
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

“Twenty minutes…”

“Nee…” Luhan bowed to the photographer then sat on the sofa in the corner of the room. His manager quickly gave him his lunch box and his favorite bubble tea. “I’m sorry I’m late….” A boy came in, panting from all the running. He held onto the camera bag the photographer asked him to take from another studio like about seven blocs from there. Luhan looked up and chuckled. He knew the boy very well, he’s the new photographer’s assistant and was one of Exotics too. After the photographer scolded him, he sat beside Luhan who was still eating his lunch. “Stop it.” The boy said, knowing that Luhan was still laughing at him inside. “What took you so long Hongbin-ah?” Luhan asked. Then suddenly Hongbin lightened up getting very excited which surprised Luhan a bit by his sudden mood changing. He took his pocket camera and handed it to Luhan. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Luhan took it and looked at the screen. A candid shot of a long black haired girl. He couldn’t see her face since half of it was covered by her scarf , but Luhan admitted the girl was somehow very attractive and yet… that maroon coat she wore, he had seen it before. “When I came to ask her her name,  she ran away from me.” Luhan chuckled and handed it back to Hongbin. "You do look like a psycho."

"Yah hyung!!!" He hit Luhan playfully. “I’ll find her again tomorrow!”

“What makes you so sure that you’ll see her again tomorrow?”

“She ran into this coffee shop, she probably likes to hang around there.” Luhan chuckled again. “That’s a silly theory.”

“But… there’s nothing wrong about taking a shot for it.”


“Are you coming? Its your day off tomorrow right?” Luhan looked at the younger boy. “We’ll see. We’ll see.”


“You want me to walk you home?” Daehyun asked you. You were still a bit shock from the guy earlier who came up to you asking your name out of nowhere. You thought he was one of those guys who gave you those scars there on your back. Daehyun sighed after you shook your head, giving you your answer. You knew Daehyun shift was still 2 hours to end. "Are you sure?" You nodded again. "I'll wait."

You got very insecure about your surroundings ever since everything happened. You felt like the life you live wasn't the life you supposed to live, its like... You forgot you past life and it was calling you now. You were scared, cause you had no idea about it but somehow you were very curious and eager to find out about your past life before Matokies found you. "Chohee..." You looked up to Daehyun who was already looking down at you with his concerned look. He put a cup of hot latte in front of you. "He really scared you huh?" You snorted and looked away. Daehyun kept looking back at you to make sure that you were still there by the window and there was no random person came up to you. Daehyun grew worried. He knew you had been feeling scared and clueless about everything especially after you arrived here, well... He was the first person who thought about it even before all of you came to earth. And beside Himchan, Daehyun too, believe that you weren't from around Triangulum Galaxy and he also believe that you probably had been on earth before. This is your home. The only thing that made him doubt it was the fact that you have a great power that definitely an earthling don't and won't have. "Daehyun-ah..." You came to the counter. "I'm going home." He looked at the clock. "Are you sure?" You nodded at him. He didn’t have any choice either, so he bit you goodbyes and told you to be carful.


You walked passed the park where Zelo usually skate there. There weren’t many people there and you couldn’t see Zelo there either. “Maybe he’s already home.”  You thought as you continue your walking home. But suddenly from somewhere you heard a fighting sound and one of the voices you hoped you were wrong to think about the person. You slowly walked to the alley not far in front of you. There were a bunch of guys, they were kicking another guy in the middle of their circle. You saw a glimpse of blue shade and it hit you, “ZELO!” you quickly ran and pushed them away. You threw your self on to of Zelo’s trembling body, protecting him and suddenly you heard a bang and an enormous pain on the back of your head.



“Hyung!” Hongbin leaned to the building beside him, catching his own breath from running. Luhan was already far in front of him, running here and there, from alley to alley. “I saw her! I swear I saw her!” Luhan shouted. Hongbin took a deep breath and came up to Luhan. Both of them turned their heads as a bunch of guys just came out of the alley. Luhan quickly ran to them and took one of them by the collar. “Luhan hyung!” too late, Luhan was already landed his fist to the guy’s cheek. “What did you do to her?!”

