
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

With a bouquet of red rose in his hand, Kris walked through the hallway leaded by a doctor and a nurse in front of him. Suho and Tao walked behind him with the same feeling as him, alert, nervous and sad, even though with different way of showing it. Tao’s muscles were tensed up, he could only glanced at the people in the hallway. If he could, he would runaway from there while for the two older man, they could only keep their eyes distracted from those people around them. The three of them were in the hospital and the hallway was crowded by people but not an ordinary people, lets say.. normal. An old lady sat there alone staring at the three as they walked passed her, suddenly she shouted, “MY GRANDSON!!!” and another nurse had to calm her down before she could attack one of them. As they walked further, a little girl sat on the ground with her head hung low and empty eyes and she kept mumbling something inaudible. Yes, it’s a hospital, a mental hospital.

“Mrs. Yoon…. You have visitors…” the doctor said to a lady inside the VIP room. She was sitting in a wooden hair, hugging a doll Xiu Min bought her two months ago, staring at the blue sky outside the wide window in front of her. The doctor tried to call her again but she didn’t give any respond. “Omonim… its Kris.. I’m with Suho and Tao.” The lady turned her head and smiled. “Where’s Seolrae?” Suho and Kris looked at each other. Yes. The lady is your mom.

The first year was okay for her but they didn’t even know where did your mom found out about what really happened to you and it hit her right on her heart. She lost a husband and she had to lose her only daughter too. And now she didn’t even know that you were still alive. Depression was the reason why she was there, not a mental problem like those people in the hallway earlier. At first EXO didn’t want to sent her there but they had no other way to keep you away from her if she lives in the house where you and your father’s memory stays.

Kris kneeled in front of your mother and handed her the bouquet. “Kris… I want to go home. I don’t like this room.” Suho kneeled beside Kris and took your mom’s hand. “Omonim.. your house is almost done. Wait a little longer okay?”

“Will there be a rose garden?” your mom asked. Suho chuckled. “You want a rose garden?” your mom nodded. “Seolrae will love it.” Tao couldn’t hold his aching heart, he turned around, didn’t dare to watch your mom again.


You jumped a bit as a rose popped up in front of your face. Zelo had his big smile as you looked up to him. You took it and put it on the desk. Zelo pouted, “No thank you?”. You put down your pencil and forced a smile. “Better. What are you doing? O! who’s that?” Zelo screened a back sketch of a woman who sat on the wooden chair staring at the wide window. “I didn’t know you can draw. Whaa.. noona you’re full of surprises you know that?” you snorted and went back to your sketch. Suddenly Zelo grabbed the book and ran away. “ZELO!” you quickly stood up to catch him. “ZEL—“ he suddenly stopped before you could stop your own two feet and you ended up bumping onto his back. “Noona…” he turned around while you were still rubbing your forehead. “What is this?” he pointed at the symbol on the sketchbook. Yes, that symbol on your back. You bite your lips trying to find a good explanation for a curious young boy like Zelo. Zelo tilted his head. “It looks familiar..” your eyes widened after he said that. “Come on remember it Zelo….” “AH!!! I REMEMBER!”

“Where?” Zelo’s serious face turned to a mischievous grin. “Tell me why its here first.”


“There’s a what?” Xiu Min listen to the guy’s explanation from the line. “Okay I see.”

“What’s wrong hyung?” Kai took a seat next to Xiu Min. “It’s the worker in Seolrae’s family’s house.”

“What’s with him?”

“They said they found a some kind of storage room under the house.” Kai stood up. “Should we check it out?” Kai got excited. “They said they cant get through Kris and Suho, I think we should. We call them on the way.” Kai nodded and went upstairs.


“Whoahh..” there were lots of old books there and old paper rolls on top of an old desk. “Guess it has been here even before all of this happened.” According to how everything looked so old and dusty. Kai nodded at Xiu Min. The room wasn’t big at all, it was only as big as public toilet. Xiu Min took the biggest and thickest book on the table and opened it slowly. His eyes widened. “Kai.. have you seen something like this?” he didn’t even know how to read those that were written on the book or maybe just because it was already faded away. Kai tilted his head then shook it. “This book is definitely not from Exo or.. even earth.” Xiu Min opened the next page while Kai took one paper roll from the ground. “Errr hyung… look at this picture.” It was a picture of the milky way galaxy, but instead of planets there were picture of creatures. Big and scary. “What life are we really into?” Xiu Min said. Both of them knew. This life, this world, this journey had just begun, there will be lots of things they’ll find ahead, the yet unrevealed secrets. “Should we take this home hyung?” Xiu Min turned around to Kai. “Keep looking. Maybe we could find something else.” Kai nodded.

