you find your way home?” Baekhyun his symbol. His symbol once shone too, wasn’t that bright like Kai’s or Xiu Min’s but it did shine.


“She’s alive and I think she’s here.. in this town.” Sehun rested him self back to the sofa. “Chinca?” Sunhae took a seat beside her boyfriend. Sehun massaged his eyes. He tried to remember of meeting anyone who would probably be you. The Professor told them that his and Luhan’s symbol shone too and it was on the same time. The light was stronger than Baekhyun’s but weren’t as bright as Kai’s. “Sehun-ah… don’t stress about it too much..” Sunhae gave him a light massage on the shoulder. Sehun looked up and smiled. But it disappeared just as they heard Luhan’s groan from his room. Sehun sighed. “Go check on Luhan oppa.” Sehun nodded. “Aren’t you going home Sunhae?”

“You kicking me out?” Sehun chuckled and pated the top of her head. “I just thought.. Chanyeol hyung might need someone on his side right now.” Sunhae’s eyes widened, “Oh God you’re right.. I should go now..” Sunhae stood up. Sehun pecked her forehead, “Call me later?” Sunhae asked him. Sehun chuckled and nodded at her.

“Luhan hyung…” Sehun peeked his head inside Luhan’s room. Luhan had his back on the headboard of his bed, staring at his symbol on his wrist. Sehun walked slowly towards Luhan’s bed. Luhan only glanced at the younger boy and then back his symbol again. Sehun sat on the edge and sighed. He didn’t know what to say to Luhan anymore. His mood had been like a rollercoaster ride since the first EXO meeting and after he got into a modeling agency that gave him tons of jobs he didn’t even know how long he could take it. “So this is what those dreams means huh, Sehunnie.” Sehun just nodded. Luhan talked about how the usual bad dreams suddenly become good ones. But there was one he weren’t sure about what kind of dream it was. “I saw a girl… she was cooking in the kitchen. Then she tried to stab her self with a kitchen knife.” Sehun turned to look at Luhan. “I don’t know who she is.. never seen her before in real life either. But I woke up saying Seolrae’s name and she was all I think about.” Luhan his symbol softly. “Its not her right? She wouldn’t do such thing to her self right?”

“Maybe she was just someone you met on the street and you dreamt about that because you just miss Seolrae that much. Its not Seolrae, hyung.. don’t worry.” Luhan nodded and smirked at Sehun as he punch Sehun’s arms lightly. “Let’s go grabbed something to eat buddy.”


“You sure… not even a look-a-like?” D.O. shook his head and got back to his food. Suho sighed again leaned to the dinning chair in their apartment. Not only Sehun, Luhan, Baekhyun, Kai and Xiu Min but Tao and D.O.’s symbols once shone too but for D.O and Tao it was just a flash of light and more softer than Sehun’s and Luhan’s. “Where could she be?” Suho looked outside the window.


“Are you sure hyung?” Xiu Min nodded and opened the coffee shop’s door. “You two go up stairs.” Kai and Lay nodded. “Lets just order something first hyung.” Baekhyun said. “Can I take your order?” the same kid with blue highlight greeted Xiu Min. “Americano?” Xiu Min looked up to him. “How did you know?” the boy chuckled. “You ordered that few days ago.” Xiu Min’s eyes widened, he remembered the boy now. “Don’t worry I’m not a stalker but I do have good memories. It’s above human- I mean normal people.” He started to brag about him self. He seemed to realized it and quickly cleared his throat. “So…. Am I right?” Xiu Min nodded.

“Americano and three coffee latte.” Baekhyun and Xiu Min took their drinks. “Wait!” the boy turned around. “Yes?”

“Have you seen a girl with shoulder length black hair, she has pale skin and red thick lips that day? ” Xiu Min described your appearance, your old appearance that is. “Ehhh umm.. I don’t think so.. but when I see a girl who look like that, I will. What’s her name?”


“Ahh Seolrae. I’ll keep that in mind and don’t worry I wont forget it!” the boy looked very excited. “Thank you…..” Xiu Min glanced at the boy nametag. “Zelo-shi..”




