Chapter 15

●● Kiss of Death ●●

Vince was a Shinigami. He's eyes were red and he have a scar on his left chin. His hair was dark blue and he wears a black robe with a skull symbol inprinted on the back of the robe.

Vince walked towards the dungeon where he imprisoned Changmin and Jaejoong.

"Open it!". Vince ordered at the guards and signaled them to open the cell.

The Guards nodded their heads and opened the cell's door. It may look like an ordinary cell but the cell has a barrier on it, preventing anyone to escape.

Inside the cell room, Jaejoong was lying on the ground; unconcious while Changmin was sitting beside Jaejoong.
Changmin glared at Vince as the man walked towards him. Vince's attention was automatically caught by the beautiful man who was lying on the floor.

"Hmm..I can see why Yunho fell for this Human...he looks beautiful". Vince said as he his upper lip. "And..delicous". He was about to caress the sleeping man's face when Changmin suddenly slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch him with your dirty hands!". Changmin hissed.

Vince only smirked. He leaned towards Changmin.

"Why? are you jealous?". Vince whispered to Changmin's ear.

"Jealous?! Like hell I would! I won't even dare falling in love with someone like you". Changmin spit on Vince's face. "You disgust me!"

Vince smirk changed into anger.He placed his hand towards Changmin. A dark light shone on his hand.

"Say it again and I'll kill the both of you". Vince threatened as he slowly retreated his hand away from Changmin. Changmin didn't said anything. His whole body were shivering. He felt the strong power coming out from Vince.

"I'll be returning soon". Vince said as he walked outside the cell. He then signaled the Guards to close it. "Be sure to keep an eye on them". Vince stated; stealing a glimpse on the two men inside the cell. He saw Changmin glaring at him.

"Especially to that little Demon". He then smiled at Changmin. Changmin then looked away as he saw Vince smiling towards him.

"yes, sir!". The guards said in unison and bowed their heads.

"Good". And with that, Vince disappeared.


"Ughhh". Jaejoong tried to sit but failed. He felt like he's whole body was glued on the floor. He then glanced at Changmin. "Changmin...Wh-where are we?"

"Jae..". Changmin stood up and helped Jaejoong to sit. He then sat next to the beautiful man.Tears started to flow from his eyes. "I..I'm sorry. I was being careless. I shouldn't believed him...I really thought he changed but he's still the same".

Jaejoong looked at Changmin with a confusion. He then pat the little guy's back, trying to comfort him.

"What's wrong Changmin? Why are you crying? What do you mean him?".

Changmin turned to Jaejoong and tried looking at his eyes but he couldn't. "I..". Changmin lowered his head, trying to not meet Jaejoong's eye. "We're both in a cell, Jaejoong".

"W-what?!". Jaejoong gasped. "Cell? Why are we in a cell Changmin?!".

"Vince imprisoned us here Jaejoong". Changmin continued.


"Huh? Why did he imprisoned us?"

Changmin let go a deep sigh. He told Jaejoong everything that happened.


"So it's all my fault?". Jaejoong felt so much guilt after hearing everything that Changmin has explained to him . " If it's not for me..then everything wouldn't happened"


"No Jaejoong!!! Of course not!! It's all that Vince's fault!". Changmin clenched his fist. "He's too much! What he did was unforgiveable!!!". Changmin then starred at the ceiling." besides, It's also my fault.UGHHHH!!!!...I should've not trusted him!!! I'm so stupid!! SO stupid!!"

"Changmin..please calm down". Jaejoong said as he caress Changmin's cheeks. "Everything will be alright, okay?". Jaejoong said with a gentle smile.

"Jaejoong..". Changmin then hugged Jaejoong. "I'm sorry Jaejoong..I'm soooo sorry"

"It's's okay". Jaejoong said as he pat Changmin's back.


"HEYY!! Jaejoong's mine Changmin!". Said a familiar voice.

