Back on Earth.

THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

Guide note :

Shishimato  = Yongguk

Tatsmato = Himchan

Kekemato = Daehyun

Chocomato = Chohee (You)

Jokomato = Yongjae

Dadamato  = Jongup

Totomato  = Junhong/Zelo




[Still a flashback]


It wasn’t easy for you to live with them especially in a new environment, a complete different place. It wasn’t easy for them either. This wasn’t the first time for the two oldest, Shishimato and Tatsmato but this time was more difficult for them since they have to take care of five inexperienced juniors with them.


You stared at the paper in your hand, "Moon Chohee" and other information about you was all written on the paper, you just had to remember it. “Remember, we’re all adopted and our adopted parents died in a plane crash.” Tatsmato gave another paper to everyone. There were two pictures on the paper, a man and a woman. “They died in a plane crash six years ago, they don’t have any family members left so we can just use them in case someone need our family background which we probably need for job applications.” Tatsmato sat beside you. “Anything you wanted to ask?” you shook your head. Shishimato sighed to let you know that he hated it when you act all muted like that. “No.” you gave up. Tatsmato smiled and stood up. “Lets start our life on earth.”

"But hyung..." everyone turned to Jokomato. "Whaaa you're such a fast learner." Jokomato smirked. "You're seriously talking about learning with me? Don't you even realize that we all look weird with these hair? I mean come on.." Shishimato nodded. "I agree with him."

"Then what should we do?"

"A make over!!" you just watched them as they check their self out in the mirror.




“Can I take your orders?” you looked up from the menu and stared at Himchan and Yongguk. The other earth newbies too. “We’ll have jjampong and…” you watched Himchan ordering the food. That was the second day on earth, no one know what to eat so the two oldest decided to take the newbies around the town. Few minutes later a large hotplate arrived on your table. Your eyes widened as you taste the first sip of the soup. You looked up to find Daehyun but he was already stared at you. “Isn’t this the food she likes to cook back in Mato?”




“Chohee!! Chohee!! Wake up!” you shot up on your bed greeted by Daehyun’s worried eyes. You heard it again. You heard voices in your sleep. “Bad dreams again?” you didn’t answer him, you were too focused to calming your self down. The voices were calling out to someone but you couldn’t ever remember the name every time you woke up. “Here.” He handed you a glass of water. You took it but it suddenly froze to ice. Your eyes widened, shocked and terrify by it. It was always like that. Every time you're mad or scared, when you lose your control, this always happened. “Its okay Chohee…” Daehyun’s warm eyes relaxed you and the ice turned back to a glass of water.




You sat on the bench in the park with news paper in your hand. You crossed another job vacancies from the list on the news paper. Sighed, you looked up and looked around the park.

"The trees..."

"The fish pond...."

You seemed to have the picture of it in your mind even if it was the first time you went there. There was a guy playing catch with a huge white dog not far from the fishpond.

The little fountain in the center of the fishpond slowly frozen to ice so did the water in the fishpond. One by one people around you disappeared and the sky turned dark. There were two figures on the fishpond playing ice skate together.  “Lay oppa! aren’t you coming?” then a guy appeared beside you leaned back to the tree, smiling watching the other two happily skated around the fishpond.

A wet sensation on the back of your hand snapped you back to reality. The white dog earlier was already sat in front of you, showing you her tongue. “What was that…” you rubbed your eyes with your palm. The sun was still up on the sky, the park was still  crowded with people and there was no frozen fishpond in front of you. The bark of the dog snapped you back again. “Where’s your master….” You looked at her dog tag, “Snow?” she barked to you again but stopped after you touched her back and it softly.

You were already sat on the grass playing with the white Samoyed dog. “Isn’t she beautiful oppa?” a guy looked down at you with a heartwarming smile.

“Ahhh…” a sudden headache attacked you. The dog snuggled to your knee like she was worrying about you. “I’m okay Snow….” You stood up and pated the dog’s head one more time before you leave. “Good bye..”

“What was that all about…”


“Where have you been?” Yongguk asked as you came home from searching a right job for you and those weird things that happened earlier in the park effected your mood that much that you didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment. You were just too confused with every coincidence that happened around you lately.

“Ya! Moon Chohee!” you stopped before leaving him with no answer. “You know how much I hate it when you didn’t answer my question.” Yongguk said a bit angry. It wasn’t a good day for him either. He searched everywhere for another job to help them pay for the rent and the debt to start their own workshop but he couldn’t find one. You raised the newspaper in front of his face. “Don’t yell at me.” you threw the newspaper to his chest and walked away.  


“He was just tired.. don’t mind him okay?” Himchan took a seat next to you. You were pissed at his attitude too. If he didn’t want you there why didn’t he just sent you back to Mato Planet? And why did the Mayor wanted you to come with them? “aren’t I just a burden for them?” you thought. Both of you didn’t say anything for a several minutes. Then you remembered the incident in the park. “Tatsmato..” his eyes widened as he heard you called his name. “You.. you.. talk.” You sighed and stood up. “Okay I’m sorry.. sit down. What is it? And don’t forget to call me Him--”

“Have we been here before?” he closed his mouth, straightened him self. “Eh uum.. for me and Yongguk this is our second time. I-I’m not sure…” you watched Himchan’s nervous act. You knew he was hiding something for you. “We don’t know you before the General took you to the base. So I really don’t know Chohee.”

“They said, you were lucky to survive in the war in Triangulum Galaxy 10 years ago even though you were in a comma for years that was why you couldn’t remember anything from you past life.” Himchan explained.

