
THE LOST TREASURE (Two Moons Sequel)

The sound of the coffee beans filled the coffee maker, the smell of a cup of Americano, the sweet scents of freshly baked breads and baristas tied their green aprons, fixing their nametag. As usual as Saturday afternoon could be in the coffee shop where you worked. You had the afternoon shift today and only with Zelo who was just came into the door after you fixing his blonde blue hair. Both of you bowed to the manager, he always there every Saturday to help. You glanced at the little stage, there was a guy there sitting behind the piano.

He was just trying some random song out for check sound since there weren’t many customers there but this song he played just as sad as it sounded at that time.



His eyes glued to his slender fingers pressing the keys softly. Once or twice his eyes would wonder up to the ceiling as he breathed it some air. It was sad… full of longing. Maybe the song or maybe just the way he was playing it, you could feel his emotion. “He’ll be performing here for tonight.” You were a bit surprised by the manager’s voice. “Ah I see…” you glanced at him one more time before you went up to the library.


You just finished tiding up the books people just returned to the library. You walked to the fence to see the coffee shop downstairs. The coffee shop was more alive, people were singing along, clapping their hands and it was more crowded then usual. You could see some of the girls on the table were taking pictures of him and his bands. They were pretty popular among girls and coffee lovers. Those songs they played were all enjoyable and ear friendly. No wonder they got so many fans already. “Chohee-ah..” you turned around. “Can you help me with these comics?” you friends grinned at you asking for help. You nodded and took half of the comics in her arms.

You were arranging the comics according to it numbers. “O!” it was the episode 12 of that comic Zelo likes to read. “The Traveler.” You turned the cover it was a picture of a guy in black coat and a high topper hat.

You didn’t really pay attention to what it says under it you just wanted to take a look of what Zelo been obsessed with. You turned the page again. But before, just another chance you waste, before you could see his symbol… “Chohee! Hurry up!” you sighed and put the book back to its place.


“Noona, can you wait here for a moment? I need to clean up the kitchen first.” You nodded at Zelo as you put on your brown masker. The others were already went home to their houses, you thought so. You looked at the stage, only one spotlight on the piano. The next thing you knew, you were already behind the piano. You remembered the song the guy earlier played. That sad song but somehow you had heard it somewhere before. Or maybe it was just a well-known piano piece people always played on piano.

Your fingers played the first thirteen keys of the song and you got it right on your first try, it wasn’t perfect but at least now you got the idea of what key you should press next.

You were too focus on finding the right key to play you didn’t realize someone sat beside you. You were a bit surprise when someone continued the song. He was skillfully played the piano. It was different than earlier. He didn’t sound sad at all. He smiled at you softly and you quickly turned your head. “Follow me.” he said. You followed his lead and sometime he would correct you by his chuckle. “Have you played piano before?” He watched you trying to figure out which key you should press next. “I guess not.” According to how slow you learn from him then he played the difficult part for you to follow and left you there, amazed by his talent. Suddenly you felt something took over you and you started to play the piano like you were pro at it, like you learned that song for over years.

“Woahh!!” Zelo said and two other guys were clapping their hands, the guy’s band mates. “Noona! I didn’t know you can play piano!” Zelo walked up to you. “She’s actually great at it.” The guy said. “Thank you for performing today hyung..”

“No. Thank you for having us.” he said. You stood up and glanced at him before you leave the stage with Zelo. “Hey!” you turned around. “I’m Lay.”


“Eyy.. Lay you seems happy.” Xiu Min beside Lay resting his legs to the table. Lay just smirked and sipped his midnight hot chocolate again. “Is it a girl?” Lay hissed. “IT IS!”

“No! its hot.”

“She’s hot?!”

“NO! the chocolate!” Lay stuck his tongue out like a dog. “Ahh.. I thought. So… who’s this girl?”

“Hyung!” Xiu Min chuckled then the tv. “A garden of blooming tulips found in the middle of March. This is such an unusual thing to happen or it is just a sign that spring is coming?”

“I know what you thinking.” Xiu Min said. “Is it true? About the firstborn?” Xiu Min nodded. “Chen already found three firstborns and all of them had powers.”

“It wasn’t that strong but I’m afraid if we couldn’t control it, it’ll be a big problem here.” Xiu Min sighed. “Why us?”

“Cause we are the twelve forces, the twelve last generation. We are the ones who responsible for all of this.” Lay sighed. “We need to find her. I feel something bad is going to happen to her.”


“Did you find it?” you quickly stopped your walk and hid behind the wall. Yongguk and Himchan just got home few minutes ago just when you usually woke up in the middle of the night. Himchan shook his head. “We have to stay longer here?! For the sake of Matoki why do we have to stuck here?”

“Ya!” Himchan slapped the back of Yongjae’s head. “You didn’t even help us with the mission.”

“Ya hyung! I wanted too but you told me to stay here with her!” Himchan didn’t deny that at all. Yongguk stood up, “Next time, you come with us and if we find the right location we’ll go there together. All of us. No wasting more time.”