Changmin and Jaejoong looked at the source of the voice.

"Y-Yunho?!!". Jaejoong and Changmin gasped.


"Who else?". Yunho winked.

"Yunho!!". Jaejoong ran towards Yunho and embrace the taller man.

"I'm sorry if I'm late, baby~". Yunho said as he hugged the other man back. "I'm sorry, ne?".

"Ahem!". Yoochun said with a fake cough. "Please don't forget that we're also here."

Jaejoong then glanced behind Yunho. He saw a man with a wide forehead holding another man's hand. "Uhmmm....". He couldn't help himself but stare at the man's forehead.

Yoochun then smiled at Jaejoong. "Please stop staring at it..I know it's wide". Junsu on the other hand, giggled.

"Wahh! I'm sorry!". Jaejoong apologized as he blushed and covered his face with his both hands.

Yoochun chuckled. "It's okay, Jaejoong". Yoochun then looked at Jaejoong. "My name is Park Yoochun; a demon. and this is..". Yoochun pulled Junsu beside him. "my beloved Kim Junsu; a Shinigami. We're Yunho and Changmin".

"Partners? more like Lovers". Changmin mumbled.

"What?" Yoochun glared. "Is that what you will say to your Saviors?! and should I also remind you about the bill we paid for you?!!!!"

Junsu hit Yoochun's back. "Chunnie! Be nice...". He then looked at Changmin. "Please don't mind him..are you okay?"


Changmin nodded his head and smiled. "Yup!"


Jaejoong and Junsu couldn't help but squeled.


"Bastard!". Yunho and Yoochun said to theirselves.

Junsu shyly smiled towards Jaejoong. " ohh..yeah...H-hello Jaejoong". He then offered his hand to Jaejoong.

"Hello Junsu". Jaejoong replied as he shook Junsu's hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you"


"The pleasure's all mine". Junsu replied happily.


They both chuckled. They knew they will truly became close friends.


"We should get going now". Yunho said as he held Jaejoong's hand. "It won't be long before Vince found out that we're here."

Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin nodded their heads.


They ran and ran until they finally found an exit.

"Finally". Yoochun said with a smile. "We can finally go back safet---".

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!". Junsu sceamed. "Y-Yoochun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".








I'm double updating :3 ehehhehe...

Do you know what happened to Yoochun? >.<


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Boo-YEAH!! I updated it! *U*


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Chapter 15: this story is surely was beautiful ....i love it ....:D
Chapter 15: love the start, Yun the shinigami kissing ppl to get their the way things change for Yun because of the love growing inside of him because of Jae, love Jae's fighting spirit, love how Yun's tears saved Jae, making Jae live long and their meeting, Jae knowing who Yun is, them being together, hate that Vince guy glad Yun saved Jae and now Chun, hope he'll be okay or saved, please update soon and all the best, hwaiting!!! ^-^
aenkr28 #3
Please update soon. I missed it.
LovesAsianDrama #4
Vladimire, where have you?? Hope everything is alright. Told you we share the same birthday month. Yesterday was my birthday ^_^… Hope your Hiatus doesn't last long. I've missed your stories and that one shot. TOO FUNNY. LOVED IT. Hurry Back and remember we Luv you here ^=^
@pinklovestone: You're welcome ;D
Uwaaaaa~~~ i wanna squeal when yunho call jae "baby"~~~ ^^ ♡♡ thanks for double update!!!
@fan1901: IKR? Vince is an ...I'm sure he'll get what he deserves in the end >:D

really? Oh my, Thank you soo much >////<
what....what happened to yoochun.... vince again isnt he....ARHHH stupid vice. update soon.~ it so much fun to read your story.^u^
@aenkr28: I see.. and your welcome :D
I'll update ASAP :3
aenkr28 #10
This time I rather not guess, I'll wait until you update. Thank you for answering my question with your chapter. What I can say so far, is that it's getting WORST. Update soon please.