Chapter 7

●● Kiss of Death ●●

                                                                     Chapter 7

8 years have already gone by now, yet in my mind's eye I can still vividly recall every detail as if it happened yesterday.

I can still remember his smooth silky skin, those big doe eyes, those pinkish lips of his, and of course his sweet smile.

"Wow!". Changmin exclaimed. "Look at the crowd Yunho. Can we really find our target in this crowded place?!"

"Yeah". I replied studying the crowd. "We should be!"

Changmin and I walked for a few minutes; searching for our next target.

Our next Target is an old Man. He is 60 years old. He is a vendor so he moves from one place to another. To what Changmin has told me, this old man would die any moment from now.

"Hey, Changmin can you---CHANGMIN?!".

I looked everywhere but I cannot spot Changmin.  OH GOSH! Where is he?!


Damn! Who dares to bump into a Shinigami?!!!

"Hey can't you see where you--"

I looked down and found a Boy. He was crying.


He cried louder and louder. Everyone is now staring at us.

"Sorry". I apologized to the people and pulled the Boy's hand out of the crowd.

I pulled him until we were far from the crowd.

"Geez...What did you that for?". I asked as I sat on the ground and let go a big sigh. That was very embarassing. I hope those Human didn't misunderstand the situation back there.

The boy wiped his tears and glared at me.

"What?". I raised my eyebrow.

"You bump into Yunnie! Yunnie will report you to Appa!". The boy stick out his tongue as he point his little finger to me. "Appa's gonna kick your !!!"

"Appa?". I asked.

"Yeah...Jaejoong Appa!". He answered.

My eyes widened.

Just before I can open my mouth and say something. A man suddenly approached us.

"Yunnie?!". The Man yelled. "Yunnie.....why did you run away from me?! I told you to stay on my side!". The Man pulled the boy's hand. "If you do that again I will---". The Man suddenly looked at me.

He smiled.

"Sorry". He said to me. "I'm sorry if this boy has caused you some problem".  He then glanced back at the boy beside him.

"Yunho! Go and apologize to this man!". He ordered angrily.


Yunho?! Woah...this kid has the same name as me.

Can it just be a coincidence?

But Jaejoong doesn't remember and it's already been 8 years..there's no way he remember me...right?


"But Appa--"

"I said.. APOLOGIZE!". He shouted. "NOW!"


The boy poutted as he bowed to me and apologize.

"S-sorry". The boy said; not looking at me.

"It's okay". I said.

The man then approached me and stare at me from top to botton.

"Hmmm..Do I know you?". He asked; now his face is only a few inches away from mine. "I don't know but...have we met before?"

I gulped.


What should I do?

UGHH..Changmin where are you when I need you?!









This is not the last chapter. I think I still need to make a few more chapters...*Sigh

My cousin told me it shouldn't end yeah :3


So please bear with me for awhile xD

and Gosh.....I don't know what to say :I

I just hope you like this


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Boo-YEAH!! I updated it! *U*


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Chapter 15: this story is surely was beautiful ....i love it ....:D
Chapter 15: love the start, Yun the shinigami kissing ppl to get their the way things change for Yun because of the love growing inside of him because of Jae, love Jae's fighting spirit, love how Yun's tears saved Jae, making Jae live long and their meeting, Jae knowing who Yun is, them being together, hate that Vince guy glad Yun saved Jae and now Chun, hope he'll be okay or saved, please update soon and all the best, hwaiting!!! ^-^
aenkr28 #3
Please update soon. I missed it.
LovesAsianDrama #4
Vladimire, where have you?? Hope everything is alright. Told you we share the same birthday month. Yesterday was my birthday ^_^… Hope your Hiatus doesn't last long. I've missed your stories and that one shot. TOO FUNNY. LOVED IT. Hurry Back and remember we Luv you here ^=^
@pinklovestone: You're welcome ;D
Uwaaaaa~~~ i wanna squeal when yunho call jae "baby"~~~ ^^ ♡♡ thanks for double update!!!
@fan1901: IKR? Vince is an ...I'm sure he'll get what he deserves in the end >:D

really? Oh my, Thank you soo much >////<
what....what happened to yoochun.... vince again isnt he....ARHHH stupid vice. update soon.~ it so much fun to read your story.^u^
@aenkr28: I see.. and your welcome :D
I'll update ASAP :3
aenkr28 #10
This time I rather not guess, I'll wait until you update. Thank you for answering my question with your chapter. What I can say so far, is that it's getting WORST. Update soon please.