“What the….” Kai and Xiu Min looked up when Tao came in, followed by Suho and Kris. “What is this place?” Tao came up to Kai. Suho changed look with Xiu Min while Kris looked around the room. “Looks like we aren’t supposed to find this right?” Tao said as he raised a paper roll in his hand. The others nodded. It had been months since they had started the renovation for this house but why now? why didn’t they find this place from the beginning? “Should we leave it here or… cause these things are interesting.” Xiu Min said, Kai nodded, he couldn’t agree more. They all were deep in those things they had in their hands and suddenly Kris’s phone ringed, surprised all of them. “Sorry..” Kris went up stairs to take the call. It was from Chen. “Hello?”

“Hyung...” Chen’s voice sounded a bit shaky. “Come to my office, now.”

“Ch-Chen? Chen!”


“This is the parents of the twins.” Kris bowed his head, followed by Suho and Tao. They bowed back. “and there are the twins.” Two little boys who looked exactly like each other bowed to them. “They are weather controllers.” Suho kneeled and stared at the two in the eyes. Those eyes reminded him of them (EXO) when they were just kids. “What happened?”

“This.” Chen handed Kris an envelope.


Tell us where the star is or we’ll take your sons.


Kris and Tao’s expressions made Suho’s heart jumped. “Something bad is happening” Suho thought as he walked up to read the paper in Kris’s hand. “Please safe our family, our sons….” The mother cried. “Who gave you this?” Suho asked. “A handsome hyung.” One of the twins said. “Do you still remember his face?” the twins looked at each other. “Not really… that hyung wore a cap.” Chen sighed.


“We already secure around your house. Our men will stay there for the next two days. You don’t have to worry.” Chen said. “Thank you…” all of them bit good byes to the family. “Hey!” Suho ran and bent down to meet the twin’s eyes. “What you can do, is a gift. Use it wise. Araseo?” the twins nodded. Suho smiled and pated the two heads.


“Who would it be?” Tao asked. Chen leaned to his table while Suho and Kris were already deep in their own thoughts. It was too much for a day for them. Too much things they had to figure out and they still hadn’t find you yet. “We’ll find something. I’m sure.” Suho pated Chen’s shoulder. “We got your back.”

“We always got each other back.”



“The rulers of the galaxy.” Baekhyun turned to Kai. “So.. our galaxy once ruled by monsters?” Kai shrugged. “I don’t really care about that but my concern is.. why do they even have and keep this in their house. Hide it.” Baekhyun leaned his head to the sofa. “Another secret?”

“Probably.” Baekhyun sighed. “I’m homeeeee…” Lay dropped his guitar and slammed him self to the sofa. “Someone is not in a good mood.” Lay sighed as he put his hand on his eyes, massaged it slowly. “Probably didn’t get to see his dream girl.” Lay shot up eyeing Xiu Min who just came in with a tray on teas. “Did I miss something here?” Baekhyun glanced at Lay. “No you’re not and she wasn’t the problem---“

“Ahh so she is your dream girl and IT WAS ABOUT A GIRL! YA!” Xiu Min slapped Lay’s head. “What was that for?”

“Not telling me—“

“Us!!” Kai added. “Us. that you’re seeing someone.”

“I’m not seeing anyone!”

“Psstf yeah right. Since the day you played in that coffee shop, you kept spacing out.” Baekhyun snorted. “Isn’t that what he’s best at?”

“YA! BYUN BAEKHYUN!” everyone laughed. “Then tell us!”

“FINE. We once played piano together and it was the first and last time I saw her. And that doesn’t mean that I’m seeing her. HAPPY?” Baekhyun faked cry. “That’s sad….”

“Aish..” Lay stood up and went to his room. “He’s definitely fall for that girl.” Kai and Baekhyun nodded.


