Chapter 5

●● Kiss of Death ●●

                                                              Chapter 5

"Y-yunho?" Jaejoong said with a faint smile. "I'm sorry I can't get up today."

Jaejoong was lying on his bed. His lips were trembling.  His whole body was weak.

I glanced into Changmin who nodded his head.


"D-do it Yunho". Changmin said while crying; pulling my shirt. "sobs...Pwease Yunho..sobs"


"Changmin". I patted Changmin's shoulder. "Please don't cry"


Changmin poutted his lips.. "He promised he'll cook for me again...sobs...but I guess he won't be able to fulfill that promise....". Changmin looked at me before continuing his sentence. He then started to cry more.

" Please....don't let Jaejoong suffer more".


I nodded my head.

"I won't".

I crept on Jaejoong's bed, sitting on top of him.

I gazed down on him.

He didn't move nor said anything. All he did was look at me...smiling weakly.

"Jaejoong". I said. "I'm sorry but your time is up. I've come to take your soul".
I bent down and seize Jaejoong's chin.
"I'll end this right away so you have to close your eyes.."

Jaejoong wrapped his arms around my neck.

"J-jaejoong?". I asked confusely. "What are you--"

Even before I can finish my sentence, Jaejoong pulled me into a kiss. Our kissed lasted for some few seconds.

After that, Jaejoong pulled away.

"Hehehehe..I did it!". He smiled weakly; with voice trembling. "No matter what..I always wanted my first kiss to be you". The last sentence were said in a low dying voice.

And with that, Jaejoong's eye closed.

I slowly took myself out of the bed and  lean over the wall.

It's OVER...

Everything is finally Over.

But why..?

Why does my heart hurt so much?!

Why am I not Happy?

"I...". I clenced my hand into my chest and fell into my knees. "I....UGHH!!!".

Tears started to flow.

"Y-Yunho?!". Changmin gasped. "You're crying?!"

I'm crying because of Jaejoong.

I'm crying because he crammed them in.

He crammed all the fun things  and the gentle things in me.


You always smiled at me.

And yet, I couldn't do anything...

I couldn't say thank you for always smiling at me but..

I really loved you.


"Yunho..". Changmin approached me and patted my head. " Yunho...pwease don't cry..Yunh--YUNHO LOOK AT THAT!".

Changmin pulled my head into which his hand was pointing.

My eyes widened.

Jaejoong... He's...

He's moving.

"W-why?". I asked. "How can this--"

"It's your tears Yunho!". Changmin said; smiling.


"Shinigamis don't cry". Changmin explained. "Yunho!..THIS IS A MIRACLE!"








This chap ..I mean the way I wrote it T.T

I'll try editing this later and improve it >.<

Anyway...Guess Jaejoong wouldn't be dying afterall :P

I mean he did..but he's back to life!

\(*O*)/ BANZAI!!!!!



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Boo-YEAH!! I updated it! *U*


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Chapter 15: this story is surely was beautiful ....i love it ....:D
Chapter 15: love the start, Yun the shinigami kissing ppl to get their the way things change for Yun because of the love growing inside of him because of Jae, love Jae's fighting spirit, love how Yun's tears saved Jae, making Jae live long and their meeting, Jae knowing who Yun is, them being together, hate that Vince guy glad Yun saved Jae and now Chun, hope he'll be okay or saved, please update soon and all the best, hwaiting!!! ^-^
aenkr28 #3
Please update soon. I missed it.
LovesAsianDrama #4
Vladimire, where have you?? Hope everything is alright. Told you we share the same birthday month. Yesterday was my birthday ^_^… Hope your Hiatus doesn't last long. I've missed your stories and that one shot. TOO FUNNY. LOVED IT. Hurry Back and remember we Luv you here ^=^
@pinklovestone: You're welcome ;D
Uwaaaaa~~~ i wanna squeal when yunho call jae "baby"~~~ ^^ ♡♡ thanks for double update!!!
@fan1901: IKR? Vince is an ...I'm sure he'll get what he deserves in the end >:D

really? Oh my, Thank you soo much >////<
what....what happened to yoochun.... vince again isnt he....ARHHH stupid vice. update soon.~ it so much fun to read your story.^u^
@aenkr28: I see.. and your welcome :D
I'll update ASAP :3
aenkr28 #10
This time I rather not guess, I'll wait until you update. Thank you for answering my question with your chapter. What I can say so far, is that it's getting WORST. Update soon please.