“You feeling better?” you sat on your bed, drinking the medicine Daehyun gave to you then you dropped your self back to your bed. “It’s getting worst, should we go to the doctor to check on it Chohee?” yes, your headache was getting worst lately and it always came in such an unpredictable timing. “You don’t have to help us in the garage tomorrow. Me and the others can handle it.”

 “When will they come back?” Yongguk and Himchan had been gone for almost a week. That’s why you took day offs from the library to help Yongjae out in the garage.

Daehyun shook his head. You weren’t sure why but you were getting worry about them. “They’ll be okay.” Daehyun said as if he could read your mind.

“Daehyun-ah..” Daehyun looked at you, screened your face waiting for your next line. You weren’t sure to tell him about the scar and the whole coincidence and the flashback you had experienced lately. “What is it Chohee?” you shook your head and snuggled further into your pillow telling Daehyun that he needs to get out of your room and he did.



“Help me…” you looked at Kai’s brown eyes. “How Kai tell me how!” you shouted. Before he could answer both of you reappeared on the edge of the rooftop. Kai stood behind you with arm around your neck. . You cursed again, his eyes turned red. This is killing you. How can you help him if he kept this going? From afar you could see the others panicked looking towards you. Chanyeol took a step a head with a fireball on his hand. So did Baekhyun who was ready to attack and Xiu Min too. “Oppa don’t hurt him.” Everyone eyeing you in disbelieve by what you just said. Not only them but Kai also. “You promised me you won’t hurt them.” You said to Kai, he was silent. “You didn’t keep you promise.” you touched his arms and it. “Just please.. don’t hurt them anymore. If you want to take me just take me but I’m sure you already know the consequences if you do anything to me. Am I right?” he gulped, he remembered the story about the star the Dark Master told him. “This is not you Kai… You’re not Kai they knew, you’re not the real Kai.” You groaned as his arm got tighter around your neck making you harder to breathe plus you could still clearly felt the pain on your stomach from earlier. He suddenly let you go, you sighed in relieve but when you were about to turn around he threw him self off of the building. Everyone gasped. You eyes grew wider as you could see his body got further and further. “KAI!” you jumped out of the building to catch him, yes you were that stupid. “SEOLRAE!!!” Kris and Luhan quickly ran up to the other side. Kris jumped off of the building and Luhan tried to stopped you from falling any further. As both of you and Kai fell, your eyes locked to each other. (Two Moons, Chapter 35)

“SEOLRAE!!” Kai sat up on his bed. Sweats were all over him, damping his shirt. His heartbeats were uncontrollably fast from the dream he had few seconds ago. He looked to the nightstand and his symbol was shining a bright light.


“HYUNG! Chohee noona is not in her room!”

“Mwo?” Yongjae and Jongup quickly followed Zelo to your room. He was right, you weren’t on your bed. “Daehyun-ah.. did Chohee tell you anything? She’s not in her room.” Daehyun stopped in front of the bathroom right beside your room. “Stop joking around.” Daehyun said. “No we’re not.” Daehyun eyes widened, it was just ten minutes ago he went to your room to check on you before going to the bathroom and you were there. “Maybe she’s playing hide and seek with us.” Jongup looked for you in behind the door. Yongjae rolled his eyes on Jongup’s neither joke or his stupidity. “Lets look for her.” Daehyun said. Yongjae groaned, “This is why I told Yongguk hyung to buy her a phone!! Even if she doesn’t talk at least we can track her!” Yongjae walked down the stairs followed by Zelo. Daehyun and Jongup followed behind.


"Ahhh..." you felt burning on your back that woke you up from your sleep. You quickly sat up and opened your eyes. “What the…” it wasn’t your room you woke up to. You looked down to your self, you were still in your loosen white t-shirt and your brown short. You looked up and looked around again. You were in the middle of a wide garden surrounded by tall trees. “Where am I? how did I ended up here?”

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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can