“Where is she now?!” one of the guy’s friend took Luhan by the collar and punched his face.


“Lets go. I’ll drive you guys there.” D.O said to Himchan and Yongjae. Yongguk was already drove away with one of the customer’s motorcycle. Himchan and Yongjae nodded and quickly jumped into D.O’s car. “Thank you so much D.O.-shi…” D.O. just nodded and smiled. Good thing Himchan finished D.O’s car on time so they could go to the hospital where you and Zelo taken to by the pedestrians who walked passed you and Zelo. Himchan couldn’t stop biting his thumb while Yongjae could only shut his mouth, both drowned into their worriedness. D.O. felt very bad for them. He knew how they felt at time like that. Himchan, Yongjae and Yongguk looked very worried as they received a call for the hospital earlier. Yongguk didn’t even bother to hang up he threw the phone to Himchan and quickly jumped onto one of the customer’s motorcycle and drove off just like that. D.O. could feel how they really care about each other even thought they argued a lot which reminds him of EXO early days on Earth. “They will be okay…” D.O said glancing at Himchan beside him. Himchan sighed, he was ready expected the worst. The hospital said Zelo was still unstable and you injured your head bad.


Jongup quickly jumped away as he saw you threw up, not foods but bloods. It was already your third time. Daehyun squeezed your hand. “Where are the hyungs?” Daehyun looked up to Jongup. “They said they are already on their way.”

“You wait outside.” Jongup nodded. “Take a deep breath Miss Moon.” You did as the nurse told you to. You looked up to Daehyun, “How’s Zelo doing?” Daehyun warmed. On time like this you still care about Zelo. “He’s okay.” Daehyun pulled the curtain behind him. Zelo was on the other bed beside yours sleeping soundlessly. It hurts you to see his porcelain face now all swelled up and bruised. “I’ll take another bucket.” The burse handed Daehyun the bucket before she went to the toilet to take another one. “Daehyun-ah…”


Suddenly your head felt very light and the next thing you remember everything went blank.


“You’re all her family right?” Himchan nodded. “We need more bloods for her.” Yongjae’s eyes widened. None of them had the same blood type as you.  “But…..”

“Doctor!” the doctor turned to the nurse. “We got the blood.” Himchan and Yongjae sighed in relief.


“D.O.?” D.O looked up as he heard someone called his name. “Youngrin-ah.. o! hyung!”

“What are you doing here?” Xiu Min asked. “My friends were injured by streets civilians.”

“Are your friends okay now?” Youngrin concerned. “I don’t know. I haven’t see them.” D.O. looked at the two. “What are you guys doing here?”

“She forced me to join this blood donation event. One of her friends is a doctor here.”

Suddenly Xiu Min felt like he was floating in the air and his vision got blurry. “Hyung!”

“Oppa!” both D.O and Youngrin held Xiu Min’s arm prevent him from falling. “I-I’m okay…” he wasn’t. He felt like his heart was ready to popped out of his chest that time.


“CHOHEE-AH!!!” Daehyun and Yongguk tried to calm you down. You were kicking, rolling and screaming on your bed. Zelo even woken up by your voice. “Noona…” Zelo clenched his bed wanted to get up, but Jongup held him back. The doctor and nurse rushed into the  room with Youngjae who called dragged them there. “What happened to her?!” Yongguk shouted. The doctor checked on your blood rate, it was increasing fast. The nurse came and injected the sedative to your vein and not so long after that you calmed down. “This will only last for 3 hours, if this happened again later you have to quickly call us. We’ll also check on her every hour to.” All of them bowed thanking the doctor. Yongguk and Himchan followed the doctor out of the room to asked her more question about what really happened to you while Daehyun and Yongjae looked at each other. They seemed to read each other mind cause both of them had witnessed the same event not so long ago, the moment you woke up in Mato Planet.