Lay put down his guitar and dropped him self on his bed. He still on his denial when he was looking for you earlier. He went to the coffee shop you worked in on his way home after performing in another coffee shop but he didn’t see you around, even Zelo wasn’t there either. “Maybe she switched shift? Aaahh why the hell am I even thinking about her?” he wrecked his hair. Lay stood up and opened his drawer and tool his symbol out. Unlike the others, he didn’t like to bring his symbol with him. He was sure that you’ll come to him or he’ll find you even without the symbol's help cause you two had something that only the two of you could feel, at least to him. He kissed his symbol and clenched it tight in his hand. “I’m sorry… I’m supposed to find you but I still couldn’t even feel you around me. I’m sure I can find you soon Seolrae. Wait for me.”


“Look!” Zelo handed you his comic book. The same one you saw in the library. That guy with the high topper hat again and there was this thing he had in his hand and it definitely the same shape as the scar on your back. You blinked at it one more time before assuming something more. “He’s a traveler, He can transport every where he wanted to. Isn’t that cool noona?” Zelo said as he munched his sugary bread. “T-transport?” Zelo nodded. “He can disappear and then appeared somewhere else he wanted to.” It hit you. You remembered what happened to you that day when you woke up in the middle of the garden and when you fell off of the building and the guy… the guy on the rooftop and the same guy you met on the street that gave you that scar. “Is this about him? He really existed? And.. and this comic, is this really about him? Where did the maker even know?” you stared at the book. “Err.. noona.. you can borrow it if you want.” Zelo said. You nodded and went to your room.




“Exo?” you turned to another page. It was already you third time reading the same comic over and over again since yesterday. “Chohee!” you ignored the deep voice that had been calling you. “MOON CHOHEE!” you still ignored it. “MOON---“ the door opened and it hit the wall pretty hard. You looked up from the comic greeted by Yongguk. “What?” he took a deep breath trying to control his anger. “We ran out of oils.” You sighed and jumped off of your bed. Yongguk closed the door. You put on your grey hoodie and of course your brown masker before going out to buy oils.  


“I know. Yes. Okay..” Suho was on the phone when he saw a girl who walked few meters in front of him about to cross the street without even looking at the traffic light. Suho quickly ran as fast as he could to safe the girl. He grabbed her wrist, “Yes.” Then pulled her. Maybe she wasn’t ready at all, she bumped onto Suho hard and both of them fell to the ground. “Aghh…” Suho rubbed the back of his head as the girl hissed trying to get up. “Aren’t you going to help me? I saved your life!” Suho sat on the ground. Suho glanced at the girl, she stood there stoned. Suho sighed and got up by him self. “You’re okay right?” Suho asked her. She just nodded. “Thank you.” She bowed and ran away. “Aish that girl…” Suho said still subbing his head. “O!” he grabbed a little business card on the ground. “B.A.P auto shop?”


“Cho---“ you dropped the plastic bag and quickly ran inside the room. Yongguk took the plastic and watched you climb the stairs like someone was running after you. “That weirdo.” Yongjae said earned a slap from Himchan. “Aren’t you going to check on her?” Yongguk asked Himchan. Himchan sighed, “No. Let her take her time.” He said going back to the car he was working on.

You locked the door and quickly took off your hoodie and tshirt on the same time. You knew it, you still remembered the pain well. If it was right you were so going to regret that you ran away from the guy and you.. were right. Another scar appeared on your back. Few centimeters on the left side of the first one. Something like this…



Annyeong everyone~

I'm so so sorry for not updating these past 3 days (?) I went out with my friends and I didnt have a chance to write. Mianhae.. please dont hate me... I'm feeling so unwell since yesterday, this period is draining my mood and energy but luckily I can still update today!!! woohoooo~~

So what do you think of this chap? you like it? or hate it? OR YOU STILL HATED ME FOR NOT UPDATING YASTERDAY?!! TT_TT

oyeah I wanted to say hello to new readers and subcribers! i mean dude.. 109 subscribers already?!! :') and those who commented.. i love you guys.. I'm sorry I couldn't reply/respond to you one by one but you should know that i do read it and i'll always love you guys no metter what *throws hearts*

Okay i think i talked too much..

Have a great day or have a goodnight and happy reading~






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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can