
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

(Two Moons, Chapter 55)


Suho got into his car, but before he could turn on the machine something caught his eyes.

And suddenly his car was filled with water. He tried to come out of his own car that was more like a swimming pool. Too panicked to think clearly when it’s actually very simple, just to switch the lock. “WHATS HAPPENING!!!” He screamed to him self, hitting the window. He fell on the ground as he managed to open the door. He looked back to his car, it was completely fine, so did his cloths that were perfectly dry. “What the hell happened?” He quickly picked up his phone.


Kai stood in front of the wide glass window. Admiring the beautiful starry skies that night. “Seolrae-ah.. are you there?” He touched the cold window.

Suddenly there was a flash of light on the clear sky in front of him. Too unusual for him. The sound of his phone snapped him out of this thought. “KAI-AH! Are you okay? Did anything happen to you? Kai! Did you feel it?” Kai was still shock to think clearly. “I-I’m okay hyung..” he said with out bothering to look away from the sky. “Really?”


“T-that’s good then. Well be careful and have a safe flight.” Both of them hung up. Kai took a deep breath. “I think I should wash my face.” But when he was going to take his bag on the ground, it wasn’t there. He looked around to find his bag was a meter away from where he stood. And at that moment he realized, he wasn’t where he was standing a while ago.


D.O. took his phone with his shaky hand and pressing Suho’s number one by one. “Yoboseyo? D.O---“


“What? What happened?” Suho waited on the other line. He was wondering if D.O called him to tell that he felt what just happened few minutes ago. “Don’t freak out when you find a big hole in the parking lot.” D.O. looked down to his feet with ground cracking under him.


Tao put the dough of his new chocolate cake recipes to the oven. He smiled at it as the light .

He checked his watch every minute getting very impatient to taste his own cake. “Still 10 minutes.. I wish I can fast forward the time.”  Suddenly there was a “ting” sound from the oven. He looked up from his watch in shock. “What the…” slowly walking to the oven, he could already smell the sweetness of the chocolate. He opened the oven and there.

The cake was perfectly cooked. “How could this possibly happen?” He looked at his watch again, it magically fast-forwarded to 10 minutes.

“TAO!” he jumped a bit as Kris came into the kitchen. “Hyung! You surprised me!” Tao put his cake down carefully, gladly it didn’t fall because of Kris. “I-I can fly.” Tao raised his eyebrows in disbelieve. “Look.” Kris held his breath and opened his arms wide. “Ehh.. hyung, you’re not even an inch up from the ground.” Kris opened his eyes, yes, his feet was still on the ground. “But I…” it was true though, he flew to the house from the garage.


Luhan stretched his arms as he got out of the elevator. He just came back from another photo shoot. Lazily walked through the hall and nearly reach his apartment door. His eyes winded in shock, before his hand could reach the doorknob, its opened by it self. “My power..” he opened the door abruptly cant wait to tell Sehun what just happened. “What the…” another thing surprised him. The living room was like a shipwreck. Just like a big tornado hit it. Sehun looked at Luhan in horror. “Hyung…”


“ah…” Lay hissed in pain. He accidently cut his own fingers when he was chopping the potato. “Are you alright?” Baekhyun came up to him. “Let me see..” he took Lay’s hand carefully. To their surprise the cut healed it self and the second surprising thing was, “Your hand…” both Lay and Baekhyun stared at Baekhyun’s shining hands in shock.


“Chanyeol oppa!!!” Sunhae shouted. Chanyeol quickly jumped down the stairs and went straight into the kitchen. “What’s wrong Sunhae? Are you hurt?” Sunhae grinned shaking her head. “What is it now?” Sunhae pointed at the stove.  “I can’t turn it on….” She whined. Chanyeol sighed rolling his eyes. “Step a side.” Chanyeol twisted the knob and “AAAAAAAAA!!” both of them screamed as a fire, a big one blasted from the stove and strangely it looked like a phoenix. As the fire magically disappeared, both of them looked at each other in horror.


“Why wont you listen to me?” Hanin threw the magazine to the table in front of Chen. Chen took a deep breath trying to hold down his anger. “I do listen to you.” Hanin groaned in disbelieve. Chen rolled his eyes getting very tired of arguing about things such as party planner and flowers and little stuffs with her every night. “What? You regret being with me?” Chen clenched tight his fist trying to control his boiling anger. Suddenly a loud thunder appeared and the electricity went down. “CHEN!” Hanin jumped and hugged him. On the other hand Chen was completely stoned. Was that me?

