Pocket Watch.

THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

You came down to the first floor while holding your head. The doctor said you should rest more but you felt like you were already fine and beside, you didn’t like the way the boys treated you like a weak person who stays on their beds for life.

It had been three days since the incident happened and Yongguk still couldn’t move on on the fact that someone dare to hurt his 'worrios'. “I swear I’ll find those bastard and rip their heads off of their bodies.” The magnaes only looked up from their lunch like those kind of words weren’t considered as cursing anymore in the house, while Daehyun kept his poker face, didn’t dare to respond to the leader’s words. “Noona!” everyone turned their heads to you. “What did I say about stepping your feet out of your room?” you looked at Yongguk in disbelief, it seemed that he really like you suffering in your room. Or maybe.. just because he cared?

 Zelo and Jongup moved to the side a bit for you to fit on the dining chair. Before you could sit, Yongguk stood up. “Sit here. I’m going to check on Himchan and Yongjae.” It was not the usual Yongguk to the others thought but you were just too annoyed to think about that. You sat on the chair where Yongguk sat before, rested your head to the dining table. “Are you still hurt noona?” Zelo asked softly, almost like whispering. “Mianhae…” you quickly straightened up and gave him a soft smile which kind on surprised the two magnaes who were sitting in front of you. “It’s okay Zelo.” Zelo couldn’t hold his emotions, he jumped and hugged you tight. You could only smile and hugged him back. You were glad that he was perfectly fine and recovering fast which made you recovered well too. Both of you pulled out and smiled to each other again. Daehyun smiled as he put your breakfast on the table. “Don’t forget to drink your medicine.” He smiled down at you. “Jongup-ah aren’t you going to work?” Daehyun asked after he checked the time. Jongup shook his head with a wide smile that never leave his face. “Their twin sons are missing since two days ago.”



“So this is the supermarket where they usually come after playing in the park?” the other officer nodded. Chen looked around the area. It seemed very normal and safe for those kids to play. “Its their parent’s” Chen nodded. “I need to talk to all the worker here. Call them to come to the office tomorrow after lunch.”

“Yes sir!”

Where could they be?  Chen looked around again. “Sir.. you got a phone from Mister Wu.”


Chen, Kris, Xiu Min, Lay and Kai gathered in your house. All the paper rolls and book they brought from your family’s house were all opened on the table. “So… what’s all of these means?” Chen looked up from the book Xiu Min just handed him. “There are people like us too here.” Xiu Min said. “The legacies of the earth leaders.” Everyone turned to Kris. “And you all think that they are the one who kidnap the twins?” Chen asked. “The new world means that we live in a new world, as humans, means, no power.” Xiu Min said. “But after what happened to us and probably all of Exotics here and the fact that those first born really have powers, maybe.. they are afraid.” Lay added. “There are too many Exotics here on earth and not all of them are good guys, right hyung?” Kai turned to Chen. He nodded in agreement. “Then what should we do?”

Kris stood up, “Its neither we find them or let them find us.”

“But hyung… how about Seolrae?”

Ding Dong….

The sound of the doorbell broke the silence between them. It was once of Chen’s men. “Sir.. another call from the office, you should come back fast.”

“Aren’t there anyone who can take care of that? Can you see I’m busy?”

“But Sir… it’s Mr. Lee Taemin and his wife.” Everyone eye’s widened. Kai quickly took his phone from his left pocket and called him while the other waited. Kris, Lay, and the rest could clearly see the changing on Kai’s expression.

“What is it Kai?”



“AAHH!” you felt like you just hit by a car and almost fell backwards if it wasn’t because of the wall behind you. You groaned in pain, slowly opening your eyes and looked down to see what thing had been enclasped you since it hit you few seconds ago. It was a little boy, he was just as tall as your thigh. “Noona help me…” he said crying. Your heard ache hearing his shaky voice, he was very scared you thought. You pushed him away lightly from you thigh then kneeled down to his level. He was the cutest kid you have ever seen, his short brown straight hair and his doe eyes, even if it was watery. “What happened to you?” he looked back with full of fear. “Are you hiding from someone?” he didn’t answer. “Bad guys?” then he nodded his head lightly.

“YOU GO LEFT, I’LL CHECK HERE.” As soon as the person on the end of the alley said that, the next thing you knew your face was hit by a heavy wind and you hair flew like you were driving a motorcycle in full speed. “What’s happening?” The little hand tightened its grab on your wrist, it was almost hurting you while surrounded you just passed like a flash of lights. You couldn’t really see anything and your felt like you were almost flying in the air because of the speed.