“What were you thinking hyung?” Chen sighed as he sat beside Luhan. “You were lucky that I’m here so we don’t have to lock you in.” Luhan didn’t even hear what Chen just sad to him. He was sure, he was very sure that those kids were the one to hit you. Cause he saw it. He saw it in his eyes. Just like when he sees the ground from onto top of the rooftop. “I saw it Chen.” Chen sighed again. “Hyung… maybe you were just daydreaming. Hongbin told me you had pretty long hours of photo shoot. You’re just---“

“I-SAW-IT-CHEN.” Chen swallowed down his words. Suddenly his office door was slammed open.

“MASTER… MASTER… PLEASE HELP US.” Luhan jumped a bit and so did Chen. They were the parents of the twins.  “They… they took our sons….”

“Who did?”

“We don’t know…. Please help us…”



“So… there are people like us too here on Earth?” Lay asked as he read the thick book on Kai’s lap. “I’m not sure.. but it says that Earth has it own protectors.” 

“Like Greeks Gods?” Baekhyun said with mouth full of night snacks. “Yeah.. probably like that.”

“Isn’t that only a myth?” Baekhyun added. “Same case when human thinks there aren’t living creatures in other planet, but here we are.” Baekhyun nodded at Kai’s words. “They have powers too?” Kai read the book again then nodded. “Unlike us though but some are similar.”


“Do hyungs think they really exist? I mean… still exist?” Lay looked up from the book and nodded lightly. “I don’t know.. I think so..” Lay and Kai went back to the book while Baekhyun went to the kitchen to wash his emptied plate. “But that one really bothers me.” he glanced at the paper roll on the top of the bookshelf. “The monster thingy?” Kai nodded. “I do remember my mom used to tell a story about the monsters. I thought it was just a children bedtime story.” Lay said. “I’m home….” Lay and Kai turned around. Xiu Min looked like a walking dead. “What happened to you?” Lay watched as Xiu Min took a seat on the other sofa. Baekhyun came into the room a put a nice hot green tea in front of Xiu Min. “Thanks.” Baekhyun raised his thumb as he sat a crossed Xiu Min. “I went to the hospital to donate my blood but I ended up feeling sick.” His body felt like it was ready to give up but his heart was still beating fast, it wasn’t normal at all. “You do look a bit pale hyung.. go get some rest.” Baekhyun said. “Maybe I should…”


Zelo woken up by an unusual feeling on his body. It was very cold he thought. He was in a hospital and they had the heater all night long and it was almost spring too but why was it felt like he was sleeping inside a freezer? He slowly opened his eyes and to his surprised, every side of the wall was all covered by ice. He remembered the scene when you first woke up in Mato Planet. He quickly came down from his bed and opened the curtain then walked a bit to open your curtain too but you weren’t in your bed. “Noona?” Zelo looked around. “Zelo-ya…” Daehyun just woke up from his deep slumber on the sofa. “Hyung.. look at this.” Daehyun sat up as he rubbed his eyes. And the same reaction as Zelo repeated by him. “How could this….” Daehyun slowly touched the wall, it was pure ice. “Chohee noona?” Daehyun stopped Zelo from walking. “You, go back to your bed. I’ll look for her.” Zelo didn’t hear Daehyun’s word, he kept walking to the bath room. He knocked at the door lightly, “Noona are you in there?” no respond but both of them were sure there was someone inside and it was probably you.


“Noona are you in there?” you turned your head from the mirror to the door and back to the mirror again. Where you can see another scar, another weird symbol, a snowflake looked a like symbol, carved on your right side of your back. You bite your lips and slowly touched it.


“Ah!” Xiu Min sat up on his bed feeling sudden heart beat increasing. He could feel his heart knocking on his ribs under his palm. “Why am I like this?” he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. “What the….” The same thing happened to him. The whole wall was covered by ice.




Tell us where the star is.

Kris looked at Suho and Chen. "She's in danger."

"We have to find her before whoever they are finds her."

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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can