
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

Four years ago..


“General, we found an unknown species in our territory.”

“Bring it here.”




The beeping sound of the medical machines filled the room. Signaling anyone around, that you were still alive. Despite the fact that you had been sleeping for two years since they found you and no one knows for how long before they found you, your heartbeat and your soft breathing was as stable as a living person. Those beeping machines and the cables and IV attached to your body keeping you alive for the past two years.


Your existence was a big news around the planet, Planet Mato, where the Triangulum Galaxy’s warriors train and live. The news spread around the whole planet even to the whole galaxy as your frozen body arrived on Planet Mato. They accidently found your body frozen in huge ice cube in the borderline between Andromeda Galaxy and Triangulum Galaxy which made them wonder how did you ended up there. You don’t look like someone from any Andromeda’s planets neither looked like Triangulum’s people. But they were nice enough to keep you in Mato, providing medical support to keep you alive.


Just like every other morning, he came into your room. He finished his job first, to check on the machines and every technical thing. He checked your IV and then he paused to just look at your delicate and calm expression. It was always been like that and somehow it warmed his heart. He caressed you cheek, a little smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He had never seen such a beutiful creature. “I wonder what will happen when you wakes up.” He quickly jumped off of the bed as he heard the doorknob twisted. “Kekemato! What are you still doing here?” the younger boy said, Jokomato was his name. He came in and closed the door behind him. “How is she?” Jokomato stood a crossed Kekemato. “Stable, as always.” Jokomato sighed staring at the wires that attached to your body. “She seems nomal but these things makes her looks pathetic.” Kekemato seemed to agree. Both of them were deep in their thought.


No one could find any info about you. What happened to you or how you ended up there. They already sent a news to Andromeda but none of them seem to know about you. Of course they dont. While Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxy are next to each other, Milky Way where Earth, Exo Planet and eight other planets are far from the two galaxies. The exposion of Exo Planet was great enough to threw you millions even gazillions miles away that you ended up there in Triangulum Galaxy.


“O!” your index finger jumped a bit then the rest followed after. The two officers looked at each other in shock.  “C-call Shishimato and Tatsmato here! Hurry!” Jokomato quickly ran out the room to find the two oldest of the team. Kekemato came up to you and held your hand securely but no words came out of his lips. Your eyes were still close but your fingers moved wildly. Suddenly your body shot up to the air and made Kekemato jumped backwards landed on his . You flew up further and the wires pulled off of you as your body almost touch the ceiling. His eyes widen in horror plus your heart rate increased high according to the beeping sound of the machine.


“Keke—“ the rest of the team gasped, stopping their feet before it leads them in. Their eyes widen in shock and lost in words. They couldn’t explain what possibly happened at that moment. The room was all frozen with ice. You were floating in the air with both hands shone a bright light. Water came down from the ceiling and all the machines and wires flew in the air along with you. Tatsmato was the first one to make a move. He quickly grabbed Kekemato’s hand and dragged him to the doorstep. “What should we do Shishimato?” Jokomato asked. “Dadamato, Totomato, tell the Mayor about this.” Shishimato said. The two youngest saluted and quickly do their job. “Kekemato, are you alright?” Tatsmato asked. Kekemato just nodded warriedly watching you who was still in the air. “Shishimato…” Tatsmato realized the look of the leader’s face. Something big is going to happen.




Slowly, little by little your eyes opened, greeted by the bright light of the room. You sat up and looked around the white room. There were only your bed, a white cupboard, a mirror and a door with the same color. You wore a white long hospital dress that you had to pulled it up to walk without stepping on it. Everything seemed to be unfamiliar to you. You closed your eyes, hoping to find a clue of what you were doing there but you couldn’t seem to call back anything.

What happened to you before and worst, who are you. Your body felt like a fragile old tree ready to break anytime soon. And there was a big whole you felt in your chest. Empty, clueless and insecurity were all you could feel at that moment. You forced your self to walk further to reach the mirror not far from you.

A beautiful girl, pale skin, pointed nose, red lips and a long black velvet hair, looking back at you from the mirror. A smile appeared, decorating your face as you slowly caressed your own cheek. At least you felt familiar with your own face.

Then there was a knock on your door but you didn’t even bother to answer and let the person opened the door. Six blonde guys came in. You looked at them, screened them one by one as they stared back at you.




The Mayor and Tatsmato monitored the others while they were having their morning training and you were one of them. It wasn't hard to find you, you stood out from the other warriors there. Tatsmato had his eyes on you, watching you carefully. Your empty eyes and straight face made you look like a machine that doesn’t have a life. The Mayor noticed Tatsmato’s concern expression on you. “Her heart is shielded with steel.” Tatsmato turned to the governor in horror.

“What?" he remembered how the medical team had some difficulities to check on your heart rate and to XRAY your heart when you first got there. “But how?” Tatsmato glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and back to the Mayor. “I don’t know. Something is telling me that her heart is very valuable to whom ever needs it….” “or wanted it..”

“You think someone is looking for her right now?” the governor nodded her head. “From the power we witnessed when she woke up, I can tell she’s not from around here. She could be very dangerous to anyone.”

“especially, to her self.” She added.

The Mayor and Tatsmato quickly turn their heads as they heard commotion from the training area. Fire started to burn your whole body but you were just stood there like nothing happened.