“Yes Sir!” Yongjae saluted. “Lets just talk about this later. I need a shower.” You quickly ran back to your room and closed the door slowly.

“Chohee-ah..” you pretended like you just woke up from your sleep and sat up on youe bed with eyes still half closed. Himchan sat on the edge of your bed. He sighed. “I heard about what happened to you.” You looked down. “Talk to me.” you sighed. “Answer my question first.” Himchan nodded. “What am I?” Himchan glared at you in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“What am I oppa?” you asked again with a flat but serious expression. “I’m not a Matoki am I?”

“Why are you asking me this?” you sighed in anger. “You promised to answer my question.”

“Tell me the reason why you asked me that.”

“I think I’ve been here before oppa. I-I feel like I belong here.” Himchan stared at you. He didn’t know what else to say. He once thought about that too, that you’re a human that is. You seemed like you didn’t have any trouble adapting with Human life, cooking human’s foods, paying bills, using public transportation and of course the language. For B.A.P, Matokies had high level of intelligence. They can do anything even just by watching other people doing it once, Matokies can remembered the whole book just by read it once and had great memory and not to forget, a polyglot, even in human language. But you aren’t a Matoki. Even if you didn’t talk much but every time you did, people could understand you which mean that you fluent in their language. The other might not really pay attention to this but Himchan did and he had been thinking a lot about it too. Yongguk suddenly came in. You looked up to him. “Are you trying to gain attention here?”


“She went to a far place without telling the others, trying to kill her self and now told us that she’s not a Matoki. Tell me if it doesn’t sound like a attention seeker.”

“I didn’t try to kill my self.” Yongguk snorted. “Go to sleep.” Himchan said to you then pushed Yongguk out of your room.


“Why are you being so hard on her huh?” Yongguk snorted again. “You’re the one who are too soft on her. She’s a warrior, treats her and made her believe that she’s one to. Isn’t that what you want? To make her believe that she’s one of us?” Himchan sighed, Yongguk got a point there. “I don’t get why the Mayor wants us to bring her along.”

“and protect her.” Yongguk rolled his eyes. “She said the space isn’t a safe place for her anymore.”

“Neither do Earth.” Yongguk rested his head on his pillow. “I think she’s right.” Yongguk sighed in frustration and sat back up again on his bed. “and I think this is the reason why The Mayor told us to bring her along.”

“To take her back to where she came from?”

“Maybe.. but we still have to be careful. I cant trust anyone if its about her.”

“Wae? Is there something you’re not telling me about Himchan?” Himchan nodded. “And aren’t you going to tell me?” Himchan slammed him self to his bed. “Lets talk about this tomorrow. I need some sleep.” Yongguk hissed in annoyance but he just let it go besides he needed a sleep too.




“A twins weather controller.”

“A five years old plant manipulation.”

“A four years old super speed.”

“A new born physical duplication.”

Chen nodded. “That’s not all Chen.”, Kyongju flipped the paper in his hand. “Three are soon to be born.”

“The hell is this. Is this some kind of birth season or what?” Chen rested on his seat. Kyongju just shrugged. “What should we do now?”

“Inform all Exotic about what’s happening.” Kyongju saluted. “Yes Sir!” then he walked out the door. “Sir?” Chen straightened him self. “Yes?”

“From your fiancé.” One of his men came in and put a package on dinner set on the table. “Thank you.” Chen smiled at her thoughtfulness. He had been busy in the offices and always came home late, even after she was already deep in her sleep. He felt very sorry, especially it was just few weeks before their wedding day. But she was always nice to him and never let him missed any meals a day. There was a little card in it. “Oppa work hard for our future children~ fighting!” Chen sighed and felt more sorry for her. Maybe they have to put aside on having children if this issue become something big.




An old man laid on his bed helplessly. He could only talk and move his hand, even if it took lots of his energy to do that. Everyday he would just stared as sun comes up and goes down from the big window in front of him. And every morning a young man came to his room to open the curtain and just to sat there by his bedside. Just staring at him or try to cheer him up to stay alive. This young man is one of his favorite person in his life, very precious and maybe the only person who will carry on his responsibilities when his time comes. “What’s on the news?” the old man asked with his raspy voice. The young man showed him the news about the tulip garden phenomena people talked about lately. The old man sighed, “There cant be two Gods in one place.”


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Chapter 13: 02.02.2017....
should i give up on this story, author-nim?
Chapter 13: Author-nim! Lanjutin dong ceritanya~ penasaran sama kelanjutannya! update soon,oKAI?!
kyutaemm2 #4
Chapter 13: Your writing is getting better author-nim and im just really really curious abt what will happen later can you please update?:(
Why you don't update any more π_π Im waiting for your story it's amazing ~~~ Im obsessed with it now lol
Chapter 13: where are yu author-nim?
Chapter 13: i still come here from time to time....why did yu quite updating this story....i hope yu're ok^^
Chapter 13: author nim please update soon~~
Chapter 13: Please make them reunited again I can't stand 2 see them suffer , and authornim your story is JJANG
angc_exo #10
Please update when you can