The sound of the thunder woke Xiu Min up. He groaned in annoyance, stretching his arms and let out a lion like yawn. He opened his eyes to his office. But not like usual. The room was frozen. The wall was all covered up with cold ice. Xiu Min touched the wall. “This cant be happening..”





On an open wide ground in the middle of a dark forest, seven people were trying to dig an even wider hole to hide their ride to earth. “Has anyone seen us burying the ship?” the leader, who wore a red mask asked the one who wore green mask. “Just an old man.. but I already took care of him” Dadamato answered. “Good..” and so Dadamato came back to his work after hearing his leader’s respond. Suddenly they heard someone fell to the ground. Dadamato and Totomato quickly came to her. “Are you okay Chocomato?” she looked up and nodded, grabbing her shovel to helped her self to get up. She started to dig up the ground again, hoping even if she wasn’t that strong like the other six but at least she could help them. “Go back to your work!” Dadamato and Totomato quick ran back to their areas. The leader, Shishimato, let out a long sighed watching the only girl in the team trying so hard to fit in. He didn’t know why he agreed to do this, to bring her along in his team first mission. “Don’t be so hard on her Shishimato…” Tatsmato said. No one knows what to expect from the future here on earth.




Another year almost over. People came home to their hometown to celebrate the special day with their love ones. The airport that day seemed to be more crowded than usual. Lots of people holding a placard with their family or relative names on it, patiently waiting for those they were hoping to meet soon. One by one they reunited with their families, friends and lovers.

Kai pulled down his hoodie. He looked around to find any familiar face. As soon as he got out, he spotted one not far in front of him, holding a white placard with his name written on it with a blue marker. He smirked and fastened his walk dragging his suitcase along.

“Suho hyung..” Kai smiled at the older guy. “Welcome home Kai…” Suho quickly hugged him. “Thanks. I thought you said Xiu Min hyung will pick me up here.” Suho took Kai’s camera bag from Kai’s shoulder and slung it to his own. “Yea.. but something came up in his office so here I am.”


Kai looked at the view outside the car window. Mountain and forest covered with white snow. The weather wasn’t too bright. It was gloomy and calm. “Is it okay if I just drop you off at Seolrae’s?” Kai was a bit surprised how they still called your house, YOUR house even if Xiu Min, Lay and Baekhyun bought the house from your mother. “I-Its okay hyung..” then he remembered the dream he had about you. The dream that was too real to be called a dream but too good to be true for a reality. The dream he shared with his brothers. “Wae? You look sad.” Suho asked as he pated Kai’s head. “Anniyo hyung. I’m happy that I’m finally back. I won’t miss Chanyeol hyung’s last concert, Chen hyung’s wedding and of course, I don’t want to miss out another family portrait.” Suho chuckled and taped Kai’s shoulder.


“Welcome back Kai!!” Lay and Baekhyun greeted him. “Thank you hyungs!” the three group hugged and pulled out on the same time. “O!“ a white Samoyed dog jumped to Kai’s lap. “Anyyeong…” he waved at the dog before rubbing the top of her head. “Let me help you with that.” Baekhyun helped Kai with his bags as Lay came back into the kitchen to make something to drink and some afternoon snacks.

Both Baekhyun and Kai paused when Baekhyun opened the door to your room. The dog rushed to your room with her tails swung side to side.

At time like this you usually on your stomach reading some fiction books or maybe just finishing your winter holiday assignments on your comfy bed. You would probably asked Baekhyun what’s going on with a cute straight and annoyed face you had every time Baekhyun came in just to check on you. Those memory about you, never leave his mind. Everyone’s minds.

“Hyung.” Kai’s voice snapped Baekhyun back to reality. “Ahh.. ye come in.” Baekhyun put Kai’s camera and backpack to the sofa as Kai put his suitcase near the doorstep. Funny how even after almost six years, your room seemed to still have that sweet scent of yours. Which made both guys froze in moment. “I-I think I should help Lay hyung. Just do what you need to do and come down as soon as you finish okay?” Kai nodded. “Come on Snow.” Kai watched Baekhyun and the dog came out of your room. Kai sat on your bed and grabbed the picture on your nightstand. You and the twelve of them. Kai smiled and caressed your picture, smiling widely. “Please come back.” He said, trying to bear with the pain in his chest. “Come back..” Six years weren’t enough to erase you.




Tao came back to his shop after delivering cakes for Kris and his colleges. As he came in he found a tall and blonde-blue on top haired guy and the other guy with purple-ish hair talking to Minsoo. “Hyung!” Minsoo called. Tao walked up to them “They want to order a birthday cake.” Tao bowed his head to the two guys. They bowed their head back. “And what’s the problem?”