“but why do I feel like he was lying? What are they hiding from me?” you stared at Himchan trying to read his gesture.  You sighed and just let it go. “Fine. If no one would tell me the truth.”




You were under the car, fixing its machine when you heard Yongjae’s voice called you. “Chohee!!” but you didn’t answer him, you like to get on his nerves. “Chohee--- OUCH!” you knew Himchan slapped his head, like he always do to make Yongjae respect you. “She’s older than you.” Followed by laugher from the guests. “Chohee noona!!” you sighed and rolled out from under the black car. You glanced at the two guests who were already staring at you from head to toe. “The hell.” You looked away from them back to Yongjae.

“Can you cook something for the guests?” you looked up to see what time it was. The clock told you that you still have time to make a quick dish for them and for the other guys before Zelo pick you up. He texted you earlier that the boss wanted you to fill in your friend’s shift.

You thought about the two guests earlier as you prepare the ingredients and suddenly a flash of memories rushed through your head. The way the black haired one fought and saved you from the bad guy

and the other one smiling to you in the kitchen while stiring a pot of soup on the stove. It felt so real.

“Chohee!” Daehyun took your arms before you fell to the ground. “What’s wrong?” you shook your head and stood up. Daehyun sighed and let you go back to cooking. “Need a hand?” as always you don’t like people helping you and as always too Daehyun didn’t care about that and took a knife to chop the vegetables you already prepared earlier, helping you with it. You breathe in again trying to control your heartbeat. It scared you now that you felt the headache more often lately. You touched your chest feeling the banging of your heart remembering the flashback you had few minutes ago. “Do I know them?”

“Chohee noona! Lets go!” Zelo’s voice snapped you out of your thought.  “Ewwww noona you’re dirty…”

“You, take a shower and I’ll take this to the guests.” Daehyun said. You nodded and dashed out of the kitchen.


“Noona is it okay if you go home by your self? Or should I ask the hyungs to pick you up?” you shook your head and slung your bag to your shoulder. “I’m really sorry noona.. but I really need to join this skating competition. If I won we can use the money for the rent.” Your heart warmed feeling very proud at the young boy and to both of your surprises, “O! you smile!” Zelo’s smile grew wider. You turned around and leave the coffee shop. “Be careful noona!” you heard his voice before the door behind you closed.


You walked through the empty and dark street. It was cold and it started to attack your neck and bones. You pulled your red scarf up to your nose then buried your hand to your dark red coat. Suddenly someone pulled your scarf from behind. A middle aged man slyly grinned at you. It wasn’t a nice smile at all, he was ready to attack you any second and you were aware of that. “Don’t run little missy…” he took a step towards you and you took one step aback each time he did so. It stopped until your back bumped onto the wall behind you. You just stared at the man’s eyes hoping with that fearless attitude he’ll back off. He grabbed your collar and tried to attact your face but you already put your hand on his chest to prevent him to come closer and with your other free hand you grabbed his wrist. It felt like something took over you and the person in front of you started to scream in pain as you felt both of your hands heated up.

“SEOLRAE!!” you heard the same voice you always heard in your dream. And that voice sent you back to your consciousness. The guy dropped to the ground lifelessly. Your eyes shot open in shock and fear rushed over you. You ran as fast as you could back home.


You abruptly opened the front door and dropped to the floor. You legs were sore from running. “Chohee!” Himchan ran towards you and took both your arms pulling you up on your feet. Tears pilled up your eyes. You felt guilty and fear of what will happen to you if anyone finds out that you did that. Himchan pulled you into his embrace. “Suuuusshh you’ll be okay…” Yongjae and Yongguk stood up from the sofa and stared at the two of you. Himchan shook his head to them. “Tell me what happen Chohee-ah..”

“I killed someone.”




“Seolrae!” you could hear footsteps coming towards you from behind. You quickly snapped the person hand before it could touched your shoulder. The guy jumped a bit, surprised by your quick act.

“Seolrae-ah you’re back..” he softened but you turned your back to him. As curious as you were at the time since he called you that name again, you don’t like stranger at all and decided just to let go of your desire to know further about why he called you that name.

He grabbed your wrist, turning you around and you met eyes with him. Suddenly you felt a smarting pain on your back but you endured it at keep your fearless eyes on him. “Chohee noona!” Jongup came and held the guy’s collar and pulled him from the back, away from you. You quickly stopped Jongup’s fist before he could hit the guy’s face. “You sure noona?” Jongup asked, you nodded to him. “I don’t know what’s your problem. But don’t ever touch her again.” Both of you left the guy there dumbfounded.


“Ahh..” a stingy pain attacked your back as the water hit your skin. You walked out of the shower and brought your self in front of the mirror. Now, with your back facing the mirror you turned your head a bit to see what was the cause of the stingy pain you felt earlier. Your eyes widened in horror. “Wh-what is that?” even your voice came out of your mouth. A little triangle with a circle in the middle of it, carved on your skin.



Hello my lovely readers!!!

How was the first four chapters? hope all of you had a great time reading it and keep looking forward for the next chapter. I'm so so excited about everything i hope you guys are too~

I wanted to thank all of you who read, subscribed and commented to this story. I love you all so very much~

Anyway I read all of your comments and I'm sorry I couldn't reply it one by one but I do read all of your comments, it's very entertaining for me and give me lots of energy to write! thank you...

Oyeah and I've found lots of you still confuse about who's who. Don't worry I'll show you their full profile on the next chapter and if you still have some questions to ask just put it on the comment box and I'll answer it on the next chapter if its necessary.

Happy reading everyone!!




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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can