“Chohee noona! I thought you were….” Zelo’s eyes widened staring at you to the kid beside you and back to you again. Home was the last place he thought you would be, cause you would leave him and go home by your self with no reason and without telling him earlier. You gave him an apologetic look. You knew Zelo was very worry about you, since you were supposed to stick with him and probably Yongguk wont let you even came out of your room after this, when he founds out.  “Who is this kid?” Zelo took a seat a crossed you and the little boy. “He was chased by bad guys..” Yongjae said. Zelo’s jaw dropped, “Noona! Why didn’t you just scream and call me earlier!” you shook your head. “Thank you God they didn’t hurt you, both of you.” Yongjae said. “And how did you two got here so fast?” you looked at the kid and he was stared back at you, pleading for help. You weren’t sure, should you just tell them what happened which also tell them about this little kid can do or just lie to them. But something told you then you shouldn’t say anything about the boy, he would be very scared if Zelo freaked out and say that he’s cool to have such power or maybe Yongjae would use him as his other observation object or… worst Yongguk… lets say.. he would just do something un-nice to this kid.

“A… an ahjussi drove us here.” The kid nodded wildly, you smiled on how cooperative he is. “Well you better get him out of here before the big hyungs comes back and besides they wont be happy to see you not in your room resting.” Yongjae whispered to your ear before leaving the three of you to the workshop.

You looked down to the kid again. You couldn’t just let him go home by his self right? He was still shaking and looked very scared and you were sure that he didn’t know his way back home. “I’ll take him noona. Little boy.. hyung will take you to your home.” Zelo smiled widened as the kid nodded, “I trust hyung.”

“OH MY GOD NOONA I’M A HYUNG!!!” you could only chuckled on his childish act and so did the little kid. “You know where your home is right?” the little kid pulled out something from inside his back pocket. It was a some kind of old pocket watch. “Uwaaahh.. that’s cool bro. where did you get that?”

“Uncle Jongin gave me this.” he handed it to Zelo. “He said when I lost I can always find my way back home with that.”

“Ehhh? How could you possibly find your way home with a pocket watch?” you watched as Zelo opened the watch. There was an address carved on the inside. “AH.... right.. your uncle are very thoughtful.”

“His my favorite uncle.” The kid happily took the pocket watch back. “Okay then.. lets go… umm wait what’s is your name little boy?”

“Taehwan. Lee Taehwan.” He smiled at you and you smiled back at him. “Okay we’re leaving.” You waved at that two. “Wait!” you turned back around. “I want to show noona something.” He tucked on your sleeve, asking you to bend down a little. Then he touched both of your cheeks.


“Got cha.” You could see Taehwan was struggling to pull out of the guy’s arm. The guy was wearing a beanie but you could see a some kind of pinkish purple hair stuck out from it. Then another guy came. “You take him back to the camp. I need to find the girl.”

“What girl?” his friend stared at him. “AH! THE GIRL!” Taehwan was still struggling. “Shhhtt calm down!” the guys patted Taehwan’s head. The other guys bent down and showed Taehwan a paper of a sketch of a girl. “You know her?” Taehwan shook his head. “Have you meet her before?” he shook his head again. “LIAR!”

“Let me see that!” then Taehwan took the chance to sprinted away.


“I actually saw noona earlier, with hyung, at the store.” He pulled his hands away from your cheeks. “They are looking for noona too. Is noona one of us too?”




“Is noona one of us too?”

The questions had been replaying again and again and again in your mind since its happened yesterday. “One of us? what’s that supposed to mean?” you honestly wasn’t sure if you were right about that kid having a power to run that fast, or maybe it was normal, it was your imagination. And “us”, there are other people like him too? “Arrrghhh I HATE EVERYTHINGGGGG!!” you were so pissed off, you wanted to ask Taehwan more about what he saw and the meaning behind his question. If it wasn’t because of Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun who came home on such a wrong timing, maybe you wouldn’t be that stress out about it. And Zelo didn’t take him home but to his father’s office according to what Taehwan said. You could only wish for fate to meet you two again.


“Chohee…” Daehyun came in with a cup of hot choco. You let him took a seat on your bed in front of you. He looked at your with full concern. You actually felt very bad for him, he always had that concern and worry expression every time you see him. “I should stop worrying him.” “I’m okay Daehyun.” You said. He sighed, knowing that you were lying. “Tell me.” you bit your lips… you didn’t know why, you feel very comfortable around him which made you want to tell him everything. “Dae… what am I?”



Lets just say.... I'm back?


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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can