“We don’t have a birthday cake size left.”

“and we have lots of orders too..” Minsoo whispered this one.

Tao just smiled. “When do you need it?”

“Tomorrow night maybe?” the blonde one said. Tao checked the orders tab. They do have lots of orders to take. He wasn’t sure either if he could make one for them. “Please.. this is for our sister..” the taller guy with blonde hair said. Tao sighed in defeat. “Okay I’ll make it for you guys. What kind of flavor?” Tao watched both of them stating at each other, being clueless. Tao chuckled and nudged Minsoo to take a slice of Strawberry Shortcake from the display. “Here, try this.” Tao gave the plate to the -seemed to be- older one from the two. His eyes widen as he tasted the cake and gave the younger boy the spoon to taste. “Whaaa.. this is very delicious!” Tao smiled. “Should I make this one for your sister?”

“Em! Definitely!” the younger one finished the cake. “Okay then.”

“Ahh thank you, thank you very much. Our sister will love this!” Tao chuckled and ask Minsoo to put their order on the list. “Is it for her birthday?” both of them shook their heads. “then?”

“It’s a present for her. She had work very hard at home and at work too.”

“Yeah its not easy to live with six—“ the purple one slapped the blonde’s head. “I’m sorry.. my brother likes to blabber a lot.” Tao laughed. “Anniya.. its okay.”

“Guess you love her a lot.” The purple one let out a loud laugh. “Pssstf me? love her? No way…”

“Ya! Hyung! She’s our sister now!”

 “Here’s the change.” Minsoo gave them their money. “Kamsahamnida.. we’ll come back again tomorrow.” Tao bowed back. “What’s with their hair? So weird …” Minsoo said. Tao just chuckled and went to the kitchen to work his magic.



“Ouch!” a girl landed on her . “Joes—“ Luhan eyes grew wider as he watched the girl swung her long black wavy hair back. Sehun lent out his hand to help the girl but she ditched the offer and stood up by her self. She glanced at Sehun and Luhan as she fixed her dark red coat. “W-we- we’re sorry..” Sehun was the first one to break the ice even though he was just like Luhan, dumfounded. Something about the girl caught their whole attention. Both of them couldn’t explain what was it. She looked at the two in weird expression. “Chohee!” someone called her, which sent the two guys in front of her jumped in surprise. “Who are….” the girl shook her head and quickly pushed the two guys who called her earlier away with her. Luhan watched her back disappeared. “Le-lets go hyung..” Sehun said. Luhan nodded but still looking back to where the girl disappeared as he opened the door to Tao’s pastry shop.



“O! Luhan hyung.. Sehun..”

The three of them sat on the table near the window. Drinking coffees and tea, just catching up with each other life. Luhan turned his head from the window.

“I dreamt about her again last night.” Sehun turned to Luhan in worry while Tao’s eyes grew wider because.. actually.. he did too.

Winter. This always happened on winter. Winter seemed to have something with you that made all of them think about you even more in this season. “Hyung…” Sehun pated Luhan’s shoulder. “Is it the same dream hyung?” Tao asked. Luhan shook his head. A little smile appeared on the corner of Luhan’s lips. “It was a very nice dream unlike usual.”




Prof. Lee kept replaying the same video from the CCTV he received from his men almost  6 months ago. A falling star. Somehow it looked so odd to him. He had sent his men to observe the place where the star might have landed but nothing was there.

“What are you doing appa?” Hanin voice snapped him back. “Hanin-ah… what are you doing here?” he stood up and hugged her. She gladly hugged him back. “Just to check on my very busy father who is nominated for this year scientists award again.”

“Yaaa..” Hanin chuckled and pulled off. She put a pack of invitations on the desk. “What is this?”

“My wedding invitations for your colleges.” Hanin took a seat beside her father. “Ahh I thought you wanted a small party?”

“I do, but Chen said we have to respect you and your colleges who had helped him and his brothers.” Prof. Lee smiled feeling very glad to have a great soon to be son in law.

“What’s that appa?” Hanin pointed the screen. Prof. Lee clicked the play button and let his daughter watch it.

“Its.. a falling star?”

“I don’t think so.. it’s too wide and too slow for a fallen star.”

“Have you checked it out? What do you think it is?”

Prof. Lee shook his head. “No one could find anything about it.” Hanin bite her bottom lip. “Is it possible.. it came from Exo Planet?” Prof. Lee shook his head again. “I really don’t know. I dont think so though.. if it came from Exo Planet I would've find out about it."

"I just hope its not a bad sign or even bring harm to earth.”

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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can