Kekemato pushed the food tray in front of you. You just looked at it and took the spoon. Kekemato watched you carefully eating your lunch. In just a split second you smacked the spoon to the table and stood up leaving your food and Kekemato dumbfounded in the dining room.

He sighed and quickly cleaned up the tray. He was a bit worry, you hadn’t eat any of their foods since you woke up but somehow you managed to train and even stay alive despite the small amount of food you had every day. But he finally found the answer to his curiosity.

One night he stalked you to the kitchen and to his surprise you knew how to cook a dish and it wasn’t a familiar dish, a dish he had never seen in his life before even if it used Mato's ingredients.

“I don’t know you can cook.” You turned around still with spoon in you mouth. You blinked at him and got back to your dinner without even saying a thing. Kekemato jumped and sat on the counter beside you. “Where did you learn to cook this?” Your eyes widen. As you thought about it again, you didn’t even know where did you learn how to cook. Which made you wonder are you really came from this planet? You had been wondering about that too since the first time you came out of the building and saw the whole Mato Planet. That time you felt that you didn’t belong there. Why were you the only one with dark hair there, why couldn’t you eat their common foods and why couldn’t you remember a thing about yourself? You thought about those things a lot.

“D-did I said something wrong?”

You shook your head lightly. Kekemato seemed to get your expression, he softened, “I’m sure you’ll gain your memory soon.”




“Chocomato!” you turned around, to what the younger boy called you. You weren’t a fan of the name they gave you but at least, you thought… now you have a name. “Have you heard?” Totomato asked in excitement. You just blinked at him. He sighed seeing your reaction, “We have day off tomorrow~” he jumped up and down in happiness. You just watched him and after he stopped, you turned around to leave him. “Eyy~ Chocomato!” he grabbed your wrist. He turned you around. You looked at him in annoyance, not that it made any difference to your expression though. “You have to come with us! Shihimato and Tatsmato will treat us dinner!”

“Dinner?” you didn’t like the idea of having their foods at all, but the younger boy already dragged you away from the garden to their dorm.


On both of your ways there, a bunch of people in black velvet cloak came into the main building. Totomato quickly pushed you to the wall and securely had his arm in front of you to protect you as both of you hide. You poked his arm and he turned around. “I want to see to.” He seemed to get your expression and let you peeked to see them. The next thing you knew a bad headache attacked you and you fainted to the ground.




The big celebration for all warrios had finally come. It was the time to send another team of warrior to their mission. Only the chosen warrios can go. No one knows about the mission, only the General, Mayors and the chosen warriors know. Called it a secret mission but with big celebration. You watched Shishimato, Tatsmato, Dadamato and Totomato from the line where you stood there with other warriors and space officers. “I wonder why the General didn’t send Kekemato and Jokomato too. Aren’t they supposed to be in one team?” you heard someone behind you said. You agreed with him. The six of them were in the same team but why didn’t they send the other two along. “They failed in one test I heard.”

“Jokomato failed?” you titled your head making your own scenario while searching for the other two but you couldn’t spot them in the officer’s line. Jokomato was the most intelligent officer in his squad and Kekemato was a well-known space officer too.


After the ceremony was over they dismissed the line. Suddenly someone took your wrist and pulled you into the dark forest. You tried to break out from the person’s grip but when you looked up you realized it was Jokomato. “Shhhhht!” he dragged you further into the dark forest. “Ta-dah!” you saw a medium sized space plane. You looked at him in confusion. “We are going to join them.”

“What?!” you thought both of them were the type of person who wouldn’t do this kind of stuff, breaking the rules that is. “Are they even allowed to?”

“Lets go!” Kekemato peeked his head from inside the plane. You weren’t sure about it but seemed like the two guys didn’t care and dragged you along on their secret runaway plan. Even if you were a bit worry to come with them but you thought about it again. It's better to come with them, the people you knew since the first time you woke up, than to be a left out there because the other think that you were an alien.


What you didn’t know was that they had planned about this. The main ship waited outside the Triangulum Galaxy.

“Whooah that was close…” as Jokomato stepped on the main ship. “What is she doing here?” you looked at Shishimato. "Yeah.. what am I doing here?"  you demanded a full explanation.

“I told them to take her along.” Tatsmato answered. “Are you crazy?!”

“It's an order from the Major.” Tatsmato said. “What?” Tatsmato pulled Shishimato’s collar and dragged him to the other room. And you just stood there didn’t know what just happened or what to do and you didnt get your explanation. “It’s okay Chocomato! You’re safe with us!” Totomato said. 




“So this is earth?” Dadamato jumped off of the ship. You could already feel the different scent of the air but somehow familiar to your sense. “Are you okay?” you turned your head to find Kekemato concernedly staring at you. You nodded. “Come on. Hurry up!.” Shishimato shouted. Tatsmato lent his hand from outside the ship to help you to jump out of the ship. You took his hand and held your breath in.


“CHOCOMATO!” everyone gathered around you. Tatsmato bent down and searched for your eyes. “Where does it hurt?” you pulled your hair with your hand. Totomato quickly stopped you. You couldn’t explain the enormous pain in your head. Similar to the pain you felt when you saw those people in cloak back in Mato but this time it was worst.


And at that exact time, all Exotics on earth could feel and witnessed the spark of their powers came back to them.  For the Twelve Forces, even though it was quick and unexplainable but it gave hope, just a tiny bit of hope that you’re still alive. (What happened in prologue)


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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can